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Realistic or Modern High School Life... (Always Accepting)

They entered the school like royalty. And if people didn't think they were, it wasn't cared about. The sound of boots and clinking chains made it known that they were there. Gwynn, Jax, and her younger brother, Jeff. The oddest trio in the school. "Boys, say hi to the year we blow the roof off this bitch." Gwynn drawled, with a voice smooth like red velvet cake. Jeff giggled, punching Jackson in the arm. He sighed and kept writing some new lyrics on his hand.

They slid past the lockers, with the older two not having any classes that required books and Jeff's first period being football practice in lieu of P.E. Jeff wordlessly broke off to get "suited up". That left the dastardly duo to their own devices.
"Gwynnifer," Jackson said, being the only person allowed to call her by her full name, "We missed breakfast. and the first five minutes of the first period. Exactly how are we gonna get into class?" he asked, not wanting to be tardy on the first day. "I was gonna cut, if I'm being perfectly honest." she replied, more concerned with getting a piece of gum off her heel using the wall. Jax sighed, turning and heading to the office in defeat. "Love you too, hun." Gwynn called out, blowing a kiss in his direction. Jax replied with a middle finger thrown behind his head.
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Lucas finished up at his locker then took a gulp from his flask and walked around the school whistling for a while, not wanting to go to his first period math class. He couldn't wait to leave school, but he couldn't stand going back home. So he usually took his fake ID and headed out to the bar/club that all the teens used their fake IDs to go to.

He stopped in his tracks when heard a clinking sound.

Lucas took a sip of his flask as he watched two people walk down the halls. A boy and a girl, the girl intrigued him so he waited for her to be done chatting with him.

Once she was done Lucas walked up behind her after putting his flask in his inside of his leather jacket, "So, you guys boyfriend and girlfriend or something?" He asked with his hands in his back pocket. @RedIncubus


"Hm, interesting." Lucy said, taking in Evans words and thinking about it then nodding her head, "Most people don't give people the time, we're like "sheeple". Doing the popular trends just to fit right in. But thats not how it should work. He should all be unique and perfect in our own ways, but sadly thats now how the world works." @Dru
Evan nodded eagerly at Lucy because he found that she hit the nail on the head. "They follow us, but they don't understand what it is that they're following. They don't wanna know us, they just wanna be known by us. It's sad. People like you interest me, vehemently denying popularity in favor of actually being you." Evan found himself wanting to say more, but bit his tongue. You barely know her, and people like her typically hate people like you, he told himself. @Floridxkilos
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"Its easier being you and not giving a shit about being popular." Lucy chuckled, "Excuse my french," Lucy quickly wrote down something the teacher wrote on the bored than continued to speak to Evan, "Trying to follow societies standards is stupid, because in the end you'll never live up to them, no one does."

Gwynn turned around, surprised that someone had approached her with that question. "Me and Jax? you're joking, right?" She reached into her pocket and pulled out a pack of Marlboro Smooth 100s. "I think he'd be more into you than me...And I wouldn't blame him." Gwynn opened the pack and pulled a cigarette out with her teeth. She then lit the stick with her lighter, a Zippo with the word "Fucked" etched on it's surface. Walking with the sway of white oleander in a breeze, she headed for the double doors that lead outside. Then she turned around. "Are you coming or am I gonna have to talk to myself?" she asked, holding a door open for the boy.
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Evan considers Lucy's words carefully, as if someone would when tasting a food for the first time. "Yeah, I mean, I agree, mostly. Though, it kind of sucks when you're popular in that you can't talk to people who aren't or your world falls apart. It kinda leaves you on edge, conforming and re-conforming every single day. I don't know, it's a choice, but the higher the pedestal, the harder the fall, and I'd rather just stay on this useless pedestal for the next two years, you know?" @Floridxkilos
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Lucas watched her, how could he have never seen her around before... She was different, and he liked that.

She was taking out a cigarette and lighting it with a zippo that had the word fucked on it. He couldn't help but let out a small laugh, Lucas barely laughs, and when he does its with his little sister.

Lucas sighed as she turned around, realizing that she was leaving. He was about to turn around when she began to talk once again.

"Well, if I have to..." Lucas smirked and walk out the double doors and leaned up against the wall, taking out his flask once again and taking a sip, waiting for her.



Lucy puts down her pen and cracks her knuckles quickly, getting a few glances from some of the people, "No, I don't really get it, to be completely honest with you." Lucy did get it, but she didn't get in the way that she was ever in his shoes, "Well, I do get it, not in the way that I ever lived you life, but in a sense I do... The issue is, you're talking to me, does that mean you're going to fall off the 'pedestal'?" She said a bit harshly, not meaning to, of course.

