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Realistic or Modern High School Mellodrama

He accepts the fruit snack happily, ripping open the package with glee. "Oh? Where do you wanna go?" He asks, munching on the small gift. ( @Brittany )
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She walks into school giving up on her music and pulling out her headphones, and as if on cue the bell rings as she walks through the main doors. She continues down the corridor to her first lesson, English.
Michael hears the bell ring and sighs. He closed his book and walked into the school. Looking at a scedual to remind himself what his first class was. He looked down at his feet and slowly made his way to English. "Worst subject, first class." He mumbles and walks through the doors, taking a seat at a desk near the front.
She sits in her usual seat by the window and looks out. She didn't mind English but she preferred doing her own thing and creating stories. Most assignments were factual based and boring. She lets her mind wonder and drowns out the teachers voice.
Michael read as the teacher blabbed on about who knows what. He never liked English. It was just a class about everything he already knew. He passed the class, did the work. Though he loved reading be never understood why they had to teach the class. He stopped reading and his eyes trailed around the room. They stopped at a girl sitting near a window. He let out a sigh and went back to reading his book.
She snapped out of her daydream and sighed of boredom. She looks around the class her eyes falling on a book being read by someone at the front of the room, she tilted her head trying to see what was in it.
Nearing the halfway point in the book he sat it down at the side of his desk. A few pictures of 'the butcher' could be seen on the cover. He sat back in his chair and decided to listen to what the teacher was talking about. Once again he found himself gazing around the room.
She sits back in her chair keeping her eyes of the book and the pictures on the cover. She starts daydreaming again without realising it.
His eyes fall once again on the girl near the window. Seeing her looking his way, he quickly moves his head to face the front. He looked down at his book once again, then checked the clock. Counting every second waiting for the bell to ring.
She sees the boy sharply move his head and realises she was looking his way and quickly looks down. She glances at her watch. Five more minutes..
He taps his foot slightly watching the clock. 5...4...3... He counted in his head. 2...1... The bell rang and he watched students pile out. He waited a moment and stood. Grabbing his books he left the room and went to his locker which was a few feet away from the door.
The loud noise of students leaving the room wakes her up from her day dream she stands up and starts putting her books away, taking her time, she has no where better to be.
He watches the people leave the room. Not seeing the girl pass by. He returns his attention to his locker where he switched out his books for one that was labled AP Chemistry.
She walks to her locker and swaps out her books for her next lesson, chemistry. She groans, chemistry is her weakest subject. She puts her bag back on and closes her locker.
He happily walks down the hallway to his Chemistry class. He glances around the hallways and sees the girl once again. He passes her and stops at the Chemistry class. Walking in he takes a seat at one of the lab tables. He was usually one of the last people that others picked for a partner. So he sat, expecting some sad soul to see he was the only person left.
She walks into the room with her head down dreading this class, she looks up seeing one seat left next to the guy from her English class. She walks up to the table and looks up.

"Is it okay if I.." She trails off looking down at the seat.
"Want me to go with you? I don't have much going on today." He shrugs, finishing his snack.
He jumps slightly to the sound of a voice. People usually didn't ask permission to sit. He nods to her and looks back down at his book. "Y-yeah of course." He says shyly. Not used to talking to people.
"That sounds lovely." Briar says with a smile and then looks around, "If we head to my car now we wont get caught." She whispers and takes his hand, sneaking around the side of the school. (@vinebeck )
She puts her bag on the desk and slowly sits down.

"I'm sorry for making you jump.. I just didn't want to sit here if you didn't want me to or if someone else was sitting here.."

She trails off realising she's blabbering on and saying more than she needs to.
He raises his eyebrows, surprised for a moment as she takes his hand in hers, yet follows closely nonetheless. He hops into the passenger seat of her car, and rolls his window down just enough to get a small breeze wafting in from outside. "Do you skip often? You seem really well rehearsed in the whole stealth thing." ( @Brittany )
"I don't really belong here." Briar says suddenly and then pulls out onto the road, heading towards the local lake which would be packed today.... "Detour!" She yells and then pulls a uturn and head towards the hills where Lake Riplin would be vacant because no one likes the hike. "Hope you dont mind walking." Brair says with a smile
He looks over at her and smiles. "It's fine." He says and shrugs. "I don't ever have people sitting with me willingly." He says and sighs. He looks back down at the book he was reading earlier. Flipping through the pages, waiting for class to start.
"Sure, it's fine." He exits her car and is quite tempted to hold her hand again, yet hesitantly refrains and chooses to stroll beside her and admire the scenery. ( @Brittany )

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