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Realistic or Modern High School Mellodrama

Carly and her friends were walking in the park, her friends hands were filled with shopping bags, as well as Carly's hands as well.

The group of girls walked by Nicol and Michael, hearing a remark about jocks from the nerd,

"I'm what the jocks call an 'Uber Nerd'"

She heard him say, chuckling,

"What do they know?"

Carly sashays up to Michael, "Apparently, they know how many asses you and your friend kiss in a minute in total, 999."

She said, making the dirtiest look at him.

"And with just one more ass to go to a thousand."

@Demon Slayer
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He look up at Carly and shakes his head. He puts his hand to his heart and frowns. "Ouch... That really hurt." He says in a sarcastic voice. He couldn't help but chuckle.

He stands to face the girl. "I'm sorry, but may I ask why you are here? I mean it's after school don't you have some balls to fondle?" He asks and looks at the bags. "It seems they have been paying you well hu?" He tilts his head. He couldn't help it, he burst out laughing. He fell back to the ground and looked back up at her with an innocent look on his face.

"Nerd one, the famous bitches none." He says as he leans back on his hands.


(For the record thank you so much xD I have been waiting to say that.)
Carly shook her head at Michael's comment,

"Wanna hear a fun fact? I sucked every boy's dick in school except yours, I just have some standards, that all..."

She said, smiling sweetly.

"Nerd One Famous DIAMONDS One."

@Demon Slayer

(#Getrekt... I just called it, everyone!)
"Really? Alright." He lifts himself form the ground, slightly wobbily on account of his tired feet. ( @Brittany )
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Nicol sits silently keeping her head down, she didn't want to get involved with their conversation. Smiling at Michaels comments. She lifts her head at:

"I sucked every boys dick in the school.."

She rolls her eyes, it's sad she thinks that's an achievement.
Briar holds his hand and they walk towards her car, a few minutes later she pulls into her neighborhood, driving passed the small houses and apartments until she pulls into large brass gates, leading up to a large mansion. She hops out of the car and then looks at him, "Well now you know my big secret." Briar says jokingly as she looks over at her mansion, "I'm a rich kid." (@vinebeck)
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He laughs. "Wow, that many hu?" He shakes his head. "I bet that's how you got so rich. Selling yourself on the street?" He stands once again. "You know that name is really good. The famous diamonds? I bet the strip clubs pay good to have you preform too."

He sits back down next to Nicol. "Plus I wouldn't want you anywhere near me slut." He smiles and looks at Nicol. "This girl is ten times prettier than you will ever be." Then looks back up at Carly. "You know why? Because she's pure at heart. You're pure to nothing, cause you lost your verginity when you were what? Thirteen?" @xnicolx @CocoForRealz
Carly's head turns to Nicol,

"Well, I can only please one person per day, and today I chose me!"

She said,

"Who did you decide to please today? The boy on your left?"

She said, pointing to Michael.

She blushes slightly at Michaels comment. Carly towering above her intimidated her a little.

"I'm not trying to please anyone.." She mumbles. "I got asked to hang out here and I accepted so we can just chat and hang out. I'm not trying to suck his dick. There are other reasons to hang around with people." She looks down realising she was blabbering on.
"Jesus Christ," Ellis replies, marvelling at her home. "I live in a fucking one bedroom apartment. This is... gorgeous." ( @Brittany )
"I'd rather be in a one bedroom." She says sighing and walking inside, telling her butler that she'd be in the kitchen. "Are my parents home yet?" She asks excitedly but he shakes his head. Briar sighs softly and then walks into the kitchen, leaning against the counter she rubs her forehead gently. (@vinebeck)
"No, I never been hired for preforming at strip clubs, I became rich because my great grandfather and grandmother were rich and the money was passed on to my current parents."

She said, then looked at Nicol, smirking.

"Only you say that she's pretty, not anyone else, besides... Her body already looks half-eaten by her dad..."

