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Realistic or Modern High School [Open]


Misty Eyed
[Join in at anytime. No need for CS or anything.]

Alaska glanced at herself in the mirror one last time. She started her sophomore year today. Alaska stared at her boy like figure. She was rather thin but had fat in the right places. She quickly popped two of her pills and shifted out the door. Alaska put earbuds in and blasted music on her warm walk to school.
Rae tip toed down the stairs softly. She peeked around the corner to see her father lying in the floor with a beer in one hand and a cig in the other. 

"Thank God he's asleep." She says to herself as she tip toes into the kitchen to make breakfast. She poured the milk to her cereal and then quietly went back up the stairs. She munched her apple jacks at the desk in her room, staring at a lump of dirty cloths on her floor. Her mom had died about a week or two ago, and she was finding out how hard life was without her. She picked up some decent skinny jeans, and turned a t-shirt inside out. Threw her mothers favorite brown leather jacket over it, and slipped on some sneakers on at the door. She grabbed her pack back off the hook, and walked out the door. The air was warm and muggy. Rae took a deep breathe and started to walk to school. Her Hell on Earth.
Mitchell's alarm clock blares loudly

he stares over weakly to his timer

8:12 am

"Oh crap... I'm gonna be late!" remembering his high school is an hour away.

He jumps out of bed as swiftly as he can putting on clothes (a blue hoodie, black T-shirt, blue jeans, some short black socks, and some blue tennies) , eating breakfast, and combing his hair he runs into the bathroom and stares at his reflection.

his blonde hair combed to perfection, his perfect teeth clean, and his ocean blue eyes matching his hoodie.

he was all good to go!

he ran out the door oh his apartment door hoping not to wake his roommate.

Mitchell Dashes to the elevator pushing the lobby button on all the elevator doors.

"All occupied?!?" he groaned.

He then sprints to the stairs and slides down the banister to the bottom floor.

he grabs his key to his new blue Mazda 6.

unlocks the car with Fob.

opens door.

puts key in ignition.

and backs out 30 miles and hour.

goes on the highway going 60 hoping he wouldn't be late!
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Rae was about to step on to the school grounds when a blue car raced pasted her, almost killing her in the process. She fell on her back with the wind knocked out of her, she lied there gasping for air. when she finally caught her breath, the school bell started ringing signaling the start of school. She got up as quickly as she could and ran towards the school hoping to get there before the doors locked for the day.
Mitchell parked his car and started walking to the doors when he realizes that there is some girl racing towards the doors as well

(@Talley Marks)

thinking like a gentlemen he opens the doors and holds it for her

*"She looks kinda mad"* Mitchell thought

*"Well I better just keep to myself"*

Mitchell goes inside and goes up the stairs

He jogs to his class as fast as he could

Mitch opens the door to his classroom and sees the same aggravated girl inside and other classmates

he walks in and sits down next to a boy wearing a black hoodie with brown hair and hazel eyes

"Hi I'm Mitchell!" Mitchell said

"Sup, I'm Pierce." the guy said

"Nice to meet you." Mitch said

"Wait are you new?" Mitchell asked

"Yes actually are you?" Pierce asked

"No, well sorta I've been at this school for a year but I mean I barely know most of the class." Mitchell explained

"Well at least you now you know one more now!" Pierce said happily

"Yeah." Mitch smiled

Soon the class started with a team class assignment to get to know more people and obviously Mitchell and Pierce were working together but it 3 partners were required.

(@anybody do the flop?)
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Rae sat all the way in the back, as usual. As the class began she heard the teacher mumble something about partners, and she internally groaned. She hated working in groups. Everybody ran around of course trying to be paired up with their friends and their "besties" and once again Rae is left out alone in the back of the class. She walks up to the teacher and asks " Can I just do the assignment by myself?" as quietly as she could. The teacher, Mr. Harold, knew Rae very well and her shy ways. He hands her a packet and says "Why don't you join these three they need a third person." while gesturing toward Mitchell and Pierce. *Great..* Rae said to herself, and plopped into the plastic metal beside them. She sat there sulking for a while before turning toward Mitchell, to say "What is it with you and the color blue?" Rae thought about what she just said for a moment before turning away. She started to grin then smile and slowly starts to giggle, and then it turns into full blown laughter.

