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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow Signup

[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Some of the heroes are on a walk, a god-like being stole the daughter of leader.

I wouldn't say daughter. Bolt doesn't even know her name...
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca96837f2_download(3).jpg.7c0b9c23076d41873a13d29096aef22f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132192" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca96837f2_download(3).jpg.7c0b9c23076d41873a13d29096aef22f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • download (3).jpg
    download (3).jpg
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Name: Hibiki Kazaki

Hero Name: Kuuga

Group (Optional): Neutral alignment

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Technically considered Human, but is the reincarnation of the ancient warrior Kuuga.

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10

Age: 22

Personality: Hibiki is someone who is curious about life, and the mysterious wonders of the universe. Everyday seems to be something different, and it intrigues him that days exists. Since his childhood, he has been a rather average person in regards to his personality. He isn't the most quiet person, but he isn't the most talkative person either. He is viewed as a nice, but rather interesting fellow due to his regards about life and the universe. One can see this person as strange or even unique. If someone is in trouble, then by means of morality he will help in the best way he can. Of course this doesn't exactly mean he abdicates evil, rather he views it as another choice made in life. Whether or not he will fight as Kuuga really is dependent on the situation, and based on his actions he could be in for quite an interesting ride.


Rising Mighty : Hibiki transforms into Kuuga. To be more specific, he transforms into his Rising Mighty form which is a balanced fighter of sorts. Strength is increased to superhuman proportions as well as speed and the five senses. This form contains the finisher known as 'Rising Mighty Kick' which causes a target to explode with the blast radius of a few city blocks.


Rising Dragon: Hibiki can switch forms to use his Rising Dragon form which sacrifices physical strength for much higher speed and agility. To compensate of the lack of overall defense, he uses the Dragon Rod staff which is summoned by using any pole or stick-like object to transfigure into it. The finisher for this form is 'Splash Dragon' which is an aerial thrust attack to the torso. This can be in the form of a simple thrust or tossing the Dragon Rod at the foe.


Rising Pegasus: This form is about similar to Rising Dragon in terms of physical strength, but his speed is slower than Rising Dragons. Kuuga's senses are heightened to extreme, superhuman levels, enabling him to see, hit and hear his opponents with deadly precision. It also allows Kuuga to detect the enemy's position, despite whatever ability they may have to avoid detection. Due to overstimulation in the nervous system, he can only maintain the form for a total of two minutes. His finishing move with the bow gun is 'Blast Pegasus', an arrow shot from the bowgun after pulling the hammer back to the fullest length. The attack may use up to three arrows.


Rising Titan: Rising Titan is a purple herculean form where his defense and punching power is greatly increased, allowing him to withstand most of his opponents' attacks long enough to get in close range, in due to this form sacrificing speed for strength. This form has much larger armor that is mainly silver with large purple trims. Although this armor provides superior protection, it still leaves parts of his body exposed, thus making him still suspectible to damage. He uses the Rising Titan Sword that can be created out of pole or stick-like objects, normally the control handle of his bike. His finishing move is 'Rising Calamity Titan', a powerful sword thrust wherein Kuuga twists the blade as it is impaled. But Kuuga can create a second Rising Titan Sword to use in the stronger 'Double Rising Calamity Titan' attack.


Amazing Mighty: An enhanced form of Kuuga's Rising Mighty form. This is a more controlled enhancement but is weaker than Ultimate Form. The finisher is the 'Amazing Mighty Kick' which uses both legs for a dropkick attack.


Ultimate Form: This is his second most dangerous form, and is a bit hard to control in terms of raw power. This form combines the power of all his other forms, and can utilize all of his weapons in this form. He is also granted Pyrokinesis for some unknown reason, and can execute two powerful attacks. The Ultimate Punch, a punch coated in hot flames, and the Ultimate Kick would could easily destroy the entire world if left unchecked. He is also able to see any non-human's human form. His attacks are also able to make the opponent bleed despite defenses. While this form is certainly powerful, Hibiki has not mastered this form, and has trouble retaining a sense of control in this form. If he were to lose control, then he becomes a mindless monster bent on killing everything. Another important tidbit is that if he uses up his energy, then he enters a state of fatigue and cannot really do much for a bit of time.


