Hidden Talents!

Leo was taken off guard when Akuma started to shake him. "No i dont poison my claws. that's just frost bite." he said softly so none of the humans heard him. "I dont need poison." he said. then he pulled away. "Oh and never growl at me ever again i wasn't talking to you." he said looking at the other guy. he looked back. "If you ever attack me like this again i will not hesitate to kill you were you stand." he said pushing past Akuma. "I don't want to hurt you. In fact I would like to be friends." he said walking and sitting down in the corner.
He smiled at her and took his head off her "Do you not like talking?" and he looked in front of her seeing that she didn't have any food. "Arent you hungry and sorry if you think im asking to many questions." He looked at her thinking she was absolutely perfect she had no flaws at all. He started to think what he would do if she actually did wish for something and decided that he would just grant what she ment not what he saw fit.
Mia wondered if Brady knew she was an Android. Unlike Akuma, he hadn't pointed it out right off the bat. "I don't talk much," she said simply. He'd also asked about her eating habits, and since it was the first time someone had mentioned it, she didn't know what a good excuse was for her not eating lunch the whole year. "And I... Don't eat much, either." She wasn't able to say anything in front of the humans, but she would make sure to find Brady during Study Hall so that she could tell him what she really was.
Akuma rolled his eyes. He walked back up to Leo and said, "Even if I died I would still have no choice but to go to hell." Akuma sat down next to him and sighed, "If you're wondering why, and I figure you are not, I'm a demon. My parents came from hell, some how and gave birth to me. It's pretty pathetic..." he smirked. "And even if you did hurt me I'd probaly somehow respawn, I mean I'm a demon." he said sarcastically. Akuma adjusted his glasses and examined Leo. He pulled out his notebook and said in a hushed voice, "Leo Graverobber, age 17, Male, Armarok." he wrote it down and closed the notebook. Akuma stuck it into his pocket, stood up, and walked away.
"Hey could you look at me for a minute i would like to analyze your eyes." he cocked his head to the side as his eyes started to change from red to a pink. He was kind of sad that she hadn't thought of anything and thought that he could read her by looking into her eyes.
Leo watched as Akuma wrote down his information. 'How did he know that?' he thought. then he sat there. he ate his lunch. the bell rang. "lunch is over already?" he asked.
Akuma smirked and heard the bell ring. "Study hall." he murmered. He walked down the hall to a dark room. "The first one there I guess." he told himself. Akuma opened the door and entered the room. He was accustomed to darkness so he didn't bother to turn on the lights. He sat in a chair and summoned his red dagger. Akuma jabbed it into the table and took out his notebook. He reread some information about Andrew and Thomas again. Hmph, I woner where they had went. They must be total idiots then, not taking advanced classes like me. Akuma looked through the other people's information. He read them out loud. When he finished, nobody had came yet.
Mia gave Brady a questioning look. She wondered what he meant by 'analyze her eyes'. Even she was not capable of looking at someone and detecting thought processes or background information. She obliged, however, and her Sienna eyes met his. She hoped that the moments he'd been given would be long enough to get his necessary information, because at that point the bell rang and the other students began filing out of the cafeteria to their next classes.
As soon as she looked directly at him he smiled "Thank you" he stood up and started to make his way to Homeroom. As soon as he entered the room he noticed there was one boy in there and he had stabbed a weird knife in his table. He decided to take a seat in the back left unless something compelled him to move.
Akuma smirked and heard the bell ring. "Study hall." he murmered. He walked down the hall to a dark room. "The first one there I guess." he told himself. Akuma opened the door and entered the room. He was accustomed to darkness so he didn't bother to turn on the lights. He sat in a chair and summoned his red dagger. Akuma jabbed it into the table and took out his notebook. He reread some information about Andrew and Thomas again. Hmph, I woner where they had went. They must be total idiots then, not taking advanced classes like me. Akuma looked through the other people's information. He read them out loud. When he finished, nobody had came yet.
Leo walked down the hall to the dark room. "Study Hall" he said. then he opened the door. He saw Akuma sitting in a chair with a dagger in the desk. "Nice dagger." he said sitting on a desk. He snapped his fingers and two ice swords appeared on his back in an X-formation.
(( [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] you accidentally double posted ))

Now was the time that all the non humans had Study Hall. They were free to openly use their powers during this period. Mia stood and walked quickly to the room to see that both the frieds she made today were here as well.

