Highschool... Never ends

Sierra shook her head. "Well aren't you just the sweetest thing. Thanks, Dollface" at his offer, she smiled. "I'd love a tour, if you don't mind" She finished her water and stood up. "So what's the craziest dare youve ever had?" she asked

Conner laughed. "Hey, if I can't eat it or shoot ith it, I don't have any interest in shopping for it" he smiled. "But anywho, I'll leave you alone now and let you do your thing"
As Justin climbed into the car and started it up he laughed lightly. "Damn, the craziest.... I'll tell one fo them. I was dared to sing and dance I'm a barbie girl." He laughed as he drove out of the parking lot. "For that dare he ended up on youtube. One million hits and still counting." He laughed at bit more realising what he said.

Emma turned around, still walking, and laughed.
"What do you take me as? I'm going to get game system and cool crap for my apartment, not clothing." She shot one more grin towards Connor before turning back around.
she buckled her seat belt, listening as he spoke, then burst out laughing. "Oh, goodness, you didn't really, did you?" she shook her head. "Wow. Well, if not for the YouTube part, I could top it"

He grinned. "Wel in that case, I'm inviting myself along. You know, to show you the town and which stores are best" he smiled
He forgot one part of the dare. "Did i mention i did it at a school assembly, man did I get browine points with teachers." He snaped his fingers, but it was true. The teacher liked him a whole lot better after that assembly.

Emma laughed but didn't turn around, she finally turned around and waved for him to come.
"Come on O' Brian, I wanna browse around town before christmas comes." she joked to him, since it was only Apirl.
She laughed. "Wow...You've got guts, Justin. Did you do the whole dance routine to it?" sierra like him even better after hearing that

Conner grinned. "Hey, chill out, woman. Worst case scenario, we're there in time for New Year's|
Justin grinned "Of course I did, wouldn't be a weird dare without it." They finally got to town. Both sides of the street had rare and cool stores to fill it. The shopping advene, as most people called it, had it's own parking lot so shoppers could walk around, enjoy the the view of nature, and shop. He parked inthe specially made parking lot and got out. "Welcome to whate the people around here call 'Shopping Advene." He smiled at her before continuing. "Nice right?" This was a small touriest stop, so sometimes there was alot of people here, today was notnone of thoose days. Only residents of the town and a few touriest here and there.

Emma pretended to be impaient by tapping her foot and checking her invisble watch
. "Oh look, it's New Year Eve." she joked to Connor as she waited for him to put his stuff in his truck and catch up to her.
She grinned. Well, you just gained my respect she smiled. She hopped out eagerly when he parked and looked around. "Wow, I like it" she said. "Back home we had a convenience store and an antique shop" she smiled. "Little different here"

Conned smiled, tking his sweet time to catch up. "Well then we've got lots of time" he pointed out, grinning.
Justin smirked a bit at her comment. "That's what alot of tourists say, but you live here so..." His voice drifted off as he led her out on to the sidewalk of stores. "So where would you like to visit first?" As they walked Justn saw the movie postings, there was a movie he and his buddies were watching this weekend. Maybe he'd invited Sierra.

Emma grabbed his arm
"Come on slow poke, me pet turtle goes faster than you." she said while pulling Connor to an electronics store. Emma probably wouldn't buy anything today, but maybe later on after her first paycheck. She pulle dout her phone and looked up her bank account balance. There was three hundred dollars left, she sighed happily.
she laughed. "Well, I really don't want to seem like a tourist" she looked around. "Where do you want to go first? You know the area" she smiled. "Eventually I need to hit a petstore, but that doesn't need to be today"

Conner grinned. "Ah, my favourite store" she grabbed her elbow and pulled her lightly. "Gaming stuff's down here"
Name:Garrett Wolfe



Personality:Kind,Funny,Sarcastic,and Charming but he can be serious if needed be.

favorite subject:Art and or Writing.

least favorite subject:MATH








New student or not:New student

Jock, emo, geek, Ext:Normal

Looks:He has longer silvery white hair and longer stubble that is found on his chin along with two bar piercings on his left eyebrow.He is muscular and toned but he is not too over the top when it comes down to it he is tall around six foot five and towers over most people.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Garrett walked through the new city he had just moved there today he had complications at his last school and he was forced to move but it didn't bother him everyone from his old school was a selfish shallow prick and he hated them.He sighed when he seen a small plaza it seemed interesting enough he had nothing better to do at the time why not get friendly with the kids that would hang around areas like this but still he was somewhat optimistic with the kids from around here but he knew how they could be in ever high school but he was going to graduate this year so even if they were assholes he wouldn't have to deal with them for long.He was in a pair of slightly ripped jeans and a white button up shirt he looked nice he wasn't a very casual dressing person because he liked to dress nice his piercings were there as usual and his silvery white hair was in his icy blue eyes.He walked into the electronics store and headed towards the games near the middle of the store not really looking around him as he picked up the newest game that was out and looking over the back of the game smiling faintly as he did so.

