Highschool... Never ends

She didn't want to seem 'uncool', but figured if she made something up it would just come around and bite her in the butt. "Honestly?" she started. "Nothing at all. My parents will be gone all week, and I'll just be there by myself, so I don't really have anything to do other than homework and bass practice..."
He laughed. "Hey, sounds sort of like my plans" he told her. "If you get bored, I'm told I'm great company" he smiled
Dahlia blushed again, wishing he wouldn't bring it up. She was embarrassed of it more than anything. She looked down at her feet while they waited to see if anyone else in their little group was around.
He smiled when she blushed. "Don't wory about it. Lots of people are bothered by them. Nothing to be upset about" he reassured her.
Justin grinned, "Don't you mean pretty empty head of mine?" he laughed, "So what you doing now?" he asked her.

Emma looked around to see no one she knew. Emma didn't want to go home to nothing, not yet at least. She stood in the hallway, which was now almost empty, thinking on what to do now.
"Um..." Dahlia started. "I need to go home..." she wasn't sure if he was still going to give her a ride or not. "I have to practice...." If he wasn't going to take her home she needed to start walking.
he nodded. "No prob, Come on" he smiled, opening the door for her

Sierra laughed. "Well I was trying to be polite, but since you said it..." she grinned. "So, are you the type that people warn about?" she teased
Conner opened her door for her. "Here you go" he said, then went around to his door. "So, you're going to need to give me directions, Doll"
After a couple minutes Emma decided to cruise around the town. She walked outside, most of the students were gone, Emma saw Dahlia, she waved to her. "Hey, Dahlia!" she yelled to her, she waved to her before continuing to her car.

Justine grinned, "Yes of course, duhhh." he said sarcasticly. He looked around to see almost everyone was gone. "Hey, do you need a ride home?" he asked while jingling his keys.
She laughed. "Well seeing as you're the type I'd be warmed about..." she trailed off. "A ride sounds good" she finished. "just don't go psycho creeper on me" She added with a smiled
Dahlia got in the car. "No problem, it isn't that far." Dahlia waved to Emma before looking back to Conner.
He nodded. "Like I said, I've got nothin planned. Spnding some extra time with a pretty girl sure sounds like a good way to pass some time"
Dahlia smiled. "You're sure full of compliments, aren't you?" she joked. She told him which way to turn at an intersection, then tried to think about a conversation starter so the ride wouldn't be boring.
A smirk appeared of Emma's face as she saw Dahlia get into Connor's car. "Oh those two lovebirds." she said sarcasticly to herself. But Emma was somewhat serious, she knew they were more than just "friends" between those two. Emma's phone rang as she jumped into her Jeep. She frowned at the caller id. "I really do need to change my number." she said before answering the call.

Justin laughed as he led her to his civic, "Yup you know me, creeper dude." He turned to her when they were both in the car, "So where to captin?" he said in a priate's voice.
she laughed. "Well that depends on if you plan on being a gentleman or a creeper. Gentleman, my place. Creeper, yours" she grinned. She was just messing around. "Turn right when you get to the lights" she smiled
Dahlia laughed. "Well it's a nice thought, at least." she said. "We'll all have to hang out sometime at my house before my parents get back. I'm not saying they shouldn't be there so we can do things high school kids shouldn't do, I'm just saying it would be more... Peaceful, with them gone." she said. "We can invite Emma and Sierra and..." she'd almost forgotten his name, having only talked to him once. "Ummm, oh! Justin." she added. She grinned a bit thinking of all of them hanging out together and watching movies, ordering a ton of pizza, or whatever it was that students of public schools did. She wanted all of that. People at her old private school never did anything fun...
He laughed. "Sounds ike a blast. Maybe rent some movies or something, order food, heck yeah!" he grinned. "And no parents hovering" he added. "Mine hover like mad whenever I've got someone over. especially a girl." he shot her a smile. "We could plan it for a stormy day. Lots of things to keep your mind busy" he suggested
"Sounds great." He'd practically read her mind. She wondered when she should invite them. Tonight was too short of notice and she didn't have anyone's numbers. She'd have to get them tomorrow. "In a couple days maybe..."
he smiled. "Hmm....Well, I've got a couple game systems I could bring with some games, if anyone else is as much of a video game freak as me. I've got some made GTA skillz" he grinned. "We could do some sort of tournament" he laughed. "just a thought" he didn't mean to be taking over her idea.

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