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Realistic or Modern High School Life... (Always Accepting)


Jason Poole

Jason looked right when Arabella came and sat down beside him. She was pretty cute, but she was too much of a good girl. Maybe he'd change her for his enjoyment. He smiled at her, a pretty hot smile from him to be honest. "Hey Arabella. Why are you late? I thought a good two shoes like you would have never been late to class." He laughed, and then smiled with that sexy smile again. He could get girls easily, but when he wanted a certain one he would pursue her. He wouldn't give up, he'd pursue her until he had her. She was beautiful, but he wouldn't tell her that yet. It was too early.


Freja Dipplesman


Freja sat at the front of the class as usual and hummed quietly to herself. Her hand, which she had strategically rested the side of her head against, was disguising the earphone she had previously placed in her ear. It played nothing out of the ordinary; just a bunch of piano/violin covers of pop music. Although it was somewhat distracting, causing her to stare out the window now and then, she still managed to pay attention just as well. Well, she managed to copy down from the board anyways. If they didn't make it so useless, It might not be so boring, she thought to herself, pausing for a moment to look at the math equations in front of her.

Finn Bialas


The car door slammed behind him and he looked back at his mother with a grateful smile. "Thanks!" He shouted as he ran off, waving momentarily before focusing entirely on getting where he was supposed to be. Really, he could say it wasn't his fault and blame the alarm for not following it's morning routine. Only, he knew he probably only thought that he set it the night before. So really, this was all on him. He let out a huff of air and raced through the hall, pausing at the administration to receive a late pass before he continued. It didn't take Finn long to reach the classroom he was set out for, especially since he had been in the same one for the past few years of school. He raced inside, stopping briefly to acknowledge the teacher and give her an apologetic look before continuing like a mad-man to his seat. Finn slid in, dropping his backpack beside the desk and pulling out the necessary items. If he wasn't so late, he would have had time to drop off half of the books at his locker and relieve himself from the back pain which would surely present itself later on.

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Dru said:
Evan did a mock gasp and put his hand on his chest. "Never? Not even when we're old and wrinkly?" Evan put his fingers on his face and pulled down for dramatic effect. Evan watched Lucy's cheeky motions and couldn't help but to smile, though he wasn't completely sure as to why that was. @Floridxkilos

Lucy let out one of her laughs, this one was a bit loud, she had to admit and Lucy definitely got a stern look from the teacher, but that only made her laugh more.

She didn't really understand why she was laughing at such silly things, but maybe she was just in her "giggly" mood, or maybe it was Evan... With his cute lopsided smiles.

"Not even when we're old and wrinkly, I'll make sure that we end up in the same nursing home!"

RedIncubus said:
"Well, you have to tell me what class I'm dropping you at." Jackson said, innocently. He couldn't help but feel light with this guy. But at the same time, every nerve was on fire within him. It was quite the conundrum, indeed. He wouldn't over analyze it--yet. For now, a mild case of the crushies was alright. He didn't even notice it'd been a while since he'd written on anything.

"Well, that's good. We'll see how far that will go." Gwynn said, suddenly hopping up and gathering her things. "The bell might ring any second...what do you have next? I'll walk you there." she offered, before he could.


"AWWW!!! Geez, I feel like I've been asleep all hour, Coach. Can we do something tomorrow?"

Jeff was still in his casual clothes, including his Vans slip-ons. The team had done some introductory safety crap that day, which had him in a mood. Jeff was an energetic soul, and sitting down was hard enough when he had to do it for the rest of the day. He got a pained look from his instructor, which shut him up immediately. This was starting out to be a bland first day for him.

Lucas shook his head and grinned, "I have English..." He said as he stood up and put his flask back in his leather jacket pocket and stepped on the cigarette to light it out.

"And no, I'm walking you to your class." Lucas grinned and took her hand, "And you can't stop me."

Riddler said:


Jason Poole

Jason looked right when Arabella came and sat down beside him. She was pretty cute, but she was too much of a good girl. Maybe he'd change her for his enjoyment. He smiled at her, a pretty hot smile from him to be honest. "Hey Arabella. Why are you late? I thought a good two shoes like you would have never been late to class." He laughed, and then smiled with that sexy smile again. He could get girls easily, but when he wanted a certain one he would pursue her. He wouldn't give up, he'd pursue her until he had her. She was beautiful, but he wouldn't tell her that yet. It was too early.


As Arabella was taking out her things she heard Jason's voice.

She quickly looked over at him smiling and asking why she was late, Arabella really didn't want to get involved with someone like him, even if it was just talking... Though, she had to admit, Jason was pretty good looking.

Arabella sighed and moved some hair and tucked it behind her ear, "I just was, though, I don't see how that could be any of your business."


