Highschool... Never ends

Dahlia opened the door. When she saw that it was Conner, she leaned against the doorframe, dramatically putting the back of her hand to her forehead. "Pizza?" she said in a ridiculous southern-belle accent. "But I didn't order any pizza... Poor young man, you certainly have the wrong home!" She grinned. "You got here pretty fast." she said, back to her normal voice.
she smiled. "Aww, dogs are great." She opened her door. "Thanks for the ride, darlin" she said, nodding when he mentioned texting her. "Sounds good."

Keeping a straight face, Conner nodded when she said he'd got there fast. "Garunteered delivery in 3o minutes or less" he told her. "And always hot" he added with a smirk
Dahlia about cracked up. She grabbed a hoodie from off the coat rack beside the door. "Alright let's go." she said, trying not to laugh at his lame joke.
Justin nodded before pulling out from teh curb. He made it home just it started to sprinkle. "Come on Spark." he yelled out the back door. The name was not Justin's chose. He'd picked him up from a shelter. When he first saw him, it almost made him cry. When Spark finally came in he grabbed his phone and texted Sierra. "Hey, sorry about that. I wanted to get my doy inside before it staretd to rain." he clicked send before turning on the tv.
Sierra was curled up on the couch with her dog when she got a text. she wiggled a bit to get the German shepard off of her arm so she could dig the phone from her pocket, then smiled when she saw who it was from. She shook her head. "Get a grip on youself, girl, he's not the only cute guy in the whole dang school" she told herself, earning a look from her dog. "And you hush" she told the dog. "I don't need your opinion" she laughed at herself. Now she was talking to her dog. Se shook her head nd sent a text back. "No prob, I wouldn't have wanted to leave Monty outside either. But she's a bit of a diva"

Conner laughed. "Get in the truck, lady. You're going to make me late for my next delivery" he commented. He walked to the truck, his stride a bit longer and quicker than hers, making him reach the truch first. He opened the door for her and smiled. "See? I'm even going to pretend to be a gentleman here"
Dahlia smiled, getting in the truck. "Why, thank youuu." she said in her southern-belle voice. She laughed a bit.
He laughed a bit when he saw her text. "I'm hungry, wanna get some pizza." Then he remembered that he'd just dropped her off, but oh well.

Emma wiped her forehead when she finished unpacking. "Now all I have to do is get food, and wait for the guy to install the crap." Then she remembered, food! She didn't have lunch, nor the stuff for dinner. Emma decided to go back to the pizza place they went to for luch and eat there. She snatched her keys and went to her Jeep. Emma blasted the radio before pulling out.
Jake sat alone at the pizza diner. He was at a back table. He hadn't gotten to school in time for lunch, and hadn't eaten much today anyway. He looked through the menu, sipping some pop.
After a couple mintues to being lost, she found the pizza diner. By now Emma was awake, unlike earlier, moslty from the music. When Emma walked through the door, it jingled loudly. Emma decided to seat near the back. She hoped that the pizza was good, she was starving now. That's when Emma noticed a guy stting at one of back tables too, she thought it was the guy she meet in the hallway, Jack was it. But wasn't sure. She still had a ringning sound in her ear.
She smiled. "I'd love to. Want me to meet you there?" she was going to suggest he come over, bring his dog, and they order in, but then she figured if her father came home to find her alone with a guy, poor ustin might be traumatized. She laughed. "Poor dad..." she said, still smiling. "So horribly paranoid" she looked at her dog, who ignored her. "You know, you're the laziest high energy dog I've ever met, Monty"

Conner laughed. "Hey now, you switching ethnicities on me here?" he'd never been good at identifying accents. "Hey, so I've got pizza ordered, just need to swing by to pick it up"
Jake's waitress came over, and he looked up at her, giving her his order. She blushed a bit, making him grin. He was pretty charming, but didn't have much interest in anyone. When she walked away, he leaned back in the seat, gazing out the window.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((Dang these kids like em some pizza hahaha))

"Cool," Dahlia said. She smiled, looking out the window. "And no, that's my southern draaawl." she said, laughing. "You've never heard an accent like that before?"
He laughed. "Oh, I probably have. I just suck with accents. Although, I do do a pretty good newfie slang" he grinned
(Lmao, I was about to say that. I honestly didn't knwo you guys were going out for pizza, thought you were ordering.)

"You want me to pick you, I know the place?" It'd been more funny in person, but oh well. He grabbed his jacket and keys before heading to his civic.

Emma got annoyed with the ringing, after the waitress came over and she ordered Emma tried to stop the ringing. "Damn ringing..." she muttered, but might have said it a bit too loud, she hoped not. Today wasn't her best day.
she laughed. "Sure you can find your way here?" she sent back, curling back up on the couch with Monty. She smiled. "So, Miss Monty, you gonna be nice nd not bark like a maniac when justin shows up?" she asked
Justin grinned at her text, "Yah, I'm sure." he sent before leaving. After about five mintues he parked in front of her house. He walked nonchalantly up to the door and knocked, wonderin if he'd hear a dog barking. His dog always did that. He's like his private alert system at home. Justin grinned at the thought.
Monty launched herself off the ouch and toward the door, barking like an idiot. She was protective of her home. Or just loud. Sierra'd never really been sure. "Monty, hush!" she scolded, pushing the dog away. "Hey, you got here quick" she smiled, leavng the door partially open while she grabbed Monty to hold her back and got her jacket. "This is Monty. She's noisy, but I don't think she'd ever actually hurt anyone"

Conner laughed. "Newfie slang! You know, from Newfoundland? they've got a very.....diffenet...mixture of Canukese and Irish" he smiled
Justin laughed lightly, "I'll probably be the first." he joked, then he motioned to his truck. "You ready?" he asked her. He noticed how quiet the neighborhood was. Justin could never live in such a quiet place. He'd kill himself.
She laughed. "You seem like the type who'd get yourself bitten just to be babied" she joked, slipping out the door to get past the dog. "I'm redy when you are" she smiled up at him.
He opened the door for her. "Ladies first." he said with a wide grin on his face. This kinda reminded him of a moive one of his friends wanted to watch. That was the last time he was watching a moive with a girl, even if she was his friend.
She smiled. "Awww, well now aren't you just the sweetest little thang" she laughed. "thank you" she added, still smiling
"Aren't I?" he said while climbing into the old truck. After he started it he turned to Sierra, "So where are we eatting again?" he had the worst memory ever. His parents thought it was a medical issue, but it wasn't. It's only mild so It wasn't a big problem.
She laughed. "You're kidding, right?" she asked. she smiled and reached over to rub his shoulder. "You wanted pizza." she didn't know if he was being a doofus or if he was serious, so she took the answer with a reassureing gesture route
Justin's face went blank. "Well I feel stupid." He laughed a bit before continuing, "Did you have anywhere in mind, I can eat anything?" he offered. Justin always hated his memory loss, never benifical, never will be.
She smiled and gave his shoulder one last reassuring squeeze before putting her hand back on her lap. "Don't worry about it. everyone forgets things sometimes" she said. "And I don't know anywhere else to eat" she laughed. "I've only been here a few days"

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