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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Louis stood looking around it was weird being the God of Fate was he would look around looking for anyone to talk with,
Shadow woke up laying in a forrest, he sat up rubbing his head " What the hell happen, where am I" he looked around. He sighed and slowly stood up "how did I get here" he continued to talk to him self as he walked through forest "where are the others" he looked around. He then got an idea "Lou" he smirked and the used his power causing a gold and black cloud of smoke to wrap around his body he disappeared from the forest and reappeared standing next to Lou "quick question do you know what happen and where I've been, how long have I been gone" he said putting his hand on Lou's shoulder

(( Shadow is back peoples)) @Zedisback
FrostXShadow said:
Shadow woke up laying in a forrest, he sat up rubbing his head " What the hell happen, where am I" he looked around. He sighed and slowly stood up "how did I get here" he continued to talk to him self as he walked through forest "where are the others" he looked around. He then got an idea "Lou" he smirked and the used his power causing a gold and black cloud of smoke to wrap around his body he disappeared from the forest and reappeared standing next to Lou "quick question do you know what happen and where I've been, how long have I been gone" he said putting his hand on Lou's shoulder
(( Shadow is back peoples)) @Zedisback
Louis looked at Shadow saying "Hello, good news." Louis said looking at his lost friend he hadn't seen in a long time "I'm the God of Fate now." He said pulling his friend into a hug he said "So where have you been?" Louis asked looking at him, a look of worry on his face, Shadow had never been gone for this long before, @FrostXShadow
"what exactly do you mean by god? and I have no idea I woke up in the forrest, how long have ive been gone?" he asked he looked down and realized he wasn't wearing his jacket "where the hell his my jacket" he ran a hand through his black and blue hair "I really need someone to tell me what happened" he sighed

FrostXShadow said:
"what exactly do you mean by god? and I have no idea I woke up in the forrest, how long have ive been gone?" he asked he looked down and realized he wasn't wearing his jacket "where the hell his my jacket" he ran a hand through his black and blue hair "I really need someone to tell me what happened" he sighed
"Well some of the group are becoming gods I'm one of them I'm the God of Fate now." Said Louis as he would smile, with a snap of his fingers a new jacket just like Shadow's old one was in his hands he said "Enjoy and have this." With another snap ten pizza box's now on the ground next to Shadow he said "Eat up." @FrostXShadow
"you know me so well" he put the jacket on and grabbed a slice of pizza, munching on before looking back at Lou "God of fate huh that sounds fun" he thought for a second "wait how exactly are you guys becoming gods" he looked over to the other person "The name is Niklaus, But call me Shadow" he gave a small smile before taking another bite of his pizza

@YoungX @Zedisback
Louis looked at Hibiki saying "This is Shadow he is an older member of the group like me, but even older than me." As he turned back to Shadow saying "Yeah I have all kinds of new powers." Louis said looking over to Hibiki saying "What are you god of again?" Louis asked. @FrostXShadow @YoungX
FrostXShadow said:
"you know me so well" he put the jacket on and grabbed a slice of pizza, munching on before looking back at Lou "God of fate huh that sounds fun" he thought for a second "wait how exactly are you guys becoming gods" he looked over to the other person "The name is Niklaus, But call me Shadow" he gave a small smile before taking another bite of his pizza
@YoungX @Zedisback
Zedisback said:
Louis looked at Hibiki saying "This is Shadow he is an older member of the group like me, but even older than me." As he turned back to Shadow saying "Yeah I have all kinds of new powers." Louis said looking over to Hibiki saying "What are you god of again?" Louis asked. @FrostXShadow @YoungX
"Nice to meet you Niklaus. My name is Hibiki," he would then turn to Louis. "I'm the God of Balance and Evolution. I make sure there's balance and I can unlock and enhance the potential and power of others. Also while I can't harm anyone unless it's to fix balance, other's can never harm or act against me."
(The zombie RP by Libra was closed and i have no where else to go... let me in here plz (-scratches door-)
Echo Dreamsong]Astra dashed away from Bolt and ran to Hibiki's feet. "Mrew!" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33454-youngx/ said:
"Hmm?" He would look down to see Astra still as a cat. "Ah right Astra I forgot you were a cat." He would pick her up and pet her on the head. "I think I have a way of turning you back. You want to turn back right?"
Bolt was thrown back into the warehouse to see Astra. "Astr-" he was stopped by a tree flying through a window. He used his powers to destroy the tree on impact. "What are you doing right here," he said before charging back out.

Storm came back in "Come on! I want a challenge," it yelled throwing a punch at Bolt. His fist was met with Bolt's and power burst out from both sides.

Bolt gripped the hand tighter "Here's your challenge!" He said punching Storm right in the chest. The armor broke and the fist went right through him. A explosion of energy happened and something new stood in front of him.

Storm smiled in the new form it had taken "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH! YOU REALLY FUCKED UP BUDDY," it said grabbing and draining Bolt's powers as he fell to the floor.
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"what so are all of you gods now" he stood up a" YOU BECAME A GOD WITH OUT ME" he said loudly hitting Lou in the back of the head "not fair" Shadow held his hand out and a golden smoke enveloped it forming a small dagger "hm that still works" he turned and looked at Lou letting the dagger turn into gold dust

@Zedisback @YoungX
Fire Bug

I go into the forest and inside fire mode i start lighting things on fire. Surges of fire going everywhere, Considering its a deadwood forest its not housing any life im having the time of my life

@Whoever is in the forest
YoungX said:
"Hmm?" He would look down to see Astra still as a cat. "Ah right Astra I forgot you were a cat." He would pick her up and pet her on the head. "I think I have a way of turning you back. You want to turn back right?"
Astra nodded eagerly, rubbing her head in his hand.
FrostXShadow said:
"what so are all of you gods now" he stood up a" YOU BECAME A GOD WITH OUT ME" he said loudly hitting Lou in the back of the head "not fair" Shadow held his hand out and a golden smoke enveloped it forming a small dagger "hm that still works" he turned and looked at Lou letting the dagger turn into gold dust
@Zedisback @YoungX
"You know funny thing is." Louis would laugh for a second saying "I can control the fate of anything and everything meaning I can manipulate anything and everything." Said Louis with a smile saying "Who knows you may become a god." Said Louis as he looked at Shadow rubbing his head "I missed you, friend." @FrostXShadow
Astra squeaked in pain and jumped out of his hands before curling up on the ground. After a few painful moments she opened her eyes to see herself as a human form. With a happy beam she tried to stand and reach him, only to find her legs not moving. Her face fell for a moment before she forced a smile of her face and reached up to hug Hibiki.

Hibiki would only hug back and smile. "Well then it worked. Congratulations your back to normal now. Let's see if Bolt's new found potential will help against his God," he says to her as he would carry her on his back. "I'm sure he's got this."

@Shammy the Shamrock

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