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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow Signup

FrostXShadow said:
Appearance:View attachment 280240

Name: Ryan Davenport

Hero Name: Blaze

Sexuality: Homosexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10


Personality: Fun, optimistic,outgoing, risk taker

Powers: Pyrokinesis, able to use his flames as a jetpack of sorts

Weakness: water,animals

Abilities: extremely skilled sword wielder, sings and plays many instruments

Origin: no one really knows where he came from but no one really cares either because he saves people

Other: (Optional) He loves animals

Job: (Optional) works at a music store
((First, Bolt and Blaze could really become good friends, and remember you can accept yourself :) ))


Name:Nero Green

Anti-Hero Name:

Group:Assassins Guild



Status (Single, Married, etc.):Single




Personality:Nero tends to be serious most of the time even when he isn't working He doesn't like to make friends with those he has to work with, he tends to take things and himself to serious too, he will stop his work if his target pays him more than whats on their head,

Powers:Nero is able to Time-Leap as he calls it, when he Time Leaps time slows to 1/1000 of a second for everyone but him, when doing this he can hit people than stop Time-Leaping and after one second all of the hits he did will take effect, he can also do this to dodge attacks, but he can only do this for 30 milliseconds, and he needs to wait 30 seconds to do it again.

Weakness:Anything that can kill a normal human.

Abilities:Pressure points fighting, good with knives and daggers, and guns.
Full Name: Fradun Frethaze

Nickname: Magnum Flamestreak

Power: Controls flames, can create flames from thin air, fireproof | Limits: Cannot fly with fire cuz that's dumb, only can create and redirect flames.

Weaknesses: Liquids

Strengths: Gas, Oil

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: straight

Hair/facial hair: Ginger hair, Hint of orange Moustache

Eyes: Bright Orange

Personality: Turns Insane When Angry Or Just Feels Like It

Marital status: single

Clothing: Average-Looking clothing that is Fireproof

Age: 14

Mental Age: 23

Mental State: Half-Insane

Occupation: Student

Origin: Based on a demigod OC.

Other: Valerie Muffet, another one of my OCs, has a crush on him.

Aristotle Melbourne

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Anime-guy-hair-eyes-31000.png.4379b4bf0ec7200d7f1dbc1967938482.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126914" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Anime-guy-hair-eyes-31000.png.4379b4bf0ec7200d7f1dbc1967938482.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hero Name:Techno







Relationship Status:






(Besides Hero) Chemists


Aristotle is a very friendly person when it comes to everyday life. Though he is serious about his job, he loves to spend time with people close go him. It's not often he is found being rude, or mean to other people. Like many he cares deeply for the people he knows and loved, willing to put everything behind him just to protect them. When he is out saving the world under his nickname Techno, he makes sure that no citizens are put in harm's way. He will do whatever he can to keep people safe from danger.


Aristotle was born into a rich family who made sure his education was a number one priority. One day his father wanted to test a new drug on him, one that is supposed to make someone smarter. It turns out that his father's experiment had worked, some say a little too well. He was almost instantly bumped up in school grade levels within months, eventually getting him into collage at the age of 15. He graduated top in his classes and succeed in a new career choice. He became a chemist and later a hero. He started to develop his own suit and tech that he would need to be able to succeed in his mission.


Telekinesis: Aristotle invented a special headpiece that allowrd him to control certain items around him. It runs off of a solar charged battery making it weak to darkness. It can lift objects as large as humans, but is unable to lift anything heavier than 500lbs.

Mind reading: He also developed an upgrade to his headset which allowed him to read the minds of the weak. It takes alot of power and a long time to recharge. It limits him to only normal humans and superhumans. Meaning aliens, cyborgs, animals, etc. Cannot be read.

Advanced Knowledge: Due to his father's experiment, he gained the power to be smarter than normal human beings. His smarts allowed him to quickly solve problems in his head, helps him with creation of his futuristic type objects, and helps him develop futuristic chemicals for his machines.


Power Outage: Due to his machines mostly running on modern power, a power outage can easily slow his process. He often uses a supercomputer to keep track of villains that could be nearby, or to help with the programming of some of his items. A power outage could cause the computer to completely shut down, making him loose all communication with it.

Night Time: Though it isn't as bad as some may thing, night time can affect the usefulness of the solar powered headgear that he has. With it unable to charge, it gives him less of a chance to make it through a midnight quarrel and the headset work the whole time.

Water: He deals with electricity, this one is self explanatory.


Intelligence: Once again, father's... experiments... caused him to grow to be super intelligent. This ables him to quickly solve problems in his head. Know how to develop futuristic technology. Have the ability to quickly put together a machine that can help him in battle. And many more things that intelligence itself can solve.



