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Fandom Halls of Heroes (My hero Academia thread)(closed)

Alexis returns her pencil to the desk, with lots of confidence.
((>-< kinda sleeped in ...xD ))
Aquamari had waved hello to all the others as they had walked over to their tiny group. They all had very cool and interesting quirks. Though what made her smile was how friendly everyone had been.
Soon the exams started and Aquamari walked in with everyone. Taking her seat she took in a deep breath calming her self before tackling the written exam. She was not the best when it came to an exam, as she tended to second guess herself. Although she did great she finished just as the exam ended. With a sigh of relief she quickly ran over to turn in her test (being one of the last few to turn it in). Walking back to her seat she hoped the physical exam would be easier.
"Oh it's time.." Iris said sounding a but nervous. Her body started to fade, slowly going to invisible. She realized what she was doing and took a deep breath. "I can do this." She returned back to normal.
Ryan puts his pencil down having finished the test about 20 minutes prior.
Alexis returns her pencil to the desk, with lots of confidence.
Matthew was already sitting there to himself as he had already finished the test 40 minutes ago.
((>-< kinda sleeped in ...xD ))
Aquamari had waved hello to all the others as they had walked over to their tiny group. They all had very cool and interesting quirks. Though what made her smile was how friendly everyone had been.
Soon the exams started and Aquamari walked in with everyone. Taking her seat she took in a deep breath calming her self before tackling the written exam. She was not the best when it came to an exam, as she tended to second guess herself. Although she did great she finished just as the exam ended. With a sigh of relief she quickly ran over to turn in her test (being one of the last few to turn it in). Walking back to her seat she hoped the physical exam would be easier.
Good new all of our characters passed. When the results were shown the top 20 students were chosen to go on to the next round. Peter was near the top. He would have been at the top had there not been a history section. Johnson was smack dab in 20th place barely making it.
Good new all of our characters passed. When the results were shown the top 20 students were chosen to go on to the next round. Peter was near the top. He would have been at the top had there not been a history section. Johnson was smack dab in 20th place barely making it.
"Wonder what my position is..." Alexis asks herself.
Good new all of our characters passed. When the results were shown the top 20 students were chosen to go on to the next round. Peter was near the top. He would have been at the top had there not been a history section. Johnson was smack dab in 20th place barely making it.
(Are we allowed to pick our place in the results?)
Good new all of our characters passed. When the results were shown the top 20 students were chosen to go on to the next round. Peter was near the top. He would have been at the top had there not been a history section. Johnson was smack dab in 20th place barely making it.
Matthew would be somewhere in the middle. But he hoped the Practical exams would start soon as that would be where he would really prove himself.
Good new all of our characters passed. When the results were shown the top 20 students were chosen to go on to the next round. Peter was near the top. He would have been at the top had there not been a history section. Johnson was smack dab in 20th place barely making it.
Aquamari had been laying her head on her desk covering her face with her arms as she waited for the results. She lifted her head up and sat up straight as she heard chatter around her. Looking up at the screen she gasped and covered her mouth. She felt like crying as she saw she was on the top 20 list, holding back tears she was now relief. To which the short girl was amazed she did better then she though having taken 13th place.
"Wonder what my position is..." Alexis asks herself.
Matthew would be somewhere in the middle. But he hoped the Practical exams would start soon as that would be where he would really prove himself.
Aquamari had been laying her head on her desk covering her face with her arms as she waited for the results. She lifted her head up and sat up straight as she heard chatter around her. Looking up at the screen she gasped and covered her mouth. She felt like crying as she saw she was on the top 20 list, holding back tears she was now relief. To which the short girl was amazed she did better then she though having taken 13th place.
Peter had made the top of the board. Johnson the bottom. Johnson looked for Iris' place hoping he'd find her. (Pick your places)
Good new all of our characters passed. When the results were shown the top 20 students were chosen to go on to the next round. Peter was near the top. He would have been at the top had there not been a history section. Johnson was smack dab in 20th place barely making it.
Iris was number 11. She was pretty surprised by the outcome.
Matthew would be somewhere in the middle. But he hoped the Practical exams would start soon as that would be where he would really prove himself.
"Sixth. Not bad, not bad at all..."
Iris was number 11. She was pretty surprised by the outcome.
Ryan looks at the results and spots his name in the 7th spot. He smiles for a moment at doing better than expected. More importantly, he was relieved that he made the cut.
The instructor looked at the remaining students. "You have three hours. Break for lunch and get ready. The exam we do here is nothing like the one in Japan." He said.
The instructor looked at the remaining students. "You have three hours. Break for lunch and get ready. The exam we do here is nothing like the one in Japan." He said.
"I'm looking forward to it." Ryan says as he gets up and walks out of the classroom.
Aquamari had been laying her head on her desk covering her face with her arms as she waited for the results. She lifted her head up and sat up straight as she heard chatter around her. Looking up at the screen she gasped and covered her mouth. She felt like crying as she saw she was on the top 20 list, holding back tears she was now relief. To which the short girl was amazed she did better then she though having taken 13th place.
"Sixth. Not bad, not bad at all..."
Ryan looks at the results and spots his name in the 7th spot. He smiles for a moment at doing better than expected. More importantly, he was relieved that he made the cut.

The instructor looked at the remaining students. "You have three hours. Break for lunch and get ready. The exam we do here is nothing like the one in Japan." He said.
"Good job everyone." Iris said quietly seeing everyone's results.. She wondered what the next part of the exam would be like.
At the lunch room, there is a variety of meals, drinks, snacks and other things. As tempting as the other meals looked, Alexis picked up a small salad and a small juice.
(Please wait for the others to respond. And please wait for ME to talk about these places. If someone needs to stand in for me it's Music She's my MOD)
"Good job everyone." Iris said quietly seeing everyone's results.. She wondered what the next part of the exam would be like.
"Thanks, you too." Ryan replied. "It's great to see that we all made it. Now we got three hours to kill before the next part. I take it that's the physical part. That's the one I'm looking forward to."

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