Jason Poole

"I just was, though, I don't see how that could be any of your business." Jason looked at her, and laughed. "Don't be fieisty. Truthfully, you're cute when you're sassy." He smiled at winked at her. That was an indication, a real good one. He expected her as an intelligent girl to get the message. He got his phone out of his pocket and looked at it. "Hey, I just realized that I don't have your phone number. Mind giving it to me?" He smiled at her again. He was pretty confident, as always. Hopefully, that's mostly all that it takes to start a relationship; confidence.

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"Don't be fieisty. Truthfully, you're cute when you're sassy." Jason said with a wink.

Jason was obviously flirting with Arabella, it was obvious to Arabella, completely obvious. She didn't really know how to respond because, well, she was never really flirted with because every boy knew she was "miss goody goody" and that it couldn't be changed, but Jason, he's seeing if he can break Arabella's streak.

Arabella rolled her eyes and him and she smiled, "I guess I could give you my number..." Arabella took his phone and typed in her number and handed his phone back to him, "There you go."

Arabella wanted to know how this whole thing was going to play out, so, she thought why not go along with it. Maybe he's not that bad as he seems for a "party animal".



Jason Poole

"There you go." He smiled again as she handed him back his phone. "So, mind telling me why you were late today? Miss Goody Goody being late on the first day of school. It's really cute, hah." He laughed again, ihe loved making jokes. Especially when it was to people that he enjoyed being around. "When I call you, you better answer." He smiled again. "I don't enjoy being curved." He laughed and smiled at her. "By the way, you have pretty eyes. Really pretty, they're like two marbles on your face." He smiled again and awaited her response.


Arabella rolls her eyes, "I slept in maybe a little to long." She grins, "And I'm not a 'Miss goody goody'..." She crossed her arms and nodded when he said Arabella better pick up, "I suppose I could..."

She then raised an eyebrow when he told her she had beautiful eyes, "Mine? Please, my eyes aren't that pretty." She laughed a bit and blushed a little. @Riddler


Jason Poole

"Mine? Please, my eyes aren't that pretty." He smiled as she tried to not act narcisistic. "They are pretty Ara. Trust me" He smiled again, and looked at her. "So, you're not 'Miss Goody Goody'? Then who are you Ara. I'd love to know. And if you're not Miss Goody Goody how bad are you?" He winked and smiled at her, the same sexy wink he always gave to cute girls. Yet, none of them ever recognized that he did that to most girls. It was like his motto, his logo in a way. He loved it.


//sorry for not posting that quickly, I'm doing Homework at the same time.

"Well, as long as someone thinks so." Arabella gave a lopsided smile to Jason.

"Oh, me... Well..." Arabella bit her lip and averted her eyes away from him for a moment. She wanted to say that so maybe she could break her good girl streak, but you know, of course he needed proof. But, Arabella didn't really have any... Because she is good, but she didn't want to admit that to him, "I'm very, very bad. I just like to keep that side hidden." Arabella gave him a wink back and leaned her chin on her hand and smirked. @Riddler

(Soon we are going to skip a couple periods and head to lunch! Just to get a head start on the role play, feel like first period has been going on forever.

We are going to switch to lunch once everyone, well, most of us gets online. ^-^)
River sighed as he pulled up into the parking lot his car roaring loudly

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As he pulled up and parked near the cafiteria and shut his car off then sighed. His day wasn't going well and him arriving at school at lunch time just made it worse. "God I hope this day gets better." He said as he rolled the windows up then got out and locked the car behind him as he looked around then started for the cafiteria with a stressed look on his face.



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Jason Poole

"I'm very, very bad. I just like to keep that side hidden." He immediately laughed. She obviously wasn't what she said she was, she had no proof at all. "Well, I guess I'll have to bring that side out of you." He smiled and looked back at the teacher. Damn, this class was taking so fucking long. How did he even support this shit. Why did he even fucking come to school. Ugh. Some complications in Jason's life were so dumb. He looked back at Ara and said "Hey, this class is going on for a long ass time. The only reason I'm still even here is because of your company. Thanks." He smiled at her and looked back at the teacher, looking at her with the corner of his eye; making it unnoticable for her.


//sorry for not posting that quickly, I'm doing Homework at the same time.

Arabella raised an eyebrow and laughed, "I guess you just might have to." Arabella grinned and glanced over at the teacher who had her back to the class, "Hey..." She whispered, leaning towards so they were face to face, "Maybe my bad side will come out now..." She glanced one last time at the teacher then back at Jason and took a deep breathe, thinking if she should actually do this or not, "Why don't we sneak out of here?"


(Its okay, take your time.)


Jason Poole

"Why don't we sneak out of here?" Prior to her saying that, he thought she was going to kiss him while the teacher wasn't looking. Maybe that was just his horny brain thinking. Anyways, he smiled at her and said "I like your thinking Ara. Let's go." He slid out of his seat and crouched down all the way to the door, which was luckily left open by one of the sutdents. Jason slid right out of the room, waiting to see whether or not Ara would do what she recommened them to do and if she really was as bad as she said she was.


