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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow Signup



Name: Kyle Storm

Hero Name: Kyle Storm

Group (Optional): Lonelu

Sexuality: Girls

Race: White

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single (Forever alone ;- ;)

Gender: Male

Height: 6'5"

Age: 16-17 (unknown)

Personality: Kawaii,Shy,Cute,Likeable,Quiet,Hot,Awkward,Lonely

Powers: Super Speed


Abilities: Art(usually anime), Find in rp...?

Origin: Unknown

Other: (Optional) ?

Job: (Optional) None
Quillicious said:
Appearance: A blue and red suit with a cowl of the same colors.

Name: Jace Taresto

Hero Name: The Heat

Group (Optional): Heroes of Tomorrow

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 6'

Age: 19

Personality: Shy, very intelligent, and afraid of his powers killing someone.

Powers: Can increase or decrease the average molecular kinetic energy of anything. Meaning he can heat something up and cool something down with his mind.

Weakness: If he sees he's killed someone, he completely freaks out.

Abilities: Very high intellect, thinks on his feet well, and knows how to use his powers wisely.

Origin: When accepted into M.I.T, Jace majored in molecular movement. He studied and experimented on finding absolute zero, no molecular movement at all in a substance. As soon as he achieved it, he was caught in the way of the experimental beam used, and was pronounced clinically dead. His molecules were not moving, so he was
extremely cold. For some reason he finally woke up, but this time he was so hot it killed all doctors and nurses in the hospital room he was in. He ran away and escaped the police, and hasn't been seen since.

Job: None
Accepted! Sorry for delay :)
JustCallMeAimee said:





Ivory Elizabeth Wright

Anti-Hero Name:





Status (Single, Married, etc.):





5foot 3 inches




Ivory is fairly unorthodox for most women, she often seen as scary with few looking to take her on. she usually laid back and easy going with a cursive mouth on her that can often get a few scowls. But her laid back easy going ways are making the fact that she is always on guard and ready to take on whatever comes her way and is picky about who she lets close to her. The young woman is funny despite how little she talks, to Ivory actions speak much louder than words do. They can range from a caring or grateful pat on the shoulder to a slap across the cheek. Her senses of morality makes her question everything although she is the most likely to do the hard things and take the dark roads for the benefit of others, but her mortality has no effect or her lack of mercy towards people, if there is a reason, clearly explaining why she is an Anti-hero. Her anger often comes across and cool and calm with an icy touch, much like the phrase "the calm before the storm".


Can turn into solid metal.


(Silver and gold like her arm.)


Heat. A metal body in a hot place is a bad idea. Her actions can land her on stupid situations. Not book smart.


A lot of common sence meaning she can come up with plans. Well built, strong and fast. Combat is her speciality. Technology is second nature to her.


Ivory is a product of war experiments to try and create the prefect human weapon.





Accepted! Sorry for delay :)
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
Appearance: Tall with medium length brown hair. He has clear Grey eyes that seem like they can look right through you. Has a long scar running through one eye that he covers up with his mask. He also has multiple scars along his back from past experiences...

Name: Josh Carpentar

Hero Name: Black Fury

Group (Optional): None (Can Change)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single (Can Change

Gender: Male

Height: 6 ft

Age: 18

Personality: Silent and smart. He is Usualy is cold to people he doesn't know but once he's a friend he'll be loyal to them forever.

Powers: Super strength, Enhanced Smarts

Weakness: Has a short temper and Rush's into things to quickly.

Abilities: Can crack codes in 1 minute, Able to bend metal and break walls

Origin: As a young boy he was abandoned by his mother.With no other living relatives he had to scavenge the street for food and had no place to live. One day when he was 12 an assassin found him and transformed him into a super human. Instead of being like the assassin Josh fought and killed him begening his life as a vigilante.

Other: (Optional)

Job: (Optional) None

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Name:Samuel Gilmer

Villian Name:N/A

Group :None







Personality:Samuel has always been one, wanting to know more about superpowers, even going as far to experiment on his own family, before he got wiped from existence, he had a plan to trap all superpowered mutants, and turn them into experiments, not being one to relax when he is trying to get the work of science done. That was atleast... in the main universe.

Powers:Nigh Invulnerability, Space-Time Manipulation, Paradox Manipulation, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Strength, Reality Warping

Weakness:He can still be killed and outmatched by someone more powerful than him, even being almost full Invulnerability he can still be hurt if hit hard enough.

Abilities:Almost has fully mastered all of his powers.

Goals:Turn the heroes of scientist D-87 into his experiments.

Origin:A little bit ago Louis and Eliza, went to a universe where the heroes all ended up being experiments, by a weird man, when they left little did they know, they left a hole in that one, leading back to their home universe, how long will he go without seeing it?