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[QUOTE="Demon Slayer]

Aristotle Melbourne

View attachment 283435

Hero Name:Techno







Relationship Status:






(Besides Hero) Chemists


Aristotle is a very friendly person when it comes to everyday life. Though he is serious about his job, he loves to spend time with people close go him. It's not often he is found being rude, or mean to other people. Like many he cares deeply for the people he knows and loved, willing to put everything behind him just to protect them. When he is out saving the world under his nickname Techno, he makes sure that no citizens are put in harm's way. He will do whatever he can to keep people safe from danger.


Aristotle was born into a rich family who made sure his education was a number one priority. One day his father wanted to test a new drug on him, one that is supposed to make someone smarter. It turns out that his father's experiment had worked, some say a little too well. He was almost instantly bumped up in school grade levels within months, eventually getting him into collage at the age of 15. He graduated top in his classes and succeed in a new career choice. He became a chemist and later a hero. He started to develop his own suit and tech that he would need to be able to succeed in his mission.


Telekinesis: Aristotle invented a special headpiece that allowrd him to control certain items around him. It runs off of a solar charged battery making it weak to darkness. It can lift objects as large as humans, but is unable to lift anything heavier than 500lbs.

Mind reading: He also developed an upgrade to his headset which allowed him to read the minds of the weak. It takes alot of power and a long time to recharge. It limits him to only normal humans and superhumans. Meaning aliens, cyborgs, animals, etc. Cannot be read.

Advanced Knowledge: Due to his father's experiment, he gained the power to be smarter than normal human beings. His smarts allowed him to quickly solve problems in his head, helps him with creation of his futuristic type objects, and helps him develop futuristic chemicals for his machines.


Power Outage: Due to his machines mostly running on modern power, a power outage can easily slow his process. He often uses a supercomputer to keep track of villains that could be nearby, or to help with the programming of some of his items. A power outage could cause the computer to completely shut down, making him loose all communication with it.

Night Time: Though it isn't as bad as some may thing, night time can affect the usefulness of the solar powered headgear that he has. With it unable to charge, it gives him less of a chance to make it through a midnight quarrel and the headset work the whole time.

Water: He deals with electricity, this one is self explanatory.


Intelligence: Once again, father's... experiments... caused him to grow to be super intelligent. This ables him to quickly solve problems in his head. Know how to develop futuristic technology. Have the ability to quickly put together a machine that can help him in battle. And many more things that intelligence itself can solve.




Name: Stella Turner

Hero Name: Wave

Sexuality: Bi

Race: Human

Status: Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5

Age: 17

Personality: Stella can be a bit blunt with her remarks. She's really far too loyal to everyone and sees no harm in helping everyone... Not good. However, she holds grudges for a very loooong time and will not hold back her anger over them.

Powers: Control over liquid. Mainly water.

Weakness: Doubt, Oil

Origin: Stella's family home was a small farm, one that was nowhere near the main city. Stella didn't care. She was raised with care and happiness. Once their water began to run dry, Stella provided the solution by moving the water through pipes and saving her family's crops from certain doom. Yaaaay. Stella began to practice her talent with small cups of water. She found that the water could be made to hold certain forms, and that any non-water liquids took far more concentration and energy. Her first time publicly using her powers was during a fire. She had been preparing for her collage play (Stage Crew) and a fire broke out. She quickly grabbed a small mask and outfit before using the sprinkler system to save a man and extinguish the fire.

Job: Farming
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[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Hero


Name: Stella Turner

Hero Name: Wave

Sexuality: Bi

Race: Human

Status: Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2

Age: 14

Personality: Stella can be a bit blunt with her remarks. She's really far too loyal to everyone and sees no harm in helping everyone... Not good. However, she holds grudges for a very loooong time and will not hold back her anger over them.

Powers: Control over liquid. Mainly water.

Weakness: Doubt, Oil

Origin: Genetics


Bio: Stella's family home was a small farm, one that was nowhere near the main city. Stella didn't care. She was raised with care and happiness. Once their water began to run dry, Stella provided the solution by moving the water through pipes and saving her family's crops from certain doom. Yaaaay. Stella began to practice her talent with small cups of water. She found that the water could be made to hold certain forms, and that any non-water liquids took far more concentration and energy. Her first time publicly using her powers was during a fire. She had been preparing for her collage play (Stage Crew) and a fire broke out. She quickly grabbed a small mask and outfit before using the sprinkler system to save a man and extinguish the fire.

Job: Farming


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca2f9bc99_download(11).jpg.53afbc79b3c932312a19abeb02899bd2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128405" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca2f9bc99_download(11).jpg.53afbc79b3c932312a19abeb02899bd2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Hero Name: Sparkz


Status (Single, Married, etc.):Single




Personality:Always cracking Jokes, even at his own expense to lighten the atmosphere. Timid and a bit shy, especially around girls. He is very protective and has a certain limit, push him too far and he will snap. Often calm-minded and the peacekeeper type.

