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Fantasy Hickory Grove


10000 bees in a trench coat

You're welcome to make this as elaborate or as plain as you feel necessary, but please include a few sentences for personality and biography, we need to be able to get a good feel for your character!

Male to Female Ratio; 6:6



(Vampire, Werewolf, Ghost, Witch, or human.)








(Picture or description, your picture can most certainly be an illustration or a real picture. I'd like you to include their height as well below.)

Upon getting a like, you are officially a member of the roleplay, fully accepted.​
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Name: Janum

Alias: That Homeless Boy/Girl over there, Curly the Beggar by those who like cheesy nicknames.

Race: Vampire (No one suspects a thing. Well, maybe a few people do...)

Gender: Male, though occasionally mistaken for a girl.

Age: 13

Personality: He's a quiet kid, making his emotions hard to decipher at times. While some may claim to have heard him talk, in truth, they are lying. He has never spoken, though he can understand the speech of others perfectly. He will always find a way to communicate what he wants, whether it be pleading puppy-dog stares at the local owners of restaurants, or simply motioning to his mouth or stomach. However, when he's not begging for anything, anyone who has been elected to fall victim to his gaze is... Unnerved, to say the least. Though this is not intentional, something about the child's default expression just gets creepier the more you look at it... Something about staring into those soul-searching emerald eyes... Well, he's put more than a few grown men on edge.

The kid is helpful when need be, though. He's been known to assist many an elder cross the road, even going as far to volunteer with helping local restaurants in washing dishes. This may end up in him receiving a tip sometimes, but that's not why he does it. He just likes to be helpful. The occasional bag of potato chips or rare wad of cash is nice, though...

Likes: Chickens, pork, steak, bread, apples,- Oh, other than what food he prefers? Well, he has an affinity for drawing, and there's one lake in town that has a dock extending into it... Chatter round town is, whenever he's not making his begging rounds in town, he sits there, on the edge of the dock, under the shade of a worn-out parasol.

Dislikes: Despite the fact that his favorite spot to sit is on a dock, he hates swimming. He'll also often turn his nose up at the offering of saltine crackers. Or any crackers, really. But saltines are the worst.

Occupation: Volunteerwork and begging for food.

Bio: The kid seems to have been in the town since the wee age of six. No one's quite sure of how he came to be there, he just... Dropped on in one day. Strangely, there's been a slight rise in the murders of livestock and even humans alike since he started showing his freckled face around Hickory Grove... But who'd blame such a delightful child?


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Name: Winona Tearle

Alias: Winnie; Ms. Tearle

Race: Vampire

Gender: Female

Age: “A lady never reveals her true age —At least, that’s what my mother told me before she died. I guess you could say that camping was a bad family bonding experience. Anyways, I stopped aging at 20.”

Personality: Winnie is quite witty. She can be sarcastic and tends to like a good book that she can lose herself in. She tends to be leaning more towards the rude side this day and age, but she’ll be polite in first impressions.

Likes: She likes to teach her students, books, and writing. Of course, that’s why she teaches language arts. Winnie also likes to have fun, so don’t be surprised if you see her at a night club or bar. Her favorite genre of music is rock.

Dislikes: Winnie dislikes students that are disrespectful. She also dislikes, oh, what was it again? Oh yeah. The freakin’ sun and church. (Of course, she does enjoy the day time, but often gets weird looks for carrying around an umbrella or parasol.

Occupation: High School Teacher (Language Arts)

Bio: Winona has been around for a while. She was born in England, but has lost her accent for what seems like centuries. Her mother died during the summer of 1932, when she was stabbed in the back by a broken tree branch. They thought it would be a good bonding experience, but it was a little more threatening then planned. After that incident, Winnie and her father moved to Hickory Grove (where they still reside, obviously). Her father lives in a house farther away from town, but she lives in an apartment in town. They’ve volunteered with the blood drives, but somehow there always seems to be less bags that they load the truck up then what they counted. During when she’s teaching, the blinds are closed with curtains on top of them. Fluorescent lights always seem to be on, and the classroom is always dark. She got into Language Arts when she met some authors and poets who she came across. Since then, she’s fallen hopelessly into fictional lives.

Appearance: Winona has very pale skin and curly white blonde hair. She has grey eyes and is quite thin. She's around 5'6".

Day Time-


Night Time/Vampire-Drinking-Blood-or-Whatever-Yep:


(I failed at scaling the pixels down so yep! I also changed her occupation from middle school to high school, since I just saw the settings page)
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Name: Allen Stream

Alias: Mr.Stream, by his students.

Race: Warlock

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Personality: Typically very anxious, unsure, and insecure. Either that or some kind of depressed. Very up and down, this one. He's mildly well-known as the local dipsomaniac, though talk of this is rare, as most of the town knows he's a good guy at heart, and spreading that information might slander him in the eyes of local parents who would otherwise hire his intellect to tutor their children.

What else is kept under the hush-hush is certain strange sounds coming from his house late in the night, from a man's voice speaking in a strange, unknown language, to green and red flashes of light through the window.

Likes: Champagne, quiet rainy nights, roses, cats, SACRIFICES TO THE UNDER- *ahem* Sorry.

