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Realistic or Modern High School Life... (Always Accepting)

Dennis smiled and ran a hand through his choppy black hair. "No. It is not." He patted the seat and pulled out a piece of paper to write down his lunch schedule as he glanced at the girl next to him. She was Hot. It was His luck when Madam Dechone stated that this was their seat till the end of the year. He Playfully gazed at her "hello Neighbor"
Tiana side-eyed Dennis with a smirk as she sat. "How lucky I am," she said, her voice light. She crossed her legs and put her head in her hand, feigning attentiveness to the teacher. She grabbed her schedule again out of her backpack to see when she had lunch. She had plans to meet with her group of friends at the nearest McDonald's and do their first-day tradition: Whoever got the most numbers won. Tiana won last year and was planning to this year. She saw fifth period lunch and quickly put her schedule back.

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Elizabeth sashayed down the halls, ignoring the people staring at her in shock for even being in this school.

She went to her locker and quickly put things in she didn't need then went to her first class, french.

Elizabeth's brunette curly hair swayed back and forth as she was walking to her first class, which she found easily for someone who has barely been in a school for years.

She walked into the french class and crossed her arms looking for a place to sit.

@Dru @Annie


Lucy took a deep breath and calmed down a bit and gave a small smile back, "Don't worry, won't happen again, just a bit startled, you know, the first day of school and all." Lucy shrugged, trying to be casual.

"So..." Lucy said fixed her hat on her head, "Uhm... Did you just get to school? Because you're not with your 'clique' yet." Lucy lets out a small laugh.



"I have history too... Which teacher?" Lucy asked and leaned her side against one of the closed lockers.




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Erin sighed and got her needed books out of her backpack. One more year, she kept thinking to herself, one more year. Erin then continued to walk to her first class, Chemistry.
Dennis watched the teacher giving her lessons and covered his paper as he took notes. No one should no i care. He did this and filled out his french book slips stopping when a girl walked into the room. Dennis looked her in the eye and pointed to the chair in front of his
Tiana looked up and her breath caught in her throat. It was rare that she listened to any music but rap or trap. When she did, though it was Elizabeth Brooks that she listened to most often, and she was standing in the door of her first-period class. She realized she was gawking and straightened herself out, hoping to God that Elizabeth sat in the seat in front of Dennis, even if it would mean terrorization from him on account of her looks.


Evan shrugged at Lucy. "Nah, they're just not in their usual spot. Probably off terrorizing freshmen. More fun when you're not all distracted like I am." Careful, Evan, He reminded himself, cuz now if she asks why you have to say something. He quickly thought up a lie in case she did. He sighed lightly before saying, "So, whatcha have first period?" @Floridxkilos
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Melody sat in her Art History class taking notes like a mad woman as the other students stared at her in shock. She liked school. it was weird but she did.
Dennis smiled as he looked at the new girl. He waved and returned to his notes. his dark hair falling in his face. He liked french. It was Artistic. It wasn't long before he typed a message to face book and gave up on learning.

Elizabeth moved some hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear and then noticed a boy pointing at a seat in front of him and a girl gawking at her.

She took a deep breathe and gave a small smile at them and sat in front of the boy who was sitting next to the girl who obviously knew her from the radio or tv or something like that.

Elizabeth took off her black leather jacket and put it on the back of her seat.

Today Elizabeth was wearing a maroon tank top a black leather jacket, dark denim jeans and black leather designer healed boots.

Elizabeth turned around and waved at them with a small smile and whispered, "Hey, I'm Elizabeth."

@Dru @Annie


Lucy didn't know if she should say anything about him and being distracted so she ignored that, not wanting him to get pissed off at her, "I have geometry, you?" @Dru
Tiana waved back and said "I know" just a bit too quickly, then smiled. "I'm a big fan. My name's Tiana." She looked quickly over the other girl's outfit and admired it, then looked back up at Elizabeth's face. "If I can ask, why are you at a public school?"


Evan made an O shape with his mouth quickly. "So do I, actually." He gave her a smile, this time normal-sized. "You should sit near me," he offers, expecting it to shock her as it's pretty unlike his outside character and his reputation. He wasn't worried about that, at least not yet. "That is, if it's not too uncool to sit by people like me," he said as a joke.


Elizabeth giggled,"Well nice to meet you."

She listened to Tiana's question and a part of Elizabeth wanted to say, Being famous is too annoying and I just want to stop being famous and live a normal life, but instead she just made it short a simple, not really wanting to tell all her feelings to someone she just met, "Well, I wanted to experience the real world..."


Lucy laughed, "Well, I guess its pretty uncool for someone like me to sit with such an 'uncool' guy like you." Lucy said sarcastically, "But yeah, we can sit together." She shrugged and smiled.

Tiana nodded slowly, then widened her eyes a bit. "Oh god, honey, if you want the real world then you'll get it here. Though it may be a bit of a dramatization. Well, either way, welcome to our school!" Tiana wanted to talk more, but she didn't want to berate Elizabeth, so she just smiled at her and did a slight nod.


