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Realistic or Modern High School Life... (Always Accepting)

RedIncubus said:
Gwynn led the boy over to her "special spot": A picnic table placed in the alleyway between the main building and the metal shop class. She waved at Jimmy, the custodian, who walked up to her. She offered him a cigarette and he continued on his way. "By the way, I'm Gwynn Peterson. And, no, I'm not gonna kill you. You're Lucas, right?" she asked, hopping up to sit on the top of the table. She proped her legs in a crossed fashion, exhaling smoke away from her buddy just in case he was weird about that sort of thing. She knew about the risks of cigarettes, but people are meant to die and it made her feel good in some odd way.

Lucas followed the girl to a picnic table in the alleyway between the main building and the metal shop class.

He watched as the girl offered the custodian with a cigarette and then began to speak, "By the way, I'm Gwynn Peterson. And, no, I'm not gonna kill you. You're Lucas, right?"

Lucas nodded and sat down next to Gwynn, "Yup, Lucas, Lucas Abrams. Pleasure to meet you." He said and looked at her cigarette then back up to her eyes, "So, how is it you know my name but I haven't noticed your presence until this morning?" Lucas said with a smirk and waited for her response.
Elliot made his entrance into the school as he did most of his time here last year; eyes forward and ears clogged with his headphones. His hair was wild - the best symbol that he either just woke up or just came from a mile run. Either way, he was late, and he probably should've cared more than he did. He didn't know where to go, and if he did, it'd take him forever to get there.

He sighed softly, clearing his throat as he gazed into the small population of the main hallway, slipping his hands into his black jeans and looking down at his blue shirt that held a large, golden Eagle, Globe and Anchor on the front. Underneath, it read, "USMC". He took a step forward, his brown eyes gazing at each and every door he passed to see if it was somewhere he should be at. It didn't take long for him to give up on the quest and simply walk the halls, the sound of Avenged Sevenfold's 'Nightmare' blasting from his ears.
Gwynn smirked and pushed Lucas slightly with her free arm. "We're both seniors. I know of you. Big difference. " she sighed, flicking the spent butt out of sight. A piece of gum was in her mouth almost instantaneously. "I try not to make myself known to everyone. Consider me the school's ghost." Gwynn turned to him, eyes wide. "Boo." she laughed, not being able to keep a straight face. "So, why are you drinking what smells like a bar during school?" she asked, not knocking him. She was genuinely curious and may have wanted a swig.
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"Jackson, I need these to be copied."

Jax looked up from his desk, where he'd had been scrawling lyrics onto lined paper.

Somethings can't be known, Those things can't be found/

Everything is dusk when you're around

"Yes sir."
he said promptly, taking the paper and immediately taking off out of the class. He was going in one direction as someone else was going in the other. The first thing Jax noticed about him was the wild hair. It was like the wind itself was used to style the guy's head. Jax wondered how effortless it must be to just get up and go like that. The sound of AX7 sneaked past the blaring earphones and Jax couldn't help but sing the verse he was hearing--or, more accurately belt out the lyrics while no one could possibly be listening.

"--IT'S YOUR FUCKING NIGHTMARE!" he sang as he walked past the boy in the USMC shirt, power walking while his face slowly turned red.
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A smirk crossed his face as he heard the voice match the tone of M. Shadows. He quickly pulled out a headphone and looked back to the male he'd passed. By the time he looked back, the guy was speeding away. Elliot called out, "Hey, guy." He didn't sound too demanding, he hoped, but he was sure enough that'd get his attention.

His footsteps stopped as he waited for the guy to do same - maybe he could find somewhere to go wih his help.
Jackson stopped in his tracks, a slight grimace on his face. If there was one thing that set him on edge, it was attention. And right now, it felt like there was a spotlight made specifically for him. He turned around, fixing his face so that he didn't automatically deter the guy. "Urm...hey. I'm Jackson....and I've never seen you before." he said. No one here looked like he did. Those eyes...