Liams' alarm rang at 6:00 am like always (he always got up early to workout and make his younger brother breakfast as his mom always had to leave early in the morning)

he spent the first half hour getting ready for his workout and setting his clothes out for the day knowing he didn't have to be at school right away because he was getting a tour of the school and all the other stuff that was done whenever he changed schools 

by seven he had everything prepared for the day and to make his brother breakfast 

looking at his apple watch "ok got an hour before Nathan gets up time to workout" he said to himself as he headed for the door 

he got back at about 7:50 and quickly mad breakfast his brother came down the stairs just as he was finishing up they ate their breakfast making small talk as they went.8:30 rolled around "well lets get you to school Nat" he said grabbing the keys to his 2016 ferrari enzo (their mom made a lot of money with the downside of working all the time so she bought him all the best things to make up for it even though he tells her she doesn't need to all the time. not that he didn't like it ) he dropped his brother off at school then headed to yet another new school. He rang the buzzer at school and waited for someone to let him in after a short tour and some administrative stuff he was taken to his first class witch he new he would be bored at (teachers always told him if he didn't move around so much he would probably be a couple years ahead so he usually didn't even need to try at school to get good grades) he went into his first class and walked up to the teacher Mr. Harold, He already noticed everyone seemed to be in groups. "Hi I'm Liam... I'm the transfer from Canada" he said as he scratched the back of his head

"oh well hello their Liam I am Mr. Harold we are just doing a group assignment right now" he said looking around "well it seems all the groups have three already"he said thinking of what to do "Anyone willing to take Liam in as a fourth" he  asked the class loudly 


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Now at this moment Mitchell is flat out confused why this girl is laughing so hysterically

Then Mitchell sees a boy in the front of the class

*"Huh another new kid?"* Mitchell thought

"Is anyone willing to accept a fourth?" Mr. Harold asked

"Um we could have another!" Mitchell said

"Great!" Mr. Harold shouted with glee

"Um... Mitchell yeah that's it, this is Liam!" Mr. Harold explained

Mitchell now feels guilty for dodging this girls Question and explains,

"Blue is my favorite color." Mitchell answered

"*chuckle* How rude of me, I'm Mitch and this is Pierce" Mitchell said

@Cal Rader@Talley Marks
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After her giggles died down she wiped the tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry, I know that must have been weird. I'm Rae."  "That was weird! What even was that?!" Rae questioned herself. Then she sees another boy walk up to our table, once again Rae grumbles to herself. She opens up the work packet to see one of Mr. Harold's notorious pop quiz." This day can't get any worse can it." Rae whispers to herself while leaning back in her chair, she wasn't paying any attention to what the boys were jabbering about, she really didn't care. Yet she finds herself making small peeks at Mitchell, "He seems sweet." Rae stated in her mind, "Of course he wasn't so nice earlier when he tried to hit me with his car." She mumbled under her breathe. 

After the pop quiz Mr. Harold, starts to explain this weeks project. It had something to do with water and salt but again Rae wasn't really paying attention. Mr. Harold and two of the Jocks start to put two tubs of water on each lab table, as they got closer to Rae's table she started to get a little nervous. She sits up a little straighter in her chair and starts trying to look busy as they set two tubs on the table behind her, as they get to her table the two tall foot ball players put the first tub in front of the boys and right as they are about to set the second tub on the table, one of them "slips" and the tub tips over into Rae's lap soaking her black skinny jeans and drenching her mothers leather jacket.

@mitchellap2006 @Cal Rader
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Danny simply watched from his seat. Nobody had noticed him enter the room. He was good at that. He was a nobody, that's why. Right how he was in a rather nice looking hoodie. One of those fancy black leather ones. His pants were simple black skinny jeans, the brand new kind. His hood was covering his face. Funny how he was so hard to notice but also wearing rather nice clothes, albeit inconspicuous.

