Hidden Talents!

Mia scanned the paper that was handed to her, trying to turn her attention from Brady and the two fairies. The project looked relatively simple, and she didn't quite understand the point of it, but she couldn't argue with the human teacher. One of the terms of her provided residency was that she not interfere with the humans education and that she oblige to even the silliest of requests in the classrooms, including easy science projects such as this.
Akuma watched as Mia scanned the paper. "What are you doing for you project?" he asked. "I'm doing it on sounds using light." He smiled and looked back down at the paper. He looked at the paper and frowned, you must have partners said the paper. Akuma liked working by himself, when it came to partners, the partner and him had to do an equal amount of work. He shrugged it off but realized he usually did all themwork anyways.
When the teacher started to talk Brady snapped his fingers and the pencil rose of the table and started filling out the paper very quickly. Then he turned back to the fairy "Later then." and sat down in the seat letting the pencil do its job. He read one part paper "Uh partners" one of his golden rings started to glow and he split into two.
Akuma looked back and saw the genie. "Creating partners, huh?" he mumbled under his breath. He waved his arms underneath the table revealing a small doll, in the shape of a girl. He threw it out of the door and there was smoke coming through the door. A girl's cough was heard as she stepped in. "Hi, I'm new." she said, as Akuma grinned.
Mia was about to answer Akuma's earlier question when Brady split himself in two, right in front of all the humans! "What are you doing??" she asked quietly. Creatures were not supposed to reveal their powers in front of the humans, and Brady had just endangered all the non humans by using his magic in human presence. Then Akuma use HIS magic to create a lab partner for himself. Besides feeling a strange human-like emotion towards the girl- what was it called, jeaslousy?- she couldn't believe that he showed off around the humans as well.

((Seriously, you guys don't think some of the humans would see that? They aren't supposed to know about the non humans in their school |: ))

"It's okay wahine they can't see my magic right now I believe they see twins." he whispered to her "If it makes you feel better I can make him disappear and we can be partners." he leaned back in his chair.
(Akuma threw his thing under the table, which must have resulted in no one seeing it.)

Akuma growled and rolled his eyes. "I was spawning random people." He clenched his hands and the girl said, "Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom." she ran out of the class and disappeared. Akuma opened his hand and the girl doll appeared. "I can kill you, and she'll still be my partner." he said under his breath.
Mia was glad Brady offered to get rid of his duplicate. Even humans would know that there hadn't been a twin until a minute ago. Then Akuma's partner disappeared and the doll reappeared in his hand. He mumbled something about killing someone, and really hoped there wasn't going to be a fight of some sort resulting from all this...

Akuma stuck the doll in his pocket and asked Mia, "Would you like to be partners?" He hinted a smile at Brady and looked at his paper. "It says here I need a partner who I can stay on-task with. You seem like the right person." Akuma patted Mia on her back lightly and said, "So what do you say, Mia? Would you like to be partners?"
"Umm, okay." she said. He'd been her science partner for everything else, after all. She looked back to the door, as if expecting the girl from earlier to return, but of course she didn't.
Akuma threw a mean smile at Brady and said, "What would you like to do?" he noticed as Mia looked at the door, "Sense something?" he asked concerned. He was only concerned because if this girl was not as smart as she said to be, Akuma knew his straight A+ was at stake. Akuma was quite the worrier when it came to his A's.
((Lmao Mia's a computer, of course she's smart))

Mia looked back at Akuma. "I thought you already had something you wanted to do?" she asked. His earlier idea had sounded interesting and she didn't want to throw it away just because he had a partner for the project now.
"Oh right, sound using light." Akuma said happily. He smiled and thought, She seems like a smart girl, or as a matter of fact a robot. She has to be smart. He brushed off the wary thought and handed her a piece of paper with his home adress on it and said, "Mine will obviously be the dark and gloomy one. We can start our project after school today if you like."
Mia took the paper and nodded. "Okay. Dark and gloomy, got it." She figured humans would normally smile at a friend in this situation, so she did as well.
He smiled back as the bell rung. Akuma stood up and said, "I got to go to lunch, see you in study hall!" He strode off to his favorite period, lunch. He pulled out his parents' tax forms and sighed. Akuma filled the first lines out in a jiffy, then he went onto math. He ate a couple pieces off of his lettuce sandwich, which was unflavorful. Akuma was a veggie, amazingly shocking after all, he is a demon. "Yuck, mother must had been in a rush today." he ate his sandwich quickly then filled out some more forms.
Mia went to her next few classes and lunch. Study hall would be next.

((Don't want to go on any farther quite yet, not everyone is caught up and I know the owner wants everyone to stop rushing))
(Science was always my class before lunch LOL And I'm taking it slowly. Maggie will be gone anyways...)

Akuma scumbled through his red fire lunch box. He pulled put two fire cans. Inside, were fluids that were ultra spicy, but gave Akuma the daily demon nutrutions. Surely he needed to be healthy, correct? He drank the fire cans and sighed, "Plain as always. Why doesn't father buy the lord package?" Akuma put the paper work to the side. He looked at his notebook and stumbled upon Mia's page. Your secret is safe with me, android. Akuma had uneven thoughts about Mia. Did he like her, or did he just want to use her intelligance? Akuma hoped she would soon realize that.

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