Dislikes: Any references to sex at all. May vomit given even a lighthearted innuendo. Oh, also has a particular hatred for the notion that the christian bible's word is law.

Occupation: Hired tutor for local kids.

Bio: He's been in this humble town for a mere couple of years. He was accepted into Harvard, and earned a degree in Education from his time there. Even further back than that, he grew up in a neglectful household, which he was adopted by. And by adopted, I mean he was dropped off at the doorstep without a word in edgewise from his birth parents.

His dad didn't care about him because he didnt have blood relations to Allen, his mom was too consistently drunk to care about anything, and his sister only cared about working. This left Allen relying on complete immersion in his studies to stay sane. During his time in Harvard, he found that booze was a great partner to that.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/2015-12-31.jpg.cb566afdb3a925a1d37cf1e4261727dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95852" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/2015-12-31.jpg.cb566afdb3a925a1d37cf1e4261727dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Fuck, large picture. Sorry.) Blonde hair, blue eyes, pale caucasian skin, tweed jacket, white button up shirt, green scarf, jeans and black shoes.

Shit, and he's 6'4



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Micah Richard Alvarez


Micah, rarely "Dick". If you're looking for a fight, Michael.








Sarcastic would perhaps be too light a term for the likes of Micah. He's got a reputation for being slightly rude to the residents of the town. He's by no means the kindest fella in the church's congregation. Micah has one helluva mean streak, but he does his best to keep it under wraps. His anger is known, so is the slight alcoholism developed at an early age paired with the chain smoking. He's not overly rude to others, per say. He just has the bad habit of telling things as they are, or perhaps allow himself to say a thing or two he shouldn't. Micah has a severely pessimistic attitude. He doesn't have the brightest outlook on the future, not even in the slightest. He's also got a habit of telling others the inevitable, or perhaps worse, reminding them that all roads in Hickory Grove lead home. He's not immoral, rather, amoral. Micah had a reputation as the towns local 'cool' kid during high school, his inability to leave has certainly disrupted this. Daddy issues are pretty massive, he's the kind of guy that gets drunk at the local bar and starts to relive childhood terrors. Micah has, in his life, probably tried just about everything. Granted he's found that perhaps taking anything that isn't nicotine or a shot of vodka is likely to inspire some less than fun visions. Micah has lost his religious steak, he attends church, but he hasn't been an active member since freshman year of high school. His sense of the afterlife, etc, is highly confused about this among other things. His sexuality is high on that list, Southern influence has left him uncertain.

Cars, the thought of leaving, drinking, smoking, general party boy behavior, talking.

Dislikes: Silence, being entirely alone, fathers, Church, thinking about life after death.

Occupation: Gardner, Landscaper, and local psychic / Tarot reader.


Micah was raised by a mother that was thickly involved in the occult. His mother was, and still is, a psychic. His father was a less savory character, a man with just as much psychic aptitude that refused to recognize it. His father rather than actually put his ability to use merely used it as an excuse of sorts to ignore the living hell out of his family. In some ways it did inspire his father, who adopted a very religious lifestyle. Micahwent to church every time a service was offered. His father, on Thanksgiving, went out with the other family men hunting. Micah was quick to learn not to question this behavior from his old man. His father was a strong believer in the use of a belt, or perhaps a ruler, for punishment. Generally when in trouble it was his mother he went to. A third generation psychic, and a son of a seventh son has left Micah with a strong as hell feeling for the paranormal. Micah's father eventually didn't return home, granted according to his mother he wasn't dead. Rumor is he left with Mrs.Rodriguez when Micah hit the age of sixteen. In truth, his leaving was more than likely one of the best things that ever happened to the two. They started up a small shop within their basement. It's the sort of thing that isn't advertised, it's spread by word of mouth. Micah is a better psychic than his mother, granted he's not a fan of it. His visions are perhaps more intense, especially with the use of a hallucinogen. Tarot cards are his best, or at least the easiest for him. His mother and him charge based on how difficult the reading is. He's banned from two of the bars within the small town. Micah can also be caught in the ruins from time to time, he's a fan of 'the vibe' it gives off according to him. Micah only managed to snag his job thanks to the added benefit of a green thumb. Outside influences green thumb. His only two major skills are some minor future sight, within reason and often it's just a possibility, and some very basic plant persuasion.



Micah is roughly 6'4, he's got a pair of green eyes, and he's got a sicked scar on his chest on account of his father. Several burn marks on his arms.​
Name: Franklin Percival Montgomery

Alias: The supplier, Old Frank, Stubborn mutt(by friends).

Race: Werewolf, 57 years running.

Gender: Male, if yea didn't notice.

Age: 57 years old

Personality: A gruff prideful man with a force of personality to back it up, he expects the best out of everyone, even if all they can do is something so small it seems almost insignificant, he is happy, to sit and watch something happen only forces those dealing with the problem to get nervous, cause injury or fail entirely, as such you wouldn't find this man sitting back and watching others work, running himself ragged until the far off day he dies.