Powers:Electricity, tech, and a bit(minuscule) control of weather


Abilities:good with tech, gadgetry and tinkering. Has good accuracy and agility.

Origin:Mitch lost his family to a super-villain, who ended up transferring some of his energy into the child during the attack. His parent's were crime-fighters and were about to bust the villain hen he killed them. Mitch was 13 when this happened.



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Otakubeats said:



Hero Name: Sparkz


Status (Single, Married, etc.):Single




Personality:Always cracking Jokes, even at his own expense to lighten the atmosphere. Timid and a bit shy, especially around girls. He is very protective and has a certain limit, push him too far and he will snap. Often calm-minded and the peacekeeper type.

Powers:Electricity, tech, and a bit(minuscule) control of weather


Abilities:good with tech, gadgetry and tinkering. Has good accuracy and agility.

Origin:Mitch lost his family to a super-villain, who ended up transferring some of his energy into the child during the attack. His parent's were crime-fighters and were about to bust the villain hen he killed them. Mitch was 13 when this happened.
(Accepted, and Bolt has a competitor now.)

Appearance: A dark grey jacket, black pants, a dark blue shirt, a green bandana around his neck, and a pair of boots. Brown wavy hair, blue grey eyes, slightly pale skin, and a brown short beard.

Name: Erik Hostner

Anti-Hero Name: Quill

Group: None

Sexuality: Str8 m8

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single (and ready to mingle...)

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3"

Age: 21

Personality: Erik loves to wisecrack, and is very laidback, even to the point of being lazy. Usually calm and perky.

Powers: Quill has the power to create hallucinations in any sentient being's mind, showing them whatever he wants them to see, hear, feel, taste, or smell. He easily can trick one person, two is slightly difficult, three is hard, and on from there is increasingly difficult and straining on his mind.

Weakness: Tiring him mentally. After, he's a regular person.

Abilities: Very adept at deception and sleight of hand. He also is trained in advanced close quarters combat.

Origin: ???


Job: None
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Quillicious said:
Appearance: A dark grey jacket, black pants, a dark blue shirt, a green bandana around his neck, and a pair of boots. Brown wavy hair, blue grey eyes, slightly pale skin, and a brown short beard.

Name: Erik Hostner

Anti-Hero Name: Quill

Group: None

Sexuality: Str8 m8

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single (and ready to mingle...)

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3"

Age: 29

Personality: Erik loves to wisecrack, and is very laidback, even to the point of being lazy. Usually calm and perky.

Powers: Quill has the power to create hallucinations in any sentient being's mind, showing them whatever he wants them to see, hear, feel, taste, or smell. He easily can trick one person, two is slightly difficult, three is hard, and on from there is increasingly difficult and straining on his mind.

Weakness: Tiring him mentally. After, he's a regular person.

Abilities: Very adept at deception and sleight of hand. He also is trained in advanced close quarters combat.

Origin: ???


Job: None
Anti Hero

Controllable: Yes

Appearance: Villain


Appearance: A grey suit, grey umbrella, black waist coat, black shoes, a black mask, black hair and brown eyes (Has other similar suits in different colours)

Name: Abner Archibald

Anti Hero Name: Carlisle

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Caucasian human

Gender: Male

Height: 6'6"

Age: 26


Powers: Can Shift Luck in his favour.

Weakness: Is just a human, can be abit too selfish and arrogant.

Abilities: Has expert gymnastic skills, is fairly strong with some martial arts knowledge and has 'acquired' some helpful technology.

Goals: To steal from what he sees to be the rich and wealthy who are unworthy of being so, and well keeping the cash and items (we have to pay the bills).

Personality: He is cocky and doesn't mind a joke especially if at an opponents expense, has no real care for others or there goals and agendas. Is arrogant believe he knows best. Can become worried and angered if things don't go his way.

Other: When not out 'procuring' he lives as wealthy man who enjoys the finer things in life and works as an investor.
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SirGrey said:
Anti Hero
Controllable: Yes

Appearance: Villain


Appearance: A grey suit, grey umbrella, black waist coat, black shoes, a black mask, black hair and brown eyes (Has other similar suits in different colours)

Name: Abner Archibald

Anti Hero Name: Carlisle

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Caucasian human

Gender: Male

Height: 6'6"

Age: 26


Powers: Can Shift Luck in his favour.

Weakness: Is just a human, can be abit too selfish and arrogant.

Abilities: Has expert gymnastic skills, is fairly strong with some martial arts knowledge and has 'acquired' some helpful technology.

Goals: To steal from what he sees to be the rich and wealthy who are unworthy of being so, and well keeping the cash and items (we have to pay the bills).

