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Realistic or Modern High School Mellodrama

Freya hurried to her locker to get her books for her next class, World History. After taking them out, she slammed her locker shut and walked towards the History room. She entered the classroom, her eyes scanning the room for any empty seats. The only spot left was the one next to Kyle, of course. She let out a deep breath to mentally prepare herself for this class period, because she could tell it was going to feel like forever.
Just my luck, Kyle thought as the new girl sat right next to him. He started at her as she sat. As he predicted she was very pretty.

He put on a charming smile, and turned towards her. "Sup, girl. I'm Kyle."
Her eyes fluttered towards Kyle as he greeted her. "Hi, I'm Freya." she replied with a smile, trying to be polite. Her stomach churned with nervousness as class started. She took another deep breath, hoping it would calm her down. She didn't understand why she was so intimidated by him. She decided to try her best to be confident.
Kyle clearly saw the effect he had on Freya, but he had mistaken it for love. "How about we hit the B-BOY's after school, my treat." He grinned his signature grin, "You in?"
Her face grew red in shock after hearing Kyle's question. "Sure, I don't see why not.." she blushed. Freya wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not, but she decided to give it a try.
A tall-looking Senior enters the classroom quietly, taking extra care to shut the door behind him slowly as to not interrupt what's going on. The hinges squeak loudly, however, the loud noise echoing throughout the room and interrupting whatever lesson had begun moments ago. Shrugging, Ellis looks to the teacher and brushes a few stray pieces of hair from his face. "Sorry," he muses, adjusting his shirt collar. "I was told that I'm supposed to be an aide for this class." The teacher nods and he pulls up a stray chair from the back, half watching the lesson in front of him, half only paying attention to his phone.
Kyle grinned, "Okay, pick you up at five?" He added, "I have practice from two to four so I can't do earlier than that."
Freya watched as a tall boy, who she thought was a senior, enter the room. She turned back to Kyle and listened to him. "Okay, sounds good. I guess I'll see you then." Freya gave him a smile. She was practically bubbling with excitement. Although he seemed like a jerk, she thought that maybe he would be different outside of school. Throughout the rest of class, Freya was blushing down at her history book, not paying attention to the lesson at all.
Kyle grinned cockily, and for the rest of the period, kept staring at Freya. Today was looking great. The bell for third period rang, and everyone exited the classroom. The rest of the day flew by and so did practice. He was so busy thinking about his date with Freya, he missed the ball twice, and was tackled about a billion times, which was unusual. In the football team, Kyle was nicknamed Flash, because of how fast he ran the ball.

Right now, Kyle was at home rummaging through his closet. He picked out a pair of designer jeans and a t-shirt paired with a Hollister Surf Co sweater. He slipped on his Nike starters, hopped on his Mercedes, and headed for Freya's house. @insanitea
After school, Freya rushed home so that she would have a lot of time to get ready. She had nervously thought about Kyle the entire day. She wasn't even sure what she was supposed to wear. Freya went through almost all of her clothes, leaving an enormous pile in the middle of her bedroom. She finally found an outfit that was in between fancy and casual. She threw on a black halter top with a black skirt and her white converse, and tried not to put on too much makeup. It took her about twelve tries before applying a somewhat winged eyeliner, since her hands were so jittery. She finally finished getting ready right as Kyle's car pulled into her driveway. She walked down the stairs and out the door, saying goodbye to her mother before she closed the door. She smiled brightly at Kyle and got inside of the car, pulling her seat belt on.
Kyle smiled at Freya as he got in, "Hey their, beautiful." He backed the car out of the driveway and into the street. BB Boy's was about a fifteen minute drive from Freya's house, so he tuned in to a Hip-Hop station.

As he stopped on a red light, he turned to Freya and grinned, "I want to know all about you."
"Well, there isn't much to know." Freya laughed. She stared at the buildings outside of the car window. "I moved here from England because of my dad's job, and I've been here for a few days." she explained. Once the light turned green, the car started to move again and she looked at Kyle.
"I lived in the middle of London, in the city." she sighed. "It's weird being here. They're both so different." Freya stared out the window. "What about you? Now you have to tell me about yourself." she smiled at him.
Kyle nodded and smiled as she talked, "It must be." He said, "California is very different from London." He blinked when she asked him to tell her about his self. No girl ever asked that. He was happy, nonetheless. "Um, my dad is from Ireland, he came here when he was ten. He was smart, really smart, so he built a technological empire. He built the T-Palm."

"Anyway, he met my mum, and then I guess it was love and first sight so they married and had me, and my older sister."

He realized he was telling her about his parents, and not himself. "Uh, I like football. I playing running back. I'm eighteen. I failed the kindergarten, uh I'm six foot one, and I've lived here all my life."
"Wow." Freya replied. "How long have you been playing?" she asked him, moving her hand to the seat belt buckle when she saw that the restaurant was ahead. They reached one more red light before they arrived.
Briar is walking around the park, looking around to see if anyone was around to hang out with.
Ellis, having already placed his sweater in his car, reclines against the park bench he was sitting on and enjoys the crisp night silently. His shoes and socks lay next to him, his feet splaying down into the dark green grass. The young man's phone just barely illuminates his face, the colors on the screen projecting onto his features as he scrolls through his various social media accounts. Ellis' eyes flicker upward and he sees a girl only a tad bit younger than him, and he smiles to her. "Hey," he calls out to his classmate. "What's up?"
He nods and puts his phone in his pocket. "Yeah, I've seen you around school. I think we had a class together last year."
"So, what kind of stuff do you like to do?" He picks up his shoes and walks by her, admiring the night around them.

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