He has seen quite a few things happen in his years, met alot of different people, even mad ea few friends, and enemies, and enemies that turned into friends, he knows well enough about the world, he doesn't need to live a couple of centuries to understand that the best way to destroy your enemy is to make them a friend, and to maybe hold the means of which they eat in the palm of your hand also helps.

On that note he also proves rather stalwart in the face of any sort of danger, be it a hissing vampire, roaring werewolf, waking up next to a disemboweled corpse of a doe naked in the middle of winter out in the middle of the woods because you forgot to lock a single door... That was a long walk... he knows when he is wrong, and he knows when he is right, no amount of hissy fits or threats will change that fact. However he doesn't give off this confidence without back up, he holds a great deal of sway within the families in town, his efforts to provide safety and security have gained him a great deal of friendship and sway, not to mention he has quite abit of power in himself should things go to fisticuffs... or tooth and claw.

Likes: Peace and quiet, helping folks out, the occasional cigar, go getters.

Dislikes: Needless aggression, holier then thou types, people who just don't catch a hint.

Occupation: Currently a pharmacy/blood donation clinic owner, providing a safe alternative to the blood sucking types to gain their needed sustenance, for a price of course, humans must pay to eat, so must vampires, don't like it? Get out, or try your luck, fair warning though, lady luck is not on your side if you do.

The pharmacy stocks also a good deal of supplies for witches if they are a need, herbs and other assorted things can be found within, not to mention he allows use for other miscellaneous equipment or items to be bought and shipped in should something be just out of reach.



Sporting a thick gruff accent, keen eyes and an even sharper nose Franklin is a man who simply just wont let age win. Standing roughly 6' 7" with the muscle to match one can hardly tell he'd spent most his time managing a pharmacy, though he'd most certainly tell you otherwise, saying he was much stronger back in the day, which is a statement a few of the older folk of the town can attest to. Always dress sharp and exuding a commanding aura, the old man stands as a beacon fo help for all within the town, it's demons and monsters of the dark making him not flinch, but offer a helping hand in it's place, he knows the terrible plight of those who have to live with a curse in their veins, or are sworn to secrecy of a dark coven, abit of light within one's darkness can make all the difference.. as long as it isn't sunlight of course.

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"The world isn't safe for a girl like me, but maybe I'm not safe for the world either."



Accaica Benson


Aussie (she hates it), Benson, the weird girl.








She is a very eccentric and secretive female, an aura of mystery radiating from her presence. Accacia is not afraid to speak her mind and is rather observant.

The independent female has created a hard shell of silence and secrecy to keep out others, it rather difficult for her to open up to some people.


Herbs, Books, Darkness, Animals, Playing with her magic, Large crowds, Candles (especially the smelly good ones), Fire

(Will add more as rp goes along)


Very bright lights, Electronics, People, Being alone.


She works in her foster families shop of oddities and trinkets, a hidden herb, scroll, and weaponry for magic in the back.


Accacia was discovered as a 5 month old baby on the steps of an orphanage notorious for its strictness.

Accacia never really got along with the other children there, a bit of a bully these little wankers were.

She always stood out as the black sheep, failing at making friends in the orphanage, strange things happening.

The orphanage was seemingly a living hell to a 12 yr old.

On her 13th birthday, she was thrown into a caring and "magical" foster family. The family simply loved her, and she found the same love.

But indeed her new family is "magical". A family of witches and warlocks.

They even helped her discover her unknown powers.



The young female stands at 5'2, weighing around 130-140lbs, light skinned with a curvy figure. She has raven dark locks that reach barely past her rump. She has enchanting silver-blue eyes framed by long lashes.


no slide no slide
Vitalum Vitalis
Curse Negation
The power to nullify or bypass a curse
no slide no slide no slide

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Name: Declan Marisol Fairbanks

Alias: that kid

Race: human

Gender: male

Age: 17

Personality: very cynical and seemingly uninterested in everything. It's hard to get him to interact with someone, unless they keep bothering him. He can be kind of rude at first, but deep down really caring. Declan won't hesitate to speak his mind or stick up for himself, but sometimes doesn't realize how much trouble he can get himself into doing so. Tough, smart and aware of what's he's doing. Can surprise people with his observational skills and ability to stick it good to people. Introverted and seemingly harsh at first, goes along with his minimal understanding of friendships. Has anxiety and depression but it's not so bad unless he gets into a stressful situation. Often lets his anger get the best of him.

Likes: sweets (like a lot), music, sleeping and playing guitar.

Dislikes: people who bother him, the heat, getting angry

Occupation: n/a (last year of highschool)


Declan has a particularly rough life. His family was killed in a tragedy involving his father not complying to do something for a gang resulting in the group going after his family. Sadly they were all killed except for Declan since he was sleeping over at a friends house. This happened around the age of 11 in grade 5, leaving him to grow up with only memories of his family. He went through multiple therapists as the years went on, needless to say it only helped a bit. Through those times Declan lived with his grandparents of his dads side, he never knew them well. Soon after a few years past and they both died around the same time. Only months apart, forcing him to go live at his uncles place which he only met once at the age of 9. His uncle is not the most put together man either, in fact his place is a mess and they avoid each other a lot.


