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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

YoungX said:
"Hmm?" He would then realize that she was looking for her unicorn. Then he remember that it was still on the wheelchair, so he went to bring the unicorn back to her. "Here you go your unicorn. You wanted this right?" He would smile and begin to carry her on his back to get ready to leave and follow Ty.
@Echo Dreamsong
Ty smiled, and led them to the woods. The trail they followed exited into a riverside clearing.

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Astra once again suddenly jumped away from Hibiki, landing firmly on her feet.

"Well, that was all nice and stuff, but I have something to do..." She chuckled, hair changing to a pure white.

((About like this))

YoungX said:
Hibiki would turn face at her and looked at her hair. "Hmm... you seem different than before. Who and what exactly are you? Does the One have something to do with this?" His facial expressions read a calm mind, but inside he was already analyzing and thinking about the situation.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra once again suddenly jumped away from Hibiki, landing firmly on her feet.
"Well, that was all nice and stuff, but I have something to do..." She chuckled, hair changing to a pure white.

((About like this))


Ty stood quietly, his gaze cold and calculating. He had long since analyzed the situation and now was planning out certain scenarios.
The person took a step back and cackled.

"I could tell you, but that would take the fun out of it~!"

She sang with a small smile and crazy light in her eyes.
YoungX said:
"Hmm... When did this whole thing start? Was it when I unlocked her potential? Was it when she gotten that necklace?" He would ask those two specific questions, and her answer would still give him a hint regardless. He would look to Ty thinking and analyzing just like he was, and he would send him a mind message.
'Set up your sound barrier as quickly as possible.'

The girl quickly lite her arm and took a step backwards.

"Come on Hibiki~! Don't you want to guess~?"

In that instant she sent a ball of blue fire straight at both, not to mention the surrounding trees.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]The girl quickly lite her arm and took a step backwards.
"Come on Hibiki~! Don't you want to guess~?"

In that instant she sent a ball of blue fire straight at both, not to mention the surrounding trees.

Ty blinked and his eyes were a bright red, the sound-barrier quickly formed around her. He didn't blink nor remove his gaze from her, focusing everything into keeping the barrier. Doing this left him open to attack, as while he had a sound-barrier up he was unable to use his power in any other fashion.
The girl struggled for a minute before somehow managing to break the barrier.

"Oh, did I forget to add that I'm not Astra? I'm nothing like that weakling."

With a backflip, she pulled herself into a tree to sit on the branch.

"Now, who wants to play die~!"
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]The girl struggled for a minute before somehow managing to break the barrier.
"Oh, did I forget to add that I'm not Astra? I'm nothing like that weakling."

With a backflip, she pulled herself into a tree to sit on the branch.

"Now, who wants to play die~!"

Ty winced as the barrier broke and muttered under his breath. He did it again, increasing the power which made the girl's lungs drain of air. He held it like this watching her close, ignoring the strain it put on him.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]'Astra's arms quickly caught fire and the girl cried out, hair returning to red, though her eyes still had small traces of silver.

Ty dropped the barrier immediately, and collapsed onto the ground shaking with the exertion.

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