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Fandom Hell City

Sinny The Fool

Boogaloo Anarchist
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
It's a cold and rainy night in hell city, the town has lightened up and while others rob and mug others choose to party or even try live normal lives. Some even choose the scheme or perhaps just have laugh every now and then. Some people enjoy life in Hell City, some became big and others are left behind in the gutters. Then there is you, you're also apart of this city and it's something you can't just simply 'back away' from. Like a drug the city becomes an addiction which becomes almost impossible to resist. Many get dragged down and many just get a good old kick from it.

~A quote by Tristan "Joker", Taylor~

@Tylor guillory



@Cloud Nagasake

@Lilah Tunth


@Nenma Takashi @NyxNightmare @Pyka the Pikachu @T h e F o o l

(For some reason it won't let me tag people properly so sorry for those who weren't tagged)

~Cold Gate Prison~

Tristan was placed in a cell, looking at the dazzling stars in the sky thinking of 'what would happen if each and every single one of them just...blew up.' a small chuckle emitting from the man afterwards "Hey buddy boy!!! Come here would you!!?" the man sitting in his jail cell cried to the guards looking over him. 'I wonder what got me in this mess to begin with..I bet it was funny..' he thought to himself bursting out in psychotic laughter.

The guard eventually got sick of the laughter coming out of the prisoner walking to the cell and knocking the door
"Keep quite you crazy peace of shit! Or I'll just shoot you here before the rest any of these other dogs do." the guard seemed pissed off as he aimed his gun in the small gap of the cell "So be a good clown and shut the fuck up."

Tristan went from looking out to the stars and to the guard aiming the gun towards him, at this point Tristan wasn't in any position to move, the prison was built to hold even gifted humans. The chains were a creation of aura itself hence why it was able to work against them. Tristan's hands were chained above his head, rattling the chains with a wide creepy smile on his face.


"Could you be so kind as to take these off? They're starting to get a little tight you know." he chuckled again at his own statement.

The guard took his gun away from the hole and spat into it onto the floor beneath Tristan
"You wish, I ain't that dumb you're going to rot in here." the guard lost interest in the prisoner, and moved along to his post it seemed to be about his lunchtime.
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It was a regular day at the Rainy Traveller General Store. Bismarck was restocking, putting his new stolen items up for sale. Rings and food and jewelry...he smiled. The gang really was on a roll. If only there were just a few more members...He dusted off several bookshelves, pausing to look at his works of art. War, by Saedor, was nearly sold out. He would have to reprint it again.

Bismarck hesitated, looking for a good chance to read an excerpt of the book, then snatched it, taking a peek at the introduction.

To the Reader;

I was once asked a vital question; why do you write about war if you hate it so much?

I have delayed the said question for several months, but I am now willing to answer it. It is vital for one to understand war in order to end it. And sometimes, in order to understand war, you must experience it.

One cannot speak of things in a distasteful tone if they never learn of it. It is like liver; you hear of how terrible it tastes, but you never know just how terrible it really is unless you get a taste of it. Eventually you hear so much about how terrible it is that you feel as though you have actually tasted it, as though you really have fought in a war. But you haven't.

I don't know who you are; nor do I know where you come from, but I have given you your answer. I hope you are pleased.

Best of wishes to you,


Bismarck smiled. This really was his best work. He closed the book. "Back to work..."
Natalia sat in the truck driven by CIA agents. While some others were sitting on both sides of her and A couple on the other side. There was two other trucks as well to make sure she didn't break out. Nat was tied with thick plastic all over.


"Kind of hard to believe that She's running the terrorist organization that's been causing us so much damn trouble." The driver said to the others as they nodded in agreement.Natalia simply ignored all of it and just hummed with her eyes closed. One of the men grabbed her face then got really close to her asking. "why are you humming so much .huh?" He continued to try to bother her until he was called back to his seat by the leader. The man pouted then sat back down.suddenly a nearby truck exploded. The Main truck Nat was in turned off the road to avoid being hit by the inflamed Vehicle."Seal the perimeter, protect the package!" One agent outside the truck said.. Most of the agents evacuated the Trucks shooting at the helicopter that was coming their way.Except the men that were in the same vehicle with her. Nat knew this since she could hear the explosions, shooting and the shouting outside, She continued to hum as she thought 'Seems like my transportation is here,' She got up calmly until one man noticed. He held the machine gun in his hand and started to yell. "The hell is going on?Hey! what are you're doing?! Sit back down!" But she remained still with the cold,emotionless look she always had on her face.The man started to shoot at her but she dodged his bullets using some of them to untie herself then head butted his chin at the perfect spot ,causing him to fall down dead.