Personality: He is cocky and doesn't mind a joke especially if at an opponents expense, has no real care for others or there goals and agendas. Is arrogant believe he knows best. Can become worried and angered if things don't go his way
Accepted, but I believe you are using the NPC character sheet.



Anti-Hero Name:Dimension Eater.




Status (Single, Married, etc.):Single.


Height:Five feet two inches


Personality:snapshot:Apathetic, carefree, naive, indecisive,adventurous,secretive, two faced, hides his true personality.

Powers:None really, this suit was made to beat each of the heroes of tomorrow, for Shadow, the outside, has a mixed silver alloy, for Bolt it has a wooden inside to stop him from trying to take over the suit using his powers, This suit has an outer shield system, that will stop five hits before it has to recharge for ten minutes. the suit is also able to send out a wave that will cause paralysis to counter Gary, using this suit lets him move at peak human speed, at the same time, letting him track and predict the movements of others, the last thing this suit can do is teleport using the teleport system, he can teleport anywhere he has a picture of, using its system, other than that he has a use gadgets.

Weakness:The suit runs off of his Dimension Force, so when he runs out the suit cannot be used for four hours, low stamina. the outer shield can only be used five times before the recharge system.

Abilities:Skilled in acrobatics.

Origin:Dimension D-87

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Zedisback said:


Anti-Hero Name:Dimension Eater.




Status (Single, Married, etc.):


Height:Five feet two inches


Personality:snapshot:Apathetic, carefree, naive, indecisive,adventurous,secretive, two faced, hides his true personality.

Powers:None really, this suit was made to beat each of the heroes of tomorrow, for Shadow, the outside, has a mixed silver alloy, for Bolt it has a wooden inside to stop him from trying to take over the suit using his powers, This suit has an outer shield system, that will stop five hits before it has to recharge for ten minutes. the suit is also able to send out a wave that will cause paralysis to counter Gary, using this suit lets him move at peek human speed, at the same time, letting him track and predict the movements of others, the last thing this suit can do is teleport using the teleport system, he can teleport anywhere he has a picture of, using its system, other than that he has a use gadgets.

Weakness:The suit runs off of his Dimension Force, so when he runs out the suit cannot be used for four hours, low stamina. the outer shield can only be used five times before the recharge system.

Abilities:Skilled in acrobatics.

Origin:Dimension D-87

Accepted and Bolt ain't going down without a fight > :)
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
Accepted and Bolt ain't going down without a fight > :)

Mhm, right, but I already knew that

Appearance: A blue and red suit with a cowl of the same colors.

Name: Jace Taresto

Hero Name: The Heat

Group (Optional): Heroes of Tomorrow

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 6'

Age: 16

Personality: Shy, very intelligent, and afraid of his powers killing someone.

Powers: Can increase or decrease the average molecular kinetic energy of anything. Meaning he can heat something up and cool something down with his mind.

Weakness: If he sees he's killed someone, he completely freaks out.

Abilities: Very high intellect, thinks on his feet well, and knows how to use his powers wisely.

Origin: When accepted into M.I.T, Jace majored in molecular movement. He studied and experimented on finding absolute zero, no molecular movement at all in a substance. As soon as he achieved it, he was caught in the way of the experimental beam used, and was pronounced clinically dead. His molecules were not moving, so he was
extremely cold. For some reason he finally woke up, but this time he was so hot it killed all doctors and nurses in the hospital room he was in. He ran away and escaped the police, and hasn't been seen since.

Job: None
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Ivory Elizabeth Wright

Anti-Hero Name:





Status (Single, Married, etc.):





5foot 3 inches




Ivory is fairly unorthodox for most women, she often seen as scary with few looking to take her on. she usually laid back and easy going with a cursive mouth on her that can often get a few scowls. But her laid back easy going ways are making the fact that she is always on guard and ready to take on whatever comes her way and is picky about who she lets close to her. The young woman is funny despite how little she talks, to Ivory actions speak much louder than words do. They can range from a caring or grateful pat on the shoulder to a slap across the cheek. Her senses of morality makes her question everything although she is the most likely to do the hard things and take the dark roads for the benefit of others, but her mortality has no effect or her lack of mercy towards people, if there is a reason, clearly explaining why she is an Anti-hero. Her anger often comes across and cool and calm with an icy touch, much like the phrase "the calm before the storm".


Can turn into solid metal.


(Silver and gold like her arm.)


Heat. A metal body in a hot place is a bad idea. Her actions can land her on stupid situations. Not book smart.


A lot of common sence meaning she can come up with plans. Well built, strong and fast. Combat is her speciality. Technology is second nature to her.


Ivory is a product of war experiments to try and create the prefect human weapon.






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