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Realistic or Modern Harcourt Ball OOC and Characters


Call me C!
Hey Everyone!

Link to the interest check: Realistic or Modern - Arranged Marriage Roleplay- Open

Please post your characters bellow for matching! I did want to add a few things! as this is LGBT friendly, we are just going to imagine that is accepted, so long as an heir is produced (Adoption, surrogacy etc.) contracts are in place to carefully annul any disputes to fortunes or titles. So sexuality or gender identity do not matter as much, but perhaps not seen as common

Also, under this society it is not as patriarchal. So each child is groomed to run/support their own families business but the marriages can boost social standing/contacts they get etc. This depends on the family though, so have some fun with it!

More than one character is allowed, so long as numbers are eventually even!


Gender Identity:
Brief family history (Family business/why they are rich/In the society):
Looks: (Photo and or a description)
Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?:

Thank you! Matches and first post will be up tomorrow evening, pending we have enough people.
Name: Melissa Elizabeth Cortez
Gender Identity: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 19
Family: Father, Alexander Cortez; Mother, Elicia Cortez; Brother, Marcus Cortez

Brief family history (Family business/why they are rich/In the society): Her family owns a well known logging company. They supply the land with lumber to build pretty much anything using wood.

Responsibilities: Does not have many, mainly tend to her little brother and her studies. She is not seen as fit to be the heiress to the business due to her disability so they plan to marry her off.

Skilled chef

Hobbies: Likes to cook with the chefs in her family's estate and wander the garden.

Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?: "Looking for love for a broken heart."

being alone

Her little brother
The idea of having a family one day
Her best friend the interpreter

Backstory: Melissa was born with a rare condition that prevented her from talking in much more than a whisper. Her family hired a maid to tend to her full time and announce anything she wanted said for her. The true grew close and became best friends. Melissa rarely goes anywhere without her translator. Though her speaker may be useless in a few years as the doctors say her condition is worsening and she may eventually go fully mute. Due to her condition, she is also prone to lightheadedness and fainting.
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Lord Elijah Samuel Ainsley
Gender Identity
His father is Lord Herbert Ainsley and his mother is Lady Elaine Ainsley
His little sister is four years younger than him and her name is Lady Mary Ainsley
His older brother is six years older (no one talks about him) and his name is Lord Archer Ainsley
Brief family history (Family business/why they are rich/In the society):
The Ainsley are goldsmiths. They make fine hollow ware (bowls, cups, vases) and beautifully designed jewelry. Wealth wise, his family is comfortable and he, as the eldest son, will inherit the business. The goldsmith has been around for quite a long time and has been passed from son to son.
Elijah is learning the family trade. He crafts much of the hollow ware and some of the jewelry (he is still refining his jewelry crafting techniques).
Elijah wants to be a writer and spends much of his time writing books and poetry, but he does this in private. He is talented at creating things with his hands. He's a pretty good shot, a skilled rider, and a talented businessman.
Freddie Stroma 10.jpg
Horse-back Riding
Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?
If you are not taken by my looks, you shall fall in love with my words. If neither has been accomplished, I shall woo you with my wit.
Flashy people
Idle days
Boring/humorless people
Spending time with loved ones
Elijah learned to read and write from an unusually young age, but he wasn’t allowed to explore these skills openly. His father scolded this creative side and said he had no business “making up stories”. Instead, his father pushed for him to learn the family trade so he could pass down his business.
He never keeps his mustache long
Freddie Stroma 4.jpg
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Name: Lady Elodie Hale
Gender Identity: Cis Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 18
Family: Lord Lucien hale and Lady Delphine Hale (Parents)
Brief family history (Family business/why they are rich/In the society): Hale Publishing. The own the local news paper in addition to six publishing houses across the Europe. Her family hail from France.
Responsibilities: Elodie is currently training to take over the family business.
Skills: Elodie comes from a family who value literature, so she is trained in reading and writing. She has excellent management skills and loves to bake all sorts of things, going as so far as to grow some of the things she needs for her recipes.
Looks: (Photo and or a description) Long dark brown hair, brown eyes and a plus size frame. She has freckles along her face and arms.
Hobbies: Baking and gardening.
Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?: Not just a pretty face, I can match wits with the best. My sweet rolls are also the best. Read to me?
Dislikes: Arrogance, hot weather, Being dismissed, seafood and people interested in a trophy wife.
Likes: Confidence, compassion, books, the rain, pressing/pressed flowers and dresses
Backstory: Elodie is her parents only child, and thus has had a lot of opportunities. She showed in interest in reading and writing from a young age and would love to publish a book one day but does not want it to be due to her position. She grew up in the french country, although her parents have properties in every country they also publish in. (England, France and Spain). Elodie often clashes with her mother as they are both strong willed people. She struggles to be seen as more than a child to her parents and with being dismissed by them.
Other: Elodie has always wanted to be a mother, despite her problems with her own
Name: Katarina Rynel Rathstone

Gender Identity: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Age: 23

Family: The Rathstone Barony, which currently consists of Amelia Fontaine Rathstone and Edward Rykel Rathstone, the current Baron and Baroness, with Kat being the only other direct member of the current head family.

Brief family history: The Rathstones are warlords leashed and harnessed by their titles and their sense of honor. Throughout their long history the one epithet that has stuck has been the Crown’s Warhounds. When they began they were little more than an elevated mercenary band but since then they have made a veritable business empire out of the necessities of war. They aren’t liked or especially welcomed amongst the heights of nobility, but they are respected. They have been spymasters and generals, blacksmiths and merchants. The thread throughout their history is a loyalty to the crown and a propensity towards war. The family as they are now is exceedingly wealthy and well-positioned, although still somewhat poorly regarded by the more picky nobles.