The other men started shooting at her as well she continued to dodged them then hitting the nearest guy in the face then using his body as a shield pushing him on top of another man then kicking them down. She grabbed a gun from one of the agents then kneed the last remaining man in the truck then put the gun in his mouth, pulling the trigger,Killing both him and the driver in one shoot. She run out of the back noticing a guy was in the floor and was slowly getting up pointing a gun at her. She kicked it out of his hands by doing a gymnastic bar flip then ended up standing on the top of the truck. He started to run until Natalia shoot him in the head. The rope from the helicopter came down as she ran to the edge of the truck to grab hold. The helicopter instantly flown away from the scene making her take a gleams of the chaos she caused leaving no survivors.

The reason this all began was since Lucifer called her back to hell city ,recently, to take control of the mafia, the first time She talked to him in years.She could've taken a plane like ordinary people but she wanted something interesting so she decided to get herself caught, She released felons from federal prison and broken into the national bank at the same time, by using computer codes. She was found in the vault with a crown on her head sitting on the money as if it was her throne. She made it easy for them to capture her as she told them that she was in 'No rush.'She told her father the exact place to send the helicopter and he done just that. The perfect plan for cheap transportation. She was now staring out onto the distance till at the edge of the rope saying "Hell city here I come."


( I will never make anything this long ever again... Takes too long)
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Six sat down atop a huge skyscraper not to far from the Cold gate prison, a black bird sat on his finger looking out with its one eye."So it seems the fun has begun." The crow said it sounded more like a human than a bird, it spoke but not in the squak you'd expect from a talking bird. "So I suppose I shall free the clown?" The bird asked Six who didn't seem to answer, but the bird flew off anyways and landed just outside Tristan's cell."Hello you fool, it seems your tied up at the moment, is it a bad time? Should I perhaps come back later?" The bird asked a mocking tone to his voice. @Sinister Clown
Madden was.... bored... her behaviour being bit childish, but she didn't even care at the moment. She sat a down on the sofa in a comfortable position. Meaning lying all across the couch with a knife in hand, not that she knew how to use it, but she knew the principals of using one... Maybe she should get lessons? That sounded like a good idea, now that she thought about it....

"Lilies, darling, get me some tea, the usual," She said with a dark expression on her face. She looked like she wanted to stab something... She probably did.... A girl entered the darky lit room, with fire flaming from the torches hanged everywhere in the large bedroom.

"Y-yo-you mean black with no sugar extra strong?" The little servant girl called Lilies trembled. While a angered Madden was scary, a bored Madden was way worse. She sighed, "What else could I mean!?" She pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I d-d-d-do-don-don't kno-know..." The girl shook a little more, but now nothing but her voice was trembling. Clutching her dress, the little servant girl's knuckles were slowly turning white.

Madden exhaled further, "That was a rhetorical question, never mind.... Just get me tea! And the newspaper, if that is in your capibility!"
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As the girl ran out of the room terrified out of her mind. Natalia walked in calmly with her hands in her pockets emotionless until she let out a smirk as she said.

"Hello Madden."

@Lilah Tunth
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Lily Underworld walked towards the room where Madden, her boss, was, a cloak covering most of her face. She looked at the young servant girl, Lilies, and scoffed. "How disappointing," she snarled. Lilies jumped.

"O-o-oh, Lady Death...I didn't see you there...."

"Of course you didn't," Lily said coolly. "It's difficult to look Death in the eye." She sat down, smirking to herself. "I wonder if Madden-san is willing to see me now." Then there came a ringing in her ears. Lily sighed. "Someone is dying. I shall have to see to it that he is taken safely to the Underworld."
Somewhere in Hell City...

Markus perched precariously on the edge of a rooftop, surveying his surroundings as he always did when he was nervous. He knew that they were carrying that girl, the one who was meant to take over in the Mafia for awhile, that had been captured. But he knew it was all a set up. No high ranking member of this Mafia, with the skills that they had, would get caught as easily as she had been. So he waited on the rooftop, his eyes darting around like an eagle hunting for its prey, until he saw what he had been looking for. The helicopter, flying North-East, the exact opposite way in which the car transporting the girl had been directed. He punched the closest object next to him in frustration, leaning against the now slightly bloodstained wall. As much as he knew it had been a set up, he had prayed, almost in a child-like, naive way that their plan would backfire and they would actually be able to take her in. Not that Markus worked for the police, nor did he have anything in particular against the girl. It was the Mafia itself he had an issue with. Them and the Clowns were organizations he could not stand. So any blow to them was a success for him. He took a running leap across the roof towards the next building, beginning to fall before he even managed to make it half way across but teleporting in the blink of an eye to cover the rest of the distance. What know... He thought in frustration as he streaked across the rooftops, a single blink and you would miss him...
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Bursting into laughter as he saw the bird pop on to his cell, for a moment it seemed Tristan forgot he was restrained the wall and tried leaping towards the bird and catch it only to be flung right back into the wall "Oof!!" his head hung down and his body went limp for a moment, it almost seemed as if he had just died on the spot if it wasn't for his croaky voice finally speaking in a dark chaotic tone.

