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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Hibiki would look to the sparring, and would think to unlock the potential within him. Though hasn't Daguva already unlocked his potential? No it was only unlocking the power of Kuuga. So he would unlock his own potential, and would know that this was permanent. He then wondered if he could do this to everyone else.
Louis would look at what Shadow did until he said "I think I will make a new law." He would laugh saying "Any thrown weapons go back at the thrower." After he said those words Shadow's knifes started to fly back at him he said "Did you really think this would work?" Giving Shadow a really look. @FrostXShadow
Shadow snapped his fingers making the Knives disappeared "No not really just testing something" shadow took a step back "alright no throwing daggers got it" his sword disappeared and a dagger appeared in each hand lets try this" he said teleporting right in front of Lou swinging his dagger

FrostXShadow said:
Shadow snapped his fingers making the Knives disappeared "No not really just testing something" shadow took a step back "alright no throwing daggers got it" his sword disappeared and a dagger appeared in each hand lets try this" he said teleporting right in front of Lou swinging his dagger
"Shadow, nice try." Louis said dodging the attacks, with a snap of his fingers, Shadow would be in nothing but blackness, on a white circle with two paths linked to it, one right and one left Lou's voice could be heard booming over the area it said "Pick your path of destiny." @FrostXShadow
YoungX said:
Hibiki would look to the sparring, and would think to unlock the potential within him. Though hasn't Daguva already unlocked his potential? No it was only unlocking the power of Kuuga. So he would unlock his own potential, and would know that this was permanent. He then wondered if he could do this to everyone else.
Ty stood beside him, watching as well.
Movement floated in the vast expanse of space, his legs folded close to him so they were crossed. His eyes were downcast and their glow was dimmed down very much. His permanent smile was upside down and small.

"I...I'm sorry, guys..."

His face went down to his lap, thinking of his friends.

"I should've done something to help, I should've...I shouldn't have been weak. I'm so sorry."

He thought of Mischief, and all the times he called the guy a pain in the ass even though he knew deep down inside he was fond of him. Silence, probably one of the most responsible. He smiled slightly at the bittersweet thoughts of when they spent time together, when he wondered if her useless lips could meet his constantly hidden ones. Movement had harbored a secret love for her ever since they first met. Fate was one he never really got close to, but he could appreciate her laziness. That was the only thing they had in common, though she was still important. He thought of all the gods he knew and only grew more depressed. It was only him and the God of Shadows now. He sighed.

"You and me, buddy. Just you and me."

Movement thought of getting revenge. He though of just fading from existence. One glowing green tear flowed from his eyes as they welled up. It floated away from him, along with several others. That was the one and only time he ever cried.

"I'm so sorry..."

He blinked away, the only evidence of his presence being the tears.
Despite handing over his successor his powers, Daguva still exists within the deity plane. He simply thinks within the dark space that he resides in. The age of new gods may not end the way everyone wants to.
FrostXShadow said:
"you've gotten more fun Lou" he said running to the right "what's next gonna put me through a bunch of test?" he laughed out running on the path
After Shadow picked the right path white light flashed everywhere in was in another reality in another Earth everything seemed to move in slow motion for him, he could see two groups of people about to die one was his family, everyone he cared about and loved, the other one was a single women and a young child.

Louis's voice boomed again "Who will you save?" If Shadow waited to long to think about it, both of them would die. @FrostXShadow
YoungX said:
(Since Salex isn't here we should finish up this god arc within tomorrow or something. Hue.)
(Well we need everyone to do so, and time zones are a thing so yeah)
"oooh that's dirty" he said not even taking the time to think before running to the women and child "was this even a choice this is what my family would have wanted." he smirked "come on Louie you have to do better than this" @Zedisback
FrostXShadow said:
"oooh that's dirty" he said not even taking the time to think before running to the women and child "was this even a choice this is what my family would have wanted." he smirked "come on Louie you have to do better than this" @Zedisback
Shadow was now on another Earth he couldn't use his teleporting powers, a train was coming, he was near by but not on the tracks ten workers could be seen working on fixing on the tracks they couldn't hear the train coming, but another person was near by, for whatever reason Shadow wouldn't be able to get on the tracks, Louis said "What will you do push that one guy in the way to save those ten, or save that one for those ten." Boomed Louis waiting to see what Shadow did. @FrostXShadow
Ray was eating the fries before something was buzzing in her head. "Saitama, Smiley says we should go deeper into the woods. It is important," she said walking into the woods.

"tch I thought you were supposed to be the good guy Lou" he growled out "No", he said firmly" I wont let any of them die not matter what" he growled and ran trying to use his teleporting power but it wouldn't work "crap" he said continuing to run "wait if that doesn't work then.." he held his hand out toward the track and a giant shield formed on the track, the train hit the shield but it continued to go towards the men "fuck this " he ran faster and launched himself in front of the train

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FrostXShadow said:
"tch I thought you were supposed to be the good guy Lou" he growled out "No", he said firmly" I wont let any of them die not matter what" he growled and ran trying to use his teleporting power but it wouldn't work "crap" he said continuing to run "wait if that doesn't work then.." he held his hand out toward the track and a giant shield formed on the track, the train hit the shield but it continued to go towards the men "fuck this " he ran faster and launched himself in front of the train
A bright light would flash, as Shadow was now back at the path a new one it was the same as the last time Louis said "Each test will only get harder." Louis said, he wasn't going to tell Shadow none of this was real yet, he needed and wanted to see how Shadow would act, and what he would do in the other tests. @FrostXShadow
FrostXShadow said:
Shadow sighed "lets get this over with" he said walking to the left this time "what you going to do Lou im waiting" he said walking
Again Shadows power wouldn't seem to work, none of them, as Louis's voice boomed again, Shadow would find himself, in a place where he was with a small child and a young girl Louis boomed "Kill the mother or the young girl will die."A shadow formed covering the small child slowly sucking the life out of her. @FrostXShadow

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