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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]You all dead if an Apocalypse happens. We all know that Hitsugya would murder (or re-murder) all of the zombies, including anyone else. Hitsu would definnately survive.

Inb4 mutated zombie from Resident Evil or etc.
Mitchs98 said:
Inb4 mutated zombie from Resident Evil or etc.
xD *zombie randomly appears at the Rainy Traveller*

Bismarck: HOLY SHHHH—*hits zombie with book*

Zombie: Wtf *Bismarck regains himself and kills zombie with his magic*

Bismarck: *puts on shades* Get the hell out of my store.
@Drakerus She'd actually ran out the door. She jumped off the roof a bit prior to deliver Peter to the hospital. She wouldn't of been able to move at all to run after him if she'd jumped off again :P
Mitchs98 said:
@Drakerus She'd actually ran out the door. She jumped off the roof a bit prior to deliver Peter to the hospital. She wouldn't of been able to move at all to run after him if she'd jumped off again :P
Oh context, how i love thee >_>.
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]Name: Don Hearth
Alias/Title: Black hands Hearth, Sin of Greed


Gender: male

Weight: 158 lbs

Height: 5'10

Race: One of the Seven deadly Sin's

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Blonde hair and golden eyes. He always wears black gloves and a outfit such as the one in the picture.

Gear: He carries around a golf bag filled with the best weapons he's stolen from foes

Affiliation: Seven deadly Sin's

Crush: Money




-Rare objects



-Charity (unless its to him)

Other thieves





Losing all his possessions


Don only thinks about himself and to hell with anyone else. He's selfish but knows how to work a person to get what he wants. He loves to pull one over on people and is often paranoid when it comes to his possessions. He is willing to kill to get or keep something he wants. He's often plotting new ways to obtain power or other items.

Don can be angered easily. He isn't usually sadistic ,but he will go out of his way to torment someone who's wronged him. He can be very determined when it comes to getting something he wants. Don is very deceptive and often lies to achieve his goals. He is very easy to get along with if he considers you useful and none threatening. Don is a opportunist and will take any opportunity he gets.

History: Little is known about Don. He isn't shy about giving his real name being that it won't tell you anything about him. He appeared out of no where one day as if all the greed in the city had formed a him. He started out with small crimes but quickly made his way up to major jobs. Eventually he found himself with many enemies and just as many Allies.

His reputation grew and with it so did his influence over the city. He's been planning something big for a while, and he's been gathering forces. He's slowly attempting a take over of Hell city but others stand in his way. Don's plans are a mystery to all but his closest allies, and while he has no organization of his own outside of the Seven Sin's he'smade allies with many citizens of hell city. Don has many ambitions beyond taking hell city he just sees this as one step closer to achieving them.

Fighting style: Don is tricky when it comes to fighting he isn't afraid to play dirty and has actually incorporated this into his fighting style. He uses slight of hand and other dirty moves when fighting. He's faster than most people and his strength is incredible for his appearance. But his tactical mind is his biggest asset he can usually react to whatever comes his way and finds a way to counter or comeback from it.

Crimes committed/ achievements:

He's murdered or been responsible for the murders of hundred's of people

He's stolen many valuable items and even government secrets.


eternal ambition: This ability is basically immortality he can recover from any damage he takes and doesn't age. Although this ability does have a weakness which may be found in the rp

Manifesting desires: this ability allows Don to create things from his mind.



-enhanced physical abilities

-tactical mind


Weaknesses: -obsessive


While he is a excellent fighter if faces with to many foes of equal skill and strength he can be overtaken which is why he usually fights one on one or avoids confrontation all together.

Quotes" This world's already mine you just don't realize it yet."

"To truely have everything you desire must be a truly blissful thing. For I shall always desire more so I may never know that bliss."

@Tylor guillory @Sinister Clown If I may give input, perhaps expand on what weapons he actually has? I'd rather not fight him at one point and he asspull a friggen rocket launcher or some such out of his bag of tricks. Might I also reccommend some form of drawback for both powers?

He's essentially fully unkillable, unwoundable, and otherwise unstoppable from all angles. Perhaps add some form of limitation such as how long it takes him to regenerate rather than what I assume is instantaneous? Otherwise we'll have a Majiin Buu situation except worse.

I also have no qualms with his second power exsisting seeing as Bismarck does relatively the same thing but has clear drawbacks. With the way his power currently is he could summon an entire army, a nuclear warhead, or freaking Cthulu if he wanted to. No one should hold so much power without some form of drawback or limitation. My most recent character I made in an RP for example can only summon up to four things pending how complicated the thing is and can't actually summon a nuclear warhead that could destroy literally everything in one blow.

