Highschool... Never ends

He laughed. "Sounds good. Do you want everyone to help chip in by bringing some chips or pop or something?" he asked
"It's fine," she said. "I'm inviting them, so I'll pay for it." She didn't mind, it wasn't like she was scrounging for money. "Let me know what day is best for you." they pulled into her neighborhood and she directed him through the maze of fancy houses to the one that was hers. "It's that one..." she said, pointing.
He shrugged. "I have no life" he laughed. "Whatever day you-Holy cow" he looked at her. "I think your house is bigger than my neighbourhood!"
Dahlia laughed. "Oh, come on it isn't even the biggest one here!!" she said. She waited until he parked and got out, leaning into the window. "Just let me know tomorrow, kay?" she asked. She smiled and walked toward the house.
Emma started the conversation with a "You know, this is considered stalking. I've changed my number multiple times already." She somwhat had a teasing tone in her voice, but souned more serious. The person on the other line speaked, and Emma's face turned red with anger. She punch, or more like hit, the steerling wheel before continuing. "Damnit! It's not my problem anymore!" Yelling dripped out of her phone. "Don't call me again about them, they're in my past as they should be in yours!" she yelled into the phone before slamming it shut.

He saluted to her, "Yes, Ma'am." he said turning down the streets. "So did you see your friend, umm what's her name...." he was so bad at names, one time Justin even forgot his brother's name. "Oh Dahlia, right?" he asked nervously.

Sierra laughed. "Did I see her? Well, yes, I'm not blind" she teased. She smiled. "I forget names a lot too"

He nodded. "Yeah. Well, like I said. I have no life. Let me know when you're doin it, I'll be there" he smiled
Dahlia smiled and walked into her house, taking her bass to her room and setting all her stuff down.
Conner watched her walk into the house, then pulled out of the driveway and headed for home. He had some planning to do for his party, people to get hold of, then lots of free, boring time
(@KaitWink what happened to Jake was it?)

Justin made a fake laugh, "I meant after I meet you guys." Sierra was pretty cool to talk to. Now Justin was happy about his doctor appointment.

Emma was mad now, from the phone call. She didn't know what to do. Go home and unpack, or do something fun. Eventually Emma just hit the steering wheel again before starting her Jeep and leaving the school grounds. Not knowing where to go.
((lol he already left, no one was talking to him after school so I just stopped posting as him. I'll post as him when we get to the next day))
She smiled. "Not really. After you bowled her over, it was pretty much just class, run into ou, then more class" she laughed. "then run into you again. I almost wonder if you planned that"
Dahlia started working on homework, looking outside to see hints of grey in the clouds. She sighed and looked away, trying to focus on her homework.

Jake got into his car and started it up. He drove out of the almost completely studentless parking lot, since he got out here so early he'd be one of the first to leave. He started out of the school grounds onto his 10 minute drive home.
After a couple hours of driving aimlessly around town, Emma decided to head back to her apartment. When she entered the apartment boxes were scattered everywhere. She sighed deeply, then she waved her hand tiredly at the boxes. "I'll do it tomorrow..." she said before going to her half empty room to watch tv before falling asleep.

Justin laughed, "Ummm, which house?" he asked going thorugh a street filled with big houses. The sky was turning grey, he needed to get home soon to get his dog inside.
Sierra pointed down the street. "You need to get past all these fancy places before you get to mine" she laughed. "But if you need to get going, you can just drp me here, it's not too far to walk" she looked out the window at the sky. She'd be able to make it home before the rain started. Probably. She kind of liked being out in the rain, anyway

Conner made a half hearted attempt at his homework. When he got about halfway through, he got bored. Sighing, he got up from his desk and wandered around the house for a while. His father was working, his mother must be out somewhere, so he had the place to himself. He sent Dahlia a text. "Hey, how goes it?"
Dahlia's phone buzzed. She looked over and picked it up to see a text from Conner. She set down her pencil and texted back. "Hey, pretty boring :/ "
Justin laughed, "Now what knid of guy would I be to let a girl walk home by herself." he smirked as he past down all the houses. His dog would be ok, he needed a bath anyways. He laughed lightly at his own joke. He loved his dog more than anything, and his parents were on a work trip, so they weren't home to do it. At least he'd be by himself this week, again.

Emma spent almost two hours on the phone getting basic cable and internet. She sighed deeply when the guy would come over tomorrow after school. She turned to the pyrimad of boes. "Fine." she grumbled harshly befor egetting to work unpacking. Emma also had to go downtown to look for an open job. She sighed sadly at her schedule. "Not going to have a social life this time." But in the end it was worth it.
Sierra laughed. "Brick bungalow just before the turn" she smiled. "So, Justin, what're your hobbies?" she tried to see if her father's car was in the driveway as they approached. It wasn't. "Hmm...." she thought out loud

Conner smiled. "You should come over and keep me entertained :P " he sent to her. He was bored senseless, he may as well invite her over. Besides, she's mentioned she'd be alone, so she might even be glad for the company. Yeah, that sounded like a good enough reason to him. he looked around and frowned slightly. he'd need to get some more stuff together for the party Saturday...
She wrote back. "You just dropped me off D: " It had been not even an hour ago. "I'll have to call a driver, it will be awhile."
He almost jumped out of his skin when his phone went off. He had his head stuck in the fridge, looking for food. When he jumped, he cracked his head off the top of the refridgerator and cursed loudly. "ARGHhh!" he groaned, sitting down on the floor. "Ugh!" maybe making oud, cavemanesque noises for a while would help. he looked at the phone. "I'll come get you. I think I need to get out of the house before I end up killing myself" he sent back, pushing himself up off the floor with a groan. "Ughhh....Ow...Leave it to me...." he muttered, tenatively touching the back of his skull. "Freakin fridge..."
Dahlia smiled. She would have to pack up her stuff again, but at least she would be out of the house for awhile, plus she wouldn't be alone when it started to storm tonight. "See you in a bit"
Justin nodded as he drove down to the house, he heard her say "hmmmm" and asked, "What is your twisted mind thinking this time?" he asked sarcasticly with a arched brow. He had an idea of what she was thinking. He also noticed that no one was parked in front of the house, or in the driveway.
Sierra looked over at him and laughed. "Oh, you wouldn't want to know what goes on in my twisted little mind" she grinned. "Watch you don't hit my dog when you pull in. I don't know if she's in or out, but if she's out, she's not really car smart" she warned. "Hope you're not scared of dogs" she added, shooting him a sideways smile

Conner smiled. his head still hurt, but t least he wasn't seeing stars now. He looked at his phone. "Be there in 20" he sent, then pocketed it and headed out the door. He'd never really been a fan of being alone. He knew thatt was weird for a teenager, but it was true. when he finally got back to her house, he sighed. After a second, he got out and headed to the front door, knocking lightly. "Pizza!" he called loudly, smiling
He looked at her and grinned, "Never, I actually have a dog of my own." He looked at the sky again, grey clouds were starting to appear. "Which I should probably be getting home to." He remembered that he had her number. "Text you later?" he asked her.

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