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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)


(I've got two days left to live)

(On the internet.)

"Sure you can feed the birds. I'm not sure if I can fly though, and I don't know if you can fly but you can find out. Bees do sting yes they do," he would answer her questions with a warm smile and a calm mind. He would give her some bird feed. "Here you can toss this stuff at the birds, and they'll eat it. Just don't toss it hard, but rather softly. Like this," he would take her hand and throw some bird feed gently. Some birds come and eat it.

(I've got two days left to live)

(On the internet.)
(why is that?)

Randomfactory9 said:
*Welp. It's a brand new day. The brilliant Vincent Long awoke in his bed, looking quite tired. He put on his mask and went straight to the computer to post something. He chuckled. He was really going to enjoy today. He typed up a few sentences, sentences that appeared on many social media sites.*
:Sup morons. Ready for my big show? Just a few months now, lovlies. For you noobs who have never seen me before, here's the deal. The name's Binary. What do I stand for, you ask? Well, the world's ordered anarchy, and I intend to be the chef and waiter. So, are you hungry? I hope you are, cause this plate of chaos is MASSIVE. Well, that's all I got for now. Binary out.:

*He was very proud of himself. Who wouldn't be? He had big plans, with goals easily obtainable by his big brain.*
(oh, you new?)
Otakubeats said:
Ty stole one last pancake from Stella and then went into the living room. He sat on the couch with his laptop, checking stuff and playing TF2.
@Echo Dreamsong
Stella trotted after him, biting into her food. "What

YoungX said:
"Sure you can feed the birds. I'm not sure if I can fly though, and I don't know if you can fly but you can find out. Bees do sting yes they do," he would answer her questions with a warm smile and a calm mind. He would give her some bird feed. "Here you can toss this stuff at the birds, and they'll eat it. Just don't toss it hard, but rather softly. Like this," he would take her hand and throw some bird feed gently. Some birds come and eat it.
Astra grabbed some and chucked it at the birds, sign shouting 'EAT! EAT AND BE FREE!'

Salex said:
(why is that?)
(oh, you new?)
(I go to boarding school for a summer program then. It doesn't have signal there.)
Randomfactory9 said:
((Yep. Fresh off the boat.))
Randomfactory9 said:
((Yep. Fresh off the boat.))
(welcome man, just a tip you shouldnt use the * symbol but if you want to thats no biggie :) and also many characters including myself are op so hopefully you can cope with that)
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Stella trotted after him, biting into her food. "What
Astra grabbed some and chucked it at the birds, sign shouting 'EAT! EAT AND BE FREE!'

(I go to boarding school for a summer program then. It doesn't have signal there.)

(Gasp. Then Hibiki must secure his place as Astra's brother)

The birds would flock to the feed and started eating it. Hibiki would look to the birds eating and then looks to Astra. "What do you want to do now?"
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Stella trotted after him, biting into her food. "What
Astra grabbed some and chucked it at the birds, sign shouting 'EAT! EAT AND BE FREE!'

(I go to boarding school for a summer program then. It doesn't have signal there.)

(damn, well make the best of the last 2 days you have, we'll miss you for a month but i think you're gonna have fun)
Salex said:
(welcome man, just a tip you shouldnt use the * symbol but if you want to thats no biggie :) and also many characters including myself are op so hopefully you can cope with that)
((Well, half of the time you won't physically be in the room with Binary. You'll normally just talk to him on the computer.))
YoungX said:
(Gasp. Then Hibiki must secure his place as Astra's brother)
The birds would flock to the feed and started eating it. Hibiki would look to the birds eating and then looks to Astra. "What do you want to do now?"
Astra waved her arms around before pointing at a stand selling stuff. 'Horse with a stick on it's head! Look!'

Salex said:
(damn, well make the best of the last 2 days you have, we'll miss you for a month but i think you're gonna have fun)
(Thanks. They have an ice cream machine! YES! Oh, and I get to play paintball. That'll be fun.)
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra waved her arms around before pointing at a stand selling stuff. 'Horse with a stick on it's head! Look!'
(Thanks. They have an ice cream machine! YES! Oh, and I get to play paintball. That'll be fun.)

(jealousy intensifies)
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra waved her arms around before pointing at a stand selling stuff. 'Horse with a stick on it's head! Look!'
(Thanks. They have an ice cream machine! YES! Oh, and I get to play paintball. That'll be fun.)

(Sounds fun.)

Hibiki would take Astra over to the stand, and would look at what she meant by horse with a stick on it's head. He would go buy some for her, and would give one to her. (What is this horse with a stick on it's head? xD )
YoungX said:
(Sounds fun.)
Hibiki would take Astra over to the stand, and would look at what she meant by horse with a stick on it's head. He would go buy some for her, and would give one to her. (What is this horse with a stick on it's head? xD )

Astra eagerly hugged the stuffed purple 'horse with a stick' before signing happily at Hibiki. 'Thank you! Thank you thank you! It's pretty!'
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong](UNICORN!)
Astra eagerly hugged the stuffed purple 'horse with a stick' before signing happily at Hibiki. 'Thank you! Thank you thank you! It's pretty!'

(I should've known. xD )

He would smile at her and would pat her on the head. "Glad you like it. Now then where should we go next?" Hibiki starts looking around the city wondering what they should do next.
YoungX said:
(Brother confirmed. : ) )
"Well lets see," he would being looking around. He would think about looking at the city sights. "Let's look around the city then," and begins to look around the city. Cue the going around the city montage.

@Echo Dreamsong
Astra gawked at everything, mostly pigeons and squirrels. 'Look! Look another one!' She signed, practically squealing as they reached the main plaza.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra gawked at everything, mostly pigeons and squirrels. 'Look! Look another one!' She signed, practically squealing as they reached the main plaza.

As they reached the main plaza, he would look around seeing all sorts of people. He wondered what the others were doing, but he may find out later if he meets them. Then he remembers he was still a hero from the Hero Association, and forgot he was A-Class Rank 13 'Beetle Knight.' He looks to Astra and says, "Never realized there were so many animals here," he would smile again at her. For once he knew what it was like to be an older sibling. It was an interesting feeling to say the least.
YoungX said:
As they reached the main plaza, he would look around seeing all sorts of people. He wondered what the others were doing, but he may find out later if he meets them. Then he remembers he was still a hero from the Hero Association, and forgot he was A-Class Rank 13 'Beetle Knight.' He looks to Astra and says, "Never realized there were so many animals here," he would smile again at her. For once he knew what it was like to be an older sibling. It was an interesting feeling to say the least.
Astra pointed eagerly to a fountain nearby, seeing several large birds there. Pink birds standing on one leg. How the heck did flamingos even get here? Cinder knows. Very much so. 'Look at the birds! Can they fly?'

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