"Oh I don't know, These guys treat me pretty well y'know..They like using their knives!" bursting out in psychotic laughter again "THEY EVEN USED MY KNIVES!!!!!" his tone went from laughter to agitation within a matter of seconds "What the hell do you think you stupid bird!? OF COURSE I WANT TO GET OUT OF THESE DAMN CHAINS!!" his voice grew louder and echoed through the prison, numerous other prisoners began yelling and screaming also and began banging on their cells pleading "Let me out of here!", "I swear, I-I didn't do anything" almost each prisoner were pleading their innocence. Tristan poked his head around the jail cell curiously as he heard the voices, a wide smile on his face he looked back at the bird and began rattling his chains louder and louder "Well birdy? Gonna let me free? I have a very important meeting to attend to.."

@Tylor guillory
Dust cocked its head side ways curiously. "If it was up to me you'd ROT in here but Six owes you one so I shall inform him of your decision." Dust said before flying off towards Six. He landed back on his finger."The clown does indeed wish to be free, yes I know its all part of your master plan, but still he's rude obnoxious and annoying. Fine I guess I can't stop you. " dust finally said as if he where having a conversation with himself. Six stood up and held out his hand, orbs of Aura then surrounded him and flew towards the prison walls."And they all come tumbling down!" Dust said almost on cue the prison walls explodes. As the dust cleared Six leapt down towards Tristan's cell. All the other prisoners where either injured confused or running for there lives, but Six knew that The joker wasn't dead and he hadn't left yet. Unfortunately he was certain he would wish to speak with Six. Six shivered at the thought. @Sinister Clown
"KABOOOM!!! KAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The man sitting in his cell jumped up and down rattling his chains more and more, if it weren't for the chains properties of being able to conceal aura, he would have been out a lot sooner. The prison quickly went into turmoil as an explosion occurred on the other side of the prison, some guards had instantly taken up arms and crowded up mostly at Tristan's cell, talking on their radio's they contacted the Mafia directly for heavy backup "We have a code red, High priority prisoner #325 is with us and we're currently under attack. Repeat code red we need heavy reinforcements." each guard was armed with a machine gun; They felt at advantage due to the fact they were able to see anyone who was game enough to come their way.

Swaying back and forth Tristan cackled to himself
"Psst!" he leaned himself closer towards the cell door "Hey! Psst!!!" he was trying to grab the guards attention, one of the guards turned his head back to face Tristan with an agitated look "If you think we're gonna let you out, you're wrong you bastard clown.." everyone seemed to find distaste in Tristan now days. Tristan tilted his head back and looked to the ceiling "What happened to all the fun ones..I remember when I first started..OH! They were good times!!" giggling psychotically to himself again "You know...People knew how to really have fun back then but now...You guys are all just drop dead boring!!!" he found himself ironic, considering by his calculations it would be only a matter of moments before they had all dropped dead.

@Tylor guillory
One of the men that was with Nat received something a message from his earpiece then whispered in her ears. "Cold gate exploded and is currently under attack." "Interesting," she turned towards Madden. "Sorry Madden I'll have to talk business later." She left before Madden could say another word. "I want to see this first hand but until I arrive I want the back up and remaining guards to capture or if necessary kill the remaining prisoners." The man nodded in agreement then repeated her instructions. He opened the door for her as she sat in the back seat. "This will be fun". She thought.
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Markus felt the ground shake before he saw the smoke rise from the Cold Gate Prison. He immediately knew that there was really only one prisoner in there that was worth that much trouble to get out. The head of the Clowns, the Joker. He dashed as quickly as he could towards the prison and saw the destruction that had become of the one side of the building. No point in charging in now He thought, once again perching on the corner of the roof nearest the prison as he surveyed the opening for what would soon be a swarm of inmates, one of which would particularly catch his attention I wouldn't really be able to do much against the Joker AND whoever is breaking him out, who quite clearly knows what hes doing. Markus flipped a piece of gum into his mouth and sighed. Its just not my day, is it...
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"It's time for the games to begin." Dust said as Six walked towards the guards not hesitating for even a second. All of a sudden orbs of Aura slowly hovered towards the guards, who looked at them curiously before Six snapped his fingers and the exploded in the guards faces. After blowing up the guards Six walked over to Tristan's cell and put his hand on it after a moment it began to glow a dark black color before it to exploded."Come along clown we don't have time to take on a army! Not the Six couldnt we just don't have time!" Dust said as the dust from Tristan's cell door exploding cleared. Six the grabbed the chains holding Tristan, and began to pull on them Aura flowing from his body eventually the chains broke.
His hands still remained bound together but the fact he was free to move around was all the leeway Tristan needed, looking up to Six and the bird he commented on Six's appearance "Oh ho ho! I like the new look you've gotten yourself!" getting up from the bench stool he sat on he appeared to be wearing an orange prison suit just like many others in the prison. Tristan walked out and pressed his hand on the guards bodies, one of the guards didn't seem to have died from the previous explosion however he was hardly breathing.

