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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Bolt got up and waved at Quill "Hey Quill!" He said before teleporting to the kitchen, his phone went off and he answered it. "WHAT! How the he-I'll be there," he put a hand on his head and pointed outside, a tentacle monster rising out of the ocean. "Have any of you heard of Cthulhu," he said with a fake smile.

Bob decided to lie down for a bit "So many people gone in an instant," she said still shaking. She curled up into a ball and go to sleep, dozing off.

Ray hid under the couch "TENTACLE MONSTER FROM THE DEPTHS OF HELL! BE GONE!" She yelled, she took out a spray bottle with 'Germs be gone' as the title.
YoungX said:
[Oh gods. Before we fight God xD ]
"Yeah I've heard of him. So we have to fight Cthulhu? Sounds easy now that we have God powers," he looked to Louis specifically while still embracing Astra.

@Echo Dreamsong @Zedisback
Louis would look at his orb saying "This will be an easy battle with our god powers, the hard battle will be god." Louis said tying to get them to fight god first "So maybe why don't we fight god first?" @Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Bolt got up and waved at Quill "Hey Quill!" He said before teleporting to the kitchen, his phone went off and he answered it. "WHAT! How the he-I'll be there," he put a hand on his head and pointed outside, a tentacle monster rising out of the ocean. "Have any of you heard of Cthulhu," he said with a fake smile.
Bob decided to lie down for a bit "So many people gone in an instant," she said still shaking. She curled up into a ball and go to sleep, dozing off.

Ray hid under the couch "TENTACLE MONSTER FROM THE DEPTHS OF HELL! BE GONE!" She yelled, she took out a spray bottle with 'Germs be gone' as the title.

"So....Squid thing eh?.....I'll get the baseball bat and swords."
Ezekiel v Knowledge

They both stared off at eachother, it now Knowledge's turn. "The meaning of life." Knowledge asked. "42." Ezekiel responded. "What's my name?" Knowledge continued with the questions. "uh.. Question mark, question mark, question mark?" Ezekiel replied. "Good enough." Knowledge said.

"It's new for someone to match the ultimate Knowledge test." Knowledge said. "So uh... I should take a survey? Make furniture that you bought from Ikea? Or?" Ezekiel said. Knowledge spinned the gun, it landed on Ezekiel. "This gun seems rigged." Knowledge said, allowing Ezekiel speak. "Okay, my turn." Ezekiel said, quickly grabbing the gun and shooting Knowledge in the head. "Hear the fucking pin drop bitch." Ezekiel said. "Now that's knowledge." He said, grabbing Knowledge's powers, walking out of the library.

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A giant explosion could be seen in the distant, Cthulhu thrown into a building. "Puny Old God, I wanted a fight!" He yelled punching him deeper into the building, laughing like a mad man. God shot a laser from his eyes, slicing the gods arm off. The battled raged on as it seemed that Cthulhu was losing it.
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]A giant explosion could be seen in the distant, Cthulhu thrown into a building. "Puny Old God, I wanted a fight!" He yelled punching him deeper into the building, laughing like a mad man. God shot a laser from his eyes, slicing the gods arm off. The battled raged on as it seemed that Cthulhu was losing it.

"Idiot! The people in the city are gonna get hurt by his arrogance!" Ty turned to Bolt. "What do we do?"
Evan teleported onto Cthulhu's head. "Hey buddy. How's it going?" He asked, looking over at god. "I clearly see your losing." Evan said, patting Cthulhu on the head and teleporting onto a building far enough that he could still see the fight. "Science."
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God sighed and punched Cthulhu into another building "So you are the new gods. Sad to see them die so quick," he said grabbing Lou and throwing him away like a candy wrapper. "YOU CAN'T BEAT GOD!" He yelled as his body created a blast of power destroying anything around him.

Bolt looked at Quill "We'll talk about a second date later, right now I must lead my gods. *God Transformation* Gods! We fight, not as separate but as one. We can beat god," he said teleporting to the scene, he waited for his group to come, he covered himself from the blast.

@BlankName @Otakubeats @YoungX @Echo Dreamsong
Shadow yelped and teleported on top of a building "dont' you mean gods featuring the Amazing shadow" shadow called down to bolt with a laugh as he jumped from the building after the blast was gone, he landed on the ground and walked towards the others "so uh your god?" he asked

@Shammy the Shamrock @Zedisback
Ty came beside him, his eyes a glowing purple instead of their normal red. On his left wrist was a purple thorn, wrapping around it, glowing with power each time he used his new abilities. He used his power to shield himself as well and looked at bolt. "Do we bother trying to help the people, or handle the main situation first?" He gave Bolt two plausible options. Both had their logical pros and cons, and it was up to him as their leader to determine how they approached this.
Louis would teleport behind him laughing saying "You can't beat me that easy." With a snap of his fingers purple energy would cover his body, as he entered his dimensional force cloak mode, in this mode the dimensional force made him more powerful and faster in this mode in the air behind him, he opened ten portals behind him, all firing beams at god, using ten to make a super beam, as he would leave the cloak mode for now going back to his normal form. He only did it to make that attack more powerful @Shammy the Shamrock @FrostXShadow
Suddenly the One appeared in a large flash of light, knockong everyone back. He grew in size until he was larger than even Cthulhu.

Stop! You all must cease this! So-called 'God', you may have thought you defeated me, but I am here to avenge Death. You must pay for your crimes now. Your judgement has come.

@BlankName @Echo Dreamsong

((Echo's prolly offline.))
Quillicious said:
Suddenly the One appeared in a large flash of light, knockong everyone back. He grew in size until he was larger than even Cthulhu.
Stop! You all must cease this! So-called 'God', you may have thought you defeated me, but I am here to avenge Death. You must pay for your crimes now. Your judgement has come.

@BlankName @Echo Dreamsong

((Echo's prolly offline.))
Ty stood, and rolled his eyes. "Can you NOT cause a bigger problem with I dunno, wrecking the place?!" He sighed, taking note of the damages present. This place got destroyed more than Tokyo, and Godzilla lived there.
Evan teleported onto God's shoulder. "How you doing?" He asked, headbutting him. Only to teleport back to the building. "You really love your lasers.. And.. Your.. Stuff." Evan watched as The One came over, that stupid omnipotent never learned how to stop. That stupid thing. "Hey! Three! Two! One!" Evan yelled at the One.

@Quillicious @Shammy the Shamrock

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