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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

Goldencurls said:
I've never used Dice Rolls. \_(o - o)_/
Oh either really (At least I haven't used it for RP I just tried testing it out) but that's the adventurous part I guess xD
Well @Colt556 I don't think losing sits right with anyone, depending on who you're matched again you'll get added points because like you said you should have some advantage. But you're going to have to get to losing to someone weaker sometimes despite what you think about it..
oops sorry. Sick and tired does not equal well crafted speeches. Are the characters in the game on your list? Or is that like prides side quest type of thing?
Bolts said:
oops sorry. Sick and tired does not equal well crafted speeches. Are the characters in the game on your list? Or is that like prides side quest type of thing?
Literally something random I added on my first post...And I sorta felt if I mentioned it I had to go through with it and I don't know what else to do with Tremki right now so until then it'll be like a side quest thing for him I guess xD If you want to be added on the list, you can I don't really mind.
Sinister Clown]Well [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26825-colt556/ said:
@Colt556[/URL] I don't think losing sits right with anyone, depending on who you're matched again you'll get added points because like you said you should have some advantage. But you're going to have to get to losing to someone weaker sometimes despite what you think about it..
Weak characters only beat strong ones if plot armor is involved. The only exception being if they play it smart. Losing to a weak character because they simply outplayed me is fine, they compensated for their weakness with intelligence, that's perfectly fine in my book. But losing to a weak character because the player doesn't wanna lose or because RNG decided it is just poor RP in my opinion. So easier to simply not get into fights to begin with.
Colt556 said:
Weak characters only beat strong ones if plot armor is involved. The only exception being if they play it smart. Losing to a weak character because they simply outplayed me is fine, they compensated for their weakness with intelligence, that's perfectly fine in my book. But losing to a weak character because the player doesn't wanna lose or because RNG decided it is just poor RP in my opinion. So easier to simply not get into fights to begin with.
Well, your characters are plot related so that's very likely. I'm simply stating anyone has the chance to kill anyone to some extent. Not everything will be left down to dice roll or OOC vote, if someone is outnumbered and against stronger opponents. That person is dead unless they get out because the advantage will be added as points to the dice.

The whole purpose of this system is that it doesn't matter if people don't want to lose, sometimes it'll happen whether they like it or not. And considering your characters so far are plot related you won't really be able to stay out of fights when they eventually come. Because that's the point of the plot.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Well, your characters are plot related so that's very likely. I'm simply stating anyone has the chance to kill anyone to some extent. Not everything will be left down to dice roll or OOC vote, if someone is outnumbered and against stronger opponents. That person is dead unless they get out because the advantage will be added as points to the dice.
The whole purpose of this system is that it doesn't matter if people don't want to lose, sometimes it'll happen whether they like it or not. And considering your characters so far are plot related you won't really be able to stay out of fights when they eventually come. Because that's the point of the plot.

I'm of the mind that people shouldn't win just because that's the plot. I mean, yeah sure the Sins are suppose to be defeated but characters should have to actually work to beat them, it shouldn't be guaranteed. If you go up against someone stronger than you without a plan you should fully expect to get your ass kicked. Part of the plot should be figuring out HOW to beat the sins, and if the characters can't do that they shouldn't win. I'm the type of player that, win or lose, I want it to be good roleplay and to make sense. No plot holes, no asspulls, you won because you deserved to win, because it makes sense for you to win.

Ultimately it shouldn't come down to RNG, it should come down to their own actions. If they don't have any feasible way of winning beyond plot armor levels of stubbornness, they should lose.
Colt556 said:
I'm of the mind that people shouldn't win just because that's the plot. I mean, yeah sure the Sins are suppose to be defeated but characters should have to actually work to beat them, it shouldn't be guaranteed. If you go up against someone stronger than you without a plan you should fully expect to get your ass kicked. Part of the plot should be figuring out HOW to beat the sins, and if the characters can't do that they shouldn't win. I'm the type of player that, win or lose, I want it to be good roleplay and to make sense. No plot holes, no asspulls, you won because you deserved to win, because it makes sense for you to win.
Ultimately it shouldn't come down to RNG, it should come down to their own actions. If they don't have any feasible way of winning beyond plot armor levels of stubbornness, they should lose.
You know I did this last time, it simply did not work. Everyone wanted their on visions of what to do to come true and that's what lead to asspulls etc...Everything you're referring to right now is avoided by Dice roll...If anything you're the one being stubborn considering this all started off you saying you were gonna get your character to 'beat up' two Sins?? You're repeating statements that I've already told you won't happen.
Bolts said:
also don't forget that description of the attack while fighting could play a big role in the outcome!
That's also true, weaknesses and strengths will also come into play for this as well.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]You know I did this last time, it simply did not work. Everyone wanted their on visions of what to do to come true and that's what lead to asspulls etc...Everything you're referring to right now is avoided by Dice roll...If anything you're the one being stubborn considering this all started off you saying you were gonna get your character to 'beat up' two Sins?? You're repeating statements that I've already told you won't happen.