Emma nodded as she followed Connor down the small aisle, grabbing an ad paper from the front door stand as she went. The place wasn't like a Best Buy or anything, but a simple store. Emma was just happy there was an electronics store, or this town would be saying goodbye to her in a heart beat. She laughed a bit as she studied the ads for TV sets. "I might get a new tv. The one at my apartment is too small, and the cable guy is coming over to tomorrow. Might as well-" But before she could finish Emma aimlessly ran into a tall looking guy. She stumbled back a couple feet before gaining her composure. When Emma looked up at the guy she held up her hands. "I'm so sorry for bumping into, my mind was too busy with tvs." She said in a quick pace while holding up the ad paper towards the end. She hoped the guy wouldn't overreact to the accident, most guys did at her old school, not like she cared though.

Justin looked over at her,
"We can go now if you want." He pointed to a store up a cople blocks. "There's a really good one over there. And the woman who owns it likes me." He had always watched her kids, and she was friends with his mom in high school. Alot of people in the city knew each other and grew up with one another. Only a couple people, teens who werer raised badly, leave the city. Most people like it so much that they rather stay in the same boring town for the rest of their lives. Justin wasn't planning on doing that.
Conner nodded. "Oh yeah?" he was cut off when she bumped into someone. "Sorry man, I was distrcting her" he grinned, then followed Emma. "Hey, hey, I'm pretty sure he's not gonna go all ninja on you just for being bumped" he laughed. "Chill"

Sierra smiled. "Ah, so you've got quite the following, eh?" she laughed. "sounds like everyone likes you" she looked in the direction he pointed. "Oh, it's really not that big of a deal. I just need some dog food and a new collar. Monty somehow chewed the last collar right off her own neck" she explained with a smile
Garrett looked over and down seeing he was being bumped into before he grinned and said."No man it is alright I should have been paying more attention with a size like mine people tend to mistake you for a wall a lot."He laughed before he put down the game and held out his hand to the other man and said."I feel so rude for not introducing myself I am Garrett it is a pleasure to meet both of you."He smiled and shook the others hands before he said."May I be given the chance to know your names then."He smiled before adding."And if you are wondering why I look new I just moved here so I should be going to school tomorrow."He smirked.
Justin laughed a bit, "My dog does that all the time too." He searched around the plaza in search of something to do. Then again Justin never came into the plaza. He turned back to Sierra. "You should really pick. If I do we'll end up at the arcade." he grinned at bit at her while he waited for her answer.

Emma looked over a Connor with an unamused face. Then turned to Garrett and shaked his hand.
"Hi, I'm Emma Parker, nice to meet you." when she released his hand Emma glanced at the game he was looking at, Dragon Age. That was one of her favorite games back home, she smiled softly. When Garrett said he was new to the town shr asied her eyebrows. "Same here, seems like we're both new." she smiled a bit at Garrett. He seemed though he should be in college instead of High school, unless he failed a year. Emma pushed away the thought as it was none of her business.
Garrett looked at her and then said."Hm so you are new here to it is nice to have someone like that then so at least I won't be alone now."He smirked before he said."I am seventeen I started school a little late so I am not stupid or anything so don't worry about that."He laughed as he looked at the male and said."Well I am glad to meet you both at least I know I will have some new friends to start the year off."He smirked.

[He is Bi just to let you guys know I wasn't going to have him make anyone uncomfortable I just thought I should let you guys know xD ]
Can i Join? If I'm not to late

Name: Victoria Hills

Age: 15

Gender: female

Personality: shes always laughing or smiling and cries rarely. she does crazy things and isnt afraid to do stupid stuff. shes a preppy person, but isnt annoying unless shes purposly being annoying. shes friendly girl. she loves her skateboard and guitar and thats it! But if you look closley things aren't as they seem.

favourite subject: Art

lest favourite subject: math

timetable: English






New student or not: New

Jock, emo, geek, Ext: Preppy

http://tinypic.com/r/30d81z5/6 <_< i imagine her this way'.

