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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

Bolts said:
After 20 posts of USING my boots they short out for a small time. The recharge is 20 posts once they go out.
I would say for you, since it is a body part like thing. After each day they should be full once more. Simply Peter is homeless and has no charge station so he must wait for the internal battery to collect the charge once again. Hope that helps!
Ohhh so that's how you've been doing it. Just to be sure i got this right, so once you reach 0 and after couple of posts, your number sets back to 20.... wait, maybe its 20 posts after it reaches 0 when you get full power? Why do i have feeling youre hard on your character like that? Welp.

I've been recharging mine with every post when Emu's not using his mech. With every stunt he do, the number drops. However when he is swinging around the city and stuff, i decided to only count when he started and that count carries over to his next post if he is still swinging around. I thought because Emmanuel is the guy he is, i thought i do things like that. Maybe I can say that Emmanuel's body functions as a charger for his mehanic parts and is always trying to filler him up.

And only cow 18 bucks for a hamburger???
TripTripleTimes said:
Ohhh so that's how you've been doing it. Just to be sure i got this right, so once you reach 0 and after couple of posts, your number sets back to 20.... wait, maybe its 20 posts after it reaches 0 when you get full power? Why do i have feeling youre hard on your character like that? Welp.
I've been recharging mine with every post when Emu's not using his mech. With every stunt he do, the number drops. However when he is swinging around the city and stuff, i decided to only count when he started and that count carries over to his next post if he is still swinging around. I thought because Emmanuel is the guy he is, i thought i do things like that. Maybe I can say that Emmanuel's body functions as a charger for his mehanic parts and is always trying to filler him up.

And only cow 18 bucks for a hamburger???
That's the thing with my characters. I don't like giving them an easy out. They can have fancy things but they are still a regular human. On top of that he is homeless. I will be working on stuff in the rp to upgrade his stuff later on if he survives but for now its your average up and down. Heck in my other rp that died recently I kept giving my character the worst time of his life. He cared for people and it kinda screwed him over :P just the way I play. Gives a sense of realism to me i guess.
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I only just got online.............

Darn timezones!

I'll probably be staying up pretty late tonight so I'm here as well as anyone else who is still online..
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]I'll probably be staying up pretty late tonight so I'm here as well as anyone else who is still online..

Yours truly is here!
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]I'll probably be staying up pretty late tonight so I'm here as well as anyone else who is still online..

I wish I didn't need sleep but I have to get up in like a few hours. Why do I stay awake till 2? Gnight people. Sorry if people talk to peter or drake xD
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[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]Yours truly is here!

Mhm, I'll just be working on my new CS for a while..If you're looking to interact with someone though, Tremki is at a local cafe in the Alpha sector right now or if you want I could use my character to interact with you.
Bolts said:
That's the thing with my characters. I don't like giving them an easy out. They can have fancy things but they are still a regular human. On top of that he is homeless. I will be working on stuff in the rp to upgrade his stuff later on if he survives but for now its your average up and down. Heck in my other rp that died recently I kept giving my character the worst time of his life. He cared for people and it kinda screwed him over :P just the way I play. Gives a sense of realism to me i guess.
Oh geeze man, don't know how you do it! But i wish the best of luck to your child!

Was away distracted by


I just wish my Emu's drawing look as mature and constant in style as Alicia's, but nope. Everytime i draw the Emu, he is either too young looking or demented stranger. Welp.

Alias/Title: (Something people know you by)







Appearance: (Small description and pictures, please use anime or drawing pictures)

Gear: (Items which your character may own or carry around that at all times, description & pictures are both accepted)

Affiliation: (Which gang or organization are you apart of?)

Rank: (This is decided by the Gang/Organization's leader)


Likes: (At least three)

Dislikes: (At least three)

Fears: (At least one)

Personality: (Please have at least two paragraphs, more is encouraged but not required)

History: (Like above, at least two paragraphs)

Fighting Style:

Crimes Committed/Achievements:

Abilities: (If you’re a normal human, this isn’t needed)



I think you might be missing just a little part of the character xD
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Also, my latest character is meant to have a some what pretty long history in Hell City and gonna have him being some what known and tries to appear to have a pretty normal life...So is anyone willing to be a friend or something of his?? (:3)

Sure ^^
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]I think you might be missing just a little part of the character xD

I know, just reserving for 2nd arc character~
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]I know, just reserving for 2nd arc character~

I know i was just messing around. And i wanted to ask if i could put isabella in the hell newspaper
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]I know i was just messing around. And i wanted to ask if i could put isabella in the hell newspaper

Which spot you want?
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Intern?

TBH, I don't see how she fits into the whole 'News Paper That Knows Everything' thingy they have going on at Hell's Den, I mean, I don't really see a reason for her having a need to join,
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]TBH, I don't see how she fits into the whole 'News Paper That Knows Everything' thingy they have going on at Hell's Den, I mean, I don't really see a reason for her having a need to join,

Well sinister said he wanted her in a faction and none seemed to fit her merdirous state but yours
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Well sinister said he wanted her in a faction and none seemed to fit her merdirous state but yours

'Hell's Den' isn't murderous, it doesn't kill as much as it makes others kill.

I am very sorry, but I just don't think it fits.........
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]'Hell's Den' isn't murderous, it doesn't kill as much as it makes others kill.
I am very sorry, but I just don't think it fits.........

Oh ok ill just leave her factionless for now then

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