Highschool... Never ends

"Well unlike everyone else, i get these often." When she mentioned about being here for only a couple days he responded. "So pizza then, if that's ok with you?" she might have already had pizza for lunch or something, hell even breakfeast, Justin did that all the time. Or maybe she didn't like pizza. Justin realized he knew absoultly nothing about this girl.
She smiled. "Really, don't worry about it. As long as it isn't to the point of being dangerous, being forgetful's fine" she smiled sweetly. "Pizza's fine. I think pizza should be a household staple" she laughed. "I mean, unless you've decided you don't want pizza. I'll eat pretty much anything"
Justin just shrugged before heading out. "So you just moved here right, where you from?" He didn't want to ride there to be quiet, so might as well find out stuff about her.
She smiled. "I'm from way up in Northern Ontario. Tiny ilittle town of less than 500 people. The closest walmart was over an hour away" she laughed. "How about you? Have you always lived here?" she asked. She liked talking to people
Justin shrugged, "Yup, I lived here in boring ville for my entire life." Just then he pulled into the parking lot. he turned to her. "Ready for some great pizza?" he said grinning at her.

The ringing still hadn't gone away in Emma's ear. She just gave up after the waitress drop her food off. Emma was debating wether or not she should text one of her friends from back home.
She grinned. "I am Sooo ready for some great pizza. Lead the way, Darlin" she said, unbuckling her seat belt and opening her door

Conner smiled. "soo...here's home" he said, pulling into an average sized house in a decent looking neighbourhood. There was a fair sized, fenced backyard visible from the driveway. The grey, two story house looked pretty much like every other house in the neighbourhood. He parked in the driveway, in front of the two car garage, and hopped out of the truck, hurrying around to get her door for her. "See? I can be nice" he grinned
"Well let's go then." he said getting out of the truck, he locked it after she got out and walked into the dinner. Justin opened the door for her, "See I have manners." he joked to her.

Emma was done and was about to leave, she got up to see Justin and Sierra walking through the door. She sat back down and turned her head away from their direction. Emma didn't know why she did this, but she did. Maybe somewhere in the back in her head, that the two might be one a date. Not that she had a problem with that. 'Good for them.' she thought eagerly.
((Hey all I feel super bad about this but I have college finals coming up D: So I have to drop a LOT of my RP's including this one. Sorrrrry :C ))
(Kait, understandable)

Sierra smiled. "Oh, such a sweetheart" she laughed. As they walked through the diner, she spotted Emma.

"Hey! Emma!" she said happily
Emma flinched when she heard her name, "Discovered." she whispered to herself before turning to the two. "Hey." she said getting up. That's when she realized that she didn't know the guy she was with. Emma held out her hand to him, "Emma, and you are?"

Justin turned his head to the direction Sierra was talking to. Justin figured they were friend or knew each other. He shaked her hand. "Justin, nice to meet you." He noticed how awkward she looked, she must have thought Sierra and him were on a date.

Sierra caught the flinch, but didn't comment. Instead, she just smiled."So are you just getting here, or just leaving? Sorry if we're interrupting" she apologized
Emma shaked her head, "Uh no, I was just leaving." she turned to Justin, "It was nice to meet you though," she said smiling. Then with that Emma rushed out of the dinner, then jumped into her jeep.

Justin was a bit confused by her leaving so quickly. "Ok then....." he turned to Sierra, "Is she your friend?" the answer was most likly yes, but Justin just wanted to ask. 'Emma seemed in a rush to leave when she saw us.' he thought to himself.
She shrugged, watching emma leave. "Uh...I'm not sure. She seemed awfully interested in getting away as soon as she could" she looked back to Justin with a smile. "She probably just doesn't want to be bothered by a loud blabbermouth"
Justin lead her to a table before commenting, "It would be you then." he joked. Justin liked Sierra, she wasn't like his usual friends that were girls. They would get all up tight when he'd make a joke, but not Sierra.

Eva groaned when she realized that she forgot her phone. She dragged herself out of the jeep and into the diner. The last thing she needed was getting a new phone.
She laughed. "Oh, it's definately me. It's always me, you should know this by now." he smiled. "Heck you've known me a whole couple hours."

When she noticed Emma come back in, she smiled and raised a hand in greeting before turning back to Justin. "so, aside from a make believe gentleman" she said with a teasing grin, "Who is Justin Moore?" she asked, sipping the water the waitress had brought her
He leaned back in his seat. "Well ask him, he'll probably answer." He smirked at her. Whenever some asked him that, Justin had no idea how to answer, it's like a bio on a profile or something.

Emma waved to Sierra before hanging the waitress her tip. As she was walking out she looked at Sierra and mouthed the words, "Is he your boyfriend?" she mouthed while pointing to Justin. He had his back turned to Emma so he couldn't see her.
Sierra laughed at Justin and was about to answer when she caught emma's silet question. She grinned over Justin's shoulder and shook her head. She had to supress a laugh.
Justin smiled a bit, then raised an eyebrow at her, "Why are you shaking your head?" Justin probably guessed that Emma was behind him or something, but didn't turn around.

Emma dropped her jaw, and mouthed. "Come on, look at him." She motioned to him. There was no way Sierra wasn't dating this guy, or is she planning on to?
Sierra grinned. "Not yet" she mouthed back. To Justin, she smiled sweetly. "Sweetheart, I think you're dillusional. I don't know what you're talking about" Try as she might, she couldn't keep a straight face. "so we gonna eat, or just make faces at the little green men standing behind you?"
Justin narrowed his eyes at her, "Green people...." he said while turning around, no one was there. He turned back around and grinned at her. "Your going crazy girl." He turned to the waitress, "Ummm I'll get pepperoni pizza and pepsi."

Emma smiled and waved goodbye to her before leaving. Emma sighed as she got into her jeep. "I'll go look around town for a job." she said starting her jeep up and leaving the parking lot.
She laughed. "Sweetheart, I'm not going crazy. I've been there a loooong time" She looked t the smiling waitress. "Hawaiian pizza, please. And I'm good with just water" She handed the menu back to the waitress, laughing a bit when she was out of ear shot. "Wow, she was sooo checking you out, Justin"

Conner was in town, getting some supplies for his party that weekend. He walked down the street, only semi-wating where he was going because he was texting a bunch of people
Justin looked back at the waitress, then to Sierra. "No she wasn't, your delusional."

Emma parked her car on the street and walked from there. SHe rubbed the back of her neck, "Were should I start........?" Emma said walking aimlessly.

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