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(Loves to wear hoodies, often a blue or green one. Black hair and dark brown eyes. Hair is overgrown and covers one eye)

Height: 5'7

Other: Glen is his uncle, although he died recently.



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Tali Reed










Gentle and curious, ever the optimist. She's not your cackling stereotype by any means, and would rather put her talents to better uses than hexing schoolboys who have yet to learn to control their hormones. She likes people watching more than anything and is the type to slip a talisman of luck into a stranger's pocket if she thinks they could use it. She is polite and is not the kind to demand a villain and a hero in every situation, firmly believing there can be a compromise everyone agrees with. She is highly devoted to those she likes and her interests. She's the town's go-to when you feel sick or you've gotten yourself hurt and need a quick fix, and she always seems to have a cure in her pantry. She is soft-spoken but firm and very proper, placing a lot of value on traditions and respectfulness. Perhaps easy to push around and can't say no to a person in need, no matter how malicious they are otherwise.


Walks in the forest, plants, striking stones and beautiful bits and bobs, hand crafting, history, modesty, respect


Teenagers acting like teenagers, hot and muggy days, droughts, seeing people in need


Runs a small tea store in her free time. It may be a bit of a struggle to catch her in, but it's well worth it, whether you're looking for a health tea, an energy boost, or just a tasty chai tea. Tali has been known to take pretty objects and such nonsense as payment.


Born and raised here, Tali Reed has lived in a small cottage at the edge of the woods all her life. She was always fond of plants and as she entered her teen years she expanded on this interest, becoming a talented healer and talisman maker in the process. She's always been very lucky, it seems, and for some reason never seems to sicken or show up to school tired...

Abilities —

Enchanting and talismans: Tali is excellent at the creation of good luck charms, symbols of health and fertility, wards against evil spirits, ect.

Healing — she can cure most ailments with some herbal potions, even the common cold or flu. They don't always taste good, though...

Astral magic — she can pull energy from the sun and stars. She could weaponize it if she really wanted but it's more useful to her to create tiny stars for light.

Spirit Communication — Tali is close to the otherworldly and this spirits and demons that reflect human emotions and traits. She generally keeps herself on a tight leash when it comes to indulgence because it would make her a target for possession.


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She stands about 5'5" and has a fondness for fifties swing dresses, flats and has a white, grey and fawn calico cat.


Bael Julius Lake









In a word, Volatile. The emotion that sustains Bael is anger and an intense drive to protect; these two things rarely don't manifest in him. He is aggressive and inclined to attack, often getting into fights and trashing stuff. Bael is a bit infamous for an incident in a diner in which a large table got flipped. He is very easily angered and in fact is rarely not angry. Bael has a tendency to be extraordinarily sarcastic and bitingly snarky, and rarely will he ever say something heartfelt if he ever does.

He has a strong inclination to be extremely protective in an almost Rottweilerish way, but doesn't generally get a chance to show that toward a whole lot of anything since most people don't bother him. One interesting and distinctly contrasting trait to his mannerisms is his old-fashioned idealism regarding treatment of women, holding doors, immediately threatening the more trashy douchebags who have a habit of harassment, and so forth. Perhaps low-key sexist and racist. Just a little bit. He also has a marked northern accent.


Gratification for chivalry, skulking in the diner, huge fan of Tali's teas


Boys who disrespect women


Works at an antique shop in town. He seems to be the only staff.


No one knows much about Bael Lake; there are of course rumors, but the only thing anyone really knows is that he seems to skulk about town and can often be found in the ruins of an old house in the woods. He has worked the antique shop as long as anyone can remember and sometimes fixes old clocks, and very rarely shows up at the high school, usually followed by power outages.

What people do know is that when he's in the shadows he seems to be almost a black-and-white photo with the exception of those harsh green eyes, and in the winter he looks very pale and cold...


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Stands about 5'10".



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Pearl Stix

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Basic Information

Pearl Stix








She is 112 years old. She died at the age of 20, although she doesn't remember that too well and sometimes claims she died at 19, other times 24. She also does not exactly remember the year she was born so sometimes she says she's 100 other times 130, and occasionally she'll say she's 93 or 94
Personality and Bio


Pearl is quite a curious woman. Her eyes have always wondered between the cracks of the curtains in the early mornings, and drift between the rows of magazines. She observes all those who enter her convenience store during her odd hours, and all those she passes by on the streets. She will become very nosey if something captivates her, and is not afraid to poke around in places she shouldn't be, or bother people to get information, no matter how much it may bother them. Despite this, Pearl prides herself on being a very private person, and dislikes sharing things about her unless she knows the person and considers them a friend.

Pearl has quite a temper. She doesn't tolerate disrespect, and is more than happy to let those who treat her poorly know that she dislikes them. If a passerby comes into her store and rubs them wrong, they're known not to return again. Her general attitude towards those she dislikes is very clear; and while she may never raise her voice, when Pearl is angry at someone, she makes sure that they know, and to sleep with one eye open.

Friendships are hard to come by, and Pearl is quite aware of this, therefor she makes sure that when she finds a friend, to keep them close. While she understands friendships may come and go, that will not stop her from being fiercely protective of the ones she has, even if it may lead to enemies that may be a bit too much for her to handle.