"Do you need help? I'm pretty much the school's bitch this year, so I'll be happy to show you around." Jax couldn't help but feel like the school's page boy. But, in all honesty, he wanted to avoid the Geometry period and why not "look but not touch" while he was at it?
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She apparently slept through her alarm. When she wakes up 1st period was already starting. Crap. She thinks to herself. This is a new school and she's going to be late on the first day. She scrambled out of bed and quickly got dressed in black leggings and a gray cardigan with a coral tank top. She put her hair in the half up and half down hairdo. She quickly put on some light make-up, brushed her teeth and grabbed her bag and ran out the door. She was glad she could drive. She drove to school and it didn't take long since she lived right near the school. She got her locker open on the first try and grabbed her books for her first class which was geometry. She walked as fast as she could to the class and opened the door. "Sorry I'm late" she says to the teacher. She found a desk in the back and just sat there.
"Elliot," he replied with a raised eyebrow. His eyes gazed at the boy, taking in his appearance. Not a bad-looking guy. He chuckled a bit, lifting up the 'tough guy' façade he was throwing on.

"School's bitch huh? Imagine the Marine Corps," he said. He gazed into this Jackson's eyes, squinting slightly. "Uh... So. Yeah. Show me around, please." He didn't know whether if he wanted to be led to a class or a place he could skip; high school does that to you. He took a hand from his pockets and hooked a headphone around his ear so he could hear Jackson, Nightmare playing vigorously.
RedIncubus said:
Gwynn smirked and pushed Lucas slightly with her free arm. "We're both seniors. I know of you. Big difference. " she sighed, flicking the spent butt out of sight. A piece of gum was in her mouth almost instantaneously. "I try not to make myself known to everyone. Consider me the school's ghost." Gwynn turned to him, eyes wide. "Boo." she laughed, not being able to keep a straight face. "So, why are you drinking what smells like a bar during school?" she asked, not knocking him. She was genuinely curious and may have wanted a swig.

Lucas couldn't help but smile and chuckled, "Wow, I'm so scared." He ended up laughing a bit, "I've never met a school ghost before." He said in a joking manner then looked down at his flask, "Drinking vodka, trade you a sip for a smoke." Lucas's expression turned into a grin.

He already liked her personality already.



Jason Poole

Today was Jason's first day back at High School. He was too busy partying last night to even wake up early today. He had the world's worst hangover ever. And the only way he would've woken up was due to his mother banging on his door. She thought he was responsible enough to sleep early on the night before school starts, but boy was she wrong. After the banging on the door, Jason fell out of bed, stumbled to walk to the bathroom, and was about to use hair gel as toothpaste. Damn, was he hungover. He could barely walk, not even stand. Yet, as always he would manage. He splashed his face with water multiple times. By now he was a bit more awake. Even though he was late as fuck, he didn't really care. He always was late anyway, it wouldn't have made a difference if he was a bit later.

Jason walked to his closet, opened it up and chose his outfit for the day. A button down, and a pair of pants. Nothing else, he enjoyed wearing simple. He put on deodorant, wore his clothes, and sprayed some perfume on himself. He still felt really tired, but he had to go now. If he didn't go his parents would find out, and he didn't want that. He packed his bag, picked up his stuff and walked out of the house. His was bout to forget his phone, when it beeped.

School Administration
Mr.Poole, you are currently very late to the first day of school. If you are not here in 1 hour, you shall be announced as absent. Being announced absent shall result in a call to your father.

Great, he thought. That's exactly what he needed in a time like this. Luckily, Jason lived beside the school so it was only about a 10 minute walk. He picked his phone up, and as he walked out he grabbed an apple. He kept walking until he reached the schoool. As he entered he saw that everyone was transitioning to their next class. Jason just decided that he'd go with the flow and go to any class that appeared to him. He walked in the classroom, looked at the teacher, smiled and said. "Hey teach, what's up. How you doing today? I really got to sit down now right?" He laughed. Then slid down in the back of the class and took a seat.