Conner smiled. "Good to meet you. I'm Conner O'Brian. Lived here all my life" he elbowed Emma lightly. "Just showing Emma here around a bit. Women, you know" he winked. "They need us men to help them" he was just joking and shot Emma a grin to make sure she knew. He chuckled. "Anyway, I'm having a party tomorrow night. Beginning of the school year thing. You should come, you'll meet pretty much everyone"

Sierra grinned. "the arcade, eh? Hmm....Well now that sounds like fun" she smiled sweetly. "Unless, of course, you can't handle being beaten by a girl..."
She raised an eyebrow at what Garrett had said, as if he could have read her mind. She didn't think people who had to repeat a grade were stupid, but she didn't think he had to repeat a grade himself. She nodded her head a bit to what he had said, but she had to comment on what Connor said about her. Emma placed a finger on her chin, pretending to make a thinking face. "Well, if I remember correctly, you wanted to come with me." she said sarcasticly to Connor. She put emphasizes on the 'me' part.

Justin lauged a bit,
"You think that now till we get there. Come on." he said leading her to the direction of the arcade. The arcade was one of the biggest places in the plaza, and the most bussiest places too. Unlike today it was quitet besides a couple kids, but only a few people were here today. Most people were getting supplies, partying, hanging out with friends, stuff like that. He motioned an arm to the inside of the place. "Pick your game." he grinned at her a bit at the end.
Sierra looked around the large arcade, then shook her head. "Nah, I picked the place. You pick the game" she smiled, crossig her arms. "But I'll warn you, my friends nd I used to spend hours at the arcade back home. When there's nothing else to do, you tend to get real good" she grinned. She really wasn't a competitive person, she just liked egging people on

Conner grinned. "No, no, I invited myself along. Cause I'm such a darn nice guy" he laughed
Garrett looked at the others before he laughed lightly and then said."You know you guys argue like an old married couple you are perfect for one another aren't you."He grinned as he laughed."Well I would be glad to make it but I would be coming alone if I did unless you would like to come along with me."He smiled and looked over at Emma."Don't worry t can be as friends."He whispered smiling lightly as he looked to her.

Conner smiled. "Hey, I'm going alone, and it's my party. Nothin wrong with keeping your options open, eh, Em?"he chuckled. "But anyway, we should probaby get out of your way, stop taking up your time"
Emma turned her head towards Garrett and grinned. "Only as friends right?" She said playfully nudging him. Then she looked over to Connor. "Why, you crushing on anyone Connor, maybe, Sierra?" she said in a sarcastic tone. SHe wouldn't be surprised if it was, they got along so good at lunch, or at leats the portion of lunch when she was there.

Justin grinned, while he thought hard on what to play. Then it came to his head,
"What 'bout Pac-man?" he said raising his eyebrows while turning to her. Pac-man was his childhood game, he loved it so much, but never got a chance to play it much.
Conner laughed. "Hey, if I am, it's a secret. But for now, I'm keeping my options open, play the field" he smiled. "Wait, whoch one's Sierra?"

Sierra grinned. "Perfect" she bumped him with her hip. "One of my faves"
Garrett looked at Emma and raised a brow and the grinned."I don't know are you trying to hint at something Emma because I meant as friends if your lucky best friends."He joked smirking before he added but if you wanted go as friends then I would have to think about it."He grinned before he shifted his icy blue eyes at Conner and said."Hm what are you expecting me to do hit you if you don't leave I like getting my time wasted if it is by the right people."He smirked before he added."Unless you wouldn't like to hang around me which I could understand because I tend to draw attention."He laughed making fun of his tall figure.

Name: Lea Anne Tremblay

Age: 16

Grade: Junior


She's rather shy around strangers and quick to please but once you get to know her and she grows more comfortable around you she becomes an engergetic and slightly crazy young woman and has a bit of an attitude. Despite this she is nic to everyone, if she hates you you will probably never know

She has anger management issues and gets frustrated very easaly. Her usual reaction when she is angered is to throw whatever she has in her hands, screams a little and then shuts down until she feels better

She's a bit of a nerd, she is in several fandoms (Sherlock, Doctor Who and Hetalia to name just a few) and can get a bit obsessive. She also watches Eurovision every year.)

She's a hopeless romantic and has seen every romantic movie ever made (Okay, bit of an exaggeration there but you get my point)

Favorite Subject: History

Least Favorite Subject: Gym


The in depth study of WWI







New Student/Old Student: Old

Jock, Emo, Geek, ext...: Nerd

Other: ?In the closet


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