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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

Mitchs98 said:
Finals I think. And people waiting for the next arc. Which will start very soon.
Gotcha. I just can't keep up with the ooc chat. My notifications get flooded and I miss important stuff on other rps
femjapanriceball said:
Thank you! ^_^
And yeah....

@Sinister Clown Seven Virtues?
I was thinking about bringing them in, but that will be something which will come in sometime in the next arc, I might even make them a little differently organized into a family of sorts.


Sorry, I'm gonna start working on posts for Laffarou, Tremki & James to get things moving along and try pace things as fast as I can. First by finishing the fight between Laffarou, James answering his phone and then seeking out the contacts of the Sin's so he can bring them together and try convince them into working for him. Sorry for my inactivity.


Oh I thought you left? Welcome back, yes I've been pretty inactive with this Rp but I'm going to try keep active for the sake of moving the plot along.

Sorry, I'm gonna start working on posts for Laffarou, Tremki & James to get things moving along and try pace things as fast as I can. First by finishing the fight between Laffarou, James answering his phone and then seeking out the contacts of the Sin's so he can bring them together and try convince them into working for him. Sorry for my inactivity.


Oh I thought you left? Welcome back, yes I've been pretty inactive with this Rp but I'm going to try keep active for the sake of moving the plot along.
Roles eyes obnoxiously and in a dramatic exhausted tone say* "Finally! Lol xD

Did you end up replying to Laffarou's last post? If so in which page? (If you don't know just give me an estimate so I'm not taking hours trying to find it xD )

Sorry, I'm gonna start working on posts for Laffarou, Tremki & James to get things moving along and try pace things as fast as I can. First by finishing the fight between Laffarou, James answering his phone and then seeking out the contacts of the Sin's so he can bring them together and try convince them into working for him. Sorry for my inactivity.


Oh I thought you left? Welcome back, yes I've been pretty inactive with this Rp but I'm going to try keep active for the sake of moving the plot along.
I simply didn't post because there was nothing to post. I didn't ever get attached to my characters and the Sin arc never progressed so nothing to post for Mikado. I'm the type who only posts when there's something worth posting.
Sinister Clown] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
Did you end up replying to Laffarou's last post? If so in which page? (If you don't know just give me an estimate so I'm not taking hours trying to find it xD )
Uhhh. I did. Not sure what page. tbh. Uh..20 pages back maybe? I'm not sure when you posted
Colt556 said:
I simply didn't post because there was nothing to post. I didn't ever get attached to my characters and the Sin arc never progressed so nothing to post for Mikado. I'm the type who only posts when there's something worth posting.
Well, as I've tried telling you when you wanted to be pretty much the 'big boss' of Hell City that you also have a role where you can make things happen worth posting - even if the main arc isn't always progressing it shouldn't stop you as a big figure role to not do things to cause interesting to happen. Since part of this role-play is organization leader's making a move to claim more control, and while there wasn't much things happening - why would you not try focus on finding Sins..Idk.

But yes, I can see where you're coming on from the Sin group wise - But I'm about to change that using James and hopefully it'll give you something to do with Mikado.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Finally :D

Yosh, as for your character did you end up just continuing on or have you been waiting for me to reply this whole time? Just checking so I can sorta get an idea what type of post I'll need to make next for Tremki Kaguya.
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Solemn Jester[/bg]
Mitchs98 said:
Maria and Elizabeth Jones
Maria gently stroked the back of Bismarcks' head in a comforting manner as he cried before he stood up. She could tell it bothered him more than she probably realized it did, she wished she knew what to say but..she knew there wasn't much she COULD say for something like this beyond what she had. She posistioned herselt to wrap her arm around his waist as he held onto her to further support him, though she waited until he felt like walking or otherwise started walking to move to the table. She watched as he hit play on a video and set his phone down, watching said video curiously. She was almost immediately greeted by a younger Bismarck and Lily, she had almost forgotten that Bismarck looked pretty much the same as when they first met save for a little older.

Lily though looked completely different, or maybe it was the fact she had more sanity that she viewed her differently. She watched as Bismarck came up and started singing with his group of friends, they all sounded great really. Bismarck especially, she wondered why he didn't sing more often. She guessed it was due to the shyness. She couldn't help but find herself briefly smiling at the video. It wasn't a happy smile, moreso a hopeful smile. If only Lily would return to the way she was in the video instead of putting Bismarck through all this.