Responsibilities: As of relatively recently she is the prospective heir and presumed to be in line to become Baroness soon. She was educated previously and is capable enough. For now her primary responsibility as she was informed by the current Baron is simple. She must become married and end her years as a rake about town. She needs to meet a minimum level of respectability before she inherits the business and the title. Finding a real partner to share the burdens that will come with would be a bonus.

Skills: Her skillset varies depending on who is doing the describing. A more proper sort might describe her as a drunkard, a gambler, a rakehell and a soldier without a battlefield. A slightly more friendly eye might instead describe her as a skilled and clever fighter with an excellent sense for business and negotiations. They might also mention her propensity towards fine drink, interested women and games of chance, with an added mildly worrying inclination towards fighting. An actual friend, of which she has very few, might describe her as an adrenaline junky with no small skill with fighting, drinking, business dealing, and gambling, but a great deal less skill with genuine human interaction.

Looks: She is almost always very particularly butch, with varying levels of propriety and fashionability.


Hobbies: Sword-fighting, dueling, boxing, gambling, drinking, business, poetics.

Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?: Love is like a fine whiskey. Aging incredibly with a certain binding glory, or briefly, messily, destructively consuming.

Dislikes: Undeserved Arrogance, missionaries, fanatics, and warm weather.

Likes: Fighting, business dealing, cold weather, soft couches, cuddling, poetic bullshit(as she puts it)

Backstory: Kat Rathstone was always rather the black sheep of her family. She was born the fourth child of her generation, sickly and shy. Her parent’s drew back their affection early, not expecting her to make it. She survived her childhood but her relationship with her parent’s never really healed. She rebelled essentially as soon as she entered her teens and remained distant with her family. She quickly developed a reputation as a card shark, rakehell and drunkard, along with a reputation for being one of the best fighters of her generation. She had her own businesses, but few discussed those. When it came to the usual time for her to be married off no deal was ever made. It was widely assumed that she was simply disowned in all but name and was now too disrespectable to be anything else. For better or for worse, that is not how things turned out. First her eldest brother was found to be a rather heinous criminal after it involved another noble family. He was disowned and then killed by that family as recompense. Her second oldest sister was said to be on a trip at the time to see europe. This, as it turns out, was a lie. She had left to pursue her own fortune and left no means of contact. Rumor has her as a pirate somewhere but few know for certain. Her youngest brother was the prospective heir until half a year ago. He was killed by an accidental explosion while experimenting with gunpowder. All of a sudden the black sheep was the only living member of her generation and must so become the heir. Over the course of the next few months she was called to heel, dragged back to polite society by hook and by crook. After she was forced back and her reputation somewhat recuperated the question she had before avoided of an arranged marriage was again raised and a match was searched for.

Other: Her general demeanor and reputation are part lie, part act, and partly her essential nature. Additionally while it is not exactly openly discussed, those in the know would have heard the rumors about her living in the same building as a house of ill repute.
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Name: Josephine Needham
Gender Identity: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Age: 22
Family: Roderick Needham
Step mother: Adelaide Needham
Brief family history (Family business/why they are rich/In the society): Long line of nobility, horse breeding
Responsibilities: make decisions regarding the horses, be a
Skills: Equestrian, archery, music
Looks: (Photo and or a description): 1570116211441.png
Hobbies: Equestrian, archery, music, giving her brother grey hair
Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?:
Dislikes: Boring people, being cooped up indoors, English food
Likes: Long rides through nature, challenges, lively conversation, dancing
Backstory: Josephine Needham was born to Robert and Caera Needham, English nobility holding titles for both England and Ireland. Caera had trouble with the pregnancy and perished soon after giving birth to Josephine. As she grew older, Josephine looked more and more like her mother. Enough so that her father just couldn't stand to be around her without feeling that ache. So he rarely dealt with the girl, leaving her to be more free than most women of English society. Oh, she was expected to follow her studies and behave herself while in the company of others, but she was largely allowed to do as she pleased in regards to charging off on her horse. As she grew older, she began getting more involved with the family's business of breeding horses. She had a sharp eye for looking over the horses' bone structure and musculature, deciding the dams and studs carefully since these horses were then sold to the English cavalry. Her father decided when she was an adolescent to remarry, and he chose a lady of noble breeding in hopes that she would be a good role model for Josephine. Unfortunately, the woman was more interested in wealth and prestige rather than dealing with the children. When Robert died in a carriage accident, that left Roderick and Josephine without any protection from the ambitious Lady Needham. A lady that wishes to see both children married off as soon as possible so there is no one around to question her handling of the estate.
Other: Josephine is a very playful woman, but one should be careful. There is a sharp wit beneath those smiles. If she grows weary of droll conversation, the mischievous sprite will make entertainment.
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Name: Adalia Zhen Bronze-hill

Gender Identity: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 20

Family: Arthur James Bronze-hill(father) Jun Zhen Bronze-hill (mother)

Brief family history (Family business/why they are rich/In the society): Her family owns an oil rig. Due to this her family is extremely wealthy and live lavishly since whale oil is a thing of the past. Her father has ties to local politics due to his standing and is very well known.

Responsibilities: Being the only child Adalia She has a been educated by a tutor , and has been learning how to take over the financial side of her fathers business. Her father and mother both want to wed her to a capable man to help her run the business.

Skills: A very skilled Arithmetic. Knows three languages. Her mother taught her how to cook many traditional chinese cuisines. Silk weaving.