Rising Ultimate: This form is still rather unknown to Hibiki, and he isn't aware that he possesses this form for whatever reason. Perhaps someone of mind delving powers could see into Hibiki's unknown consciousness and bear witness to this form in a vision. Regardless, if he were to ever gain access to this form then he would become much more powerful than his Ultimate Form. This form is basically an evolution of his Ultimate Form, and all of his powers are enhanced. His finishing moves are upgrades of his Ultimate Form's moves: Rising Ultimate Kick and Rising Ultimate Punch. Without the mastery of Ultimate Form, then Hibiki would instantly become a mindless monster bent on killing everything. Also because of the power this form possesses, if Hibiki isn't careful then he could end up killing himself or even worse everything else around him. What Daguva told him is the key to unlocking this form.



- Each base forms of Kuuga has their own weaknesses listed in the powers section.

- Hibiki himself is a rather neutral individual, so picking a side isn't really his forte and may choose his own side.


Origin: Hibiki was born into a relatively average family living in Japan, and had a fairly decent childhood growing up in Shibuya. Then his father had the chance to work overseas, and so the entire family moved overseas. This had occurred when he was around eight years old, so the change was a bit awkward at first, but then he learned English and adapted to the bewildering culture. From there he lived a life similar to any typical kid in the United States and graduated high school without too much stress. Then he reached a point where he wondered what he would even do from that point on, and his parents would support him regardless of his life choices; unless if he became a garbage man then that's when they draw the line. In any case, it would be the summer of his High School graduation when he mused upon the rest of his life. As fate seemed to have dictated, he was approached by a rather unique looking being.

It introduced itself as 'Daguva' and would unlock the hidden power in him known as 'Kuuga.' While Hibiki stood there confused, Daguva would only say this to him. "You are a special child. As the reincarnation of Kuuga, you must decide upon yourself whether or not your power will be of creation or destruction. Or perhaps... you shall be the linking chain that connects both creation and destruction. I shall be watching your progress, and I am most intrigued in how you use your powers..." The being known as Daguva left, and soon Hibiki would stand still wondering of the beings words. Then a sort of demonic imp-like being appeared and would attack Hibiki. As if by instinct, Hibiki would call upon the power of Kuuga, and transform into a being wearing some sort of armor. He wasn't sure what this form was, but then he had a memory lapse of sorts and would fight the being head on. The end result being Hibiki was victorious. From that point on, he would focus on trying to see how the power of Kuuga worked, and what it's secrets were. It's been quite a bit of time since, and he has mastered Kuuga's basic power with the exception of the untapped raw power that is deep within him. For now, he would live his life in the city as an odd jobs man. If a villain or what not attacks, then he may as well stop them for it'll ruin others way of life. The choice of creation and destruction still lingers, but Hibiki isn't really interested in making those kinds of choices. Currently he is living by himself in a rather nice apartment in the city.

Other: Carries various equipment so that he can utilize them with Kuuga's forms. Has a motorcycle to ride around in.


Job: Odd Jobs Man

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca9f7a87a_DecayingRose.jpg.456bbf5d38ec9682dfcc03c117ed1a4a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132542" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca9f7a87a_DecayingRose.jpg.456bbf5d38ec9682dfcc03c117ed1a4a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Rose Woods

Villian Name: Decaying Rose

Group (Optional): Leader of The Blood Flowers

Sexuality: Bi

Race: Caucasian

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5.2

Age: 23

Personality: She looks sweet and seems kind but she's really cunning and a liar. She enjoys murder and money

Powers: Once a month she can kill someone with a touch. If she has already used this she can give someone a somewhat deadly poison. It is fine if treated correctly. (drink a lot of water) Flowers follow her as she moves.

Weakness: Heat, and Snow

Abilities: Administer poison, creating poison.

Goals: Take over the world



  • Decaying Rose.jpg
    Decaying Rose.jpg
    313.1 KB · Views: 71
BearlyHana said:
Appearance:View attachment 294678

Name: Rose Woods

Villian Name: Decaying Rose

Group (Optional): Leader of The Blood Flowers

Sexuality: Bi

Race: Caucasian

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5.2

Age: 23

Personality: She looks sweet and seems kind but she's really cunning and a liar. She enjoys murder and money

Powers: Once a month she can kill someone with a touch. If she has already used this she can give someone a somewhat deadly poison. It is fine if treated correctly. (drink a lot of water) Flowers follow her as she moves.

Weakness: Heat, and Snow

Abilities: Administer poison, creating poison.

Goals: Take over the world
Accepted, and here's is your cookie :3
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
Soooo sorry, I have no idea how I missed that :)

It's alright. Hue. : )
YoungX said:


Name: Hibiki Kazaki

Hero Name: Kuuga

Group (Optional): Neutral alignment

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Technically considered Human, but is the reincarnation of the ancient warrior Kuuga.