Pearl happens to be quite a smart lady. She spent the majority of her childhood studying and while her knowledge on the world might be patchy in places, she has wise advice to offer, and ever since she... acquired a laptop and phone, she now knows a bunch of random facts as well.


A Positive blood, rainy days, the smell of sweet tea, old books, thunderstorms, wet dirt, blood slushies, journaling, big red umbrellas, the internet, JK News, Neko Atsume, Google


Impolite customers, the smell of car oil, cloudless days, customers who knock on her door in the day, religious symbols, honking of cars, anyone who asks about her appearance, Flappy Bird


Owner of the convenience store Late Night Stops at the edge of town


Pearl was born into a poor family in New York in the year 1903. But her odd appearance captured the attention of a particular crowd of beings, specifically vampires. She was sold at a young age by her parents to the clan of vampires so that they may show her off as a prize of sorts. But they couldn't let her remain just a pretty face so when Pearl wasn't quietly watching her captors host dinner parties, she was being taught how to read and write in the most beautiful cursive. For Pearl most of her life was spent indoors sleeping during the day and either studying or acting as a living sculpture for people to observe at night. As she grew older she began to make more conversation and became a proper member of the endless parties, and became more interested in the world around her. She soon began to wonder about what was outside of her home, and was granted her wish to go outside by a maid whom she had become close with. She became very happy with the outdoors and craved the time outside. Unfortunately, this made her very restless and wanted to be able to be free of things. But she also wanted immortality because that's all she's ever known. So she plans. It takes her five years but finally she convinced a frequent guest at her captors' party to turn her. When the process was complete, she skipped town that night and never looked back. She spent twenty years hopping from house to house, leaving a trail of blood as far as the eye can see behind. Her journey continued until she found the town of Hickory Grove and decided that this would be her home. From there she opened up her small convenience store (it started off a general store) and has since lived a comfortable and quiet life, enjoying her quiet freedom and observing the gossip of the town. When anyone asks her who she works for, she claims her grandfather is the owner and that she is just helping him while he is away on vacation. No one from outside of town has yet to question her, and that's good enough for her.



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She stands at 5'5 and has a slender frame



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We may now commence the roleplay! This group will continue to be open (I'm not likely to close it at any point) so please continue to invite friends, and make this as enjoyable as humanly possible!
Name: Relexa Hurth

Alias: Lex

Race: Werewolf

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Personality: Spending most of her time on the outskirts of town Lex does most of her socializing in the depths of the night with those similar to her. She tends to let her temper get the best of her and never has much regard for the feelings or thoughts of others. It isn't always easy for her to maintain a serious manner when she is conversing with others in her human form, she tends to be butchering them in her mind almost always.

Likes: Enjoys a good book but only when she has the time. Normally she spends her days enjoying bathing in the sun or swimming which she is pretty good at.

Dislikes: Doesn't like loud noises including fire sirens, car horns and the like. Also has a heavy hatred for cats and cat people.

Occupation: Head butcher at "Cory's Meats", Hickory Grove's main meat supply store

Bio: At the age of twelve Lex's father was destroyed by the beast known as her mother who was infected with the wolf's curse years and years before. Lex watched in horror that night as the creature devoured her father's lifeless body and suddenly turned to her. With a single ragged bite on her forearm Lex was infected with the curse like her mother before her. Running away from home she found her way across the country from the frigid North down to Hickory Grove about two years after the incident and has since settled in quite well. Now a full fledged werewolf she has learned her bodya nd her curse patterns quite well and is now even able to slightly control her hunger during her transformation, although the taste of flesh still does call to her longingly now and again.


Human: 5' 8"


Werewolf: 6' 3"

Name: Glenjamin "Glen" Lehane

Race: Undead/ghost

Age: in his 40s

Personality: He has spent his entire life fearing the world around him. He is paranoid and self-preserving, and would have switched places with his closest friend (if he had one) to save himself from a horrible death, but now that he is dead, he might have some things about himself to change...

Likes: Mainstream radio music, moldy bread, cigarettes.

Dislikes: His name, probably.

Gas station worker.

Bio: He doesn't remember how he got here; he just opened his eyes one morning and found himself staring up at a motel ceiling. He spent the next few days after that either holed up inside his room or hanging around a shady bar, where he probably drank mojitos with his killer.

Appearance: Glen has a forgettable look: brown hair, brown eyes, tired, middle-aged. The only thing that set him apart from the crowd was a shabby, oversized coat with a fake rose he bought for $1.50 hanging out of the front pocket, but now that he has a massive, gaping hole in his stomach, he might be a little more recognizable.