"Well, if you aren't in a hurry you can actually come with me to the Copy Room. I have some sheets to print out and honestly, none of the teachers here actually care if you make it to class other than testing days and important assignments. Usually, you'd get a text for either occurrence." Jax admitted, approaching the Copy Room door. "So, I see you're hard set on being a soldier...are you sure you wanna give up that hair?" he asked, opening the door for Elliot. "I think it's sorta cool." he added, looking down while he reddened for that brave comment.


Gwynn held out her smokes for Lucas. Who was she to turn down day booze? "I like your style, bud." She said, smiling rather genuinely. Not a smirk or a sneer, but a smile. This guy was pretty cool and she wished they'd met sooner although she was glad they did today. He seemed like her cup of tea and Gwynn could almost imagine the antics he'd be down for. Unlike some people--Jackson. He'd have a hoot when she introduced Lucas. He was worse than Jeff when it came to the guys she hung out with. Just a little more vindictive. Gwynn mentally sighed at the prospect of what Jax's first statement to Lucas might be.

Arabella quickly woke up from her nice long sleep when her dad came banging on her door and yelling, "Morning!"

It was 6:30 and she was absolutely tired and didn't want to go back to school at all. But, she of course had to.

She got up and walked to her closet picking out a light loose gray sweater from the gap with a pair of jeans and vans. She took a shower the night before so thankfully she didn't have to worry about that.

Arabella walked downstairs and quickly ate cereal before hugging her dad and headed off to school.

She was the only daughter of one of the richest men in town, who owned one of the most expensive hotels in town. She always got whatever she wanted when she wanted it, but that didn't mean she took everything for granted. Arabella is always grateful for what she has and treasures it. Oh, and that didn't mean she was popular either, very far from popular, only a few friends.

The only downside of being a only child was that the attention always went towards her. That meant she could never be free and show her wild side. Arabella was always having to stay good or else her father would be right on her trail.

She went into her Mercedes and headed off to school.

Once at school Arabella hopped out of her car and headed to her locker than her first class and took a seat in the only spot available, next to the "party animal". The complete polar opposite of her.

She took a seat and crossed her legs, getting out all the things she needed for this class period.



Lucas gratefully took a cigarette and lit it with his lighter than stashed it away in his leather jacket.

He took out his flask and handed it to Gwynn and smiled, "You're not so bad either." He poked her arm playfully and blew out a puff of smoke in an o shape, "So, tell me about yourself Ms. Peterson." @RedIncubus

His ears perked at the sound of actually going somewhere; he shrugged, "Sure. What do you have to copy?" He began to make his way to stand alongside Jackson, and he paused for a moment, his lips curling into a teasing smile, "Teacher's pet." As the other boy continued onto the subject about his service, he trashed the previous one, starting with a correction. "Marine, yeah," he said almost sternly, following Jackson to the Copy Room. His hand trailed to run through his hair, catching some tangles here and there. "It's... Gonna be hard getting rid of this stuff. I'll miss it for sure; we've had some interesting moments." His other hand caught the door as he entered the room, speaking of his hair as it were a person.

Elliot's eyes fell on the smaller form of the male in front of him, and the slight blush on his face. He sighed softly, wondering if this year was going to be as confusing as Sophomore was. Glancing away from Jackson, he gazed curiously at the room they had entered.
Evan looked at Lucy, nearly flinching at her words. He knew that's what it must sound like when he said that he wanted the pedestal, that it sounded like she would get in the way or something, but it wasn't how he felt at all. "I..." He said, nearly speechless. "Oh don't worry about it. I made it sound like that's what I meant. But it's not! You don't want a place with people like me, I don't wanna leave, and though it may be hard, I know we can work around that. You're fun to talk to, and I've been talking to you for, like, 20 minutes. Will it hurt my reputation? There's a chance. Do I care? No, not really." @Floridxkilos
The tone that Elliot used made Jax cringe just a bit. He understood it was probably serious to the guy, but then again Jackson wasn't very good with criticism. In fact, he was horrible about it--sometimes it was a trigger. But, he didn't want to come off as a super nut-case, so he bit his tongue mentally. "I'm just copying memos and flyers for Mr. Abernathy's Quiz Bowl Team." he said, squeezing past Elliot's taller frame. " I joined in my junior year for a change of scenery. I could not have failed harder. " And now he was rambling, if only as a distraction. Nice hair and eyes? Check. Tall? Check. Any minute, he was gonna tell Jax he was a musician. And it was with that thought that he remembered the scribbles on his hands. The sleeves of his flannel were rolled up, so he couldn't exactly hide them. The room suddenly got a little tighter. 'Why now?!' he mentally screamed, while nervously smiling at his charge.