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10

Age: 22

Personality: Hibiki is someone who is curious about life, and the mysterious wonders of the universe. Everyday seems to be something different, and it intrigues him that days exists. Since his childhood, he has been a rather average person in regards to his personality. He isn't the most quiet person, but he isn't the most talkative person either. He is viewed as a nice, but rather interesting fellow due to his regards about life and the universe. One can see this person as strange or even unique. If someone is in trouble, then by means of morality he will help in the best way he can. Of course this doesn't exactly mean he abdicates evil, rather he views it as another choice made in life. Whether or not he will fight as Kuuga really is dependent on the situation, and based on his actions he could be in for quite an interesting ride.


Rising Mighty : Hibiki transforms into Kuuga. To be more specific, he transforms into his Rising Mighty form which is a balanced fighter of sorts. Strength is increased to superhuman proportions as well as speed and the five senses. This form contains the finisher known as 'Rising Mighty Kick' which causes a target to explode with the blast radius of a few city blocks.


Rising Dragon: Hibiki can switch forms to use his Rising Dragon form which sacrifices physical strength for much higher speed and agility. To compensate of the lack of overall defense, he uses the Dragon Rod staff which is summoned by using any pole or stick-like object to transfigure into it. The finisher for this form is 'Splash Dragon' which is an aerial thrust attack to the torso. This can be in the form of a simple thrust or tossing the Dragon Rod at the foe.


Rising Pegasus: This form is about similar to Rising Dragon in terms of physical strength, but his speed is slower than Rising Dragons. Kuuga's senses are heightened to extreme, superhuman levels, enabling him to see, hit and hear his opponents with deadly precision. It also allows Kuuga to detect the enemy's position, despite whatever ability they may have to avoid detection. Due to overstimulation in the nervous system, he can only maintain the form for a total of two minutes. His finishing move with the bow gun is 'Blast Pegasus', an arrow shot from the bowgun after pulling the hammer back to the fullest length. The attack may use up to three arrows.


Rising Titan: Rising Titan is a purple herculean form where his defense and punching power is greatly increased, allowing him to withstand most of his opponents' attacks long enough to get in close range, in due to this form sacrificing speed for strength. This form has much larger armor that is mainly silver with large purple trims. Although this armor provides superior protection, it still leaves parts of his body exposed, thus making him still suspectible to damage. He uses the Rising Titan Sword that can be created out of pole or stick-like objects, normally the control handle of his bike. His finishing move is 'Rising Calamity Titan', a powerful sword thrust wherein Kuuga twists the blade as it is impaled. But Kuuga can create a second Rising Titan Sword to use in the stronger 'Double Rising Calamity Titan' attack.


Amazing Mighty: An enhanced form of Kuuga's Rising Mighty form. This is a more controlled enhancement but is weaker than Ultimate Form. The finisher is the 'Amazing Mighty Kick' which uses both legs for a dropkick attack.


Ultimate Form: This is his second most dangerous form, and is a bit hard to control in terms of raw power. This form combines the power of all his other forms, and can utilize all of his weapons in this form. He is also granted Pyrokinesis for some unknown reason, and can execute two powerful attacks. The Ultimate Punch, a punch coated in hot flames, and the Ultimate Kick would could easily destroy the entire world if left unchecked. He is also able to see any non-human's human form. His attacks are also able to make the opponent bleed despite defenses. While this form is certainly powerful, Hibiki has not mastered this form, and has trouble retaining a sense of control in this form. If he were to lose control, then he becomes a mindless monster bent on killing everything. Another important tidbit is that if he uses up his energy, then he enters a state of fatigue and cannot really do much for a bit of time.


Rising Ultimate: This form is still rather unknown to Hibiki, and he isn't aware that he possesses this form for whatever reason. Perhaps someone of mind delving powers could see into Hibiki's unknown consciousness and bear witness to this form in a vision. Regardless, if he were to ever gain access to this form then he would become much more powerful than his Ultimate Form. This form is basically an evolution of his Ultimate Form, and all of his powers are enhanced. His finishing moves are upgrades of his Ultimate Form's moves: Rising Ultimate Kick and Rising Ultimate Punch. Without the mastery of Ultimate Form, then Hibiki would instantly become a mindless monster bent on killing everything. Also because of the power this form possesses, if Hibiki isn't careful then he could end up killing himself or even worse everything else around him. What Daguva told him is the key to unlocking this form.



- Each base forms of Kuuga has their own weaknesses listed in the powers section.

- Hibiki himself is a rather neutral individual, so picking a side isn't really his forte and may choose his own side.