Looks: (Photo and or a description)

Hobbies: Illustration , Horseback Riding , Reading , Shopping, Drinking(a secret hobby)

Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?: I'll slip under your skin and seize your heart.

Dislikes: Social Crowds. Ignorance. Being doubted. Dirt. People overlooking her achievements.

Likes: Going out for a stroll. Debating ,Rain/Snow, Animals , Sitting by a fireplace to read.

Backstory: Adalia was born to a mother of a foreign country(china) out of wedlock. Her father was scrutinized during that time as his parents had arranged for him to be wed to a woman of the same financial standing. But her father while traveling had fallen in love with Adalia's mother and did not care about the troubles that would soon follow. Luckily Adalia's grandparents soon fell for the child and allowed the marriage even if Adalia's mother was poor and a foreigner. They both wed soon after Adalia was born. Adalia was soon tutored by many teachers , Learned the etiquette of a proper English woman , but at the same time Adalia's mother wanted to teach her a culture that seemed so distant , and thus tought her how to cook food from her country , how to speak Mandarin and how to write in hanzi. Her whole life has been men trying to wed her so they can one day take her fathers buisness and thus she has grown quite resentful of people and assume they just want to use her. Adalia does want to wed someone she loves , regardless of title and wealth , so she tries very hard to learn anything about her fathers buisness to help him and have him not feel obligated to have her wed a man because he thinks shes incapable.

Other: Adalia is a particularly shy woman. But at time she is known to be quite brazen towards others. She has built walls and has trouble seeing the good in people.
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Name: Lucas George Quinton
Gender Identity: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Age: 20

Joseph Quinton
Father, 45
Amélie Quinton
Mother, 42
Archibald "Archie" Leon Quinton
Little brother, 11

Brief family history (Family business/why they are rich/In the society):
Joseph Quinton, full name Joseph Andrew George Quinton, is an inventor that helped revolutionize industry. He made steel cheaper, mills more efficient, life easier for the normal citizen. Joseph is also a businessman, but a humane one, never investing in anything that went against his strong moral standards.

Amélie Quinton, maiden name Amélie Beaulieu, is from old money back in France. Her grandparents were extremely successful bankers, but her parents decided to move to Britain as the economy became stagnant. She now enjoys a relatively quiet life, leaving the family business to her older sister, and instead choosing to pursue visual art.

Lucas has to uphold his father's expectations and become very skilled in engineering and business. This means he has been given enough liberty with some of the family fortune to make his own business deals, or fund his own projects. Whenever something breaks in the house, his father finds it necessary to have Lucas try and fix it. On occasion, he takes care of his younger sibling, but those days have become far and few as he gets older.

- Business: Who would've guessed it, the son of a wealthy businessman is good at business. Choosing the right words, reading his competitors' moves, interpreting his investors' body language, negotiating a deal to please both parties, all skills he's picked up from his father.
- Engineering: Lucas was raised by an inventor who wanted an heir, not to his business or fortune, but to his knowledge. His father taught him everything he knew and pushed him to learn more.
- Deception: Lucas is scarily good at lying and acting. No tells or regrets, he can easily put on a mask within seconds. This makes him very skilled at poker and hiding his emotions.

5'9/132 lbs
Dressed fashionably in a clean suit most days, Lucas loves to look professional, but friendly.

Reading: Mostly nonfiction. News, different philosophies, scientific theories, stuff to expand his knowledge.

Painting: It was originally his mother's hobby when he was a child, but his love of painting and the arts has only grown since then.

Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?:
I just want someone I can look over to on a slow day and be reminded of how lucky I can be.

- Dancing
- Sea Food
- Irrationality
- Choosing to be Ignorant
- Staying in the Past

- Games
- Tinkering
- The Arts
- Autumn
- Desserts

Lucas grew up in and around high society, but his father never failed to remind him of what life was like for normal folks. His father was his main influence throughout his life, taught him about morality and humility, told him to always question everything, especially those who sought to remain secretive. He was the reason why Lucas became so hungry for knowledge, why he became so good with words, why he became so respectable.

But his mother is the one he favors. She taught him to slow down, to look at the world less cynically, appreciate the time he has and accept that that time is not infinite. She may not be the most beautiful, or well read, or wise, but she has an understanding that she has no need to be the best, and showed Lucas that it was important to stay grounded as he carved his way into the future.

Lucas is terrified of disappointing people and failure in general, but hides it behind a sweet smile, a glass of whiskey, and a scholarly book.
Name: Ezra Slemer Conray
Gender Identity: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 24
Dotti Conray
Norris Conray

Brief family history (Family business/why they are rich/In the society): His family is made of horologists. Often creating intricate pieces to sell in their store or heading out to fix the clocks for those that broke. They've rose to a higher statue by making large pieces for the wealthy and being the only ones to fix a problem from their own inventions they've had constant work. Being well known for their craft the family is of higher status though not of the elite.

Responsibilities: Ezra has basically taken over the family business, often in the back in his workshop working on new pieces or coming out when there's repairs that is needed for customers who come in. He's the one who will come to your house if you have a problem with anything related to his works.

Excellent clock maker, he knows clocks better than anything in his life. He has an eye for machinery, though he doesn't dabble outside of his profession he enjoys seeing how other things work. He has taken to horse riding in his spare time and while not a master he considers himself well off.


Clock making
Horse riding

Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?:
Time can seem short as if there is never enough. Spend it with the right person and the days seem to go on.

Being treated less than a person.
Having to dress up all the time.

Being able to speak their mind.
Messing around.