Zedisback said:

Name:Samuel Gilmer

Villian Name:N/A

Group :None







Personality:Samuel has always been one, wanting to know more about superpowers, even going as far to experiment on his own family, before he got wiped from existence, he had a plan to trap all superpowered mutants, and turn them into experiments, not being one to relax when he is trying to get the work of science done. That was atleast... in the main universorse

Powers:Nigh Invulnerability, Space-Time Manipulation, Paradox Manipulation, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Strength, Reality Warping

Weakness:He can still be killed and outmatched by someone more powerful than him, even being almost full Invulnerability he can still be hurt if hit hard enough.

Abilities:Almost has fully mastered all of his powers.

Goals:Turn the heroes of scientist D-87 into his experiments.

Origin:A little bit ago Louis and Eliza, went to a universe where the heroes all ended up being experiments, by a weird man, when they left little did they know, they left a hole in that one, leading back to their home universe, how long will he go without seeing it?

Axurpetd<-----that was on purpose
"Beware the mighty spork!"



Name: Astraea Conover

Hero Name: Thief

Group: None (Yet)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Human

Status: Single (Never ready to Mingle)

Gender: Female

Height: 4'2 (She didn't grow much without food)

Age: 10

Personality: Astra has what I'd describe as a fiery temper. It doesn't matter who you are, she's gonna be mad at you (For no real reason). Despite that, her curiosity tends to get the best of her. She tends to blame the world for her problems, so she'll try and get back at them.

Powers: Fire control.

Weakness: Fire... Um, she gets burned really easily.

Origin: Astraea was named after a greek goddess, one her mother rather admired. She symbolized hope and innocence in the women's eyes. Too bad she was way wrong. At age five, Astra managed set her toys on fire. That lead to many more tears. First the rug caught, then her. Then the couch, leading to a massive inferno. Her mother threw the baby out the window and into a pond to try and save her. Astra couldn't cry, couldn't speak. Truth was she never had said a word. She still could hear, but Astra was never able to say anything. In a desperate attempt to save her mother, she signed 'I love you!'. And then the house collapsed. Silent sobs wracked the child's body.

Astra raised herself on the streets, never getting caught and never begging. She did indeed steal several purses, and gangs money. Whenever she was close to being caught, well, she sacrificed her arms to burn the other. If that happened, she would have to deal with months of pain from third degree burns. So, she did her best not to get caught. Now she's looking to aim higher in her heists. But being a hero has always been a fantasy of hers. Which one will win?

Other: She is a mute.

Job: Stealing shit.
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[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"Beware the mighty spork!"


Name: Astraea Conover

Hero Name: Thief

Group: None (Yet)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Human

Status: Single (Never ready to Mingle)

Gender: Female

Height: 4'11

Age: 13

Personality: Astra has what I'd describe as a fiery temper. It doesn't matter who you are, she's gonna be mad at you (For no real reason). Despite that, her curiosity tends to get the best of her. She tends to blame the world for her problems, so she'll try and get back at them.

Powers: Fire control.

Weakness: Fire... Um, she gets burned really easily.

Origin: Astraea was named after a greek goddess, one her mother rather admired. She symbolized hope and innocence in the women's eyes. Too bad she was way wrong. At age five, Astra managed set her toys on fire. That lead to many more tears. First the rug caught, then her. Then the couch, leading to a massive inferno. Her mother threw the baby out the window and into a pond to try and save her. Astra couldn't cry, couldn't speak. Truth was she never had said a word. She still could hear, but Astra was never able to say anything. In a desperate attempt to save her mother, she signed 'I love you!'. And then the house collapsed. Silent sobs wracked the child's body.

Astra raised herself on the streets, never getting caught and never begging. She did indeed steal several purses, and gangs money. Whenever she was close to being caught, well, she sacrificed her arms to burn the other. If that happened, she would have to deal with months of pain from third degree burns. So, she did her best not to get caught. Now she's looking to aim higher in her heists. But being a hero has always been a fantasy of hers. Which one will win?

Other: She is a mute.

Job: Stealing shit.

Accepted!, feel free to jump in as that character whenever.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/deadloxzz.png.245f335b5ddf07410ba2994d75fefa05.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132093" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/deadloxzz.png.245f335b5ddf07410ba2994d75fefa05.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Deadlox.jpg.ad5bb972845fe3e5fd9cc4950549efe8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132095" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Deadlox.jpg.ad5bb972845fe3e5fd9cc4950549efe8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Group (Optional):Unknown


Status (Single, Married, etc.):Single




Personality:Shy, naive, loyal, childish, innocent

Powers:Power of Sound(Sound-waves, vibrations)

Weakness:Fear, Isolation, Deafness

Abilities:Sound-Breaker, Sonic-slash, Shattering Shriek

Origin:No recollection of gaining his power(More in rp)

Other:Hidden powers??? Orphan. Headphones control his powers

@Shammy the Shamrock(Wanted to make another char)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca9424041_chibideadlox.png.436612d9b342fe138b2ce15adf871517.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132094" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca9424041_chibideadlox.png.436612d9b342fe138b2ce15adf871517.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Otakubeats said:


Group (Optional):Unknown


Status (Single, Married, etc.):Single




Personality:Shy, naive, loyal, childish, innocent

Powers:Power of Sound(Sound-waves, vibrations)

Weakness:Fear, Isolation, Deafness

Abilities:Sound-Breaker, Sonic-slash, Shattering Shriek

Origin:No recollection of gaining his power(More in rp)

Other:Hidden powers??? Orphan.