Origin: Hibiki was born into a relatively average family living in Japan, and had a fairly decent childhood growing up in Shibuya. Then his father had the chance to work overseas, and so the entire family moved overseas. This had occurred when he was around eight years old, so the change was a bit awkward at first, but then he learned English and adapted to the bewildering culture. From there he lived a life similar to any typical kid in the United States and graduated high school without too much stress. Then he reached a point where he wondered what he would even do from that point on, and his parents would support him regardless of his life choices; unless if he became a garbage man then that's when they draw the line. In any case, it would be the summer of his High School graduation when he mused upon the rest of his life. As fate seemed to have dictated, he was approached by a rather unique looking being.

It introduced itself as 'Daguva' and would unlock the hidden power in him known as 'Kuuga.' While Hibiki stood there confused, Daguva would only say this to him. "You are a special child. As the reincarnation of Kuuga, you must decide upon yourself whether or not your power will be of creation or destruction. Or perhaps... you shall be the linking chain that connects both creation and destruction. I shall be watching your progress, and I am most intrigued in how you use your powers..." The being known as Daguva left, and soon Hibiki would stand still wondering of the beings words. Then a sort of demonic imp-like being appeared and would attack Hibiki. As if by instinct, Hibiki would call upon the power of Kuuga, and transform into a being wearing some sort of armor. He wasn't sure what this form was, but then he had a memory lapse of sorts and would fight the being head on. The end result being Hibiki was victorious. From that point on, he would focus on trying to see how the power of Kuuga worked, and what it's secrets were. It's been quite a bit of time since, and he has mastered Kuuga's basic power with the exception of the untapped raw power that is deep within him. For now, he would live his life in the city as an odd jobs man. If a villain or what not attacks, then he may as well stop them for it'll ruin others way of life. The choice of creation and destruction still lingers, but Hibiki isn't really interested in making those kinds of choices. Currently he is living by himself in a rather nice apartment in the city.

Other: Carries various equipment so that he can utilize them with Kuuga's forms. Has a motorcycle to ride around in.


Job: Odd Jobs Man

@Shammy the Shamrock
Wow! I like it, accepted, you put so much. You get cookies :)
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
Wow! I like it, accepted, you put so much. You get cookies :)

Thanks m8! So how should I start?
YoungX said:
Thanks m8! So how should I start?
First start off with an intro, and from there proceed. Some of the heroes are at the base(A warehouse), the rest are in a forest, if you want to know where everyone is :)
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
First start off with an intro, and from there proceed. Some of the heroes are at the base(A warehouse), the rest are in a forest, if you want to know where everyone is :)

All righty thanks.

Appearance: A mask with red eyepieces, a red and white baseball shirt with his name on the back, and black pants.

Name: Erik Vostner

Villian Name: Eagle Eye

Group (Optional): None

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male


Age: 28

Personality: A showoff, and loves to toy with his victims.

Powers: Superhuman accuracy with any projectile he fires or throws.

Weakness: His arrogance. In close quarters, he's not very good.

Abilities: Extraordinary eyesight.

Goals: Be infamous and world renowned.



Name: Valérie Casgrain

Anti-Hero Name: The Vacant

Sexuality: Hetero

Race: Human

Status: Single

Gender: Female

Height: 1,70 m

Age: 20

Personality: Pretty logical, direct and can be pretty cold and ruthless against her enemies, but can be nice if she wants. She is easely board and tend to do immoral things when so.

Powers: The power to make "dissapear" things. (What realy happens isthat she creates a sort of magnetic pulse with her fingers that makes the atomes seperate in the air, thats why she can make dissapear parts of things, lift them by messing with the airs molecules or even change their nature and sometime mess up with TV, radio, magnets, etc.)

Weakness: Temperature over 30 degrees or high falls.

Abilities: She handles a grappeling hook and a crowbar

Origin: France

Job: Starbuck
[QUOTE="Mumu Kokatsuna]Anti-hero

Name: Valérie Casgrain

Anti-Hero Name: The Vacant

Sexuality: Hetero

Race: Human

Status: Single

Gender: Female

Height: 1,70 m

Age: 20

Personality: Pretty logical, direct and can be pretty cold and ruthless against her enemies, but can be nice if she wants. She is easely board and tend to do immoral things when so.

Powers: The power to make "dissapear" things. (What realy happens isthat she creates a sort of magnetic pulse with her fingers that makes the atomes seperate in the air, thats why she can make dissapear parts of things, lift them by messing with the airs molecules or even change their nature and sometime mess up with TV, radio, magnets, etc.)

Weakness: Temperature over 30 degrees or high falls.

Abilities: She handles a grappeling hook and a crowbar

Origin: France

Job: Starbuck

Accepted!!! And here's your cookie

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