@xnicolx @Demon Slayer
He feels like an alien in such a lavish home, yet follows her inside anyway. "Won't your parents get upset when they see that you skipped..?" ( @Brittany )
"Mom's in Paris for a shopping trip and dear old dad is in Russia with his mistress." Brair says blankly and pulls out food to make. "Once in a while one of them will be home, but I never see both of my parents at the same time. They can't stand eachother." Briar explains and then looks around her cabinets for migraine medicine. (@vinebeck)
Carly's words hit her in the chest and she lowers her head even more holding back the tears burning her eyes. She opens her mouth to respond but she knew if she did the tears would escape and she wasn't planning on getting picked on for that as well. She stands up slowly.

"I have...I have to go home.." She picks up her bag and looks apologetically at Michael before turning and quickly walking to her house letting a few tears roll down her cheeks, she brushes them away softly.
Michael stands and steps in front of Carly. He was obviously getting annoyed. "Why don't you and you're group of sluts sod off." He growls clenching his fist. "Oh, and you don't bring her into this." He steps closer. "You may think she isn't pretty, but I do." He tilts his head.

"Let's look at you, it's obvious out of billions, trillions, an unspeakable about of particles that your mom could have chosen." He laughs. "But she picked the ugliest ones and put them into one jerk." He says and steps back. "So why don't you go back to doing what your body wants you to do. Being the cum dumpster you are." He was now digging down to the darkest part of his soul. And he felt good about it.

Seeing Nicol leave hurt him more. He turns back to face her. "You proud bitch?" He glares and walks off, not wanting to say anymore but is ready if she tries to retaliate. @CocoForRealz
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"Fuck that half-eaten bitch, her dad is probably gonna eat off her rotten body in less than a minute!"

Carly said staring into Michael's eyes.

One of Carly friends shove Michael,

"Fuck with one, fuck with all you inhumane asshole." She said, then Carly and her friends turned around and Sashayed away.

@Demon Slayer
She walks into her house quietly closing the door behind her, just in time as her eyes overflow with tears, she kicks off her shoes off and runs upstairs straight into her room. She closes the door and leans on it letting her tears take over. She tries to stop herself crying but it just makes it worse, she slides down her door to sit on the floor and hugs her knees to her chest.
A wicked smirk creeps on his face. He runs back over and stops in front of Carly. "Listen here bitch." He glares. "I sure as hell wouldn't hit a girl." He grabs one of the bags and rips if from her hands. "But I will do this." He laughs and tosses the bag across the park. "Better run if you don't want your shit to be stolen." He smiles and walks in the direction Nicol went. He stops and turns around. "Oh yeah, be careful who you mess with famous bitches! You never know when you will run into someone who gets his inspiration from books about murderers."

He decided to leave them alone... For now. He walked the path he had saw Nicol go hopping to run into her. She sees her walk into a home and sighs. He walks up to the door and knocks politley. @xnicolx
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Nicol hears the sound of faint knocking, she looks up and rubs her swollen eyes. She pulls herself up and walks to her window to see Michael at the door, she sighs and draws the curtains. I'm sorry.. She climbs into bed and sinks under her blanket.

(could Nicol have used to be in Famous Diamonds but something happened and she left or got kicked out?)
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"Oh you son of a...!"

Carly and her friends start running towards the thrown bag, picking their new clothing up,

"Dammit! Not those cute shorts I bought!"

She said picking up the shorts.

"Fuck Nicci, the little skank..."

(Sure, Nic! That would make an awesome storyline for our two girls!)

Michael frowns and takes one step off her porch. He sits down and grabs his head. He was breathing heavily. He stood and slowly made his way back to the apartment, not knowing he had left his notebook on her porch.

He walked inside his apartment to be greeted by his Australian Shepherd. He smiles and pets the beautiful dog. "Hey Falkor." He says and procedes to feed the dog. He walks into the living room and sits down on the couch. @xnicolx
Nicol rolls over onto her back and stares up at her ceiling. Her tears had almost stopped but her eyes stung. I thought they had finished picking on me.. She sighs. It was better when they treated me like I was invisible.

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