Maybe...maybe she could find her and have a civil conversation with her about it later? It was possible, she guessed. She carefully led him over to the table and to a seat when he said he was ready to eat, helping him into said seat before sitting down herself. Elizabeth uncorked the wine and poured all of them a glass when they sat down. "
Smells good to me! Thanks for helping me Liz, it probably would of burned without you." She told her. Elizabeth nodded in response before adding "Probably." in a joking manner and laughing softly to herself.

Cirillia Vines

Ciri giggled at his comment of being a snobby brat, still though, she was surprised he lived in Omega. Not for the fact he used to be rich or anything, but for the sole fact it was unexpected. Omega was hilariously unsafe most of the time, unless you were Shiro and were pretty much impervious to everything and could kill someone by hitting them with a brick. As expected from the sound of things his place was pretty run down, or rather it sounded like it. No good house simply 'kept the cold out' in her opinion. She'd definetely try to convince him to stay with her, it was safer and probably better than where he was staying currently. "
Oh? That's good at-least, it's better than being homeless." She replied. "I'm even more curious to see it now, it sounds awful.." She told him, frowning slightly.

She was by no means a spoiled person, she'd worked hard for the money she had, but she at-least had basic standard living conditions she preferred. "
You know Emu, you're welcome to stay with me. I have plenty of room for your stuff and you. We'd definetely have to tell Alicia about us..but..I'm sure it'd be better and safer than where you're staying at now. Unless it's some kinda bunker thing." She told him.

@Solemn Jester

Ichiya Misono

Ichiya stared at the commotion outside of the shop with a passive expression on his face. Did people target him? Like, did they seriously intend on interrupting his peace everyday the second they walked out of the door? Did they think 'Yep. Going to fuck with this guy today. Sounds fun.'? Probably. Icihiya sighed and shoom his head, as long as they didn't bother him directly. Cue being bothered directly as a razor sharp card was tossed at him, he'd of course been fast enough to dodge it but it was lodge firmly in the wall behind him. He instantly shot the man a glare, but otherwise said nothing as he began speaking. A walk? That sounded...halfway normal. Even though the way he greeted him clearly wasn't. "
Names' Ichiya, but something tells me you knew that already. Wouldn't be surprised, I'm quite well known around here. After all I am easily one of if not the richest people in Hell City." He replied before standing.

A walk..actually sounds good right about now. Didn't expect to meet another somewhat sane person that enjoyed simply walking. Lead the way." He told him. Of course, he was highly suspicious of him. But he was a Sin, he'd slap him into next week if it came down to it. Or drug him so badly he won't remember his first name. Either one, really.
@Sinister Clown[/URL] @Mitchs98
Finally! After searching for so long I finally found these on page 61!
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Yosh, as for your character did you end up just continuing on or have you been waiting for me to reply this whole time? Just checking so I can sorta get an idea what type of post I'll need to make next for Tremki Kaguya.

Hitsugya left both Tremki and Katrina. I'm currently in the Omega part of the city speaking with Mikado about the sins.

Well shit. That's some good shit. I might reconsider Hitsugya's theme song. Which do you guys think is better? That or this:


Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris

She simply offered the man a shrug in response to his question, her unnatural curiosity for the situation all but left her at this point. "So basically there is no known way to track down these so-called Sins yet you want to go and find them." This guy was on the path to cliche-hood and he didn't even realize it. How many stories involve someone trying to locate hidden artifacts to protect them only to pave the way for the bad guys? This whole Sin nonsense was going to be way too much hassle, that much was clear as day. Especially with this guy nosing about. "Sorry big guy, I know how this story goes. You're going to get yourself and any Sin you find killed. Best to leave secrets remain secret." No matter how she looked at it, her best bet was to extricate herself from the situation as quickly as possible and leave him to get himself and whatever other Sins he dragged with him killed. With this in mind she spun on her heel and began walking away once more.

@Veyd Sahvoz
I did not think this through... Umm, any ideas? Heh heh
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]I did not think this through... Umm, any ideas? Heh heh

A lazy neet only does things if they have to. You are dealing with Sloth don't forget. There's really nothing you can do that'd make her want to go out of her way to do shit.

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