Other: is Declan's part-time uncle.
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Silas Robert Vasquez










Silas likes to consider himself a calm enough gentleman. He usually does his best to wear a set of elaborate suits or various other fancy things, in partial to hide several aching insecurities. He's insecure about his origins, having been born an outsider, from the deeper south Louisiana. English is by no means his first language, his first being Cajun French. His father lived in the town with him for roughly six months before he ran off with one of the old school teachers. His mother is dead, and has been dead since before he moved here four years back. He's also a naturally born werewolf, with a curse or two pinned to his back. He's achingly afraid of the concept of someone commenting on this, or insulting him on account of one of his parents. They usually can be considered one topic he almost never addresses. Silas is a creature of habit above all. He's been known to smoke, and usually partakes in a glass of whiskey. He has an atlas-complex, he seems to think the weight of the world rests squarely on his shoulders. Silas is known to host elaborate parties, he's a social creature. Or at least attempts to be. He usually just lingers in the back. When Silas is especially angry, it's a scary sight. His soft spoken sort of light humor turns into a vicious snarl. Generally, however, he's a nice enough guy.


The bar, Other werewolves, Witches, whiskey, sweets, tea, most vampires.


Ghosts, Violence within his bar, talking about family, waking up in the forest, paying rent.


Runs the largest of clubs/bars in town, "The Silver Lining."


Silas moved here after living in Louisiana for his entire life. He and his mother had an established shops of charms and such down farther south. When his mother took ill and died, he packed up shop and moved here. In partial on account of the several bodies that kept showing up in the New Orleans French Quarter on account of animal attacks. His father was human, and his mother a witch. Where it is the werewolf comes from is highly unknown, although the most common of ideas is that he's found himself in an impossible family tree, one of his parents aren't who they claim to be. The pair of them were never good together, they were a patchwork quilt that remained together on account of the fact that they had a son. After his mother's death he felt no need to remain in Louisiana, he hadn't intended to bring his father, but he'd ended up rather stuck with him. His father had ended up making the journey, partially in order to finish his mother's work to keep Silas out of trouble. Although that hardly turned out properly, considering he dashed out with the neighbor.

After his father had fled the town, Silas was less than likely to come out of his house. Much to the surprise of most everyone, however, he'd ended up moving to open the bar and club. This was a startling fact, considering he hadn't left his home in quite some time. However, he'd managed to open the most successful of bars. Especially a fun hangout for the fellow wolves. Everyone is welcome, spare ghosts. He's never had a fun time with them. Part of that being canine thing. He's a touch more wolf than most. The instincts are written thickly in his head, perhaps on account of the fact that he's been what he is since birth. He's now running the monopoly on quality booze and entertainment for supernatural creatures. Humans generally don't find the glamor of the club entirely appealing. Silas still doesn't have a quality control on the wolf aspect of himself.





He has a Cajun accent.

I is pronounced "Ah" Darling is pronounced "Dahlin" among other Cajun french slang that he tends to use.​
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Name: James Jackson

Alias: Who?

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Personality: James has always been of the opinion that hard work makes for a hard life. Thus, he has always sought ways to avoid it. He hates interacting with real people, finding it to be more of a chore than an enjoyable use of time, and when he does he has a tendency to treat them like an NPC in one of his games. When confronted he's likely to appear cowardly and apologetic. He seeks comfort in the pleasures of technology, and pushes away anything that tries to intefere with his bubble of solitude. So to a person looking at him from the outside, he'd seem like a waste of space, a loner, a plague to society. And he is, of course. This isn't to say he is incapable of emotion. He has a tendency to react to minor things very strongly, though he barely reacts at all to what doesn't affect him. He's a very happy person, despite the way he acts around other people, and he holds his life in high regard. He sees himself as smarter and better than everyone else, regardless of whether or not that's the truth. Despite all this, he's a good person at heart. While he may hate human interaction, he's likely to, for example, help an old lady across the street if he saw it, or care for a hurt animal.

Likes: Videogames, Movies and pop-culture in general.

Dislikes: People, hard work and the thought of going outside.

Occupation: N/A

Bio: Ever since his childhood James had been a strange one. He was raised a lonely child by a single mother. The biggest mistake his mother ever made was giving him a comic collection for his sixth birthday. Since then James had never even attempted to play with any other kids. His mother tried even tried child counselling but nothing was capable of bursting his technological bubble. As she was too kind to take anything from him, he grew up a lonely child, though it didn't seem to bother him. At the age of 17 he unintentionally invented a software algorithm that gained the attention of a rather wealthy philantrophist and programmer. This gained him a nice, steady little income to use on his education, but rather than actually using it to improve his future, he used it to further his decadent lifestyle.

He's lived in the same tiny apartment for a full year now, after his mother threw him out of her house. Living off nothing but his algorithm income, he's managed to scrape by so far, but with technology rapidly improving, and many videogame releases on the horizon, James is unsure if he can maintain his lifestyle any longer without starvation or eviction. He's finally come face to face with the crushing truth. He needs a job.


Name: Marlyine Joy Riker

Alias: MJ

Race: Witch

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Marlyine is a smart and cunning girl, always looking at things in a different perspective than others. She doesn't talk much, which makes people think she's shy but in all honesty, Marlyine is just observative and choosy with her words. She loves to make people smile, help and heal anybody. But if they get on her bad side, Marlyine will easily tear them apart and hunt for blood. She never uses her magic to hurt unless it's for personal reasons.

Likes: She loves to draw and read.

Dislikes: Marlyine hates being the center of attention and needles.