Growing up Ezra was always surrounded by clocks. He'd often look over his father making them or help out in the shop with his mother when he was old enough. His family was well off by this time, having their name be known and often working on bigger projects. He didn't spend too much time outside as he was needed in the shop so he often tried to sneak out at night to go into the streets. This gave him his love for the night, when the city seemed to sleep. He never went far or got into any danger though his parents were worried once they found out and they decided to give him time in the day. He felt like it was never to same.

He learned how to do everything his father was doing as he grew older, often times taking over projects and being the one to fix what was brought in. Soon he was the main person working on everything, his father the one helping out at times though mostly he was in the front with his mother. He wasn't the most social person because of his job. Only at times when costumers came in and he needed to speak with them or whenever he went out to help fix a problem. He was always dressed up though and needed to be proper, not because of his parents but rather he himself didn't want to let his family down.

While Ezra enjoys the company of others he often feels a barrier keeping him from truly enjoying it. He is too scared about ruining his families reputation by truly being himself which is why he feels safer at night to show how he really is.
Name: Farah IV of Dormshaven
Gender Identity: Female
Sexuality: straight
Age: 20
Family: The Noble Family of Dormshaven in the province of France.
Brief family history (Family business/why they are rich/In the society): they are wealthy because the amount of merchants they possess in their kingdom they are more dependent on imports and exports and their navy then anything. They take the takes from the imports. Their riches are not from hard work unfortunately but the work of others.
Responsibilities: not very many. She helps her mother buy some imports to contribute.
Skills: she is skilled in persuasion and diplomatic matters.
Looks: DB538CF1-E027-4C21-95CF-558B2C245DEB.jpeg
Hobbies: painting and reading.
Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?: looking for a lover to take me away from the lazy rich life of being a Dormshaven.
-her families reason for being rich.
-doesn’t like her parents insults the idea of her wanting to be a painter.
-being rich since she could get anything anyone would dream of but doesn’t like its downsides.
-likes to understand the lower class and try to have better relationships with the people surrounding dormshaven estates.
Farah grew up the oldest of 5 siblings. Being from a rich family they could maintain many children giving them tutors, food and anything they desired. But what she couldn’t have that wasn’t everything was a friend. The more she grew up the more she realized why no one wanted to be her friend. The more she understood she needed to learn a craft and get away from the fact that her parents would pay for everything. She wanted to earn her life she started to paint paying a painter to teach her behind her parents back. Her parents soon found out and being selfish snobby rich parents they wanted their daughter to stay like them so they decided for farah would be bethrothed to a wealthy man at the ball.
Other: n/a
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[div class=headerleft]Basic[/div]
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Name: Anabella "Ana" Hare
Age: Twenty-one
Gender Identity: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: Twenty-one

[div class=headerleft]Family[/div]
[div class=tri]
Alessia Hare (Mother) - Deceased
Maxwell Hare (Father) - Living
Fiona Hare (Step-mother) - Living

Brief family history (Family business/why they are rich/In the society): Her father was a reknown advisor to many royals, this boosted their family name during the time.

[div class=headermain]Personality

Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?:
If you think fancy jewelry and a social boost will satisfy me, you are mistaken. I crave true emotions not material goods.

- Needless Spending
- Uncaring of Others
- Flashyness
- Exessive Drinking

+ Pressing Flowers
+ Journaling
+ Taking Care of Others
+ Chocolates Oranges
+ Soft Rain
+ Reading

[div class=headermain]Abilities[/div]
Responsibilities: Ana works taking care of the local elderly, from making them food to general care as well as cleaning their homes.

| Herbology
| Cooking & Baking
| Calligraphy
| Nursing

| Collecting Flowers
| Reading
| Drawing

| Horses - She finds them to be beautiful creatures but due to her childhood is very afraid of them.

[div class=headermain]Backstory[/div]
Anabella better known as simply Ana. She is a sweet and caring girl, the old hold a special place in her heart, even before she helped them. Her mother, Alessia, died when Ana was only a little girl. She doesn't remember much about her mother except that she was a kind soul. Her father was a well-liked and well-respected advisor for many of the elite royals, he remarried to a duchess of a semi-known land. Though she was unable to have children making Ana the one to be married off to a well to do man or woman. Fiona her stepmother, was always kind to her, Ana admits she wasn't always kind in return.
She isn't completely against the idea of an arranged marriage but she doesn't want someone that simply wants a wife to show off. She craves to have a relationship like the ones in her romance books.

[div class=headermain]Extra[/div]
Other: N/a
Faceclaim: Helena Mckelvie
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Rosaline "Rosie" Miriam Alder


