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One x One Hands


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Date this chart was completed: 7/16/2015

Character's Full Name: Josephine Mae Lawson

Nickname: Jo

Birthdate: February 21st


  • Age 17
    How old does s/he appear? 16
  • Eye Color: Dark blue
    Glasses or contacts? None, but has bad eyesight
  • Hair color: Black
    Distinguishable hair feature (bald, receding hairline, etc.): Shaved sections from surgeries
    Type of hair (coarse, fine, thick, etc?) Curly
  • Typical hairstyle: Very long, leaves what she has down. Sometimes covers bald spots by parting it in the middle
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 110
    Type of body/build: Very slim and hates it, no muscle tone and is as weak as she appears
  • Nationality: Caucasian
  • Skin tone: Pale
  • Skin type: Always cold, almost translucent
  • Shape of face: Heart
  • Distinguishing Marks? Faint freckles on nose, tattoo on right inner elbow (numbers)
    Scars? On head from surgery
  • Most predominant feature: Eyes
  • Accent? American (typical)
  • Is s/he healthy? No
    If not, why not: Doesn't have a very good appetite and is often rendered unable to move
  • Physical disabilities: Often has to be in a wheelchair and with an oxygen tank
  • Physical abilities (what is character good at? sports, etc.): Writing and drawing


  • Color: Teal
  • Music: Alternative/Indie
  • Food: Anything mild that won't upset her stomach
  • Literature: Reads a ton, lots of mysteries and classic literature
  • Book: Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
  • Expletive(s) (swears): Swears like a sailor when worked up
  • Mode of transpiration: Does not have a licences


  • Hometown: Manchester, CT
  • Type of childhood: Neglectant, controlled by her own sickness and father's
  • First memory: Being in the hospital for father
  • Most important childhood event that still affects him/her: Her sister finally being taken from their home
    Why? She adored her sister and it was a major reality check to how bad their home like was life
  • Education: Homeschooled--was never allowed to be in school because of weak immune system and odd medical schedule
  • Booksmart or streetsmart? Booksmart
  • Religion and/or religious views and/or tendencies? Agnostic, very critical of religion


  • Job? None
  • Kiss? A boyfriend she had had in the hospital
  • Sexual experience? Virgin


  • Mother (name): Annabel Lawson
    Relationship with her: Her mother was the one who homeschooled her and Josephine is close with her; however, the strained relationship between her sister and her mother makes it difficult
  • Father (name): Gregory Lawson
    Relationship with him: Very limited, but she adores him
  • Biological father (name): Gerald Manor
  • Relationship with him: Only recently found out that she has a different father; her mother had an affair after her husband had been in the hospital with terminal brain cancer for over a year
  • Siblings: James (26), Jeremy (25), Jairus (24), Jenna (18), and Josephine (17)
    Birth order: See above
    Relationship with each: All siblings are close, but closest with Jenna
  • Children of Siblings: James--eight mo girl, Jeremy--year-old boy, four mo girl, Jairus--three-year-old (adopted) girl, newborn twins, Jenna--eight mo girl (teen pregnancy, later married father)
  • Extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.): Sister-in-laws: Rose (James), Bryn (former wife of Jeremy), Michaella (current wife of Jeremy), Arden (wife of Jairus), Aiden (husband of Jenna)
  • Close to family? Yes/No Yes, but often feels distant because of limited physical abilities and her position in foster care, as the only one to be young enough to be in the system


  • Greatest fear: Causing her mother to struggle again when she dies, like she did when her husband was announced to be terminally ill
  • Worst thing that could happen to him/her? Could die because of illness
  • Character is most at ease when: Drawing with one of her siblings (most likely Jairus or Jenna)
  • Most ill at ease when: Has to be with former boyfriend, who ended up falling for Jenna when he met her
  • Priorities: Getting through day by day
  • How s/he feels about self: Struggles because her sister is strikingly gorgeous and already has a husband and kid where she knows she will never be able to
  • Past failure s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about: Knowing some of the dirty things going on in her home and not saying anything
  • If granted one wish, what would it be? To get rid of her disease
    Why? She hates feeling like a burden to her family
  • Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
  • Biggest regret? Not doing more so people wouldn't know how bad their home had gotten


  • Greatest source of strength in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not): Dry humor, artistic ability
  • Greatest source of weakness in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not): Has a hard time letting people get close to her, puts up a calloused front
  • Biggest vulnerability:
  • Which of the 7 deadly sins does character fight (or give into, willingly or not)?
    (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride) Envy
  • Which of the 7 virtues does your character have (or fight against)?
    (chastity, abstinence, leberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility) Diligence


  • Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist
  • Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
  • Talents (hidden or not)? Art
  • Extremely unskilled at: Making friends
  • Good characteristics: Funny, works hard, dedicated friend when you are one
  • Character flaws: Often comes on too intimidating at first
  • Mannerisms: Seems calloused and morbid at first, funny and broken simultaneous when you know her
  • Peculiarities: Cuts words into her skin, brain disease


  • What does character consider best physical characteristic? Eyes
  • What does character consider worst physical characteristic? Body
    Are these realistic assessments? Yes
    If not, why not?
  • How CHARACTER thinks others perceive him/her? Harsh, a burden
  • What four things would CHARACTER most like to change about self? (#1 most important, #2 second most important, etc.) Illness, inadequacy she feels toward sister

  • If change #1 was made, would character be as happy as s/he thinks?

    If not, why not?
    No, because she doesn't know how to function as anything but the Sick Girl


  • Has character ever cheated on any signficant other? Never
  • How does character relate to others? Through time
  • How is s/he perceived by...

    Strangers? Disturbed
  • Friends? Broken, good at listening

[*]What do family/friends like most about character? Her humor and compassionate heart once you get past her

[*]What do family/friends like least about character? Her using her illness as an excuse


  • Immediate goal(s): Live
  • Long range goal(s): Again, live


  • How character react in a crisis (calm/panic/etc.)? Acts completely removed, because she's "just going to die anyway"
  • How does character face problems? Good at fixing others, terrible at fixing her own
    Kinds of problems character usually runs into: Medical and relational
  • How does character react to change? Hates it, since her life is usualy constant to a fault



  • Where does character live? Boston, MA
    With anyone? Yes/No Mother and step-father
  • Where does character want to live? Europe, with artists
  • Spending habits (frugal, spendthrift, etc)? Never has money
  • What does s/he do too much of? Drawing and reading
  • Too little of? Being around anyone not in her family
  • Most prized possession: Sketchbook
  • Play musical instrument? Yes
    Which one(s)? Piano
    How did s/he learn? From her sister, who took lessons. The hospital she was in also allowed patients to be taught in free time
  • Does character like animals? Yes
  • Any pets? No
  • Likes music? Loves it
    What kind? Obscure alternative and indie (takes pride in being a music hipster)


  • Owns a computer? Yes/No Yes
    If not, why not?
  • Email address(es): Doesn't have one
  • Uses computer for business, pleasure, both? To get rid of time
  • Play computer games? Yes
    If yes, which game(s)? If yes, how many hours per day? Sims
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Name: Levi Thompson

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Levi is a simple person, preferring to live in his own little bubble. Life for him has been nothing short of chaotic. He likes to balance all of the spontaneity by remaining calm and easygoing.

He is a very creative and imaginative person. Art is his outlet and serves as a way for him to escape from any external pain. Although he completely loves writing and painting, it’s not something that he usually shares with people. There’s actually very little that he shares with people

Levi is independent by default. There has never been a time where he was able to put his trust into someone. Everything in his life was temporary; he quickly learned to disperse his trust with care. When put in a difficult situation, he’s likely to do things his own way. He’s also a very individual thinker. Levi likes to form his own opinions as well as challenge the opinions of others. Being deaf has never been an excuse for him, he likes to prove that he’s able to function just like everyone else.

The well being of other people come before his own. His whole life has been spent with unhappy people and he makes it his job to change that around. He often neglects his own feelings, letting them build up until they overflow. When things do overflow, they’re very violent and erratic. There are times where he may be irritable or on edge, but he tries not to let his anger get the best of him.


There was obviously nothing average about Levi’s childhood. At the age of 7 months, he was diagnosed with a sever case of meningitis. There was a possibility of the treatment ending in death, but the doctors did everything they were possible of. They succeeded in keeping him alive; his hearing was the only thing they couldn’t salvage. The infection had more of an effect on his right ear than his left. He only suffers partial hearing loss in his left, but he’s still unable to understand dialogue without his hearing aids. His hearing was a small sacrifice, considering the circumstances.

The surgery was expensive and had a huge impact on Levi’s one-income family. His mother couldn’t get a job, due to her lack of education. There was no way they could support Levi or pay the costs of medication and medical assistance. Slowly, he became more of a burden than a child. His parents put him in the foster system and hoped for the best.

Over the course of sixteen years, he was placed in around seven foster homes. The state paid for his speech classes, allowing him to pick up basic words and communicate efficiently. Most foster homes couldn’t deal with the language barrier, which left him wandering.





- Being given his own space


- Pessimistic people

-Loud noises

- Drama

-Being lied to

((I may add a little more info later. I'm loving the way you format our CS))


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