Highschool... Never ends

She laughed. "Oh, she was definately checking you out. I'm not dillusional, you're just oblivious" She smiled and sipped her water. "Anywho, what kind of dog do you have?"

Conner was just coming out of the store when he spotted Emma. "Lost?" he asked
Justin grinned at her, "No i'm not. And I have a beagle." The waitress brought them their food. He nodded at her and said "Thanks."

Emma was startled to see Connor, "Umm no, just thinking I guess" She looked at the store he walked out of and turned back to him. "What are you doing here?"
She laughed. "Aww, cute! I was gonna suggest getting the dogs together for a play date, but I think Monty might eat something that small she joked. She smiled to the waitress when she brought their food over.

Conner smiled and held up the bags he was carrying. "Food and pop for tomorrow night's party" he explained
Justin laughed a bit, "So what kind of dog do you have?" he asked before getting into his pizza.

Emma made a thinking face. She placed a hand on her chin, and her other arm under her elbow. "Oh, so your shopping, never thought you do that." she said nonchalantly. Then Emma thought,
'Why would he buy his supplies now, the night before his party, huh.'
She smiled. "You met my moose. Monty the german Shepherd" she thanked the waitress for the pizza, then looked back to him. "She's only two, so she's still pretty wild" she laughed

Conner smiled. "Football signups after school tomorrow, won't have time to shop between then and when people start showing up" he explained. "Here, walk with me? I wnt to set these down, I've got eight two litre bottles in here"
Justin nodded, "So how did you get Monty?" he was still scarfing diwn his pizza. That's how Justin always been, he'd eat fast, and wouldn't regret it later.

Emma nodded at his response. She was a bit surprised that he was signing up for football. Emma spoke as she followed Connor. "So you play football, huh?" Her friend from her old home used to play football, but he was bad. Emma had her amrs loosly crossed agaisnt her chest.
Sierra watched him, slightly amazed at the speed he was eating. "Oh, huh? Uh, well, a stupid person I know thought a german shepherd pup would be a good first pet. They were wrong, she bit them, they wanted her gone, so I took her. Begged, pleaded, and bargained with dad for weeks. then he didn't want her in the house" she laughed. "Now he's the one pulling her onto the couch to cuddle all the time"

He shrugged. "I've been told I need to get out more" he grinned. "Dad and I came to a compromise. I could have however many parties I want if I try out for three teams this year" he got to his truck and tossed te bags in the backseat. "So football, rugby, and volleyball. But he never said I had to make the team" he grinned.
Justin nodded, "See that dad found a new best friend." he said with a grin, while slowing down on his eating pace. His mom would always scowl at his eating pace, his dad would wave the subject off.

Emma nodded as he spoke. She grinned at bit at what he said, "Someone should be a lawyer." Emma remembered what happened at gym class when Connor mentioned volleyball. "Well actually the coach for the volleyball team asked me to join." she shrugged. "I didn't even ask, apparently I'm good."
she laughed. "Oh, dad loves that dog. He even sneaks her special treats when he thinks I'm not looking. Mom just rolls her eyes and laughs" she smiled. "We've got a cat, too" she added

He sighed dramatically. "Women. Always trying to one up everyone" he shook his head. he chuckled. seriously though, congrats. I probably won';t even make the team. Not that I really want to, but hey" he smiled
Justin nodded as she spoke. "Sounds like a party at your house." said with a sarcastic grin. "Doctors say I'm allergic to cats, but I'm not." That reminded Justin just how much more he hated doctors.

Emma smiled a bit "Thanks." then she remembered why she had come into town. "He, do you know any place that's hiring, that's actually why I'm here." Emma knew she had to get a job sometime this week.
She laughed. "Yup, never a dull moment" she smiled. "I'm not a fan of doctors. I had a sore throat once, so they gave me penicillan. When it got worse, they upped the dose. when I ended up in the hospital, they told me I was allergic to the stuff. So glad my doctor figured that one out" she rolled her eyes. "He even argued with the ER doctor saying I wasn't, it was just a throat infction that kept getting worse" she shrugged. "Anywho, now I've got that creepy feeling when you think about doctors" she shuddered. "So tell me about this party this weekend. is it people I should be scared of?" she laughed

Conner nodded, "Yup. Dad's looking for more people to hire to help out with his hardware store. I work there three days a week, but since he thinks I'm going to be getting into sports, he wants more part time help" he smiled. "Not that it bothers me. I can't stand woring for my father" he laughed.
Justin laughed at bit as he downed his drink. "Some guy throws one every year. Pretty much everybody is there, just like the party in the movies." he said grinning at her.

Emma tapped her chin as she thought. She was almost lost in her thinking when she remembered about Connor. "Hmmm, hardware store. My last job was at a paintball place, so big adjustment." She laughed a bit before continuing. "Have you ever play it?" Most boys at her old home would say yes instantly, but who knows here.
Sierra grinned. "Just like in the movies, huh? Sounds like it could get interesting, then" she laughed. She let her thoughts wander a bit. "Hmm...Last party I was at, the cops ended up coming and about two dozen of us spent the night in a holding cell..." She laughed, shaking her head. "Yeah. Good times"

Conner nodded. "I have. A couple times. I like it, but it's not something I'd do a lot. There are better things to spend my money on, the only place around here wants you to pretty well sign over your first born child for half an hour of play time." he made a face. "Freakin highway robbery, that's what it is" he grinned. "That, or they just want a collection of first born children" he joked
Justin nodded as she talked, her story reminded him of an old buddy of his. "So why did you guys get to spend a night in a cell?" He arched an eyebrow at him, "Did you guys do something you weren't supposed to?" He grinned at bit. What she had just said made him like her even more.

