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Jezebel rolled her eyes. "Everybody gets threatened sometimes." She turned towards Ian. "There you are." She murmured and scowled.
Matt stayed on the ground, finishing his coughing fit. He was thankful that the fire was put out, although this was already pretty violent... If anything were to take a turn for the worse, Matt told himself he would act again. For now, he stayed silent.
"whatever im done trying to help you" i seen matt on the ground and i gave him a hand "need a hand" i help him up and i start to walk away.
"Ugh", Grinn looked at Rebecca, "I almost had her."

She turned to Jezebel, "I'll get you one day."
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"Sure you will, kid." Jezebel rolled her eyes and glanced Matt. She made a face and glared. "I could've handled it." She said coldly, her glare intensifying.
Ian quickly changed back into his human form. "That sucked, i barely fit through the door and hall." He then form balls of light in his hands, "I wouldn't mess with me if I were you, my mother is the goddess of light."
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Enkye said:
"Ugh", Grinn looked at Rebecca, "I almost had her."
She turned to Jezebel, "I'll get you one day."
"whatever grinn im going to blow things up now sooooo im going" i spread my wings and start to fly away.
Matt stood up and nodded his thanks, although he did sense the other girl leave already... Anyway, Matt rubbed his face with the sleeve of his jacket. He pulled his arm away before he responded to the girl who stayed. "I just didn't want anyone getting hurt." His reply was weaker than usual, mostly from feeling intimidated by the other's voice.
"Bye, I ain't in the mood to blow stuff up anymore anyways." she said to Rebecca

"Oy, boy, are you acquainted with her?" she glared
"I would have been fine." She crossed her arms across her chest and scowled down at him, her eyes appearing to glow in the dim lighting in the hallway. Jezebel glanced at Ian and rolled her eyes.
"seeya"i keep flying until i see a big open field then i spawn some stuff to destroy."ok lets see i got my targets now all i need to do is work on my magic and other things"i open my palm and i see the purpleish black fire i throw the fire ball and the target explodes it was kind of loud but it felt good to do.
Ian then starts walking, back outside to his isolated place. "I am done here, it doesn't look anyone else is in trouble."
"Uh, um..." Matt struggled to remember the other girl's name. He's heard her name before in class once. "I kinda know her, she's Jezebel." He answered, keeping his semi-quiet tone. "But, who are you? I don't think I've sensed you around before." Matt finished, starting to wonder if he should have just ran a long time ago.

He could hear another male student not too far from where the three students stood. Wasn't that the same one that disappeared a few moments before? He left to go outside the building. Once he was done here, Matt wanted to know where that guy went... He needs to apologize properly.

@Wyatt @Enkye
Raiders said:
"Uh, um..." Matt struggled to remember the other girl's name. He's heard her name before in class once. "I kinda know her, she's Jezebel." He answered, keeping his semi-quiet tone. "But, who are you? I don't think I've sensed you around before." Matt finished, starting to wonder if he should have just ran a long time ago.
He could hear another male student not too far from where the three students stood. Wasn't that the same one that disappeared a few moments before? He left to go outside the building. Once he was done here, Matt wanted to know where that guy went... He needs to apologize properly.

@Wyatt @Enkye
Grinn looked away, "I'm sorry you were here, I have a few hundred bones to pick with her."

She felt her metal visor,

"Anyways, I'm Grinn, a vampire."
after awile i started to get tired so i flew away and started to go to the dorms i almost made it but then i collapsed on the ground i tried to get up but i couldnt so i just lay'd there for a little.
Ian hears another student collapse on the ground and quickly rushes to their aid. "Really Rebecca, how often is this going to happen. I guess I'll help you to your dorm again."
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Jezebel scowled and shook her head. "I don't have time for this." She muttered and walked off without so much as a goodbye. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and continued to walk.
Wyatt said:
Ian hears another student collapse on the ground and quickly rushes to their aid. "Really Rebecca, how often is this going to happen. I guess I'll help you to your dorm again."
i hear lan i look up but he's blury."n..n..no im ok i was just a little light headed"i stood up but collapsed again."ok fine maybe i do need help".
"Nice to meet you, Grinn. I'm Matthew... just Matt is ok, too." Matt responded, playing with the zipper at the end of his jacket. Jezebel stormed off, so Matt felt awkward straight after her departure. The school bell rang, reminding the students that classes will start soon. "Oh! Well, cya around!" Matt stuttered out before nervously walking to his class. He was saved by the bell, literally. Matt guesses he'll have to apologize to that male student later...
Ian picka her up and throws her over his shoulder. Walking to the girls dorm his mothers vocie echos down from the sky. "Ian!!! What did i tell you about telling people I am your mother!!! You are a disgrace and a worthless piece of trash!" Then her angry vocie fades away, and Ian holds his head down.
Wyatt said:
Ian picka her up and throws her over his shoulder. Walking to the girls dorm his mothers vocie echos down from the sky. "Ian!!! What did i tell you about telling people I am your mother!!! You are a disgrace and a worthless piece of trash!" Then her angry vocie fades away, and Ian holds his head down.
i see somethings bugging lan "h..h..hey" i look at him and smile dont worry i dont think your worthless or anything shes wrong".i look at him once again and i pass out.
Grinn looks around, "Hm, I think it's time I go to the dorms."

She picks up her box of possessions and heads to the dorms to drop her things off.
Ian finally makes it to the girls dorm and lucky for him there aren't many people around. He finds Rebecca's window and sneaks her into her bed. "Rest up Rebecca, I don't think falling is good for your health."
I walk out of my dorm room and straight into the cafeteria, yawning as I do. "Late," I say as I smile, "Just how i like it." I walk into the back of the cafeteria leaning against the wall, observing who comes in.
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