Hidden Talents!

(Heck why not im going to live in a lamp at the school)

Brady had woken with a start because one of the bells had rung the first thing he did when he woke was fixed his hair. He walked into his bathroom and brushed his teeth putting on a fresh set of cloths. In a puff of smoke he disappeared from his home and entered into the science room the same way he had left home.
Mia turned to see Akuma entering the room, and the class seemed to let out a collective sigh, as they call it. She tilted her head to the side while her thoughts processed and she tried to figure out why the reaction was this way. When Akuma took his seat, she decided on the only logical conclusion. "You've never been late to a class, have you?" she asked. If it was enough for all the other students to notice, then he must be a very prompt student.
Akuma nodded and said briefly, "I was up all night helping do my parents taxes. You see, they are business workers.... who don't know very much math." He sighed and fiddled with his fingers. Akuma listened to the teacher and yawned. "A science project?" he said. "Yes," said the teacher. He listened to the teacher's directions. Akuma had done a science project before, to him they were the easiest thing in science class to do.
Mia raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. "Business people who don't know math?" she asked. She turned back to listen to the teacher who was explaining their upcoming science project. She wondered if their lab partners would also be project partners, or if the projects were to be done individually.
Brady sat in the back of the room he didn't need to know any of this. He could just fix it with magic he kept his head up any ways in an attempt to pay attention to what teacher was sayint. He looked over at Mia seeing her new out fit made him smile.

(I'll fix the character as soon as I can but I'm mobile right now and it won't let me)
Reese finished her work in math class and waited for the bell to ring.

Thomas asked to go to the bathroom and decided to ditch class for a while. He was sooo bored in his class, oddly enough the teacher didn't care if he didn't come back. He took his book bag to the 'bathroom' and the teacher never said anything. Maybe because he liked going to the soccer games, or maybe because he just didn't care enough. Thomas certainly didn't care, so he walked the halls.
((Sorry I'm so late posting in this one!!! X D ))

Two glowing figures zoomed through the skies. If anyone looked up to stare at the odd occurrence, they would wonder why two fireflies where out in the daylight.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Eva yelled at her brother as she started flying faster. "I already missed the first day of school. Now I'm late for my second day because you held me up!"

Aiden sighed catching up to his sister. "It's not my fault the car broke down. I know you wanted me to drive you like a normal person but it couldn't be helped." He floated passed Eva and turned to fly backwards. "Besides, isn't flying a better way to go to school? Come on Eva you have to admit this is nice." He said grinning.

Eva rolled her eyes as the school came into view. "Whatever, lets just go. I got a million things I wanna do today." She said before dropping down to a school window. Once she saw that no one was in the halls, she flew inside and morphed into her human form. Aiden was right behind her as they made their way to their science class. Eva opened the door and entered the classroom. "Sorry we're late. We had car trouble." She mumbled before making her way to a chair in the back of the room. Aiden sat beside her with a shrug. He didn't see what the big deal was, it's just a science class...
Akuma looked at the kids and smirked. Faires, Aiden and Eva. Brother and sister. How lovely. He put his arm down below him and his notepad appeared. He wrote down the notes and smiled. "Welcome to Study Hall..." he whispered.
Mia glanced over to the new late arrivals. That was three tardy people already today. The two walked to the back and out of the peripherals of her perceptual disks, Mia saw Akuma take out his beloved journal to jot down some notes, which were probably about the two new kids. Mia hadn't seen these two today, but obviously they were non humans if Akuma had taken an interest in them. "What are they?" she asked her science partner, nodding towards the siblings.
Brady walked over to the new arrivals. "Hello welcome to our schools small ones" he looked down and smiled at them.
Akuma turned to Mia and said, "Faires, red-head is a fire and the girl over there is an earth. The boy is some kind of dare-devil. I can just sense it some how. He gives off that odd aura..." He shook his head and grinned, "Fairys are pretty low-down in the chain of mythical creatures, you know." Akuma was one of those kids, who made their type out-shine others. He pulled out his journal and jotted down some more notes about the faires.
Mia looked back at the fairies then returned her gaze to Akuma. "So, you say they are inferior?" she asked. She raised an eyebrow. "I know the race of most people I've met here. But not you." she said quizically. "What are you?"
"Excuse you?" Aiden raised an eyebrow. "Who exactly are you calling small?" He asked slightly irritated. If this guy is trying to make a faery joke, I'm going to roast him.

Eva, judging her brother's reactions, decided to kick Aiden to shut him up. "Hi I'm Eva, and that's my brother Aiden." She said smiling. "Nice to meet you."
Akuma smiled and said, "Akuma Soul, it's a pleasure to meet you." He turned to Aiden and said, "I've accidently stepped on your kind before, so YOU shouldn't be talking. Akuma faced Mia and said, "I'm a demon, haven't I told you?"
(( [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] Aiden was yelling at Brady, not Akuma ))

Mia thought for a moment. "I don't know..." she said. She had no memory file of Akuma saying he was a demon. Maybe it had been deleted or corrupted or something while she was in sleep mode? She let out a surprisingly human sigh. "You're probably right," she said, waving off the fact that an entire day's memories were possibly contaminated by a virus or worse. "You probably already told me..." She'd just have to be extra careful tonight.
(it doesn't really matter, I'll reply.)

Aiden turned his glare to Akuma. "We're only small when we choose to be genius. Right now, I'm at your eye level and I promise you wouldn't easliy be able to step on me." He said challengingly.

Eva rolled her eyes, at her brothers antics. She really didn't want him starting fights before their first class ended. "Okay enough with the chit chat, I think the teacher is talking about a science project we have to complete." She said, trying to divert her brother's attention.
Brady looked down at the Faery and back to the girl and smiled. He held out a hand to her sighed. “Hello i am Brady welcome to our school” he said rapidly and snapped his finger as a piece of paper appeared for both of them “Free Wish”
Eva took the papers and handed one to Aiden. "So your like a Genie?" She asked. Eva heard of them before but she never actually saw one.

Aiden looked at the paper strangely. "Yeh, I'm not carrying this around all day." He said raising an eyebrow. "If I wish for a banana, will this disappear?"
"If you want a banana you can wish for a banana but I must first verify and something of sorts yes." he intertwined his arms across his chest.
Aiden shrugs and flicks the paper back at Brady. "I wish for a banana." He says lamely.

Eva examined the wish paper before making a decision herself. "I don't really much care for bananas. I wish for a peach please." She says with a smile.
"No," Aiden said stiffening. He just met this guy. There was no way he was gonna stare into his gaze like a weirdo. Some things were just to creepy. "Just get it over with," he said feeling a little awkward. Eva giggled at her brother's discomfort then looked at Brady. "No spooky stuff please."
His eyes spun and stopped at a light green. "I'm sorry you transaction can not be made. The wish you a proposed has not come from the heart. Please try again later." he looked at the girl now and said "Now it is your turn." and his eyes started to scramble again.
Akuma sighed and rolled his eyes. He turned to the teacher ignoring the annoying genie, and faires. He assumed that Mia's files were virused by something like 'human emotions.' He shook the thought off and picked up the requirement sheet. "This will be easy." he smirked.

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