Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Oswin looked up at Carlos, biting her lower lip. Should she kiss him again? No, no. Not now. She put her head down and exited the elevator with an awkward clear of her throat.

"So," she said awkwardly, browsing each door, "how did you come about this building, anyway, Tony?"
"I inherited it." He looked over at her. "Its a long and depressing story I don't want to tell right now, so lets drop it." He kept looking around before his own door opened, revealing a very pissed looking Lucas. Tony smiled meekly and looked at the others. "You guys can back me up for questioning right?"
(Go ahead, Carlos still feels demoralized so he is just content with following Oswin around)
{I'd say Sol, but he is now saying you do it, so I guess you post now, but I have to leave now. Tony wants me to go and make him brownies. I am arguing that I ow him nothing as he DESTROYED my laptop. But he is saying I kicked him and now things a turning ugly, and.... I have to go. Ill be back on in 11-12 hours. -_- Dont post like 20 pages while Im gone.}
(No idea. It's late where I am, thinkin' about going to bed unless you can think of anything Oswin and Carlos can do right now.)
(besides making them pick a room and go to bed, well technically Oswin will, Carlos will just sit there and stare at her....all stalker like. Like what I'm doing on this site when I have nothing to RP)
(well any ideas of what they should do then? I'm not really good at ideas concerning romance and all)
[QUOTE="Maeve Harris](Go to a room, have a deep talk about his parents, smooch, I dunno. xD )

(somehow I feel there's something hidden under that statement, my pervy sense is tingling. Alright we can do that, light the way.) 
( C-c-c-combo breaker)
(I read the combo breaker comment and started cracking up. Don't know why.)

Oswin held up her hands in surrender as Tony asked for help.

"This is your flame to dampen out. I'm going to bed." She then took the room across the hall from Tony and Lucas's room. She was about to close the door, when she gave a purposeful look to Carlos If he didn't want to come and talk, that was fine, but it wasn't like she was going to openly ask him to come into the room with her. That would be far too awkward.
[Why do the people on this thread like putting me through awkward situations xD ]

Carlos absent-mindedly entered Oswin's room. Following her was hard coded into his system. He became flustered as he slowly realized his situation. Well SH**, I'm an room with a girl. Nothing wrong here. His uneasiness grew with each minute he spent in Oswin's room but was curious about her father. "So what was he like before he left? Your father I mean." He struggled to smoothly ask the question.
Oswin closed the bedroom door, threw her backpack on the ground, kicked off her shoes to reveal her worn-down socks, and hopped on to the bed like a little kid. She then pulled her knees up to her chest, balancing the tip of her chin on her kneecaps, her eyes looking down at her feet. Oswin pondered his question.

"Different. Not in a bad way, but he wasn't...masculine, I suppose. Well, he was strong, but he didn't flaunt it or try to keep some kind of God Complex. He had a gently personality, like he was trying to be both a mother and a father. He knew how to talk to me, but he also helped me learn how to adapt to anything and everything. And he loved me. A lot." She paused, "I can't remember lots of specific details about him. It's been about 8 years since we were separated. But I never stop thinking about him. He pops up in my dreams a lot too."

Oswin then took a shaky breath, not taking her eyes off of her feet. "What about you? Your parents? What was it like with YOUR family?"

"My parents? They were always happy, we were always happy. My dad always had a his wit on him. ready with a wisecrack whenever and wherever. My mom always kept pestering me to grow up into a fine young man. They taught me that family, at its core, looks out for each other no matter what. I'm just simply following up on what they said. I'm just looking for them out there. It's been 6 years and I don't remember much, I'm struggling to remember them." Carlos gradually looked distant as he continued to reply to Oswin's question.
Oswin sighed and looked up Carlos with sad eyes. She didn't know what to say or do at this point. He seemed completely zoned out, and she felt as if she was babbling.

"Carlos," she said quietly, "I'm going to help you find them in any way I can." She already knew she had said that before. More babbling. He stood a distance away, and Oswin was almost expecting him to leave.
Carlos had spaced out and suddenly went on instinct. He moved closer toward Oswin his eyes never leaving her. Everything Oswin had said was lost on him, like he was detached from the world. As he got near Oswin he held her and kissed her. Withdrawal from an addiction to something new? He uncosciously kissed her again. Maybe or maybe not, I just want....I don't even know what I want anymore.
Oswin felt Carlos's lips against hers, her stomach fluttering. She sank into his kiss, releasing all the tension and stress that was created between them.

Oswin had never been sure what she wanted. Even when she was a little kid and her father wanted to buy her a birthday present, she never knew what she wanted to have. It had always been that way. But as the two of them kissed, she knew what she wanted. She wanted him. She wanted him more than anything else in the world. Oswin didn't know if he felt this way, but she sure did.

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