Hidden Talents!

Akuma's homeroom, finished the math problem before the teacher inished explaining and yawned. "I'm done." he mumbled. Akuma groaned as the teacher kept talking. "MRS.... I'M DONE." he said as his eyes turned red. "Oh, okay. Thank you for letting me explain." the teacher said sitting down. "Class, please do the rest of the problems with a partner." As soon as she said that, everyone ran to Akuma. He sighed and said, "I'll help everyone with one problem."

Andrew was almost the only one who didn't come up to Akuma. He snickered, "Am I the second smartest?" he looked at the sheet and his face turned pale.
Reese continued to wonder about the strange boy with the paper all through science, very distracted. Hmm... Maybe he's one of the 'Study Hall' kids like me.. She thought.

Thomas was never very good with math, but he had too much dignity to go get help from the really smart kid. Then he noticed something, that was the guy who warned him about Andrew! So he must have prior knowledge of the powers, meaning he's special too! If he's got super smarts that's just plain unfair. He thought as everyone was waving their papers around him begging for help. Thomas opened his math book, noticing that Andrew didn't have a partner as well. Yeah right. He'd never partner with him.
Andrew's face was pale, like PAPER white. "Did I even listen to what she said?" he murmered. "I guess I make some wild cards then." He scribled some anwsers that didn't make sense at all in. Like 'pi' 'Andrew rocks' 'what?'. He laughed at his silly anwsers as he turned them in the teacher gave him the evil eye as he walked back to his seat.

Akuma finished one problem with every person. As soon as he was done, he noticed the boy next to him was having problems. He looked at the problem he was on and said, "That's the quadratic equation... she just reviewed it." sighed Akuma. He turned over to Thomas and said, "That's obiviously pi because...." Akuma blabbed on. The bell rang soon enough and he got up. "You're welcome, and see you in study hall." Akuma walked to his next class, AP Chemistry.
At the bell, Mia stood up to walk to AP chemistry. She couldn't help but wonder whether she should pretend to be less intelligent, to blend in with the humans more... No. She already had to come to a human school, she would not embarrass her creator by pretending to be as unintelligent as a human. She sat down in AP Chem and waited for class to start.
Akuma entered his class and sat next to a beautiful girl, atleast in his opinon. He adjusted his glasses and smiled. "I'm Akuma and you must be..." He looked at the girl and studied her. Android, a robot? What is she? I'll ask her in study hall. he thought. "Anyways, I guess you'll be my partner for the rest of the year?" Akuma smiled and faced the teacher. She blabbed about dissections, potions, volcanos, lab partners, and other stuff that Akuma could care less to listen about. He pulled out his note-pad and wrote, "Android or robot?" on the page next to Andrew's research page.

[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] :3
Mia changed her blank expression to a small smile that humans usually showed when greeting one another. "I'm Mia." she said. Even being an android, she had a perfectly normal voice, with no hint of robotics being involved. "And yes I think we are to be partners for this class." He sat down beside her and passed her a note, which she quickly read. She wrote "Android - Class 351 - Version Expired". She thought maybe it was too much detail, but he had asked, after all. She tilted the note towards him long enough for him to read it, then when he finished she deleted it and it disappeared. It was okay to pass notes, but she didn't want the humans to see a note with such delicate information. After all, the non humans were thought by humans to be myth.

(( [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] I just mean the words disappeared, not his research paper. Lol))
(LOL [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION])

Akuma shrugged and wrote in his notebook the thing she had written. "I'll keep it for research. I'm not going to show anyone, no worries." He put the small notebook into his pocket and smiled. "If your wondering why, I'll explain during study hall." The teacher began passing around frogs and Akuma rolled his eyes, they dissected frogs every year! He took out the small scapel. "Do you want to do it? I could if you're disgusted by it." he smirked. He handed Mia the scapel and took out another one. "Let's begin." the teacher said.
Mia had no problem dissecting a frog. Her data told her exactly where to cut and how to miss areas that would rupture the organs. After a few minutes she and Akuma had dissected it perfectly. She understood that this assignment was to teach humans how to dissect and where the organs in the frog were, but she knew how the human mind worked and knew none of them would bother remembering any of this, which made the assignment completely pointless.
"I'm amazed, that you wern't disgusted." Akuma said handing the dissected frog to the teacher. "Usually my lab partners scream." he murmered with a sigh of relief. The bell rung soon enough and Akuma pat her on the back. "I'll see you at study hall." He got up and adjusted his glasses. Akuma exited the room to PE, this week was self defense week, his favorite.
Leo walked into PE. He loved the fact that this place offered self defense. 'this should be interesting.' he thought. Leo walked over and sat down on a bleacher. He was a very reserved person and the fact that he was new wasn't making it easier either.
Akuma's turn was very quickly, and since he was a judo master, it wasn't at all hard to knock someone down. His turn was very long, he had knocked down over five people in a minute. Akuma had not dropped one piece of sweat. "So who's next?" he asked the teacher. "Hmm.... You there! Sittin' on the bleacher!" the teacher pointed to Leo and smiled. Akuma waited for the boy to come down from the bleachers, Intresting, an ice wolf. His name is Leo Graverobber. Akuma smiled and waited for the boy to come down. [MENTION=1569]solarwing123[/MENTION]
Mia scanned her internal files until locating the one labeled 'School Schedule'. She read it to see that she had PE. She walked into the gym where there were many other girls standing around, wondering what the Physical Education teacher had planned for today. The guys had Self Defense week in gym and she wodered if it was the same for the females.
Leo watched the boy drop people left and right. 'wow he's good' he thought. He looked at this guy. 'hes not human.' he thought as the teacher pointed at him. "You want to challenge me?" he asked. "Fine ill amuse you." he said. Leo got up and walked over to Akuma. "How shall we do this? Hand to hand?" he asked. "or weapon?" he got more dark when he said it.
"Weapon is not prohbited in school" he smirked, "Maybe we can do that at another time, let's say, hm... Study hall? It'd be a pleasure to rip your heart out with my dagger. I just got it re-sharpened." Akuma stood in ready position. "Hand-to-Hand." When the boy was ready, Akuma whispered, "Good luck Leo." He tripped Leo and waited for hisove,