Arabella waited a minute until the teacher turned around once again.

Once the teacher did turn around Arabella did it, she snook out of the classroom like she said she would. Doing the same thing Jason did, and Arabella succeeded.

She got out of the classroom and took Jason's warm hand and smiled, "Well, come on." Arabella said as she was full of adrenaline she raised down the halls, leading him to one of the back entrances that led out to the senior parking lot, "So, we going to hide around the school or just completely leave it?" She asked with a big smile on her face, not realizing they were still holding hands.



Jason Poole

"So, we going to hide around the school or just completely leave it?" He smiled again at her attempt to be bad. "Well, it's about lunch time how about we go to my house in my car. Nobody is there anyway, I can cook something up for us." He laughed and realized they were still holding hands. "You're hands are really soft." He said with a wink and a laugh. He hoped she wouldn't retract, even though she most likely would.

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"Wow, a man that can cook. Sounds like a good idea." Arabella laughed and when he said her hands were really soft she pulled away quickly and her face reddened, "Oh, thanks, you know moisturizer and what not..." Arabella laughed a bit awkwardly, "So... Did you take a car or are we driving my car?" She asked, wanting to change the subject.



Jason Poole

"So... Did you take a car or are we driving my car?" Jason really seemed to enjoy spending time with Ara. She was cool, pretty, and not to metion hot as fuck. He intended to impress her with his cooking skills. He impressed anyone that he did cook to. "How about we take your car. I don't feel that great, but things are getting better the longer amount of time I spend with you." He smiled and walked over to her car. He was really hungover but he didn't want to tell her that. He didn't want to ruin his reputation with her already.


"Thats fine, we can take my car." Arabella smiled and then laughed at his flirtatious comment, "You're such a flirt, I bet you already know that, though." She nudged his shoulder playfully and gestured him to follow her to her car.

Once to her car she pressed the unlock button on her keychain and the only Mercedes in the parking lot beeped, "There we go." Arabella smiled as she opened the driver seat door and sat down, "You coming?"



Jason Poole

"You coming?" Jason smiled at Ara and walked over. "Of course I'm coming. Wouldn't miss it for the world." He laughed at Ara and jumped in the passenger seat. He looked at her, and gave her a sexy smile again. "How about we get this thing going, this is where I live..." After Jason says his address they're ready to go to his house.

After he'd been dropped off to class by Jackson (he wasn't necessarily happy to admit to the act being done), the rest of the day had been dull; full of random kids and annoying teachers. By the time lunch had come, he was ready to go home and work out, or if his brother was free, he'd play some video games with him. With a soft sigh, he entered the bustling cafeteria, the sound of underclassmen's joyous squeals irking his soul. Popping his headphones into his ears, Elliot made his way to a window table, where he slipped off his book bag and pulled out a couple chocolate bars. He was alone, for the most part, and he wasn't too bothered with that. It was the first day of school, and even then, he didn't expect to get along with anyone. "Lights will guide you home..." he mouthed the lyrics to the song playing on his phone.
Floridxkilos said:

Lucy let out one of her laughs, this one was a bit loud, she had to admit and Lucy definitely got a stern look from the teacher, but that only made her laugh more.

She didn't really understand why she was laughing at such silly things, but maybe she was just in her "giggly" mood, or maybe it was Evan... With his cute lopsided smiles.

"Not even when we're old and wrinkly, I'll make sure that we end up in the same nursing home!"

Evan bit his lip while smiling, a habit he had whenever he was happy and felt vulnerable being so. He supposed the vulnerability did lie in the inexplicable happiness he felt at Lucy's comment despite its obvious joking nature. "Oh, don't let me hold you back. My home will probably be full of annoying old people who gossip about who's losing their hair, teeth, eyesight, and hearing fastest. I highly doubt you'd like it," he said as a stab at his current crowd of people. He was like that, but it didn't mean he was unaware of it.

After Jason said his address they were on the road. She turned on the music, the album was Arctic Monkeys, "Whatever People Say Thats What I'm Not". Arabella blast it in the car as she sang to the song, Mardy Bum.

Once they got to this house, Arabella turned off the car and opened her car door and stood up, stretching her arms.


Lucy laughed, "Sounds like a perfect place." She said in a sarcastic way and then heard the bell ring, "Well its time for lunch, you have lunch this period right? Oh yeah." Lucy laughed at herself and poked Evan, "I'm so silly, I forgot everyone had lunch this period." She was in one of her "silly moods" due to having a good time. To some of the teachers they might find it annoying, but Lucy loved being in this mood, the only other time she's in this mood is when she's high, but then again she's also really "chill" when she's high. Whoops, off the subject.

She shrugged and put all her stuff back in her bag, "Hurry up, slow poke!" Lucy giggled and began to walk towards the door. @Dru

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