Eh, what I'm saying doesn't work only if the GM doesn't step in. Obviously if left to their own devices few players have the maturity to accept defeat. Everyone wants to be the hero. It requires a GM to step in and go "sorry, no, but unless you can come up with something better that actually makes sense you've lost".

Regardless, point is I don't like RNG dictating RP and yeah, sure, if that's how you wanna do it then it'll happen. But for me it'll happen only once, and that's when it comes time for my Sin to be defeated. RNG does not make for good story telling, it doesn't make for fun RP. As such I will simply avoid it until the very end. After all, roleplay is all about the story, it's about the interactions between characters. I will do what I can to mitigate things that directly conflict with such things. If someone wants to fight me with the knowledge that they will lose if they don't bring their A game, then I'll indulge them for fun story telling. But other than that I'll hold off on the dice until it's time for my Sin to go bye bye.
Colt556 said:
Eh, what I'm saying doesn't work only if the GM doesn't step in. Obviously if left to their own devices few players have the maturity to accept defeat. Everyone wants to be the hero. It requires a GM to step in and go "sorry, no, but unless you can come up with something better that actually makes sense you've lost".
Regardless, point is I don't like RNG dictating RP and yeah, sure, if that's how you wanna do it then it'll happen. But for me it'll happen only once, and that's when it comes time for my Sin to be defeated. RNG does not make for good story telling, it doesn't make for fun RP. As such I will simply avoid it until the very end. After all, roleplay is all about the story, it's about the interactions between characters. I will do what I can to mitigate things that directly conflict with such things. If someone wants to fight me with the knowledge that they will lose if they don't bring their A game, then I'll indulge them for fun story telling. But other than that I'll hold off on the dice until it's time for my Sin to go bye bye.
Your first statement is something I understand completely which is why I already have three people acting as Co-Gm's.

Only reason I'm being up tight about this is because the last Rp, literally most of the people would just have endless fights because they wouldn't let themselves lose...I had someone blowing up buildings out of random until a guy that was apparently fucking superman/hulk mashed in one (Oh yes) and tore the guy to pieces, the honor system was a loophole in itself to me which is why I want to change it.

I'm still considering whether or not to have dice dictate the whole fight or just determine whether someone evades something and have the rest fall down to gameplay, strengths & weaknesses of each character and occasionally. The vote of everyone on OOC.
I'd prefer bare minimum use of the dice, honestly, and have players discuss their fight OOC if they have a problem with how its going/want to pre-determine it. We can always tell them to wrap it up if need be, and not every fight needs to lead to death, this isn't Akame Ga Kill or some slasher film after all :P .
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Your first statement is something I understand completely which is why I already have three people acting as Co-Gm's.

Active GMs are very important. Personally I don't care if I lose, I've RP'd for a very long time and I know most people don't like to lose, but I don't actually care as long as it's good rp. That's why I pick more OP powers, because they can't be beaten by just blindly charging in and engaging in fistacuffs. If I'm playing a big bad powerful character I create them so that they're truly powerful and you require some actual thought in how you'll bring them down. And I have absolutely no qualms about having my bad guy reign victorious if the good guys are incapable of doing that. I've always hated how a lot of people seem to think that just because they're the good guy they're entitled to waddle in and brawl with the bad guy and win. It's silly, this isn't a movie, you don't have plot armor, if you wanna win you gotta earn it. Too many people think some shonen-tier melee fight is the answer to everything, and I take great joy in shutting those people down.

Needless to say I rarely get my way lmao.

As for the system, really I think it should just be up to common sense. Say, for example, one of Mitch's cats decided to melee fight Wrath. Well needless to say they're gonna lose. That's just how it is. Now let's say Mitch is stubborn and refuses to lose. That's when a GM needs to step in and go "ok, look, you have no legitimate way of beating this guy, you lose." and leave it at that. Artificial systems like dice or OOC votes don't properly represent the RP. If you go by dice then Mitch's cat could just straight up punch Wrath to death, and that majorly belittles the story. If you do it by OOC vote then it just becomes a popularity contest and Mitch's cat could still just punch Wrath to death.