Rae stands up screaming, her natural reaction to cold water. After the wave of initial shock, Rae looks down and walks out of the room not saying a word not making a sound. Rae start to walk towards the door of the school, but she stops and thinks to herslef, "Is it worth going home for?" and then turns around on her heels walking straight to the bathroom. "Definitely not." She takes some paper towels and starts to dab furiously at her pants. It was no use she was soaked down to the bone, her small, skinny frame started shaking, moments after she heard the air conditioner turn on. Rae went into one of the stalls and just sat there for moment, she didn't wanna go home and change but she was going to freeze other wise. Then she though of it! "my gym clothes!" Rae rushed through the school hoping not to get caught. When she gets to the gym it's full of people, "Oh yea class."  There went that idea. 

Rae Marie Davidson

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Mitchell pushed the jock that Drenched the tub on Rae onto the floor and ran out the door

"Freaking Jocks..." Mitchell grumbled and got in his car

He then drove as fast as he could to Victoria's Secret and ran in looking for clothes that would match Rae's personality.

A leather jacket & white tea-shirt

Black jeans

And some black Nike's

After he picked all of the clothes very swiftly when it hit him

He didn't know her clothing size

*"I cant go back now"

He sprinted to the front desk practically threw his credit card at the lady and booked it to his car back to the school and sprinted back to class

No Rae

"Hey you Mitchell you better not leave this class room!" Mr. Henry commanded

"OR ELSE WHAT?!" Mitchell shouted

"Or you get detention, that's what!" Mr. Henry snarled

Mitchell then flips him the bird and runs to the ladies room

he then knocks on the women's rooms door and says,

"Hey Rae you there?"

no response

"Crap I hope she didn't go far."

he sprinted down the halls

then he sees a gym packed with people

"Why do I have a feeling shes in there." he mumbled


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Rae walks back out of the gym, still a dripping wet mess. She turns to head back to class when !smack!  When she looked up it was him. Rae backed up a bit and then looked back up at him. "My favorite color is maroon." She said with a smile creeping upon her lips. "There's something about this guy, he makes me feel warm on the inside" she thought to herself. 

@mitchellap2006 (sorry it's so short)
Not sure what to do Liam just sat their working on the project quietly as all the drama was going on around him "interesting place"he thought to himself "very different from Canada" he said aloud meaning to again just say it in his head he smiled awkwardly hopping nobody would notice or take offense to the comment 
Liam heard someone say something behind him about liking Canada he smiled and leaned back "yeah much kinder over their" he whispered back to Danny "don't really have much of an opinion of the states yet though just got in late last night" he said sounding exausted 
@Cal Rader

"Donald Trump thinks illegal immigrants should get out of this country. I think the Native Americans would agree with him" Danny whispers and then snickers uncontrollably.
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"Oh we know all about your politics and presidential candidates trust me" he says with a small chuckle "oh!! How rude of me my names Liam nice to meet you" he says extending a hand backwards towards the mystery boy who he hasn't even actually looked at yet 
"Nice to meet you Danny" Liam says looking back at the boy for the first time "he's cute" Liam thought to himself "nice jacket"He says trying to get his mind off of Dannys' looks 
"Nice to meet you Danny" Liam says looking back at the boy for the first time "he's cute" Liam thought to himself "nice jacket"He says trying to get his mind off of Dannys' looks 

(I haven't even shown you what he looks like, he still has his hood on. I suppose we could say Danny took off his hood.)

"Thanks. It was a work perk" he explained with a charming smile.

(This is what he looks like I guess)

(Yeah I know but he is kinda really easy to impress lol) 

"nice..you drive?" He questiond 

just trying to make small talk but he's not particularly good at it so he secretly hopes Danny will carry the conversation but doubts it because his luck isn't that good 
"yeah I Drive" he said with a Smile thinking about his Ferrari "Oh I'm a sophomore teachers always say I should be a couple years ahead but I move around too much" he said kinda disappointed thinking about how he could probably already be graduated or at least close to it. which would mean he could devote all his time to his youtube channel that provides him with most of his random spending cash hes not huge yet but he's growing "what about you ay" he said not realizing he threw in that last part after he did tho he began to get a bit embarrassed about it "merde" he said under his breath 

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