Akuma smiled and said, "Thanks but I don't feel like fighting today. Just adding some information to my notebook." he took his dagger and threw it into the air. It vanished. He adjusted his glasses and added to his note book, "uses ice swords."
As soon as Mia had walked into the room he smiled and walked over to her and said "I couldn't find any form of emotion or history in your eyes it is quite strange i like it." his eyes started to change from pink to full on white.
(( also my last post should have said Friends, not frieds ))

Mia walked over and greeted Akuma and Brady, then turned to see that another person she hadn't met before had joined them. He seemed like a fighter, having immediately materialized swords made of ice upon realizing Akuma was in yhe room. Mia stayed quiet as Akuma withdrew his blade and began taking notes again.

She turned when Brady spoke to her. "Yes, I assumed that would be the ending result of your scan in the lunch area. k am an Android, and expired model at that, so no information is available."
Leo smirked. "I use more than just these." he said as the swords melt and disappear. "I can make anything." he said as a girl walked into the room. 'who's she?' he thought. "Hello." he said waving.
(("I am an Android", not "k". I'm really bad today ;- ;) )

Mia also greeted the other male, with the ice swords. "Hello," she said. "I am Mia. I see you know Akuma as well?"
Akuma added some notes about Brady and smiled. "Hello Brady, welcome to study hall. I'm a demon, you're a geanie, he's an ice wolf, and she's an Android." he pointed out everyone. Akuma waved his hand in the air and a larger note book appeared in his fingers. He took his other note pad and copied down everything. Akuma waved his hand once more and the large note book disappeared.(OOC: He can do a little bit of magic, he only can make objects that are in his room appear and disappear.)

(I forgot to add that he can make fireballs, but they do little effect. SORRY IF IT SOUNDS LIKE HE IS A GOD. NOT TRYING TO BE SO SUPER POWERISH,)
"Oh well i guess that makes sense but im not sure how humans could make you look so perfect" he smiled again and held out his hand and one of the rings on his arms started to glow. In the palm of his hand appeared a bouquet of roses. He held them out to her still smiling not noticing the tension of the other boys in the room. He looked over at the note book boy when he said his name.
Leo smiled. "pleasure to meet you, and yes." he said looking over at him. "We've met." he said looking back. "So you're an android huh?" he asked looking at Mia. "I've never seen any Androids before." he said looking her over.
((guh now I have two conversations going on at once >_> this is hard))

Mia was overwhelmed with trying to keep up two conversations at once. It was a lot of thought processing to run through, but she tried to keep up both. "We're becoming more and more rare..." she said to Leo. She looked over at Brady and saw that he had materialized a bouquet of flowers. After a quick scan, she determined that they were roses. "Are they... For me?" she asked. Another being had not given her what the humans call 'gifts' before and she was unsure of what reaction to have.
He smiled gently "Of course they are for you im not going to give flowers to either of them" he then looked over at the other two boys snapped his fingers and each of them got a piece of paper with "Free Wish" on them.
Mia took them, and simply said 'Thank you', which she believed to be the customary response for this occasion. Then she saw each Akuma and Leo get a free wish card that was like the one she recieved earlier.
(That awkward moment when you forget your charcter's name. -_- )

Akuma shook his head. "Your wishes come with a twist. I'm sorry, but I decline your offer. " He handed the piece of paper back to Brady. "The bell is probaly going to ring-" the bell rung and Akuma muttered, "right now."
"The twist depends on what i think of you and since im not a particular fan of yours you are probably right.This however doesnt mean you can just get rid of it that easily." The piece of paper teleports into one of his pockets and he laughs. He looks back at Mia and lifted some of her hair into his hand. He started analyzing it he was shocked at how close they actually got it.

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