A small smirk stayed planted on Elliot's face as he watched Jackson fret; it was almost cute. He could remember when he himself wasn't the largest guy - hell, he wasn't even then, only a tad larger than the other male, and it was the shirt that emphasized everything. "Junior year, huh?" he asked with a gentle chuckle - he liked this guy. He wasn't so sure how he did, but there was something about him that sparked a little motivation in him. Maybe it was his awkwardness; there's no better way to start a good friendship with it. Folding his arms, he let his eyes wander onto Jackson's hands, his brows consequently furrowing as he did so. Saying nothing, he let his brown optics trace the rest of the surrounding area. "...Hey, where might I find the band here?"
Tiana sat in class bored out of her mind. She was excited beyond belief that she sat directly diagonal from Elizabeth, but seeing as they weren't talking at the moment, and Dennis seemed to be too distracted to flirt with, she asked to be excused to the bathroom. She took her backpack, thinking that maybe her teacher would assume it was for feminine products, which she must have because she didn't say anything. Tiana decided to walk the halls. She wasn't really looking for someone to talk to, but hey, maybe she'd find one. She didn't count on it. As she walked, she had on her beats, listening to a playlist of just Big Sean, her favorite rapper at the moment.
Jax froze, looking at Elliot with wide eyes.


"I could tell you, but that wouldn't be fun now would it?" Gwynn took a few gulps of the liquid fire and started coughing unceremoniously. "Dear Christ on a cracker! This is some good shit." she howled, not really caring about noises. This school was oddly lazy about the rules, especially on the first day. She absentmindedly looked down at her watch and saw it was 10:05--twenty minutes away from the next class. She had time. She cleared her throat and set her sights back on Lucas. "Are you gonna stick around or was this a fling? Cause I'll tell you now...I'm bad at flings."


"Huh?! Oh, yeah! I take band next period, actually...though I play the strings and I don't march at all." he said, holding his arms at his sides. They were face to face now. Jax had to look up at Elliot, which brought out the fire in him naturally. He was a little peeved because there was no way in the foreseeable Hell that this guy could be interested in him. That was just the way the world worked, but damnit if the cosmos wasn't fucking with him by putting someone so desirable in his crosshairs. This internal conflict was wearing him thin already and they hadn't even known each other for an hour. "I'm just gonna assume you play...which makes you a musician. Awwwesome."he stated, quirking an eyebrow at the future Marine.


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The two stared at each other for a while before Jackson spoke, one of Elliot's eyebrows raising above the other. "Uhm," he quietly mouthed. Then, the little guy started speaking in almost a rant. Face to face, the taller male listened in and nodded at the answer, "Oh, cool, I'll see if I can take the class, too." He turned toward the copying machines and then to the door, which was cracked open, "You got everything?" he asked, preparing to leave the room. As he reached for the door, he answered Jackson's inquiry, "Yeah - Piano and Tuba. That, uh," he laughed a little. "That would make me a musician. Strings, huh?"
Dru said:
Evan looked at Lucy, nearly flinching at her words. He knew that's what it must sound like when he said that he wanted the pedestal, that it sounded like she would get in the way or something, but it wasn't how he felt at all. "I..." He said, nearly speechless. "Oh don't worry about it. I made it sound like that's what I meant. But it's not! You don't want a place with people like me, I don't wanna leave, and though it may be hard, I know we can work around that. You're fun to talk to, and I've been talking to you for, like, 20 minutes. Will it hurt my reputation? There's a chance. Do I care? No, not really." @Floridxkilos

Lucy glanced at Evan and listened to what he had to say and she couldn't help but smile, "Well, as long as you don't care. Thats what matters, I suppose, because you're not going to be able to get rid of me." Lucy smiled her cheeky smile, tilted her hat in a playful way and then crossed her arms.