She leaned back on her chair and averted her eyes from him with a sigh, thinking about what she said.

Lucy quickly averted her eyes back to his and gave a small, gentle smile, "Sorry, didn't mean to say it like that..." @Dru
Rias and Quentin

"Oh my god. Fuck this shit, why am I late for my first day, how fucking forgetful can I get fuckety fu-" Rias rambled, her eyes glued to her watch as her housemate, Quentin walked beside her, he was perfectly calm, well that's what you would think from a far but he was muttering curses under his breath too.

"Oi. What class do we have for first period again?" Rias asked, turning to face Quentin as he gave her a shrug. "Math I think." He replied, opening his locker and Rias soon followed suite. The two students slammed their locker shut and briskly walked to their classes, textbooks in hand.

"Oh shit wait, I think mine is Geometry..." Quentin muttered, pulling on Rias's black T-shirt to catch her attention. She shooed him away with a quick hand motion and they both parted ways.

"If you want to blame someone for me being late, blame it on that tiny person working my alarm clock that didn't wake me up at 5:30." Rias said, loud enough for the teacher to hear as she slumpedninto her seat. Well, not like she was always early or anything, popularity came with the small price of not caring a wee bit at times. Well, she wasn't THAT popular, but it's more than just a pass.

Quentin walked into his geometry class swiftly, ignoring the teacher's glare as he sat down next to a girl that washaving a conversation with another guy. He stared at the board, rubbing his eyes as he tried to process what was going on. "Hey there, sorry to bother ya, but do you know what the f is going on?" He asked the girl next to him, his eyes darting from her paper to the board, desperate to make some sort of connection with the numbers and letters.

Jackson slipped into the class he was supposed to be in. Luckily, it was Geometry and he'd had this class last year. The teacher liked him and Mrs. Geoff, the secretary, let him go with a warning. He sat down in the desk that was assigned to the TA. His first period would involve grading papers and assisting the instructor whenever he needed it. Easy street.

"Jackson, can you pass out this semester's syllabus for everyone to read?" the teacher said, handing him a stack of print-outs. He took them and passed them out to every person, individually. He didn't mind the extra effort. A part of him liked taking in the faces of the class. The two characters skirting into class later than he was didn't phase him. In fact, he smirked at them as they took their seats.
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Lucy waited for Evans response and then quickly darted her head to the platinum blonde boy that sat next to her, "Oh, I'm not that sure either, just take the notes, we're not really doing any problems... Well we are, but their just examples about what we're learning this year, so just write it down and you're good to go!" Lucy gave him a small smile. @Chibii

A new life in America, sure this was going to be fun. It already seemed like it... more like Stressful. Jethro Dimauro recently came to America over the summer, and was just starting his first day of school. It didn't help that he couldn't read English at all, and could barely speak it. He could truly barely give a simple conversation, He can greet people though. He seemed like a really soft guy, but he could be intimidating if it wasn't for his long black trench coat he had on, and along with other black coats. He looked Goth, but he wasn't. He just wore all black today, even though it's really hot out. It didn't seem like it to him. He believe the trench coat wasn't too bad to wear in all weather. It's always nice for a trench coat.

He got some help from his friend back in France, who can read English to help him figure out things like what the school offered. His friend told him about the school, but there wasn't much he could do in the morning. He had to pack up a lunch, since he didn't know what they really offered, and if it was any good. France was very good for food, but he heard a lot that American Schools absolutely have shit foot. He didn't talk much, mostly keeping his head down as he went to his rooms with a card that had this saying on it.

"I am Jethro Dimauro. I speak very little, to no English. I have you for my (What ever period here)"

He went to all of his Teachers before first period was about time to begin.
She was late. So late.

Inka ran out of her bed, taking a brisk shower, and putting minimal makeup on. She didn't like to look fake, it was stupid. She tried to be quiet, she wouldn't want her dad to wake up and get mad, like last time. She put on her outfit and walked outside, resting her school bag on her shoulder, her sun glasses resting gingerly on the bridge of her nose.

(Here's the outfit if you guys wanna know xD )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.d6ea4ca9668730694ffed15b06446aa3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96824" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.d6ea4ca9668730694ffed15b06446aa3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A couple of moments later, she was at the school. She hadn't been before; her and her father had to move when the neighbours got suspicious of them. He didn't want to go to jail.