Gender Identity: Cis Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Age: 21
Father: Roderick Ferdinand Adler
Mother: Margot Ester Adler (Deceased)
Twin Sister: Rebekah Matilda Adler (Deceased)
Step-Mother: Charlotte Victoria Adler (Formally Graham)
Step-Brother: Charles "Charlie" Oliver Beverley
Brief family history:
Roderick Adler worked in a brewery in his hometown of Frankfurt, Germany. He wasn't well off or of nobility there, but he learned a lot from the man who ran and owned the business in which he worked for. When Roderick was at his lowest, his boss gave him a loan and a task. "Start a brewery in London, and make me money". Is what he said; and that is what Roderick did. He now owns quite a few breweries throughout England and makes very good money for his family.
As the eldest child of her family, Rosaline or Rosie as her family calls her, has been learning the trade of her father for about three years now. She is expected to take over the business once she has married and settled with her wife.
While Rosie is quite good in brewing, she is far more fond of Painting. She took it up as a child and became quite good. She hopes that one day she will be able to do something with her art while still taking care of her family business.
Painting, Horse Back Riding, Gardening, and Reading
Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?:
Art is not limited to just paper or canvas. There is art in everything. What is yours?
Large Crowds, Parties, Rain, Her Translator, Overly Confident People, Most Men
Painting, Horses, Flowers, Fiction Stories, Being Alone, Girls
Backstory: (TW: Talk of Suicide)
Rosalie Miriam Alder and Rebekah Matilda Adler were born on August 2nd to Roderick Ferdinand Alder and Margot Ester Adler. The set of twins were weak, as most twins are when first born, but they both grew to about the age of three. Those early years were paradise to the young family. Roderick loved his wife and daughters, and he and Margot spoke often about having more children. They wanted to give Rosie and Bekah brothers. But their world quickly turned upside down when the twins fell gravely ill. They went to multiple doctors, in and out of hospitals for months. Rosie barely made it through by the skin of her teeth, loosing her hearing in the process. Unfortunately for Rebekah, she died a few weeks after Rosie lost her hearing. The whole family was grief ridden. Margot the most. She felt as if it was her fault. Her precious child had died because she wasn't diligent enough. She didn't pray enough. She wasn't enough. Margot grew more and more depressed as the days went on. Rosie, was confused. One day her best friend, her twin sister was there and the next she was gone. She would call out to her, ask her father where she was. "When is Bekah coming home from the hospital?" "Why can't I see her?" "Why is Mutti so sad?" And Roderick didn't have answers for her. He didn't know how to tell his precious daughter that her twin sister wasn't coming home. That no one would be able to see her again. That Margot blamed herself for all of it. Roderick tried to keep his family together. He did his best between caring for a toddler and trying to make a living to sustain his wife and child. But there was nothing he could have done to stop Margot from killing herself one year after Rebekah's death. She locked herself in the bathroom while her husband was at work, and Rosie was down for a nap, and overdosed on anything and everything she could find in their medicine cabinet. When Rosie woke up she had to use the bathroom but couldn't get in. She banged and wailed and cried for her mother. Their neighbors in the apartment building complained to the land lord and he was the one to find Margot and inform Roderick.

Roderick was devastated. He had lost his daughter and his wife within two years and now he was left all alone to care for a small girl who couldn't hear. Roderick himself became depressed. He didn't know how to do this on his own. He was only one man? How was he supposed to care for Rosie and make a living, and keep up a home? He was lucky his boss was a kind man. Rosie would go with Roderick to work and play with the boss' son while her father made a living. His boss' wife taught him a few simple meals that he could make for himself and Rosie. Within the next year or so, things seemed as though they would be alright. Rosie's reading and writing was going wonderfully. And even though she couldn't hear, she was spunky and very opinionated. Granted social situations intimidated her. Not many people were understanding or compassionate toward her plight. And while she couldn't hear what people were saying, she could read their expressions. Sense their body language and emotions. They all thought she was some sort of burden on her father. That he should have just gave her up after everything he had been through. But Rosie was the last thing he had of his wife and child. He wasn't going to loose her too. When Rosie was 6, Roderick moved himself and his daughter to London to start up a brewery with a loan given to him by his boss. Things were slow at first. Many Englishmen and woman didn't understand German beer. And Roderick and Rosie had to learn a completely new language. Rosie picked it up quickly. Kids that age are like sponges, it was no surprise. But Roderick had a hard time. But just has he had been patient with Rosie was she was learning to read and write, Rosie was the same with her father. She helped him quite a bit and he eventually learned enough to have actual conversations with business partners and the like. Within a few years, business was booming. Beer was being shipped out daily and Roderick could barely keep up with the demand. So he opened another brewery in Cambridge. And then another in Oxford. And soon, Alder became a household name.

When Rosie was ten, Roderick decided he was ready, and it was time to marry again. He met a woman named Charlotte Victoria Graham. She came from old money; very rich and used to a luxurious lifestyle. (Which Roderick could now provide) She was also a widow. She understood Roderick's pain of loosing a partner and sympathized with Rosie's condition. She had a son, a little bit younger than Rosie, Charles Oliver Beverley. (Or Charlie as most call him) Charlie and Rosie got along well. They bantered has siblings would and for once in almost her whole life, Rosie felt a hole had been filled. Rosie was happy when her father remarried. She liked Charlotte. Even though she was a little...exuberant for Rosie's taste and very...very...loud. (You know you're loud when the deaf girl thinks your loud) But she was kind and she taught both Rosie and Roderick a lot about English society. (And improved Roderick's English ten fold) And she adored Charlie. He was a goofball. He made her laugh and made her feel like she wasn't so different from other people her age.

Soon after marrying Charlotte, she insisted that the whole family learn sign language. If Rosie were to survive in high society, she had to be able to converse without having to write everything down and give it to people to read. This actually proved very helpful, until Charlotte hired a translator. Charlotte was a social being, and held many...many parties and gatherings that she expected her whole family to be apart of. However she did not expect her guests to learn sign language in order to converse with her daughter. She instead hired a translator. This girl, Molly, was a few years older than Rosie. She was awkward and a bit dense and Rosie despised her. Charlotte had hired a young girl in hopes that Rosie might actually make a friend besides Charlie and boy did that plan back fire. Rosie found Molly incredibly dull and difficult to talk to. And at parties, Rosie did everything she could to avoid or loose her translator. But for some reason that girl was very good at hide and seek.
I apologize for the length of the Bio. I got a little carried away....
Hi...I know I already put it in my character sheet but I'd like to formally apologize for how fucking long that bio is.... I got very carried away...

Edit: Also please don't expect FOUR FUCKING PARAGRAPHS JESUS CHRIST JESS every time I post because that is not normal for me idk what came over me but I just kept typing....
Hi...I know I already put it in my character sheet but I'd like to formally apologize for how fucking long that bio is.... I got very carried away...

