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Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villans

Echo stood up and nodded.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's happened before. I really should get lessons from the other four..." She sighed.
Echo laughed, the thought of getting a ride to the city was apparently funny.

"No thank you sir, you cannot ride to the city of stars. The bridge will appear when it's ready."
Octavian looked in her direction a few moments before sighing, turning around and walking away. "Well, I guess it's for the better.. It's time to get to work anyway.." He thought to himself, taking out a small eye mask from his pocket.
Echo paused at the end of the street, pondering which way to go.

"Hmm, I should most likely hide my wings, otherwise the people will find me."
Octavian quickly made it back to his "base of operation", switching his normal clothes for his villain outfit.


Richard took a look at his watch, smiling at the though of kicking some bad guy's a**. He quickly opened his closet, took out his suit, and put it on.
Echo sighed, realizing that she wasn't going to get back to her home for some time. She fluttered her wings and looked around for something to do. As if on cue a pack of white wolfs came tearing down the street, knocking over stands and stealing hotdogs. Stranger still was the squirrel on the lead wolf's back.

"Luka! Chenu! You made it!" Echo ran forward and embraced the wolf who was nearly as tall as her.

((SO basically a pack of giant wolfs ran down the street))
((WOW, That sounds terrifying! Except for the wolves stealing hotdogs, that is pretty funny))

Dr. Conjure (Octavian) paced back and forth, arms cross behind his back as he thought of what he could do. An idea suddenly came to him. He quickly rushed out of the building, using his telekinesis to basically fly while surrounded in a green mist towards the city.
((Yeah, they're basically tame))

((And what city is Octavian flying to?))

Echo looked at the chaos around her and sighed.

"Chenu, you're scaring the mortals." The wolfs barked twice and the hotdog thieves fell in beside her.
((Well, the RP takes place in suburban area, and the city beside it, which is based on New York. I ...don't exactly have a name for it yet...))

Octavian landed on a building as he noticed a immense chaos nearby. He shrugged it off, guessing people had noticed him, and he quickly got to work making his way inside the building.
((Ah, ok))

Echo stood up, having heard sirens.

"Chenu, you have to run." She whispered and almost instantly the wolfs left, only a trail of dust remaining.

The sound of gunfire rang out, causing Echo to wrap her wings around herself as a shield.

"Echo Dreamsong. We have much to talk about back at the lab. You won't be getting away this time." The agent said.

A stinging pain began to travel through her wings and she drew her bow, preparing to fire. "Agent J. I suppose you think I'm still defenseless?" Echo shouted back before turning and firing her thin arrows at the man. The people ducked quickly before returning fire, only Echo couldn't really dodge the many bullets. She flared her wings, trying to distract the people as she shakily aimed her bow once more, blood flowing down her face and legs.
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Dr. Conjure heard gunfire-lots of it. He looked out through the glass door of the building seeing the scene. His eyes widened, and his hands shook. He quickly ran through the door, causing it to shatter in pieces as his hands became surrounded in a green mist. A van nearby became engulfed in the same green mist as it was lifted up, and slammed into many of the agents, killing most of them.
Echo fired one last arrow before collapsing on the ground. And of course into a net. That of course dragged her to the agents. Because that's what always happens. Tadah!

Echo was thrown in a van and carried off. The dead agents just lay there... Dead...
Dr. Conjure was about to use his telekinesis to stop the van when....


Steel Falcon(Richard) Swooped in, punching said villain in the face, knocking him out, and leaving a huge bruise on said face.
Echo pounded on the van door, trying to break it.

((Lil tiny thing trying to open heavy van doors. Wonderful idea Echo...))

She screamed and shouted, of course nothing worked, and they had her bow. Dumb lab people.
Dr. Conjure groaned in his unconsciousness as he was strapped down to a gurney and rolled into an ambulance as the news reporters (who somehow got there that quickly) were interviewing Steel Falcon. "That's probably going to leave some brain damage." Said a smirking doctor to another.
As the van was driving along, it made a turn around a corner at the end of the street. Into the wall that the little girl clinging tightly to the flagpole on the roof nearby had disguised as the road(I can spell, pssh). The dead end had also been moved up a few blocks by an illusory wall. The Illusion then faded as the little girl fell back onto the roof.
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The ambulance holding Dr. Conjure drove away, sirens blaring as he slowly regained consciousness, seeing mostly spots at he opened his eyes.


"It's all in a days work." Steel Falcon said, both eyebrows raised, and a smile on his face as he spoke to the news reporters.
Echo shrieked as she fell into the door, breaking the glass and getting it embedded in her wings. Ignoring the pain, she scrambled out the window, cutting her leg, and falling onto the ground.

The agents climbed out of the car, scratching their heads and muttering. One walked back to find the glass shattered and their subject gone. Calling into his phone, he ordered a full out search.

Echo crawled out onto the street, her bleeding wings dragging behind her. "I-i have to get away. They will contact their governlement to get me!" She tried to run across the road, but of course she tripped in the middle, a car barreling toward her as she curled up waiting for doom.
The ambulance came to a screeching stop in front of the girl, the doctor quickly rushing out of the back to her. Dr. Conjure moaned in pain as he tried using his powers to get out, but they weren't as strong as usual.

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