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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra's necklace suddenly disappeared. So did the red and silver swirls. She blinked in confusion before looking around. She couldn't sign or look around. To say the least, she was terrified.
(I've had twelve! Lets just say I'm lonely.)

Ty released the barrier, and leaned against the couch tiredly.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra's necklace suddenly disappeared. So did the red and silver swirls. She blinked in confusion before looking around. She couldn't sign or look around. To say the least, she was terrified.
(I've had twelve! Lets just say I'm lonely.)

He would go in and check up on Astra after transforming back into Hibiki. "Are you ok Astra?" And would start holding her and comforting her in his calm manner.
YoungX said:
He would go in and check up on Astra after transforming back into Hibiki. "Are you ok Astra?" And would start holding her and comforting her in his calm manner.
Astra looked around at the destruction. 'What happened? Where's mommy? Is daddy okay?' She signed slowly, still trying to regain control of her mind.
YoungX said:
"Are you ok Astra? I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything," he says still calm, but honestly apologetic about the whole ordeal.
"Dang, she has a really strong will." he sat on the back of the couch looking a bit drained. "Wonder what caused it.."
Quill looked at the reader.

"This is what I call a lose-lose situation. Don't tell her, we lie. Tell her, we scar her. Let's just use a healthy medium."

He sighed and stroked her hair.

"Shhh. We don't know."

@Echo Dreamsong
Quillicious said:
"Don't worry, pumpkin. Just calm down. How about a nice nap? That'll be good for you."
Quill picked her up and brought her in her room.

@Echo Dreamsong @YoungX
Hibiki would be on the couch when he sees Quill taking Astra to her room. The least he could do was watch her, so he would at least follow and ask Quill if he could watch her for the time being.
Quillicious said:
"I need some time alone with her. I've been neglective of my paternal duties so far. Thanks, though."
Hibiki would nod, and would begin to head back to his room for a bit. From heading into the future to fighting Gods. Things have been hectic recently, and the best thing he can do is rest up for a bit.
(dabby.... dab...by.... DAB! )


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