Occupation: Waitress

Bio: Born in Salem, Massachusetts during the witch trials, she had to flee alone when she was a young teenager. Marlyine trekked around the country as the years past. She soon found the town Hickory Grove and fell into place, looking as if she hasn't aged a day since Salem.


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"Hi, I'm Dean and this is my brother, Sam."


Name: Clyde Webb

Alias: Some like to call him and Daniel, Bonnie and Clyde. Daniel hates it; Klondike

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 27


Clyde is a reckless man.

He would do anything to save another person from harms way, which is a huge caution, Daniel having to refrain him at times.

Clyde also tends to have no filter, unafraid and uncaring of what people think about it. He has a rather dark mind, a strange humor, and different outlook on life. The young man feels emotions strongly, his mood swings quite crazy and drastic at times.

Once his wife was killed and daughter kidnapped, he seemed to grow more reserved, independent and bloodthirsty, seeking his baby girl and to avenge his "goddess of a wife". Daniel was very wary of him and had to protect him from himself many times.

Likes: Klondike Bars, Rock, Singing, Strange things, Playing guitar

Dislikes: Demons, Negative/Evil Entities, Country Music, Pop Music, Those who lack common semse, those who harm his family, those who touch his Klondike bars

Habits: Smoking, Swearing

Occupation: He actually has a lot of fake occupations, but truthfully a Demon Hunter.


Clyde was born into a hunter family. Not the hunters that shoot at deers and turkeys. Demon Hunters. His parents, Jim and Elizabeth, knew the consequences of having a family, and took it. After Daniel was born, Jim had to return to his missions, Elizabeth salting and saging the house every time he left. Elizabeth taught their sons to properly protect themselves from supernatural forces without having to resort to getting physical.

Let's just say they didn't have a normal childhood.

Once Clyde reached his 13th birthday, their parents began to teach them how to fight. Humans and Supernatural beings.

Clyde and Daniel never went to public school, juggling education on 'normal' subjects and the supernatural.

Once Clyde was old enough, he moved out, finding a job, eventually finding his amazing wife and fathering a beautiful baby girl.

Life was seemingly perfect to him.

One day, he returned home from his minimum wage job to see his house a havoc, wife found limp and pale on the floor, baby gone.

A wild mix of negative emotions, Clyde contacted his little brotger, only for Clyde having news about their parents disappearance.



"There's good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that it makes me too fucking sad"

~Kurt Cobains suicide note


Rest in peace Kurt Cobain...


Name: Daniel Webb

Alias: Daniella (by Clyde), Bonnie and Clyde.

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 24


Daniel radiates with a dynamic and efficient energy. He appears controlled and capable, often being Clyde's second conscious. Daniel values courage and effort in the face of difficulties and these qualities show. Others can sense that he will not be pushed around or messed with, though he isn't as strong as his brother.

Daniel has a deep love for knowledge, him being the brain between him and his brother, Clyde being the brawn. He also has quite a lot of charm for a mere human, able to swoon and persuade others, which helps them out of sticky situations.

Though he's intelligent and charming, he's actually quite...different.

His mind is warped and dark, open minded and calculating. He could be an amazing serial killer if he took the wrong path.

But, the young man tends to usually mask this with his fun-loving, passionate and playful self, many not suspecting his other side.

Likes: Birds, Charming others, Knitting, Reading, Researching random things, Knowledge

Dislikes: Demons, Evil, The Corruption of The World, Those who are "fucking stupid", Anyone who hurts those close to him

(Might add more)

Occupation: Demon Hunter


(Pretty much the same as his brother)

Daniel still lived with his parents when Clyde moved out, still hunting with them, e.t.c.

He never seemed to settle down and find the right wrong. Which may be beneficial on his part.

On his way home from researching on their recent mission, he discovered the house a mess, parents no where to be seen.


I Like
Birds Too
Because They
Can Fly
Away When
Things Get
Too Crazy
I Guess


"Why does everyone think we're a gay couple"


Elizabeth Patrusio

Alias: Liz, Lizzy, Beth, Eliz, and Lizabeth

Race: human

Gender: female

Age: 17

Personality: Elizabeth has a very high spirited personality, she never feared anyone or anything. She can be stubborn at times to following the rules since she thinks they don't apply to her. Elizabeth is nice, generous, brave, and doesn't let anything or anyone get in her way. She was a very adventurous girl and never shied away from a group of people who were getting messy. Elizabeth had a whole ton of confidence in herself so the words that others say to her don't affect her. She is very humorous and she is also a very hardworking and always gets her job done.

reading, swimming, taking long walks in the forest, and playing the piano.

arrogant people, and she has a dislike for vampires as well.

she has a part time job at her mothers popular clothing shop in town

Elizabeth was born into a middle class family who had owned several shops throughout town and she worked at one them. She got along with her father mostly seeing that he understands her problems then her mother. Her mother tries to make her look very presitigous and lady-like, but Elizabeth doesn't like it at all and she disobeys her mothers rules when her mother tries to make her look exactly like her. Elizabeth's family was known in town since her father gave up the life of hunting down vampires and werewolves to start a family, he was know the shop owner of Guns and Stakes, which is a shop where people come to buy weapons and other things like that for hunting.