Edit: Also please don't expect FOUR FUCKING PARAGRAPHS JESUS CHRIST JESS every time I post because that is not normal for me idk what came over me but I just kept typing....

Don't Worry about it! It was fun to read!

Eliza Madeline Green

Gender Identity:

Open Lesbian


Family: // Bridgette Green (Mother) //Gregory Antonio (Father) // ?? // ??


Brief family history: Eliza's family come from a rather long line of nobles that was clever with their spending and good at maintaining their property, thanks to being in good relation with many high ranking families they often borrow money however always return it on time…. However many know the true reason for their riches being less than savoury reasons to do with illegal business and trading, however none have proof of it enough to accuse them of anything, and most don't care as long as they stay respectable and pay on time. However the young girl went missing from the public eye for quite a while for the past seven years, only now resurfacing as the mysterious true heiress of the family riches, despite the family having already passed on their title to a pair of right hand men under their command. There's many rumours of what happened to her during the time, some even claiming her to be a fake, however her parents have nothing to say on the matter besides her indeed being their daughter.

None right now, if anything her parents want her out of the public eye and in their own words, "to stop causing so much trouble for darn once" however the boisterous and outspoken girl is resistant to ever agree. And as of recent times clearly not having hold over business future.

Sword and knife combat. How to escape from ropes. Having unusual but useful contacts. Knowing quote "all" the secret places nearby.


Knife tossing, causing mischief, darts, drinking, having fun!~

Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?:
A young girl lookin' for a good time an booze! haha jk take me on a date first ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Abused for past seven years- ect
Maki Riki

Gender Identity:



Mother (Serena Riki) Father- (Unknown.) No siblings

Brief family history:
Her mother was homeless most of her young life, scrounging for anything, one night she made a bad choice and slept with a random man who offered her shelter…. That one night stand lead to Maki. Abandoned by him at the word of a child she went around begging for help with her pregnancy, a large business family in the area took pity on her being about to have their own child at the time, giving her shelter and food in exchange for housework and aiding their own pregnant family member. After Maki was born she continued to work under them, getting along well and earning enough to be stable. Maki grew up with a pretty normal albeit somewhat poor childhood, when she was twelve she was offered a job for her mothers, ladies daughter. Taking it up eagerly wanting to help out with money for the pair she met Melissa. The two have been close friends since- or maybe even more. Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez

Taking care of Melissa, Being her 'voice' to the public and others, some cooking light cleaning, helping the other get dressed and ready in the morning and evening.

Basic cooking, basic cleaning, can sing rather well though is rather shy about it to everyone but Melissa. She also has an odd knack for being a lot stronger than she looks.

^^ When her hair is out it's rather long doing down her entire back, looking much more suited to herself and really rather beautiful.

Cooking pancakes (she's determined to become the best at them!) , Gardening, Spending time with Mellissa, Occasionally she'll like a small drink (she's a very amusing drunk but rather endearing and sweet).

Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say:
"Uh- I-I dunno what I'm doing here, Mellissa did you set this up!?"

Seeing others make fun of people, Feeling useless or worthless, Having to watch someone suffer, Broccoli and Cauliflower, Hiding things.

Spending time with those she cares about, Being able to do stuff, Cooking for other people, Dogs! Aw they're just so cute an fluffy an Awwwwww!

(pretty much described in family history) She grew up in a small shared room with her mother in Mellissa's family home, they never had much money or things, but she had a good life. Being from lower status she doesn't know how to read or write though is determined to learn with Mellissa's help. Recently her mother has gotten ill and been unable to work, making her even more focused in her job than ever, and her relationship with her lady…. Which despite what others make think is a tad more than just good friends. However she also has a secret.

-She has a habit of being much Feisty as a maid than others, most writing it to the fact she does all the speaking for Mellissa, though really its just her personality, and she isn't afraid to give you apiece of her mind.
-Has a secret that very few people know.

StarxLight StarxLight
Name: Francisco (Frankie) De La Rosa

Gender Identity: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 23


Grandparents- Jorge De La Rosa, Elena De La Rosa
Parents- Jorge De La Rosa Jr. , Amalia De La Rosa
Siblings- Santiago (Santi) De La Rosa (elder brother), Emiliana (Emi) De La Rosa (younger daughter), Daniel De La Rosa

(There is an extended family but for purposes of brevity, I'll leave it to direct lineage)

Brief family history (Family business/why they are rich/In the society):

The De La Rosa family are known the world over. El Ron De La Rosa, or, the Rum of the Rose, is an iconic brand of rum found in the shelves of bars across the land. They are titans of the liquor industry and boast explosive amounts of wealth. Originally founded by Jorge De La Rosa and his brothers, the three siblings began a start up company with nothing more than a shabby distillery and a small plot of land. After 10 years of experimenting with different forms of yeast, aging periods, and barrels, Jorge finally discovered a flavor profile that matched what he was looking for. Rum was known as a crude alcohol. Only the poor drank such a rough form of liquor but the Rum of the Rose was different. It was clearer than water, smoother than silk, and richer in taste than any royal family had in gold. But it was Jorge Jr. and his siblings that would take the mantel and truly spread the family name across the world. He had the idea to add a rose to the bottle as a stamp of authenticity. Additionally, the illiterate could now understand that the rum they drank came from the Rose itself. From there, it was Jorge Jr. and 3 brothers and 2 sisters traveling the world over to spread the family name while their father and mother managed things at home. It was thanks to their tireless work that Ron De La Rosa became world famous over the next few decades and the astonishingly unique flavor made the brand popular not only among the poor in society, but also among the high-class. Enter the second generation, and Frankie, along with his brothers, sister, and cousins, they look to take the next step forward for the company and continue to uphold the family name. For despite the rather lowly, humble beginnings, De La Rosa turned from a name covered in dirt and sweat, to a name as pristine as crystal.


