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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Astra shook her head before quickly pushing herself off of Hibiki. She landed on the sand with a small thud, but fine. Her eyes glowed red for a moment before she blinked and they returned to their normal blue. A confused expression crossed her face, but she began piling the sand into a lump. That was when her vision began to blur and she fell backwards, her eyes closing.

Everything was completely black. Or it was until flames began to dance in her vision. She couldn't use any of her senses. Astra couldn't do anything except think. Odd as it was, Astra wasn't afraid. If anything she was deadly calm. Beneath her eyelids, something dark took hold.

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra shook her head before quickly pushing herself off of Hibiki. She landed on the sand with a small thud, but fine. Her eyes glowed red for a moment before she blinked and they returned to their normal blue. A confused expression crossed her face, but she began piling the sand into a lump. That was when her vision began to blur and she fell backwards, her eyes closing.
Everything was completely black. Or it was until flames began to dance in her vision. She couldn't use any of her senses. Astra couldn't do anything except think. Odd as it was, Astra wasn't afraid. If anything she was deadly calm. Beneath her eyelids, something dark took hold.


Hibiki would immediately go check on Astra who seemed to have fallen onto the floor. Being the calm person he is, he immediately holds Astra in his arms and checks on her pulse. "She's still alive, but what happened?" He would keep holding her and making sure she's all right.
YoungX said:
Hibiki would immediately go check on Astra who seemed to have fallen onto the floor. Being the calm person he is, he immediately holds Astra in his arms and checks on her pulse. "She's still alive, but what happened?" He would keep holding her and making sure she's all right.
Astra remained limp, just um, being unconscious.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra remained limp, just um, being unconscious.

"What do I do?" He asks as he keeps on holding her. There is a bit of a worry here, but he remembers the time he was a God. Of course his God powers are gone, but he did unlock his potential whatever that did. So he transformed into Ultimate Kuuga, and held his hand over her forehead. "Please let this work...," he says to himself as light forms from his palm as he puts it over her forehead.

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Astra jerked up, her eyes silver and red. She blinked in confusion before her gaze hardened.

"Death to the heroes." She said in a smooth voice that was not hers. That was when blue flames trailed up her arms and onto Hibiki.

Suddenly able to use her legs, she knocked herself out of his grasp and aimed another stream of flames at his legs.

YoungX said:
Hibiki would immediately go check on Astra who seemed to have fallen onto the floor. Being the calm person he is, he immediately holds Astra in his arms and checks on her pulse. "She's still alive, but what happened?" He would keep holding her and making sure she's all right.
Ty texted Hibiki.

'Need help?'
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'Astra' smirked.

"I'd tell, but where's the fun in that..."

Then she charged, hands aflame. Quickly she kicked out, aiming for his legs. After a quick feint, she moved behind Hibiki and pressed her flaming hands to his back.

Ultimate Kuuga would not be fazed by some mere flame, and could notice that due to his extremely heightened senses. He would absorb the flames, and would hold back on his kicks. With someone like Astra, he may end up killing her really easily. He then summoned up his 'Rising Dragon Rod' and would get ready to deflect her attacks. With these extremely heightened senses, he would predict her moves.

(Rising Dragon Rod picture)


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YoungX said:
Hibiki would receive a text, but he was in his Ultimate Form, so he sent him a mind message. "Something is controlling Astra. I may need your help returning her to normal."
Ty sent a mind message back. 'On my way. Be there in five.'
YoungX said:
Ultimate Kuuga would not be fazed by some mere flame, and could notice that due to his extremely heightened senses. He would absorb the flames, and would hold back on his kicks. With someone like Astra, he may end up killing her really easily. He then summoned up his 'Rising Dragon Rod' and would get ready to deflect her attacks. With these extremely heightened senses, he would predict her moves.
(Rising Dragon Rod picture)


'Astra' smirked before taking off, running faster than anyone could think possible. She sped down streets, knocking everything over until she came to the warehouse. Using her new found strength, she broke down a large hole in the wall and strode in.

"Now heroes, you have to make a choice... But first you must find the question."


YoungX said:
Ultimate Kuuga noticed that Astra took off, and would immediately give chase. With his speed he would be able to catch up, and head back to the warehouse. "What question are you talking about?" He would ask calmly.
@Salex @Otakubeats
"Ahaps you can help. It is you after all that allowed this to happen."

'Astra' said, rather enjoying this trickery.
Otakubeats said:
Ty stood up, grabbed his headset and ran out the door. He claled over his shoulder to Saitama. "Yo Hibiki needs help c'mon."
He then used his abilities to speed himself up, and arrived on the scene in three minutes flat.

he would stand up but then astra would come crushing in the wall "uhhh.... you're gonna have to pay for that" he said @Echo Dreamsong
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"Ahaps you can help. It is you after all that allowed this to happen."
'Astra' said, rather enjoying this trickery.

Ty had been about to leave and looked at the wall. "Damn it. You do know people have to fix that right?"
Astra chuckled.

"Oh just you heroes wait..."

A loud explosion was heard in the distance. Screams rang out and sirens wailed as a large glass apartment building cave in.

"Oh my, seems you have failed the city again."

The phones began ringing as citizens called in, hoping the heroes had saved their family.

"One small distraction is all that was needed to bring this all down."

Astra's normally red hair gained a hint of dark brown at the tips.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra chuckled.
"Oh just you heroes wait..."

A loud explosion was heard in the distance. Screams rang out and sirens wailed as a large glass apartment building cave in.

"Oh my, seems you have failed the city again."

The phones began ringing as citizens called in, hoping the heroes had saved their family.

"One small distraction is all that was needed to bring this all down."

Astra's normally red hair gained a hint of dark brown at the tips.

Ultimate Kuuga wouldn't waste any time getting out and helping out the civilians. He would help with the building cave-in, and would make sure everyone was save. This time he was tricked, and pushed himself to make himself fast enough to help out everyone.
Salex said:
the building that was falling would suddenly stop, genos was already there holding the building with his back "it seems you're the one that got fooled" he said @Echo Dreamsong
"Oh Genos thanks for that. I thought we were too late," he says to him. Then faces 'Astra.'
@Echo Dreamsong

Ty quickly focused, and a sound barrier trapped her in place. It prevented her from moving, but it took all his concentration to maintain. One well-aimed shot would be all it takes to break it, and he'd be unable to defend himself from it.
Astra's necklace suddenly disappeared. So did the red and silver swirls, along with most of the brown in her hair. Astra blinked in confusion. She couldn't sign or look around. To say the least, she was terrified.

Quillicious said:
((Bich, please. I've had 528.))
(I've had twelve! Lets just say I'm lonely.)
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