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Realistic or Modern High School Mellodrama

She laughs as well, then lets her mind wander about all the sweets they'd get on Halloween.

"Well im pretty sure Amazon has everything.." She trails off and looks over tilting her head.

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He chuckled nervously and turns his head.

"Cosplay." He says in a quiet voice. He blushed and looked at the ground. He wasn't ashamed about it, he just didn't know what she would think about him now. He often felt nervous talking about it around people. Though he had a lot of fun doing it, and it helped him feel better when he was around people like him.
She giggles softly.

"You cosplay?" She watches him avoid her gaze.

"That's so cool! It's something I've looked at it before but I've never tried, I'd be really bad anyway." She looks down then back up. "Do you have any photos?"
Hearing her giggle made his blush darken. Then the questioned that followed him made his head fall slightly. Great... I'm about to get it aren't I? He thinks to himself. His expression brightens up hearing what followed. He quickly turned around in his chair and smiled. "I'm sure you would do great." He says with a big grin on his face. He nods, "Of course, they are in my locker." He tilts his head slightly. "Maybe we can go to the park after school? I can show you... If you want." He said nervously Nicol, scared that she would deny his request.
She giggles watching his enthusiasm. She thinks for a moment running her schedule through her head while looking at the clock.

"I think I'm good to hang out for a bit." She smiles. "I look forward to seeing these pictures."
Ellis kisses her forehead gingerly, and thinks for a moment before answering. "Well, we could do anything you want-" Just then, his stomach rumbles. "-but I'm hungry." ( @Brittany )
His smile widens.

"That's great." He chuckles slightly. "I'm looking forward to showing you." He says and scrached his head. "This is going to be embarrassing. They are quite a sight." He looks at her and tilts his head.

"I can't help but to mention you are very pretty."
"I'm sure you'll have nothing to be embarrassed of, you probably look great!" She smiles trying to reassure him. She widens her eyes and looks down letting her hair fall over her pink glowing cheeks.

"Uhh thanks.."
He smiles at her.

"You think so?" He says happily. Seeing her blush and lower her head made him chuckle slightly. "Hey, there is no need to be embarrassed over the truth." He slightly pushes her hair back, revealing her face.
She nods faintly keeping her gaze down. The feeling of her hair being moved made her flinch slightly and she glances over at him smiling a little, lost for words. I'm staring again.. She looks up at the clock seeing the lesson is almost over.
"S-sorry I didn't mean to startle you..." He said seeing her flinch. He quickly looked away, blushing. Feeling her stare made him smile slightly. He couldn't help it. He glanced at a small watch on his wrist seeing that it was a couple minutes off. Which from what he could tell was near the end of the class.
"No it's okay.." She tucks her hair behind her ear and keeps her gaze on the clock.

"I.." She begins but trails off as she realises everyone is packing up for the end of class. She shakes her head and pulls up her bag from under the table and puts her stuff in it.
He looks over to see what she was going to say. He shrugged thinking he had been hearing things. Slowly closing his books, he slid them into his bag.

"Hey, what class do you have next? I have History." He says hoping to start a small conversation.
She stands up putting her bag on her back and looks over.

"Actually.." She pauses debating with herself whether to tell him or not.

"I have to be somewhere.." She resulted in telling him something that didn't reveal too much but vaguely answered his question.
He stands holding his bag at his side.

"Oh, okay." He says with a smile. Though deep down he felt he did something wrong.

"Have a good day, I guess I'll see you at the park?" He asks getting ready to leave for his next class.
On her way to the door Nicol turns and smiles brightly.

"Yeah I'll see you there." She replies while walking backwards and turns at the last moment avoiding walking into a wall. She checks her phone and nods her head confirming her route. She continues to walk out of the school.
He makes his way out of the classroom. Instead of going to history he decides to stop at the school library. He knew the teacher wouldn't mind, or he hoped they wouldn't. He read for the class period, loosing track of time in his book. For some moments were spent thinking about Nicol. He was excited to be meeting her after school.
Nicol checks her watch and sighs, that didn't take as long as she wanted. Not wanting to go back to school and run the risk of being caught she took her bag and walked out her house and across the road to the park. She sits down under a tree and takes out her school books and works quietly in the shade with the light breeze toying with her hair.
He checked his watch and shrugged. He continued to read through his book. He sighed and flipped through the pages. Eventually falling asleep to the sound of his thoughts and light talking in the library.

(Is it okay with you if we did a time skip to the end of school?)
(Yeah that's alright with me.)

Nicol looks up to the sky seeing the fluffy clouds float by and she smiles to herself humming softly. She lies back on the grass to get a better view of the sky, for that moment she forgets the time and drowns in her thoughts ignoring the world around her.
The final bells woke him from his nap. He looked around and sighed happily, knowing he wasn't disturbed by a teacher. He stood and went to his locker. Putting away his books, and grabbing a small notebook. He walked out of school and slowly made his way to the park. Upon arriving he looked around, seeing if she was there yet or not.
She slowly opens her eyes and sits up running her fingers through her now knotty hair. Her eyes scan the park and she sees a familiar figure on the opposite side of the park, she lifts up her arm and waves hoping he'd see her.
He continues to scout out the park. He smiled seeing her wave to him. Walking over to her, he waves back. "Hey, how's it going?" He asks as he approaches her. He pushed his hair back in place and sat down next to her. "Nice day isn't it?" He asks and hands her the small notebook. Inside were various pictures of him dressed in different costumes with a few other people.
"It's going good." She smiles watching him sit down. "It is a really nice day so I'm trying to make the most of it." She looks up to the blue sky then back to his hand, she tilts her head slightly but takes the small notebook and looks through the pages giggling at some of the drawings.

"These are really good. You should try them out."
He tilts his head and smiles. "Here look." He says and flips near the back of the book.

"These are the ones I've tried." He points out some of the different costumes he was in. Most were steampunk based, or superhero based. But there were a few that were of him dressed up as his favorite characters from 'Star Wars'.

"I am what the jocks call an 'Uber Nerd'" He says and chuckles at the idea. "But what do they know?"

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