(Even though he has green eyes, should be good enough)


Tristan squatting beside him lifted the guard by the collar and looked the man in the eyes, Tristan's vibrant green eyes glaring right into his a wide chaotic smile creeped up his face "Why the long face?" the guard didn't reply, Tristan ramming them man down into the ground, bringing him back up and ramming him down again
"Let's shake off that frown of yours!!" shaking the guard he still didn't answer and instead spat at 'The Joker' in the face.

Shaking his head Tristan slowly wiped off the bloody spit and tilted his head with another grin
"Ohh I get it,'If I'm gonna go out I'm gonna go out with a fight.' yes, yes I've always...appreciated your sort." the man licked his lips quickly and seemed to think for a bit "Do you want to know why? Don't worry you don't have to answer I'm going to tell you anyway...I like your sort because, you always scream the loudest KYAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" taking the knife from the guards shoe he shoved it in the man's leg several times before stabbing it into his shoulder. The guard screamed on the top of his lungs in agony as blood began splattering everywhere before the screams slowly quietened until the only thing that could be heard was the knife piercing into the corpse a bunch of times, after he was done Tristan stood up and slicked his hair back.

The knife still in his hand, turning around he spread his arms wide with a gracious smile on his face
"And you, didn't you pull through in the end hm?" chuckling slightly afterwards. After knowing the man for this long Tristan expected that Six would have something very interesting in mind for him.
"As much as I appreciate your sadistic side we should go, I have no intention of slaughtering the entire mafia at least not today." Dust said on behalf of Six who was just standing there quietly. "I suppose we shall take you to your Gang lead the way Joker." Dust said again for Six
Tristan glared at the bird and growled slightly "I got a lot of payback to give..And destroy the Mafia? Oh please! Why would I want to try do that?" Tristan figured the city to be a repeating cycle, and considered himself a very important part of that cycle. Skipping along over the bodies it seemed that some prisoner's still remained in their cells, other's had died by the guards and some had died within all the commotion. Looking back to Six he stated "I want my knives back.." Tristan stated before walking off into the building skipping along the bodies, he made sure to watch out for any more guards as he did expect backup to arrive soon. Although no one else really knew where he was going Tristan made his way to the computer room, not only did he want his little 'kill kit' but he also wanted to take some of the information and documents that were stored in the database at Coldgate prison. He was most interested in his own files and documents.

@Tylor guillory

@Robyn Banks (Buying time for you to get here)
When Natalia arrived at the scene. She took a good look at the destruction. Most of the inmates was getting shoot by the backup which was beneficial since the prison was overcrowded anyways. She put her hands in her trench coat pocketing stating."this reminds me of the attacks a caused when I was a terrorist. It was more entertaining though." She walked inside as if there wasn't people dying around her.
Dust sat by a window keeping a look out while Six waited for The joker."Oh please this is taking entirely to Long, I honestly don't see what master needs him for." The badages wrapped around Six slighlty fluttered in the wind as he stood waiting on Tristan.
It's so boring out here. Loki's eyes settled on the scene of the destroyed prison. People were scattering about, others walked in nonchalantly, one in particular he noticed as the Mafia leader's daughter Natalia. She was to take over Lucifer's duties. That's what they said. She's got skills, but, no feminine appeal whatsoever. He sighed, rolling over onto the grass, one of his rattle snakes Miki slithering over his back. Why don't we have some fun down there?