Frankie's elder brother Santi excels in countless subjects from the sciences, to the arts. He made perfect use of his education and is locked in to be the next head of the company after their father retires. Frankie decided that he could put himself to use elsewhere. He managed to pass his education with average standing but what he truly shined in, was in his charisma. With his outgoing, brash, and hardy personality, Frankie became extremely popular among the workers of the company. He moved to manage production, shipment, and distribution. Essentially, Frankie became the bridge between the family, and the workers that were hired by them. As it happened, the family fit him well. De La Rosa hosted parties big enough to crowd the streets and they constantly flashed their wealth, inviting the wealthy and the poor to attend. All the alcohol and food was provided and as such, the family parties were called the Carnivales Rosa, the Rose Carnivals. There were dancers, performers, games, gambling, and luxury galore. Santi took on his father's studiousness but Frankie inherited his festive nature. There wasn't a single party missed by the man and he always found a way to be the center of attention.


Frankie excels at boxing
Is a great shot with a rifle
Knows how to hold down his alcohol, although he never passes up a chance to push his limits
Stubborn to a fault, but his determination has taken him far in life
Amiable and very approachable. He would rather make nice than fight, but keep in mind that he can be rather explosive when he gets angry



Telling stories about hunting, boxing, and gambling

Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?:

"Strong woman. I want a lady, but one that knows how to throw a punch."


People who disrespect his family name

A short hunt or boxing match

Alcohol that isn't his family's


A long hunt or boxing match

Life. "If you're gonna live it, you might as well enjoy it while you're around."


Frankie has a lot of pressure he tends to deflect. He likes to say that he faces problems head on but the reality is, he faces problems by going into a ring, or going on a hunt. Being average in brains meant he didn't always have the answer right then and there. So he'll stall, and procrastinate to buy more time to find the solution. If it isn't solved with fists or a gunshot, better fight and shoot till you find option C.

When Frankie was 18, he went out with his brother, Santi, to hunt some Leopard. What resulted was a dead Leopard and a heavily scarred arm. To this day, Frankie uses that story to boast of his willingness to live life at the edge but from then on, Frankie was always quiet while on a hunt. It became one of things he does to clear his head, think, and relax.

Favorite food is meat
He adores sugar cane. He will chew on it every chance he got. Considering the alternative was to smoke expensive cigars, he nor anyone else complained if he chopped himself a piece every now and then.

FINAL NOTE: Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, is the family home. They have since begun to move around the world to manage different branches of the family company. It just so happens that Frankie was sent to the place where the story is taking place.
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Name: Vincent Lafranière

Gender Identity: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 24

Family: Raphael Lafranière (Father) Amelié Lafranière (mother, deceased) Eloise Lafranière (Younger Sister)

Brief family history (Family business/why they are rich/In the society): His father is a pharmacist, owning a well-respected apothecary where he also does research in order to make important, scientific discoveries. They reached some form of social status because of said discoveries, as well as being skilled apothecaries. They are by no means considered nobles, but are well respected and earn quite a living nonetheless.

Responsibilities: Vincent is the eldest son, and will one day take over his father's business. While his father tends to the backroom, practicing the art of scientific discovery through chemistry, Vincent tends the front desk, helping people with their medications and advice through what knowledge he has through his father and some education. Some home visits are also made by him, although his father tends to take care of most of them.

Skills: Quite a decent apothecary, but more so good with his wits and charm. He’s young and handsome and creates good business for the family. His skill above all else is probably talking.



Minus the tattoos, wearing a period typical pharmacist get up which mostly consists of a high collared shirt, cravat, and a vest as well as pants. Not noble clothing by any means, but good quality.


Riding (although not good at it)
Spending time with friends (out drinking amongst other things)
Making a game out of most things

Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?:
Funny, Handsome and very stupid :hornstongue;

“Boring snobs”
People with no sense for adventure
Lack of empathy
The smell of most medicines

Rainy days
Summer nights

Growing up without a mother, Vincent, and his sister would often get into a lot of trouble by causing a ruckus which ended with their father quickly giving them tasks in the pharmacy. They both grew up helping around in the shop and while Eloise didn’t do much but take care of the sick, Vincent soon began to study in his father’s footsteps in order to one day take over the well-known pharmacy. He’s still a bit of a trouble maker, to his father’s dismay but his father has hoped that meeting someone would change those traits in his son.

Other: N/A
Name: Matthias Abbott

Gender: Cis male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Age: 18

Family: Sheila Abbott, and Natalia Abbott. Sheila, and Natalia are Matthias's mothers. He is an only child, and they spoiled the heck out of him, but luckily he didn't turn out to be a spoiled brat. He is well-mannered, and has a kind heart, sometimes too kind.

Sheila Abbott
35 years old
She has a gorgeous, and impressive afro, with full lips, and an almost lanky figure. She has sun kissed skin, and gorgeous honey colored eyes. She is witty, and sometimes blunt. All in all she is caring, even if she is way too sarcastic.

Natalia Abbott
38 years old
She has really short hair, and her complexion is a tad bit darker than Sheila's. She has piercing emerald eyes, that can make anyone nervous. She has a more curvy figure than her wife sheila, but still fit. Natalia shows her love through tough love. She seems a little more meaner, but she is the sweetest woman you could ever meet once you gain her respect.