RedIncubus said:
Jax froze, looking at Elliot with wide eyes.

"I could tell you, but that wouldn't be fun now would it?" Gwynn took a few gulps of the liquid fire and started coughing unceremoniously. "Dear Christ on a cracker! This is some good shit." she howled, not really caring about noises. This school was oddly lazy about the rules, especially on the first day. She absentmindedly looked down at her watch and saw it was 10:05--twenty minutes away from the next class. She had time. She cleared her throat and set her sights back on Lucas. "Are you gonna stick around or was this a fling? Cause I'll tell you now...I'm bad at flings."


"Huh?! Oh, yeah! I take band next period, actually...though I play the strings and I don't march at all." he said, holding his arms at his sides. They were face to face now. Jax had to look up at Elliot, which brought out the fire in him naturally. He was a little peeved because there was no way in the foreseeable Hell that this guy could be interested in him. That was just the way the world worked, but damnit if the cosmos wasn't fucking with him by putting someone so desirable in his crosshairs. This internal conflict was wearing him thin already and they hadn't even known each other for an hour. "I'm just gonna assume you play...which makes you a musician. Awwwesome."he stated, quirking an eyebrow at the future Marine.



"I guess it wouldn't be as fun." Lucas said taking another inhale of the smoke then exhaled out the out the smokes gently but then stopped to laugh at her reaction to the vodka, "I can see you enjoy it."

Lucas shook his head, "Nope, I don't think this is a fling, not a fling at all." Lucas gave Gwynn a lopsided smile.

"Yeah...I got everything. And I've been playing since I was 12. It's theraputic...although the piano easily sounds better. And so does the tuba." Jax sighed and relaxed a little. "I'm sorry...i get really weird sometimes. Should I take you to class?" he asked, half smling as he ducked under Elliot's arm.
Evan did a mock gasp and put his hand on his chest. "Never? Not even when we're old and wrinkly?" Evan put his fingers on his face and pulled down for dramatic effect. Evan watched Lucy's cheeky motions and couldn't help but to smile, though he wasn't completely sure as to why that was. @Floridxkilos
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"Awesome," he said simply, stepping out of the room and letting the door close behind them. "Piano's okay; tuba's really strong, so I guess I like it more. But no," he added, "Strings are pretty cool; all beautiful and stuff." He laughed softly at the smaller guy's statement, "Oh, trust me, pal. You haven't seen weird." Then, he heard the word class. Nearly grimacing, he shrugged, "I mean, sure. I guess."
"Well, you have to tell me what class I'm dropping you at." Jackson said, innocently. He couldn't help but feel light with this guy. But at the same time, every nerve was on fire within him. It was quite the conundrum, indeed. He wouldn't over analyze it--yet. For now, a mild case of the crushies was alright. He didn't even notice it'd been a while since he'd written on anything.


"Well, that's good. We'll see how far that will go." Gwynn said, suddenly hopping up and gathering her things. "The bell might ring any second...what do you have next? I'll walk you there." she offered, before he could.


"AWWW!!! Geez, I feel like I've been asleep all hour, Coach. Can we do something tomorrow?"

Jeff was still in his casual clothes, including his Vans slip-ons. The team had done some introductory safety crap that day, which had him in a mood. Jeff was an energetic soul, and sitting down was hard enough when he had to do it for the rest of the day. He got a pained look from his instructor, which shut him up immediately. This was starting out to be a bland first day for him.
"Uh..." Elliot said slowly, hopefully giving off the message that he had no idea where to go, hence their meeting in the hallway. He gazed at the smaller male and wondered if he'd been swayed slightly by the boy's 'innocence'. If they talked more, he'd have to tell the story of Sophomore year- and that would probably determine where his place in school would be.

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