Hidden Talents!

Akuma grunted. "That paper can stay with me. I just won't wish for anything." He stood up and left the room. His eyes were red with anger, but he didn't care.
"Well I guess well see how long that lasts" he laughs and looks over at the other boy "You make a wish i grant it i have no feelings against you so it all depends what you wish for."
Mia was not surprised when Brady picked up some of her waist-length hair. All three of these boys seemed to be interested in finding as much about the other non humans out as they could. She could honestly say she was no different. She was always processing thoughts and inquiries about them as well. "It's synthetic, but it's very close to human hair where DNA is concerned. However, it does not grow and is stronger than steel, making it nearly impossible to cut." The bell rang and Akuma practically ran out the door. Mia turned back toward Brady. "I suppose it's time to leave." she said.
Akuma grunted. "That paper can stay with me. I just won't wish for anything." He stood up and left the room. His eyes were red with anger, but he didn't care.

(i double posted again wtf.)
He smiled at her and opened the door for her and signed for her to go. "Yeah i would say so" he laughed "Your so funny"
Mia did not understand why she was funny, but she saved the roses to a file on her hard drive and they disappeared from her hand as she walked out of Study Hall. "Goodbye, then." she said to Brady as she continued to class. She didn't feel the need for some elaborate farewell, since she would probably see him again at some point today.
(How many more classes do we have)

He followed her out closing the door behind him and went the opposite direction she had.
((idk I'm just following everyone else's leads. We had 2, then lunch, then Study hall, now this one. What about one more after this - so that math science english and social studies are all accounted for- and be done with classes for the day?))
Brady had walked all the way around the school before finally getting to Social studies. Once he entered the room he sat in the back right corner as usual. He was just ready for the day to be over. He laid his head on the table waiting for class to begin.
Mia went to her Math class (I just realized we're still one class short of 4, but we should wait for the owner to let us know what the schedule should Have in it).
(sorry everybody my schedule for the past week has been crazy! So sorry i've missed a ton of stuff, is everybody ready for 'Study Hall' to start? Or do we need to finish up some convos?)
(( [MENTION=2321]MaggieMyHeart[/MENTION] most people rushed through the entire day and went through 'Study Hall' already :C can we skip to the next day and maybe take it a bit slower?))
(oh my gosh, really? Wow. Um... Yeah. Could we all try to slow down a little bit, or at least wait to see if all members are ready? Thanks. Soo... Where are we now?)
((at the end of the first day |: I think maybe it's like the last class of the day. Maybe time skip so we can start a bit slower? Totally NOT trying to tell you what to do by the way))
(Since we rushed to the next day, it is morning.)

Akuma shouted inthe morning again. "MOTHER, AN YOU BRING ME A GLASS OF WATER?" His mother brought in a glass of water, she was wearing her business suit. "Did you do my taxes for me?" she asked. "Yes mother, they're getting hi, did you get demoted?" Akuma's mother nodded sadly. "They hired a better secertary. Now I'm her assisant." she kissed him on the forehead. "I'll pick you up from school." she muttered. His mother left the room to go to work. Akuma sighed and rolled off the bed as usual. He waved his hand in the air and said, "small notebook." His small note book appeared in his hands and he checked his notes. Akuma got up and got ready. He put on his usual clothing and backpack. He adjusted his glasses and put on his best smile. He left home and went to school.


Andrew kept sleeping, he didn't want to go to school today, and since he lived alone no one had to tell him.

(OMG NOO RIGHT AFTER I POSTED LOLOL. Well, I won't post til next morning xD )
Reese woke up, and smelled bacon. "Mmm" she sat up, it was a nice morning. Her legs slid over the bed and she changed into a bird, flying over to her vanity and changing back. She hummed a tune as she brushed her long red hair, then pulled on a lime green tank top with a cropped blue shirt over it, and pink shorts with yellow tights. Reese walked down the spiral staircase of the two level flat she and her step dad lived in. "Morning!" she greeted him with a smile and a hug, he twirled her and replied "Aren't we looking colorful today?". They ate breakfast and got in the car to go to school.

Thomas woke up to his little sister crying, she was in her terrible twos--this happened a lot. He ran his hands through his hair and put one some jeans and a white v-neck, then walked downstairs. His moms were in the kitchen, onw holding the screaming baby and the other setting the table. "Ugh. Thanks for the wake up call." he frowned at Ella. Babies. he thought. One of his mom's asked, "Aren't you staying for breakfast?" he stopped, standing in the doorframe, "No, I'm going to school." and slammed the door behind him before she could reply.
Akuma sat at his desk in homeroom. He was very tired from last night because he stayed up all night doing his parents' taxes. His hair was messy and his glasses were crooked. Akuma was too fatigued to care about his apperance. He laidhis head on his desk and soon closed his eyes. He fell asleep, and was snoring heavily....

Andrew rolled off his bed and groaned, today he decided he would go shopping instead of school.
Mia powered on at the scheduled time. She stretched and walked across the dark room to open a window. None of the other students stayed on campus, because tere were no dorms. However, since Mia had no parents and her creator left her nothing to work with in terms of a residency or money, she was granted a room at the school. It was a vacated office that had been completely cleared. Although she did not need a bed, the faculty had insisted she have one and provided it free of charge.

Mia brushed her hair, then realized she had not yet generated a clothing layer. "Oh, oops..." she said, staring down at the pale peachy flesh of her body. She searched her files just as she'd done the previous day, finding a black skirt with petticoat, white knee highs, black dress shoes, a white button up shirt and black mini tie. She pulled her long hair into pigtails high on her head, one of the few styles would hold without falling back down to her sides. A few strands hung down near her face and neck. She put black bows on the pigtails and generated her bag, as usual walking to the main area of the school with perfect timing.
Reese walked into home room after being dropped off at school. She pulled out her notebook and started doodling in it.

Thomas walked to school, and actually managed to get there on time. He walked into his class and sat in the back.
Mia walked into science and took her seat. She wondered if Akuma would be here again today. No, she would admit no fondness for her lab partner. Such silly human thoughts wandering through her metal head. She sat and waited for the bell to ring and class to start, taking out the assigned textbook for the class.
Akuma woke up and noticed everyone was there. Different people were siting next to him today. He was still too tired to examine them. He yawned and looked at the teacher.

Then he realized that this wasn't homeroom. "Damn!" he mumbled. He quietly stood up and exited. "Right now is science you dummy..." he told himself. Akuma walked into science adjusting his hair and glasses. Everyone gasped as he entered in late, this was the first time he ever has entered in late. He took his seat next to Mia and yawned. "I'm sorry for entering late Sir," said Akuma with his head down in shame.

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