Brief family history: The Abbott family has a well-known flower shop, they sell mostly flowers, but they sell other things, like gum made out of tree sap. Or brooms out of real trees. Basically anything nature that you want, the Abbott's got you. The shop is called, "The Watering Can." It used to be Natalia's fathers until he passed, and she inherited it. The flower shop goes all the way back, with many Abbott's inheriting the place.

Responsibilities: Matthias at first didn't have a lot of responsibilities, but his mother Sheila got sick, and his mother Natalia spends all of her time taking care of her. So The watering can is basically Matthias's. He runs the shop, and helps his mothers out when he can. The reason they want him to have an arranged marriage is because they want the flower business to keep continuing to the next generation, and Matthias hasn't shown any interest in dating or marrying, so his parents worried, and decided to take matters into their own hands.

Skills: Gardening, communicating, and leadership.


Hobbies: Reading, Gardening, afternoon walks, late night walks.

Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?
"I've only ever wanted someone who can take time to look at the stars with me."

Dislikes: Aggression, violence, rude people, ill manners, and waffles.

Likes: Nature, Calmness, music, philosophy. Funny people.

Backstory: Not much to say here. He came from a loving home, and lots of people love Matthias for his kindness.

Other: He is sometimes too kind, which is easy to manipulate, and take advantage of. Always gives people the benefit of the doubt.
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Name: Lord Thaddeus Preston
Gender Identity: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Age: 23
Family: His father is Lord Bronte Preston. His mother is Lady Clarissa Fenton. He has a half-brother by the named Lord Lucius Preston. Lucius was conceived from his father’s first marriage.
Brief family history (Family business/why they are rich/In the society):
His father is a renowned member of Parliament, the legislative body of their country. His brother Lucius, on the other hand, is reaping the advantages of trade, especially near the Danish straits. Bronte Preston finds manual labor that Lucius is conducting to be an inappropriate way of profiting. To him, it dishonors their aristocratic reputation. This is one of the many reasons why Thaddeus is expected to pursue in his father’s footsteps.
Thaddeus is working just under his father in the law-making department. He’s currently completed his studies, and is on the way to being a member of Parliament himself.
Thaddeus is a strong rider, an excellent spokesperson, and enjoys swordsmanship.
Looks: (Photo and or a description)

Galloping across windy plains, wasting away nights at parties, sleeping with women, spending time with Lucius at his estates.

Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?:
No feels attached, up for it?

-Being cooped up in his study for too long
-Feeling inferior
-Having to follow his father and mother’s dreams
-Anything with cinnamon
-Losing money or giving it away

-Communicating with others
-Disobeying house rules directly

Thaddeus Preston had to be a devil incarnate since he was a baby. With wails obnoxious enough to echo from the thick walls, he kept his parents busy midday and wide awake well-after the moon had been long suspended in the starry night. When he aged to a toddler, he was a running, racing, skidding-halls animal. His mother, the poor woman, was drained by the end of each day after chasing him about the house, scorns flying from one direction to another. As he matured, his energy was pent up for other activities: racing horses, swordsmanship, and marksmanship(which due to his impatience, he did horrible). Somewhere along the line, he became a lover’s boy, gaining attention from many young ladies he managed to impress. He was well forward with keeping up his grades, stunning his parents…

Lucius Preston often found himself envious of his brother. The love Thaddeus was getting was rusting his mind. It was no surprise that with time passing, Lucius exploited Thaddeus as much as he could. He talked him into the frivolous feeling of drinking, of gambling, of sleeping with ladies. More and more did Lucius penetrate Thaddeus’ thinking. By a quarter of a year, Thaddeus was afresh with a new personality. Still law-bending, but he acquired negative traits such as being colder to certain strangers based on looks, being insensitive to romance, and flaunting his wealth.

redroseknight redroseknight
Sorry for not replying sooner. I lost inspiration last night and then today I was out all day. But I'm going to get on that reply here shortly.
redroseknight redroseknight
Sorry for not replying sooner. I lost inspiration last night and then today I was out all day. But I'm going to get on that reply here shortly.
Fun side tidbit but if Molly paid any attention to noble gossip she might recognize Kat as a particularly disreputable member of an already disreputable yet spectacularly wealth family. Her reputation would likely be prime gossip considering her reinstatement as the heir.
Hey guys! I just wanted to let everyone knowthat I am super busy today and probably won't get to posting until very late tonight.
Name: Samantha Raya Lewis
Gender Identity:female
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 23
Family: Lewis Toy Co.
Brief family history (Family business/why they are rich/In society): She is the only daughter who was a large corporation toy business. Daniel Lewis her grandfather is the founder and the business was handed to her father growing his father's business into an empire. She grew up with her parents not around and get home when she is fast asleep. She never had a relationship with her parents and often was quiet in her own little world.
Responsibilities: Nothing. Her parents run everything.
Skills: writing and reading.
Looks: gal.jpg
Hobbies: She enjoys walks around the property of her family's large home front.
Imagine your character has a dating profile. What does their description say?: I want someone who can show me a different side of life. The side I would never get to see in the place I call home.
Dislikes peer pressure, being afraid.
Likes: help the unfortunate, read stories of love and places she could only dream of.
Backstory: Being the daughter of Toymakers she got every toy she could dream of but it didn't fill up the empty space of her parent's love. She soon tried many times running away from home but was brought back and the doors would be locked at all times. She was like a doll trapped in a plastic box wanting to experience everything the world had to offer. When she found out her parents had assigned her to Harcourt she was relieved she could be with someone probably not someone she would hope for but someone who could make her happy.

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