@Shammy the Shamrock(Wanted to make another char)
Accepted! :)


Name: Lucy Lucatiel

Hero Name: Happy

Sexuality: straight

Race: Harpy

Personality: slightly idiotic, terrible memory, happy-go-lucky, can't tell the difference between right or wrong unless told

Likes: ice cream, sweet things, fun stuff, high speeds, birds

Dislikes: spicy foods, waiting, enclosed spaces

Status (Single, Married, etc.): single (and ready to mingle
:D )

Gender: Female

Height:4'0 (harpies are small to allow for flight)

Age: 14

Abilities: highly destructive wind magic, can summon tornados, capable of flying at high speeds, can carry people around but struggles

Weakness: tires extremely quickly due to not being sure how to hold back when it comes to magic, extremely vulnerable if you manage to get past all my wind magic
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Trust said:

Name: Lucy Lucatiel

Hero Name: Happy

Sexuality: straight

Race: Harpy

Personality: slightly idiotic, terrible memory, happy-go-lucky, can't tell the difference between right or wrong unless told

Likes: ice cream, sweet things, fun stuff, high speeds, birds

Dislikes: spicy foods, waiting, enclosed spaces

Status (Single, Married, etc.): single (and ready to mingle :D )

Gender: Female

Height:4'0 (harpies are small to allow for flight)

Age: 14

Abilities: highly destructive wind magic, can summon tornados, capable of flying at high speeds, can carry people around but struggles
Appearance: His mental form has none, but His physical form is a whispy white small humanoid, with no features except the basic arms, legs, feet, hands, fingers, torso, neck, and head.

Name: He is know by many names, but He is most commonly know by most beings as The One, Him, or He.

Group (Optional): The Interdimensional Council

Sexuality: N/A

Race: He is unique, nothing is like Him.

Status (Single, Married, etc.): N/A

Gender: N/A

Height: (Physical Form) 4'9"

Age: He is ageless. He is as old as time itself.

Personality: He is benevolent, but not to evil beings.

Powers: Omnipotentce, omniscience, intangibility (when needed), flight, immesurable strength, time travel, interdimensional travel, the power to drain a being of its powers.

Weakness: If His physical form is trapped in a dimension (which is very hard), He will not be able to leave the dimension, and his powers will fade.

Abilities: The Dimensional Force aids Him, and He can bend it to His will.
Quillicious said:
Appearance: His mental form has none, but His physical form is a whispy white small humanoid, with no features except the basic arms, legs, feet, hands, fingers, torso, neck, and head.
Name: He is know by many names, but He is most commonly know by most beings as The One, Him, or He.

Group (Optional): The Interdimensional Council

Sexuality: N/A

Race: He is unique, nothing is like Him.

Status (Single, Married, etc.): N/A

Gender: N/A

Height: (Physical Form) 4'9"

Age: He is ageless. He is as old as time itself.

Personality: He is benevolent, but not to evil beings.

Powers: Omnipotentce, omniscience, intangibility (when needed), flight, immesurable strength, time travel, interdimensional travel, the power to drain a being of its powers.

Weakness: If His physical form is trapped in a dimension (which is very hard), He will not be able to leave the dimension, and his powers will fade.


Name:The Shadow





Personality:Cruel,mental,psychotic,persistent, stubborn, sly.

Powers:Darkness and the Void.

Weakness: Soundwaves and Light.

Abilities:Mind Manipulation, shadow summoning, soul posion.

Goals:Kill Ty and shroud the world in darkness.(Will be explained further in rp this is just basic outline for plot/char developement)

@Shammy the Shamrock
Otakubeats said:

Name:The Shadow





Personality:Cruel,mental,psychotic,persistent, stubborn, sly.

Powers:Darkness and the Void.

Weakness: Soundwaves and Light.

Abilities:Mind Manipulation, shadow summoning, soul posion.

Goals:Kill Ty and shroud the world in darkness.(Will be explained further in rp this is just basic outline for plot/char developement)

@Shammy the Shamrock
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Accepted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......cookie?

xD I wanted to add a bit more lore to Ty's past so this guy!!!! PURE EMBODIEMENT(CANTSPELLSHIT) OF DARKNESS




Hero Name















Innocent,Skeptical Sometimes,Strong Minded,Opposes anything that is wrong


Supernatural Condition


Gets tired very easily,Has to rest sometimes if not will go unconscious


Professional Ice Skater

FaceBloat said:




Hero Name















Innocent,Skeptical Sometimes,Strong Minded,Opposes anything that is wrong


Supernatural Condition


Gets tired very easily,Has to rest sometimes if not will go unconscious


Professional Ice Skater


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