Emma laughed a bit, then started tapping her foot.
"Hmmm, I'll check around town." She needed a job this week, and a good one. But then Emma decided to talk about something else. "So, you and football." she smirked at him a bit. "You don't seem the type to be an athlete, Then again, looks do decive." Now she was grinning at him as she said this.
Sierra grinned. "I'll never tell" she said with mock seriousness, miming zipping her lips closed. "Let's just say, it's a good thing dad was a cop. Maybe" she laughed.

Conner chuckled. "Riiightttt....Cause only guys who are total freakin meat head jocks can be good at sports, right?" he shrugged. "I'm not much of a team sports guy. I'm more of a kick a ball around with some friends type" he smiled. "I guess I'm too easy going to be much good at competitive sports"
Name: Ashton

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Personality: She is usually bubbly around her friends, but around others she is really left out. She doesn't even want to get with the crowd but she is tired of all the looks from everyone around her. She usually has crushes on nobodies because they are mostly like her.

favourite subject: Art and Music

lest favourite subject: Algebra









New student or not: New

Jock, emo, geek, Ext: Emo

View attachment 3048

Other: She is bi...
OOC: [MENTION=2110]Ashton<3[/MENTION] You'll need to message the author, she doesn't post on this RP anymore.

Justin put his hands up in a defensive mannar.
"Woah, your dads a cop?" He leaned in closer, puting his hand up to the side of his mouth. "Should I be scared?" He whispered this. Justin tried to keep a staright face as he waited for an answer.

Emma smirked,
"Sounds like you." she said laughing a bit. She rubbed the back of her neck. "Hey, this is fun and all, but I have to find a job. Today would be nice, and it looks like your busy anyways." She said motioning to the food and drinks for his party. Emma didn't want to keep Connor from his party planning, and she had to search for a job too.
Sierra exploded into laughter. "O, goodness...You're cute, you know that?" she asked, still laughing. She shook her head, trying to get the laughter under control. "No, you don't need to be scared. He WAS a cop. A small town cop" she smiled. "Plus, you're a good guy, right?" she asked sweetly, holding back more giggles. sh liked joking around with him

Conner chuckled. "Not fond of the hardware store idea? Garunteed job right there" he pointed out with a smile. "Or are you just that put off by the idea of maybe working with me?" he joked
Justin pretened to be surprised. He pointed to himself. "Me? A good guy? Who told you that lie?" he asked with a grin.


Emma laughed a bit at his joke. No she wasn't put off by the idea of working with Connor.
"I just like to explore my options, I'll most likely end up there." It would be cool to work with someone she knew. Emma decided on what she would do. She smiled again before talking. "You know what, I might go there today."
She had just settled the laughing down. but started again. "A little birdie. Was my birdie sadly mis informed?" she asked.

Conner smiled. "Great. Ask for Dennis. Tell him I'll vouch for your work ethic" he chuckled. "Bt he'll hire you on the spot"
He shurgged a bit, "I don't know, maybe you'll find out." he said giving an innocent smile. The waitress came and asked if he was done, he nodded, then turned to Sierra. "Are you?"


Emma nodded a bit. Then she faked a cough, and leaned back on her heals.
"So.... you wanna tell me where this mysterious hardware store is?" She said giving a slight smile.
She grinned. "Huh. Well then finding out might just be fun" she nodded to the waitress. "Yeah, I'm done" she smiled, then looked back to Justin. "So, you know about my spending a night in a holding cell, your turn to cough up some trivial, yet interesting info"

Conner chuckled and pointed. "Across the street, number 680. Green building down there" he explained
Justin leaned back into his seat. "Well...." he said thinking. "Me and a couple of my buddies got to spend a night in jail playing paintball at twelve at night. Then the party I had at my house, people decided to play truth and dare. But it was more like "You better do this dare." He grinned slightly at her. "Some crazy crap they did." He took one last sip of his water before paying the waitress. Justin stood up, "You ready?"

Emma nodded.
"Ok I'll down there later. I might go shopping for my new apartment." She smiled slightly at him. Emma wasn't sure if she should invite him, or just leave.
She grinned, listening to him talk. "AhTruth or Dare, fun stuff" she laughed. "We used to do some interesting ones, though I was never jailed for my involvement of one" She noted the fact that he paid. "How much do I owe you?" she asked

Conner smiled. "You do that" he laughed. "Shopping is not my thing...."
Justin shaked his head. "No worries." He led her outside, before he got in his truck he asked her a question. "You said you've only been here a few days, right?" He didn't wait for her nod. "Want me to give you a tour of the place? They got some cool shopping places." He liked going down to the town, usually he'd only go there to watch a movie.

Emma laughed.
"Typical boy." She shaked her head jokingly. "I'm probably just going to head up to that hardware store. Talk to you tomorrow?" She asked before leaving to make her way down to the hardware store.

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