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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........I'm not worried my guys going to be prepared for all possible scenario

Mitchs98 said:
His pseudo-immortality isn't what I had a problem with. I remembered that much from the other persons' sheet. Inanimate object or not he can LITERALLY summon a nuke and a nuke shelter and it'd be GG WP. That'd be the issue I have here. It needs more set limits than 'inanimate objects' if he can just summon a tank, or a nuke, or etc. at will and have no reprecussions or limits. See my point? I'm not against the power at all. He also needs his weapon cache specified. If he can summon anything and everything, this would include anything he possibly could think of or imagine. It simply delves into bullshit levels of OP like a power such as Vector Control but otherwise worse.
Tylor, I'm afraid the combat system is different - no matter how 'prepared' you might make yourself, dice and OOC vote ends up ruling who wins/loses. Dice will basically handle evading attacks so if you attack you both roll a die and whoever get's the highest get's to either land their attack or evade a attack. That plus the fact your character is very likely to have little allies will also come into contribution to your character's survival.

As for what you say Mitch, I definitely agree and it would go against the whole saying of making things toned down but if that is the case - I also should have an issue with Colts character because if he wished - he could use gravity to crush the whole city and practically crush anyone in his sight with a flick of a wrist. Buut you still make a good point and Tylor if you could try add some limitations - I was thinking maybe how many items you can summon up to? Or maybe it works differently and use the concept of FMA so to make something reality, he needs the materials to make it. For example; A sword would need metal and wood. Your character could hold these things in their hand and create a weapon out of two basic materials.
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]OK he can only summon two items at a time

Make a nuke type weapon, And I'll cut you xD
Good. Glad that got settled. Sorry if I seemed a bit rude, but I don't want repeats of what brought the last thread down and what's brought others down. I am VERY criticial when it comes to something I extremely dislike, ^-^. Other than that I'm calm and shit :D .
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]Its fine I never planned to be extremely op summoning a nuke never came to mind

Yeah. I didn't mean you'd intended to do any of that junk. I just know people and their personalities when it comes to winning. When you see someone edit a sheet mid combat in order to win, you kind of start getting more critical of things.
I'm waiting for my second character to be finished but u have to wait for sinister to get back first I need his opinion and info on a few things about my character then I'll start rping mainly because I can't make two paragraphs with one character
Mitchs98 said:
Maria Jones
Maria whined slightly and rolled over when Bismarck got up, assuming he was coming back and was just going to the bathroom or something. After a little while he didn't come back. Either something was wrong or he got up to clean the shop some more. Either way she was kind of worried, he shouldn't be losing sleep over the shop, and if that guy from before came back that was even worse. With an annoyed grunt she forced herself off the bed and grabbed her sword, fully expecting the worst.

Walking upstairs she yawned and rubbed her eyes. She blinked at the sight she saw, which was tons of animals including cats crawling all over Bismarck. She just stood in silence momentarily and stared in shock. The hell? "You didn't tell me you owned a pet store Bismarck." She commented while walking over to him. Sighing she began taking the cats off of him who were pretty much using him as a scratching post.
~My sister and I in a conversation about the RP~

My Sister: Sooo.....Gifted Humans are, like, gods or something?

Me: Uhhhhh

Now I have an answer.

Me: No, Gifted Humans are scratching posts.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]I'm waiting for my second character to be finished but u have to wait for sinister to get back first I need his opinion and info on a few things about my character then I'll start rping mainly because I can't make two paragraphs with one character

Me and Fem are co-gm's, you know, we could help. xD .

femjapanriceball said:
~My sister and I in a conversation about the RP~
My Sister: Sooo.....Gifted Humans are, like, gods or something?

Me: Uhhhhh

Now I have an answer.

Me: No, Gifted Humans are scratching posts.
Seems legit. Lmao.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Ahh really I wasn't aware did he make you co GMs because he needed help and you were in the original thread?

femjapanriceball said:

[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Haha im a detective now that I've figured that out! xD also you guys notice my new username?

I did. I didn't know who tf you were to start with. Lol

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