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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

[it really affects your brain. One day I didn't sleep, I could barely move and I went to the mall and collapsed about 3 times. I remember people coming up to me and asking if I'm okay. I went over to a lecture and probably took about a dozen naps during it. Even when I try, I always fall asleep during the morning.]

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BlankName said:
[it really affects your brain. One day I didn't sleep, I could barely move and I went to the mall and collapsed about 3 times. I remember people coming up to me and asking if I'm okay. I went over to a lecture and probably took about a dozen naps during it. Even when I try, I always fall asleep during the morning.]
(Well how long did you go without sleep that one time?)
Louis would look at the worker saying "Lets go to the next test." Louis said in the last test he did he could do he was happy with that as he stood waiting for them to go on to the next test. @Salex
"that concludes the test, please wait outside" he said while directing lou outside @Zedisback (this is what happens when you watch youtube too long, you forget about everything)
Salex said:
"that concludes the test, please wait outside" he said while directing lou outside @Zedisback (this is what happens when you watch youtube too long, you forget about everything)
Louis exited the testing area, he really only did good in one area, but it really didn't matter to him they really didn't have tests to do with his powers, or energy projection, as he stood as waiting for his test to come hoping he wouldn't get a stupid like Saitama first did. @Salex
Zedisback said:
Louis exited the testing area, he really only did good in one area, but it really didn't matter to him they really didn't have tests to do with his powers, or energy projection, as he stood as waiting for his test to come hoping he wouldn't get a stupid like Saitama first did. @Salex
saitama then walks up to lou "how was it?" he asked @Zedisback
Salex said:
saitama then walks up to lou "how was it?" he asked @Zedisback
"Well it was 'okay' the only test I did good on was the writing test, but they didn't even test my powers they just did physical stuff." Louis said "They told me to wait." @Salex
Zedisback said:
"Well it was 'okay' the only test I did good on was the writing test, but they didn't even test my powers they just did physical stuff." Louis said "They told me to wait." @Salex
a worker then comes up and shouts "your results will be posted on the website www.HeroAssociationOfficial.org, thank you all for your commitment on being a hero! you are now official heroes, we wish you the best of your future endeavours!" before walking back in "well, let's get back to the warehouse!" he said as he sheepishly walks in a cartoonish fashion @Zedisback
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Salex said:
a worker then comes up and shouts "your results will be posted on the website www.HeroAssociationOfficial.org, thank you all for your commitment on being a hero! you are now official heroes, we wish you on your best endeavours!" before walking back in "well, let's get back to the warehouse!" he said as he sheepishly walks in a cartoonish fashion @Zedisback
Louis walked with him not really sure what to think they didn't even give him any papers looking about Saitama saying "Do you plan to dream about playing Rock Paper Scissors with a booger on your finger again?" Louis asked him. @Salex
Zedisback said:
Louis walked with him not really sure what to think they didn't even give him any papers looking about Saitama saying "Do you plan to dream about playing Rock Paper Scissors with a booger on your finger again?" Louis asked him. @Salex
"D-D-dream about what? ppffttt no...." he said @Zedisback
Salex said:
"D-D-dream about what? ppffttt no...." he said @Zedisback
"You know did the base a show off you? I remember watching one show where a guy could one hit things, it was called like

Uno Hit Dude or something like that." Louis said pulling out a book with someone wearing a green jumpsuit a black cape and blue gloves. @Salex
Zedisback said:
"You know did the base a show off you? I remember watching one show where a guy could one hit things, it was called like
Uno Hit Dude or something like that." Louis said pulling out a book with someone wearing a green jumpsuit a black cape and blue gloves. @Salex
"looks... familiar... meh" he said as he walked towards the warehouse, genos was already waiting in the warehouse @Zedisback

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