She sniffed, the place was grand. It was beautiful; she stood in awe for a couple of moments, her hand reluctantly placed on her hip. Her large grey eyes widened and she raised an eyebrow, looking for the entrance of the school, until she finally found it and began to walk inside.

She kept her gaze to the floor, her hands crossed over her waist, not noticing as she ran into someone almost 1 foot taller than her. She flinched and stumbled backwards slightly before looking up and muttering.

"I-I'm sorry.."

Her wide, grey eyes held a soft gaze with his until she sharply looked back down to the floor.




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Gwynn led the boy over to her "special spot": A picnic table placed in the alleyway between the main building and the metal shop class. She waved at Jimmy, the custodian, who walked up to her. She offered him a cigarette and he continued on his way. "By the way, I'm Gwynn Peterson. And, no, I'm not gonna kill you. You're Lucas, right?" she asked, hopping up to sit on the top of the table. She proped her legs in a crossed fashion, exhaling smoke away from her buddy just in case he was weird about that sort of thing. She knew about the risks of cigarettes, but people are meant to die and it made her feel good in some odd way.
The one thing Jethro always hated in schools were corners. He was happy his old school had mirrors to find out who was around the corner, but this school didn't have that. He looked up to try to check what would've been a mirror, and he didn't think for a second and when he went around the corner, he felt someone, who seemed quite shorter than him run into him. He jumped a little bit and backed up, and then heard a soft voice say 'I-I'm sorry..' He didn't understand what she said, and he nodded simply to her, a pushed his lips into his mouth a bit as he looked at the girl who was looking down again.

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She shuffled awkwardly on her feet.

"I didn't look, it was my fault..I should leave, I need to look around."

She wasn't aware of the language barrier, so simply forced a smile and looked back up again, biting the sides of her mouth. He's quiet, she thought, but she understood, being a wallflower and all.

He watched her shuffle her feet, and he didn't understand what she said. He tilted his head slightly, obviously looking confused to the way she was talking. He simply said "Hello" In a very heavy French accent. He watched her smile, and he felt like he was being too awkward for her.. though he can't tell. He can't even read what the sign next to her says...

She suddenly realised he was foriegn.

"Urm...Hello." She was British so sounded a lot more posh than the kids around. "Where are you from?eh...Français?Espanol?" She wasn't good at languages and bit her lip, trying to figure out other countries in their languages. She placed a hand back on her hip awkwardly then looked around, thinking still. She knew a little French when she studied for 2 years in England, but other then that, she didn't know much, but he sounded French, so she gave It a shot. "Tu habite en Français?" She looked at him confused, mimicking his expression, she didn't know what she had said that much. She had thought she asked him if he was from France.

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Jethro listened to her, and when she said Français he smiled at her, and when she then spoke in french he nodded. "Utilisé aussi..." (Used too...) Was his response to her, to which he smiled at her. He hoped she at least understood that, maybe she knew enough to have a conversation with her... That would be something. Have someone that knows English fully? And can speak french, some what...

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She cocked an eyebrow in confusion slightly but returned the smile and stood silent for a second, she knew what to say, "Je m'appelle Inka, et toi?" It was now she had wished she had payed attention in French class.

Jethro nodded at her name, "Jethro" he responded to her with a smile. "Voilà un joli nom" (That's a lovely name) he spoke to her tilting his head at her. He wondered how much French she really knew. Only be a matter of time until he said a word she didn't know.

She smiled at his name, then frowned, trying to work out what he had said. "Voilà?" She scanned through her mind trying to think of what that meant, but she gathered from the words 'pretty' and 'name' what he had said.

"Merci, beaucoup." She smiled again then said, "Jethro est une três cool." She said it almost as if it were a question, because she wasn't sure if she had said the right words or in the right order.

Jethro nodded and smiled at her, and tilted his head slightly at her second statement, and tried to gather from it to figure out what she was trying to say, but he nodded to her again, obviously figuring out what she was trying to say and he smiled at her.

"I...I apologise, mon Français n'est pas Bon?" She smiled again and make a few hand actions. She sucked at speaking French. Bad. Then she looked at him. "Moi habité angleterre?utilisé?.." She frowned again, she had definitely said something wr


"Répète aprés moi?.....Hello, I am Jethro."

She was trying to help him with his English, it was clear he couldn't speak it.

Jethro listened to her, and was a bit confused trying not to hold back a light chuckle but he smiled at her and nodded to her about her bad French. "H-hello... I? Am.... Jethro." He tried to say it as best as he could, it was a bit hard to mimic a language he didn't know at all...

(Let's not get too far with this conversation. We can stop here to allow others to talk. lol)

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