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Realistic or Modern High School Mellodrama

"Im an artist, I love painting." Briar says and shows him the paint splatter on her arms, laughing. "And yourself?"
His eyes light up and he grins, seemingly from ear to ear. "I love music. Someday.. I'm gonna start a band." Ellis shrugs, however, almost dismissing his previous statement. "But who knows, at this point. Recently I've been trying to sew, but sometimes I'll get distracted and accidentally sew my shirt sleeve to whatever I'm working on." He chuckles, showing her the tiny holes in his sleeves left by his sewing machine needle. "Fashion may not be my forte."
Briar laughs softly, "My mum taught me to sew before she died, it's easy to pick up." She says and then looks up at the moon," it's really pretty out tonight"
Ellis nods and points up to the star-speckled sky, noting several of his favorite constellations. "Look, there's Ophiuchus, and Aquila, and.. over there is Cetus."
"Wow, what aren't you good at wonder boy?" Briar teases him softly as she walks over to the swing set and begins to swing back and forth
"Well," he starts, playfully sitting in a swing adjacent to Briar's. "I'm not very good at sewing, and i certainly can't paint, but.. other than that I'm pretty much perfect, yeah." He muses sarcastically, pushing himself back and forth gently in an attempt to match up his swinging with hers.
"You seem like an alright guy." Briar says softly and looks over at him, blushing when they make eye contact. "So, umm..." She starts but trails off suddenly
"Yeah?" He asks, noticing her face heating up. He decides not to tease her, now probably wouldn't be a good time. Ellis brushes a stray hair away from his forehead and smirks. "Something wrong?"
Briar smiles, "oh nothing, just lost my train of thought!" She says brightly and then begins to kick her legs until she gains air. "Bet I can swing higher than you!" She taunts with a grin on her face
"I doubt it, I'll have you know I was the world swinging champion when I was nine." He begins to rapidly attempt to gain speed, yet fails immensely; the young man's eyes open wide in surprise and his hands clutch the cold metal chains holding him up, attempting not to flop backwards into the dirt.
Briar jumps off of her swing landing a few feet away from the set. She lands on her back and laughs as she stares up at the stars, it was such a wonderful night. She sits up and watches him with wide eyes and smiles.
He follows her shortly afterwards, a small smile on his face. "You're pretty cute, you know that?" He says softly as he nestles into the ground beside her.
"So I've been told." She teases softly but in reality she had hardly heard it, ever since Derek had broken up with her she had been a mess.
Michael sat quietly on a bench. Keeping careful track of time. Hit first day was rough, but how hard could it get? He looked down at his book that read 'the butcher: Anatomy of a Mafia Psychopath'. He often enjoyed reading about serial killers. This was was particularly crazy. He closed his book and sat back, gazing at the stars.
Nicol sat on her window sill and sighed. Everything outside was so peaceful. She scanned the park, the darkness dulled the fading colours of what was left there. Her gaze fell onto two people sat next together and she smiled slightly to herself, must be nice to have someone to go to the park with.
His leg gently brushes hers, and he turns his head to look up at the sky. "I should probably get home soon, but we should definitely hang out again."
"I'm down for that." She says with a smile. They walk with each other to the parking lot and she goes to walk to her car but pauses first, "thanks for talking to me, wonder boy." She winks at him and then gets into her car. @vinebeck
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He let out a soft sigh as he checked his watch. He stood, seeing how it was getting late. Not having a car, he walked to his house quietly. His eyes continued to scan the area around him. From reading so many novils based on serial killers, he was always cautious.
"You're very welcome." He nods, and with a small wave he watches her drive away. Putting on his shoes and socks again, he walks home. @Brittany
She watches everyone leave the park. The now lonely park had an eerie atmosphere, with only a few flickering streetlights lighting it. The swings swayed slightly with the gentle wind. She looks at the stars for a moment before drawing her curtains and climbing into bed.
--I'm gonna pull a next day here, so it's the next day!--

Briar is sitting outside the school, watching as people mill past her, keeping an eye out for Ellis.
Michael woke to see his dog lying at the foot of his bed. He smiled at the Australian Shepherd and stood. Quickly getting ready for school. He fed his dog, gathered his books, and left the small apartment. He quietly made his way to school, book in hand. He stopped outside and sat down on an empty bench, he opened his book and read. Waiting to hear the sound of the warning bell.
He strides over to the familiar girl, smirking. "Hey, what's up?" Ellis adjusts his backpack on his shoulders and seats himself next to Briar.
Nicol puts her headphones in and walks along the path to school as slowly as possible, more time spent outside, less time spent inside. She skips through her songs on her playlist not really liking any of them today, not paying attention to what's in front of her.
"Hey there. Not much really, just kind of want to ditch school." Brair says laughing and offers him a fruit snack. (@vinebeck I'll be back in an hour))
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