I'm not saying you WILL abuse your power..I'm saying it's easily abused and people are easily tempted to asspull things when they have powers as powerful as such just to win.
Don't worry dude he will require some time to regenerate depending on how bad the wound is also his bags just a normal bag filled with weapons he probably couldn't fit a rocket launcher in his bag but if he wanted he could materialize a rocket launcher xD
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]Don't worry dude he will require some time to regenerate depending on how bad the wound is also his bags just a normal bag filled with weapons he probably couldn't fit a rocket launcher in his bag but if he wanted he could materialize a rocket launcher xD

My point is. It needs to be specified. You can fit a LOT of things in a golf bag. And I, personally, do not want people summoning entire armies and nuclear warheads in the blink of an eye. Bismarck needs books to utilize his summons. I'm aware Sin's are supposed to be more powerful. But if the dude can quite literally summon a nuke and himself a nuke proof bombshelter and initiate law 666 blow it all to hell then there is really no point in fighting him, ever, and he'll be impossible to kill. Plot hook way to kill him or not.
Mitchs98 said:
@Tylor guillory @Sinister Clown If I may give input, perhaps expand on what weapons he actually has? I'd rather not fight him at one point and he asspull a friggen rocket launcher or some such out of his bag of tricks. Might I also reccommend some form of drawback for both powers?
He's essentially fully unkillable, unwoundable, and otherwise unstoppable from all angles. Perhaps add some form of limitation such as how long it takes him to regenerate rather than what I assume is instantaneous? Otherwise we'll have a Majiin Buu situation except worse.

I also have no qualms with his second power exsisting seeing as Bismarck does relatively the same thing but has clear drawbacks. With the way his power currently is he could summon an entire army, a nuclear warhead, or freaking Cthulu if he wanted to. No one should hold so much power without some form of drawback or limitation. My most recent character I made in an RP for example can only summon up to four things pending how complicated the thing is and can't actually summon a nuclear warhead that could destroy literally everything in one blow.

I'm not saying you WILL abuse your power..I'm saying it's easily abused and people are easily tempted to asspull things when they have powers as powerful as such just to win.
Meh Mitch, I told the last person who wanted immortality what they risked...You may see it being OP but science proves that being 'immortal' can mean very little. His head (Especially his brain) becomes instantly his prime and most largest weakness. Even if he regenerates it will be to no avail because he will be no more useful than a new born child....Ever watched X-men origins when they tell you about wolverines past? Although the movie is shit they did one very smart thing and that was Wolverine losing his memory when he got shot directly in the head. While they are able to come back from a drop of blood - damage to the brain proves just as good as being a fatal strike merely because you're wiping out his memory. If he can't remember anything than he is useless - an empty husk walking endlessly for no purpose and in a loop of eternal confusion - he would make himself suffer from starvation and his character would experience something worse than death and it's being completely empty.

Also I intended on his ability being inanimate objects rather than biological since I had the same problem.
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]........ -_- did you have to mention my guys biggest weakness.

^-^ They should already know this because I literally said all of this before to the last one who wanted immortality xD
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Meh Mitch, I told the last person who wanted immortality what they risked...You may see it being OP but science proves that being 'immortal' can mean very little. His head (Especially his brain) becomes instantly his prime and most largest weakness. Even if he regenerates it will be to no avail because he will be no more useful than a new born child....Ever watched X-men origins when they tell you about wolverines past? Although the movie is shit they did one very smart thing and that was Wolverine losing his memory when he got shot directly in the head. While they are able to come back from a drop of blood - damage to the brain proves just as good as being a fatal strike merely because you're wiping out his memory. If he can't remember anything than he is useless - an empty husk walking endlessly for no purpose and in a loop of eternal confusion - he would make himself suffer from starvation and his character would experience something worse than death and it's being completely empty.
Also I intended on his ability being inanimate objects rather than biological since I had the same problem.

His pseudo-immortality isn't what I had a problem with. I remembered that much from the other persons' sheet. Inanimate object or not he can LITERALLY summon a nuke and a nuke shelter and it'd be GG WP. That'd be the issue I have here. It needs more set limits than 'inanimate objects' if he can just summon a tank, or a nuke, or etc. at will and have no reprecussions or limits. See my point? I'm not against the power at all. He also needs his weapon cache specified. If he can summon anything and everything, this would include anything he possibly could think of or imagine. It simply delves into bullshit levels of OP like a power such as Vector Control but otherwise worse.
OK think of it this way if my guys brain gets damaged in the least it could permanently mess up his memory and he can only summon a item within range to him so If he attempted to summon a nuke he would blow himself up as well and while his body might regenerate his memories would be gone and he would be as useful as a infant
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]OK think of it this way if my guys brain gets damaged in the least it could permanently mess up his memory and he can only summon a item within range to him so If he attempted to summon a nuke he would blow himself up as well and while his body might regenerate his memories would be gone and he would be as useful as a infant

...you're clearly not grasping what I'm trying to say. I'm full aware of the drawbacks of his regeneration if his head is damaged. However the odds of him getting more than a scratch with his power are entirely low. It doesn't matter if he'll die too, it's the fact he literally has the equivilant of a one push 'I Win' button. He can win any situation, any time, anywhere, at any given point in time. No one likes those characters but the characters who play them. To be frank you did the exact same thing in the other thread.

Set clear limitations, clear specifics, limitations and specifics that DON'T make him possible of surviving a rocket to the face with some kind of bullshit thought up forcefield or armor 100% of the time. Literally no one wants to roleplay with an undefeatable badass that can be rendered useless if the owner of the character decides to grace the others with a lucky strike.

He might as well have Vector Control, at this point.

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