(I mean't to say His move.)
Leo smiled. "Study hall it is." he said taking a wolf like battle stance. "ever fight with a beast style fighter?" he asked looking at Akuma. He looked him over. 'he is a real good fighter.' he thought. He growled slightly before he jumped up and swung with his hand in a claw formation.
Leo scratched Akuma's face. Akuma rolled his eyes and punched Leo's shoulder. His eyes turned from blue to red and he kicked Leo.
Brady slowly made his way to the gym because he already knew he was late. As he opened the door it looked as if the students were fighting each other. He wanted to watch so he leaned against a wall near the back hoping the teacher wouldn't see him.

(and leos gone)
Miaa disappointed in the girls' gym schedule for today. It took a lot for Mia to show true emotion, so if she wasdisappointed, she was REALLY disappointed. While the guys were showing off their skills in Self Defense, the girls were playing Volleyball. Sure, most gym classes eventually had Volleyball, and it wasn't the sport itself that disappointed her. Shouldn't human girls be allowed to learn defense as well? Mia made up an excuse to leave the room and didn't come back. Since the faculty knew she was non-human, they wouldn't say anything if she wandered the halls.
The bell had rung in the middle of the fight. Akuma shook hands with Leo and he aimlessly wandered off to Lunch. He saw a boy in the enterance, and he examined him. Brady, a geinie with a twist. Akuma procceded to the cafeteria to eat his lunch, lamb chops.
As the bell rung he had a disappointed look on his face. "What that's it you punched each other a few times then it was over?" He proceeded to lunch pushing his way threw all the people. As he looked at the meal for today he was slightly disappointed. After he had gotten his meal he went to sit with the boy who was winning in the gym.
Mia eventually heard the bell sound and went to the Lunch room. She didn't eat human food, because it would make a mess in her internal systems, just like someone shoving food into a real computer. Instead she found an empty table and sat down, simply waiting for the lunch period to end.
Leo flew back. "oof" he let out a breath. The bell rang. He walked passed a guy in the door way. "If you want to see what i can really do come to study hall." he said walking to lunch.
(MY ONE THOUSANDTH POST! It's going to be freaking long.)

Akuma growled at Leo. He was just doing it because it was part of class, he dodn't want to acutally harm Leo. Akuma found Mia sitting by herself. He walked to her and smiled. "Hey Mia, you remember me don't you?" He sat down next to her, "What are you doing sitting all by yourself?" His scratch from Leo vegan to bleed. Akuma put a hand over his cheek and contiued smiling. His sting started to burn. Before Mia could anwser, Akuma got up and ran to Leo. He grabbed Leo's shirt and said, "Did you poison your claw or something? My face... is hurting." His eyes were red with anger. He let go of Leo and took his hand off of his cheek. The cut was bleeding, Akuma took some of the blood off and looked at it. "It looks like you poisoned it. Did you?" he asked once again. He was loosing a lot of blood, this usually didn't happen to him, in fact it never has happened before.
Brady started to watch the friction as he snapped his fingers all his food disappeared. He walked over to Mia and smiled "So you decide anything you want yet" and took a seat beside her leaning his head on his arm.
Mia was going to greet Akuma when suddenly he grabbed his bleeding face and took off. Confused at his behaviour, se wondered if maybe he didn't understand she could quickly search her data to find a way to help his injury. After he left, Brady, whom she hadn't really spoken to much, came over and laid his head against her, asking if she'd come up with a wish yet. She figured this person must be a genie of sorts, granting one wish to each person he deemed worthy of one. She shook her head, showing that she hadn't thought of something. What would an android wish for? She already had infinite knowledge, and what more could one need?

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