  • I dunno about you, but I stay loyal to the one person I can trust and I got his back like he has mine. 'N no one can possibly come between us.

    Basic Info

    Name: Kyle

    Alias: Ky

    Race: Vampire

    Gender: Male

    Age: Looks=10 Reality=not certain, but over 100 for sure

    Detailed Info

    Personality: Kyle may be over a century old, but he still acts and thinks as if he's a little boy. He is an adorable derpy klutz who makes friends easily. He can at times be as stubborn as a mule, but he will do anything to help others unless he's really thirsty. Everyone is fair game if he's thirsty except for Tyler, who has been best friends with him since he could talk.



    -having fun and not having to be serious

    -helping people



    -being hungry

    -people hurting or endangering Tyler

    Occupation: None

    Bio: Kyle has lived in Hickory Grove since he could remember, even before Tyler and he met. He went on long 'walks' through the woods and hung around the lakes where it was peaceful enough for him to just relax and ignore any stomach pains. He came across Tyler on one such day and they showed each other everything they could do in a mini competition to see who was smarter. Throughout this, they taught each other many things- including what a friend is.

    One time when Kyle was on a 'walk', he was ambushed and bitten by a vampire who then turned Kyle into one as well. In the start of his thirst, he nearly killed Tyler multiple times until they swore to each other that they'd never intentionally hurt each other. While Tyler toyed around with his magic as little warlocks would do, he discovered something grander than they could've imagined- eternal youth. Tyler casted deep magic on each other making them stay children forever. They watched as Hickory Grove grew and grew and never became a moment older in appearance and mind.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.3313effc4938094f3a6f26c1e9b023f6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96503" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.3313effc4938094f3a6f26c1e9b023f6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

'Tis said that two peculiar little boys have been best of friends since both met each other. Both discovered their races' powers together and have continued since. 'Tis also said that the warlock discovered an anti-aging spell and have concealed their childish looks and attitudes for over a century...

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Name: Blanche Cromwell

Race: Vampire

Gender: Female

Age: Looks around 20 unsure of real age


Isolated, Observant, Quiet, Kind, Conscientious. Tend to stick to things until they are done. Extremely intuitive about people, and concerned for their feelings. Well-developed value systems which they strictly adhere to. Well-respected for their perseverance in doing the right thing. Individualistic, rather than leading or following.


Rainy Days

Intelligent Conversations




Ignorant people


Occupation: Just moved. Most recent jobs waitress at a bar, and cashier.


Love can be cruel and in Blanche's case it was. After being turned she was abandoned by the one she thought she be with forever.

It left her wandering from town to town after every 3 or 4 years or if someone became suspicious. Doing series of odd jobs just to make ends meet, you could say that a vampire's life wasn't as glamorous as they say.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/0c8d8131a6e064a8071dc1942259f85b.jpg.ea819bb836617bd67f443e5902d74f80.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/0c8d8131a6e064a8071dc1942259f85b.jpg.ea819bb836617bd67f443e5902d74f80.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Name: Blaze Spade

Alias: Blaze

Race: Ghost

Gender: Male

Age: 79 (died at 30)

Personality: Sadistic and cruel, Blaze will get out of his way to bring pain to those he hates. Besides that Blaze can be a sociable and friendly being, unless of course he gets angered. Blaze has a short temper which can be triggered through insults or anything that has traumatized him when he was alive.

Likes: Friendly people, acts of forgiveness

Dislikes: Jerks, abusers, witches | Things that have traumatized him: beatings/physical abuse, verbal abuse, betrayal

Occupation: "Entity of justice" He just haunts those who have done wrong

Bio: (Just combine the traumas with a childhood raised in poverty) When Blaze was 24 years old he moved to hickory grove and settled there. Working as a police officer, Blaze had encountered a lot of baddies, when he was 30, Blaze was murdered by a witch but later forgived her after he had resurrected as a ghost.


Name: Ryuuki Nakahara

Alias: Ryuu



Age: 15

Personality:shy,quiet,kind,trustworthy,smart, innocent

Likes:cats, quietness

Dislikes: the dark, loud sounds

Occupation: has multiple part time jobs

Bio: Ryuuki lived in a village with his family. One day, the village was attacked. Everyone survived except for Ryuuki, who was brutally murdered in front of the whole village. Ryuuki woke up in Hickory Grove as a ghost, and still lives there.

(the white haired one)


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Ldybug123 said:
Name: Ryuuki Nakahara
Alias: Dragon Boy, Ryuu



Age: 15

Personality:shy,quiet,kind,trustworthy,smart, innocent

Likes:cats, swimming, flying

Dislikes: the dark, loud sounds

Occupation: has multiple part time jobs

Bio: Ryuuki lived in a village full of dragons. He was the only half dragon though. His mother was human and his father was a dragon. One day, the whole village was slaughtered except for Ryuuki. The villagers put up a fight, but were sadly all killed. Ryuuki came to Hickory Grove after this.

(human form)
(dragon form)


This group only allows the species listed beside Race, you're welcome to join if you change your character to one of the races listed, thank you!

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