Evan did a dramatic sigh of relief. "I was worried that you'd deem me less-than-acceptable," he said, then laughed lightly. "No, I mean like, being cool and being popular are two very different things. Typically, the coolest people are the most unpopular." He said, glancing at Lucy's expression as he said it. "We might wanna start heading to class, by the way," he added, noticing the time and relative emptiness of the halls.


Elizabeth laughed, "Great, drama." Elizabeth shrugged, "Well, anyway. Talk to you after class?" She asked with a kind smile and waved one more time and turned back around and began to take notes.


Lucy shrugged, "I never thought of it that way..." Lucy glanced back at Evan then looked around the halls when he said that they should start heading to class, "Yeah, seams like a good idea."

Tiana nodded before Elizabeth turned around and started taking notes. She didn't bother. It was the first day, so she didn't feel the need. Not that she ever really took notes anyway, but definitely not on the first day. She sat back and waited for first period to end.


Evan kind of nodded at Lucy and started walking toward their first period. "How come I never talked to you last year?" He says with a light tone and a tiny smile.


As they were walking down the hall, Lucy looked over at Evan about his question and shook her head, "I'm not sure... I guess we're just like completely different people." Lucy said as she looked down at the numbers of the classrooms, "First off, we have completely different groups of friends and my kind of people don't really chat with your kind of people. Things changed though." Lucy nodded with a smile then her eyes shot up when they saw our class, "Well, heres our class."

Evan smiled in a little bittersweet kind of way. "I don't know, maybe we're not so different." He then decided to lighten the tone, so he said, "Like, for example, we're both about to walk into geometry." He then opens the door. One or two people stare when he comes in by himself, and that number grows as some people notice he's with Lucy. He smirks at them, and most of them look down. He notices two empty seats near the middle and starts towards one of them.

Dennis looked up at Elizabeth and smiled. "Dennis". He took her hand in his and kissed it affectionately before continuing his work. He stared at the girls a bit during his work while chuckling to himself. This was going to be an awesome class period

Lucy nods to his response, "You have a point there..." As they walked into class she could feel people staring at her and she absolutely hated it. She never liked being the center of attention.

She stared back at a few of the people quickly and went to sit down beside Evan and crossed her legs.
Evan noticed a hint of frustration in Lucy's expression and action. "You know, if you don't want that," he said quietly, motioning to the people of the class, "to happen again, you'll have to abandon any hope of being my friend. Or, like, being in public with me ever." He said, both as a warning and as an attempt at a joke. He gave a lopsided smile, in case she looked at him. @Floridxkilos
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Elizabeth stared at her hand and watched him kiss it. He was pretty hot, she would give him that.

She smiled after he let go, "Well then, someone likes to be Mr. Charming. But nice to meet you Dennis." Elizabeth said with a chuckle before turing around and continuing on her work. @Annie


Lucy looked at him and smiled, "Well, I guess I'm just going to have to deal with the attention." Lucy said quietly before taking out the supplies for this class period. @Dru
Evan couldn't help but get a big smile, and looked down at the contents of his backpack to avoid anyone seeing it. Especially Lucy. He didn't wanna seem vulnerable, or too caring, or anything like that. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil, although, as most teachers, the teacher was mainly going over class rules today, with very little actual substance. When he managed to suppress the smile, he said, "oh, I'm honored. Attention is, like, your Kryptonite." @Floridxkilos
Dru said:
Evan couldn't help but get a big smile, and looked down at the contents of his backpack to avoid anyone seeing it. Especially Lucy. He didn't wanna seem vulnerable, or too caring, or anything like that. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil, although, as most teachers, the teacher was mainly going over class rules today, with very little actual substance. When he managed to suppress the smile, he said, "oh, I'm honored. Attention is, like, your Kryptonite." @Floridxkilos

Lucy tilted her head and rolled her eyes, "Please, me?" Lucy shook her head, "I'm so not kryptonite."

She has never really ever been complimented by anyone ever, and when she was complimented she really didn't know how to react.
Floridxkilos said:

Lucy tilted her head and rolled her eyes, "Please, me?" Lucy shook her head, "I'm so not kryptonite."

She has never really ever been complimented by anyone ever, and when she was complimented she really didn't know how to react.
Evan laughed a hearty laugh, earning him a stern look from the professor, and glances from practically everyone in class. This was so out of his character. He rolled his lip into his mouth, in a kind of worried way, and muttered, "sorry." He held back a sigh, looked at Lucy, and held back another laugh. Perhaps testing his luck, he whispered, "I don't know, you do obviously hate attention. I can't be that wrong."

Lucy sighed, "Okay, maybe you're not that wrong." She bit her lip and rested her chin on her hands and glanced at Evan, "I just normally don't get attention."

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Evan nodded at Lucy, trying his best to understand her completely different point of view and shrugged. "It's not all that bad. At least, I mean, to me. Obviously, it's a lot different for me, seeing as I've had this attention since around the fifth grade. I'll try to keep them off your case. Part of being a person like me is people listen to you, thinking that if they follow you blindly then they'll be liked. They're wrong. All it takes is a little proper conversation, but we don't give most people the time." Evan sighs deeply, considering his words, and considering adding more, but he decides against it for reasons he didn't quite know.

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