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weatheringwings weatheringwings , I believe we have talked about this before, but the king and queen of Yukio do not love each other, correct? If so, could the mother of my character have a good relationship with the former queen?
Hey i did not get any notifications from here I had to literally come see why things were quiet on my end, so sorry! They did not love each other, correct- though they did not hate each other either. It's like a "Yeah, we have to do this, but we don't have to make ourselves completely miserable." So I can see Queen Miyako becoming friends with her, i imagined her almost interviewing her the first time they meet, more playful from her perspective, but it may have possible made your npc nervous in the beginning before she realized it's fine.
Hey i did not get any notifications from here I had to literally come see why things were quiet on my end, so sorry! They did not love each other, correct- though they did not hate each other either. It's like a "Yeah, we have to do this, but we don't have to make ourselves completely miserable." So I can see Queen Miyako becoming friends with her, i imagined her almost interviewing her the first time they meet, more playful from her perspective, but it may have possible made your npc nervous in the beginning before she realized it's fine.
Wonderful! Thank you. ^^ I believe my character's mother would have mourned deeply for the loss of a friend.
Argena and Yukio folks did you agree on a reason for the war between the kingdom yet ? We Lumina folk are currently talking about how that could have affected it so I'm curious
Um you mentioned something about a war between the kingdoms. What's going on with that?
Okay. So far not much have been formalized at all so you are fine. Everything will be posted in another thread with all the lore.

Now you should talk with the player that are also in your kingdom. I made a group for Lumina but I don't know about Argena and such. I just checked who did a CS for Lumina and messaged them so maybe you can do the same ? :)

As for the war, it's between Argena and Yukio, the reasons haven't been formally agreed so far but we know it probably was about ~10 years or something. So not old, didn't happen last month either.

But the two kingdom relation have been tensed ever since. As for Lumina we plan to have it be greatly affected by it.
I am so down to be on later today and talk that out with everyone, I haven't been on much recently because someone has been unreliable at work and I picked up their shifts/slack essentially.

So quick summary of the idea I gave for Lumina :
It's geographically a link between Argena and Yukio, being close to the two and one of the safest passage. They took advantage of that position to become a center for trade and were doing pretty good, given one decade or two they would have been a very successful kingdom.

But when the war hit, they were affected the strongest as Argena and Yukio not only stopped trading but also blocked the trade route completely with their war. They had to fight defensively to protect their territory while trying their best to remain neutral as their livelihood depended on it. The war put their trade dependent economy in shamble + nature suck so they had a bad harvest and most men being at war it didn't go great at all

After the war, they had to become more self-reliant which is why they focused on agriculture and replenishing their stock. Right now, a very fragile stability has returned but the common people can barely make ends meet and soon it will likely explode into a revolt. The noble aren't better with many losing half of their income in the war and failing to protect the kingdom correctly (which culturally is their job) become more classist and obsessed with proving their legitimacy.

Which result in many being resentful of Argena and Yukio and a growing group of noble that wish for expansion and conquest in order to replenish the coffers and heal Lumina wounded pride.
Soooo yeah, things are heating up in the Lumina fandom. Which is why I wished to know what is the reason for the war, as it could change some things and all.
maybe Argena needs like some demon-related artifact to power their infrastructure? that's all i got! :ghostxnx:
Okay, as someone who studies history in their spare time, here's an idea; the Yukio-Argena war was sparked because both nations were threats to the other's interests. Both had reached a point where they were nearly equal in power and influence, and as the two tried to find any advantage over their rival, tensions increased through small skirmishes and diplomatic stand-offs. Ultimately, competition over a particularly vital trade root from a kingdom that had valuable resources led to the war breaking out, but it's not clear who started it.
I thought the cause of the war was the assassination of the king and queen of Argena. So the reason should be because they were specifically involved in something, whether good or bad. Could be because they were trying to do something good like to brokering peace and a radical faction within Yukio assassinated them to prevent it. Or something bad like being complicit to the cleansing of demon tribes within Argena and/or it's surrounding borders. I would think that if they were both assassinated at the start, it would have to be something very specific, because you don't just overcome insurmountable odds to kill the leaders of a nation as an after thought.
Also, this is just my 2 cents for whoever is coming up with the lore for this, but I think this is a bigger deal then just saying there was a war. Yukio probably needs to suffer something just as big in retaliation for the deaths of Argena's king and Queen. Not necessarily a tit for a tat, but I would think Argena would not be going into this ball with good intentions if they're the only ones that suffered a huge loss, I mean practically speaking, they already don't like demi-humans to begin with. I personally think the war needs to have ended where if it continued, no side would have come out unharmed. Kind of a situation where peace was basically the only option, otherwise one side is coming into this ball as a victor while the other side comes in as the losers. I mean, that's also an interesting option haha.
Forgot about the assassination thing, been very busy. However, I do think it could work with what I outlined. The rivalry between Argena and Yukio turned to outright because of the assassination, but there was a long history of tension before that. Wars donโ€™t just happen overnight. Usually, itโ€™s competition over resources and land.
The timeline for the war kind of effects my character's story in a big way, and I haven't really seen an agreed upon time for it so... I'm gonna assume it was something like 15 years prior to the ball. My reasoning is that however young the youngest royal family member ends up being, 15 years seems like a reasonable enough time that they would have lived with the king and queen long enough to at least somewhat remember them. That way there's at least some kind of emotional connection to play off of for the youngest.
You guys can still work on your applications, I'm probably going to leave it open to others that haven't finished yet, but I'll probably start the rp either by tomorrow or the next day. Still working on some other pages for the roleplay.

EDIT: Lore page is updated.
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lore page looks awesome!
Agree ! Funny how Argena has the least amount of lore lol

You guys can still work on your applications, I'm probably going to leave it open to others that haven't finished yet, but I'll probably start the rp either by tomorrow or the next day. Still working on some other pages for the roleplay.

EDIT: Lore page is updated.
Yeah ! Can't wait to see all the finished CS. Do you have news of the Argena players though ? I rarely see them in OOC now

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