So as far as I'm concerned it should just come down to the GM's decision. If you see they have no logical way of winning then say that, tell them they can't win. Also, what Mitch said, you can discuss this in PM and make sure both sides are fully aware of their own limitations and tell them you will step in if they go beyond those limitations. The honor system rarely works, but all that requires is active GMs, nothing else.
Mitchs98 said:
I'd prefer bare minimum use of the dice, honestly, and have players discuss their fight OOC if they have a problem with how its going/want to pre-determine it. We can always tell them to wrap it up if need be, and not every fight needs to lead to death, this isn't Akame Ga Kill or some slasher film after all :P .
I like that idea, and I never said people would die every fight they go into...
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Whao whats going on? I busy all day and until later in the night for me. So i need to catch up to the 80+ later. Welp but a quick 2 cent from me.

RNG (Im guessing the dice rolls) can be pretty fun and can be used for a good story. It just all depends on the writer how they can go about it and taken what is given to them. It doesn't need to be used to determine a winner or a loser, but it could be used if a punch is punched or dodged. I like the dice system just because its a surprise i can write my story into. (And there is the fact that i can be a push over and just let the opponent win or i just run lol)
TripTripleTimes said:
Whao whats going on? I busy all day and until later in the night for me. So i need to catch up to the 80+ later. Welp but a quick 2 cent from me.
RNG (Im guessing the dice rolls) can be pretty fun and can be used for a good story. It just all depends on the writer how they can go about it and taken what is given to them. It doesn't need to be used to determine a winner or a loser, but it could be used if a punch is punched or dodged. I like the dice system just because its a surprise i can write my story into. (And there is the fact that i can be a push over and just let the opponent win or i just run lol)
Dice can work for determining blows during the fight. A lot of powerful characters should still take hits (some probably wouldn't be eh). For example, Wrath is a strong frontline fighter but there's nothing in his CS to suggest his opponent wouldn't be able to land hits on him or hurt him. He's strong, has a lot of muscles, and can control fire but those things wont make him anymore resistant to attacks than anyone else, nor make him any more likely to dodge than anyone else. So if he's fighting a skilled fighter he should most certainly still take hits. Dice can be used to ensure this happens, so that one side isn't just "lol I dodge every attack" or something.

But in terms of win or lose I don't think RNG should play a part. While you may land hits on Wrath that doesn't mean you can or should be able to actually beat him.
Colt556 said:
Active GMs are very important. Personally I don't care if I lose, I've RP'd for a very long time and I know most people don't like to lose, but I don't actually care as long as it's good rp. That's why I pick more OP powers, because they can't be beaten by just blindly charging in and engaging in fistacuffs. If I'm playing a big bad powerful character I create them so that they're truly powerful and you require some actual thought in how you'll bring them down. And I have absolutely no qualms about having my bad guy reign victorious if the good guys are incapable of doing that. I've always hated how a lot of people seem to think that just because they're the good guy they're entitled to waddle in and brawl with the bad guy and win. It's silly, this isn't a movie, you don't have plot armor, if you wanna win you gotta earn it. Too many people think some shonen-tier melee fight is the answer to everything, and I take great joy in shutting those people down.
Needless to say I rarely get my way lmao.

As for the system, really I think it should just be up to common sense. Say, for example, one of Mitch's cats decided to melee fight Wrath. Well needless to say they're gonna lose. That's just how it is. Now let's say Mitch is stubborn and refuses to lose. That's when a GM needs to step in and go "ok, look, you have no legitimate way of beating this guy, you lose." and leave it at that. Artificial systems like dice or OOC votes don't properly represent the RP. If you go by dice then Mitch's cat could just straight up punch Wrath to death, and that majorly belittles the story. If you do it by OOC vote then it just becomes a popularity contest and Mitch's cat could still just punch Wrath to death.

So as far as I'm concerned it should just come down to the GM's decision. If you see they have no logical way of winning then say that, tell them they can't win. Also, what Mitch said, you can discuss this in PM and make sure both sides are fully aware of their own limitations and tell them you will step in if they go beyond those limitations. The honor system rarely works, but all that requires is active GMs, nothing else.
So much this that I want to spam the like button 4ever. Seriously, and not just because I got mentioned(I'm a snowflake not an attention whore). I prefer and will always agree to the honor system. I've lost numerous fights that I had to bullshit out how I've lost to some random human with a sword when I was a character with enough magic to level a city if they so wished.