"Because, it's a lot more chill up here. The air is clear and the ground is cool. Down there is just a complete chaotic mess of smoke and corpses. It really is quite bothersome and disgusting." Most members of the Mafia didn't recognize Loki as a superior because of how laid back and carefree he appeared to be. However he was fierce with his blades, his blades that he recently began lacing with venom. His eyes veered off into another direction. I wonder what Tera is doing. It wasn't common to be so friendly with someone of another organization, especially with him being in the Mafia, yet nobody really knew of his living situation.


Walking casually through Hell City, Tera kept her spear close to her side. It wasn't long before she heard an explosion nearby. Immediately drawing her weapon she glanced in the direction of the commotion. Does it have something to do with the arrival of the new Mafia leader? There wasn't any way for her to know, all she knew was that it was in the area of the Cold Gate Prison. Bastards. Now there is more of them out. She almost considered going back to Red Lotus's quarters. But her curiosity got the best of her and she ran after the smoke lit sky. At least maybe I can go see what's up.As she got closer she noticed someone watching from the sidelines. She stopped for a moment. Who is that? They seem familiar. Her thoughts clicked. "Profeta Della Morte" She whispered the name under her breath. A gifted human. So I shouldn't fight him. However...he's observing someone. Her eyes flicked to the main scene. Clown leader...of course. She looked over at Profeta Della Morte and tilted her head. "What are you waiting for?Afraid to get roughed up?" She leaped down into the bird's view, her clothes lighting up in graceful flames, her spear drawn beside her. "Let's make things a little hotter?" She whipped her spear around her, the tip creating a tornado of flames that spat them out around the prison. Anyone inside wouldn't be very comfortable. She knew she was jumping into trouble, but why not?

Bismarck looked through the shop. That's all I can do for the time-being...he heard the familiar "jingle-lingle" of his door opening and looked up. "How may I help you?"

A bag of money fell onto the counter and a gruff voice said, "Yer a thief, right?"


"Good. Is Saedor here?"

"He's..." Bismarck hesitated. "Out shopping, sir."

"Well, tell him that I have a mission for him."

Bismarck nodded once again, taking a pencil so he could take notes. The mysterious gentleman continued.

"I want him to aide the Joker in his escape."

Bismarck choked on his own saliva. I-I can't do that....but the money bag was so tempting. Bismarck nodded slowly. "I'll tell Mr. Saedor that once he gets back."

Once the mysterious gentleman left, Bismarck gulped. He needed a disguise-a good one-because nobody would believe that a short guy like him could possibly be Saedor. He also needed a...a....thing to make him inconspicuous. Those were both easily acquirable, with just a little magic. Bismarck went upstairs to his tiny apartment, holding War, and opened it up to a page on armor.


"Perfect," Bismarck whispered, looking at the description below.

The Black Knight's Armour

Bismarck rubbed his hands together, thinking of the armor on him; the text became gold.

The Black Knight's Armour

Next thing he knew, he was wearing the armor. He nodded happily, then turned to his copy of Harry Potter, finding the two words "invisibility cloak". He did the same thing and was soon holding the cloak, which he put on over his armor.

"Here I come."
Six yawned a silent yawn as the flames surrounded the prison."How tedious come now Joker we have a schedule to keep." Dust said speaking again for Six. Six just leaned against a wall waiting on Tristan.
After taking what he needed he shoved the files and documents down his pants "Oh shut up!" he exclaimed flapping his hand towards them in a 'shoo' gesture taking a few steps ahead he noticed the sudden rise in temperature, swiping his hand across his forehead he looked over to Six "Woah! Who started the oven in here.." he lifted his collar with his fingers and stuck out his tongue "I hope you got a nice suit waiting for me outside this place.." he commented to Six before walking further towards the exit. He wasn't in any hurry besides it wasn't like Six would let anything happen to him after going through so much trouble, he just got a free ticket out.

@Tylor guillory
"Oh shut up clown, just be happy where saving your pokadotted ass."Dust said as he landed on Six shoulder. Six followed Joker close behind, he looked around at the flames there blazing glow reflecting in his eyes. He then snapped his fingers and the flaming tornados imploded.
Bismarck ran through the city, covered by his cloak and armor. He was careful not to knock over any people, then finally reached the prison. It was surrounded by flames. He felt a lump in his throat. I think I can take care of that...i still have my book, after all...let's see....rain! He flipped through the book, finding the word "rain", and closed his eyes, imagining rain pouring over the entire city. Eventually, the flames subsided. Bismarck smiled to himself and began walking there. For all he knew, the Joker could already be out. Bismarck took off the invisibility cloak; it disappeared, back to the book. He kept running, hoping he would eventually run into the man called "Joker". Sure enough, he saw someone in a prisoner suit and prepared for whatever was to come. There also appeared to be someone with him. Hm, maybe I'm too late for my prize...

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