RNG will literally always be the literal worst things in a fight. It should really only be done if both sides agree or as Colt and Trip said to determine if SOME hits hit. Not all of them. I'm sorry but there is no feasible way a fighter less skilled than you would constantly dodge hits, or a more skilled fighter would constantly miss, it just doesn't happen.
Colt556 said:
Active GMs are very important. Personally I don't care if I lose, I've RP'd for a very long time and I know most people don't like to lose, but I don't actually care as long as it's good rp. That's why I pick more OP powers, because they can't be beaten by just blindly charging in and engaging in fistacuffs. If I'm playing a big bad powerful character I create them so that they're truly powerful and you require some actual thought in how you'll bring them down. And I have absolutely no qualms about having my bad guy reign victorious if the good guys are incapable of doing that. I've always hated how a lot of people seem to think that just because they're the good guy they're entitled to waddle in and brawl with the bad guy and win. It's silly, this isn't a movie, you don't have plot armor, if you wanna win you gotta earn it. Too many people think some shonen-tier melee fight is the answer to everything, and I take great joy in shutting those people down.
Needless to say I rarely get my way lmao.

As for the system, really I think it should just be up to common sense. Say, for example, one of Mitch's cats decided to melee fight Wrath. Well needless to say they're gonna lose. That's just how it is. Now let's say Mitch is stubborn and refuses to lose. That's when a GM needs to step in and go "ok, look, you have no legitimate way of beating this guy, you lose." and leave it at that. Artificial systems like dice or OOC votes don't properly represent the RP. If you go by dice then Mitch's cat could just straight up punch Wrath to death, and that majorly belittles the story. If you do it by OOC vote then it just becomes a popularity contest and Mitch's cat could still just punch Wrath to death.

So as far as I'm concerned it should just come down to the GM's decision. If you see they have no logical way of winning then say that, tell them they can't win. Also, what Mitch said, you can discuss this in PM and make sure both sides are fully aware of their own limitations and tell them you will step in if they go beyond those limitations. The honor system rarely works, but all that requires is active GMs, nothing else.
Again I tried this common sense stuff before, doesn't work and I'm sick of people going to do it and then having to try cover it up when I can just solve the issue by having fights pre-detemined. Of course work is going to have to go into what you're doing and the OOC chat will be used for player's determined exactly which side should or shouldn't win. I never once said that Sin's will all die no matter what I just said there is hardly a chance because the way events will roll...They'll find themselves being very valuable if taken in dead or alive. Being in a City like this one, it's obvious people are going to want to seek those prizes out and no..I'm not saying they'll always win in fact I've already discussed things that society will some what have to do...Because the first and hardest part first of all is finding out who they all are (Some are already known, like Tremki and whoever else). It would be unrealistic for them to be able to determine who is a Sin just from meeting them unless you know their face so they'll have to seek out something which does have knowledge of this......

And the votes won't exactly work like that...If a regular person tries going against a Sin, they'll lose it's simple...A gifted human has a better chance but that's when it will come down to weaknesses and how they fight in combat. I still want fights to make sense, I'm just avoiding the bullshit from the last thread.
Colt556 said:
Dice can work for determining blows during the fight. A lot of powerful characters should still take hits (some probably wouldn't be eh). For example, Wrath is a strong frontline fighter but there's nothing in his CS to suggest his opponent wouldn't be able to land hits on him or hurt him. He's strong, has a lot of muscles, and can control fire but those things wont make him anymore resistant to attacks than anyone else, nor make him any more likely to dodge than anyone else. So if he's fighting a skilled fighter he should most certainly still take hits. Dice can be used to ensure this happens, so that one side isn't just "lol I dodge every attack" or something.
But in terms of win or lose I don't think RNG should play a part. While you may land hits on Wrath that doesn't mean you can or should be able to actually beat him.
Yes, that's true as well and that's I'm going to make sure all of these things are determined in the end game process. The way you stated using dice roll is what I had in mind....
Mitchs98 said:
So much this that I want to spam the like button 4ever. Seriously, and not just because I got mentioned(I'm a snowflake not an attention whore). I prefer and will always agree to the honor system. I've lost numerous fights that I had to bullshit out how I've lost to some random human with a sword when I was a character with enough magic to level a city if they so wished.
RNG will literally always be the literal worst things in a fight. It should really only be done if both sides agree or as Colt and Trip said to determine if SOME hits hit. Not all of them. I'm sorry but there is no feasible way a fighter less skilled than you would constantly dodge hits, or a more skilled fighter would constantly miss, it just doesn't happen.
*Thinks of hits hitting* John F#%$ing Dead Star

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