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Fandom Halls of Heroes (My hero Academia thread)(closed)

"Strategy. You're taking this way to seriously." Johnson said. "I have a plan. Play to your strengths and keep your eyes on the ball." Peter said
"I know, its just a thing I do because my quirk doesn't last very long. I can do that, all we got to do now is to find a way to counter their defense."
"I know, its just a thing I do because my quirk doesn't last very long. I can do that, all we got to do now is to find a way to counter their defense."
Damien has to have a weakness. I have to find his weakness. She said as she stared at team A, more specifically Damien.
Damien has to have a weakness. I have to find his weakness. She said as she stared at team A, more specifically Damien.
(that's now how weaknesses really work in this world. There's not a super exploitable weakness. Quirks work like muscle groups. The weakness if overstraining and the muscle. Quirks don't really come with main weaknesses they unless the quirk would have a specific weakness like Johnson and heat. For the most part quirks have limits. Not weaknesses)
"But anyways Alexis, do you have a hair tie I can borrow?"Matthew asked with a smile. SpeedHunters73 SpeedHunters73
"Uh, yeah, I'll get it" she reached in her bag and pulled out the spare hair tie in her bag. She handed it to Peter.
"why, exactly do you need a hair tie?" she said as she realized that she gave it to the wrong person, and passed it to Matthew. She didn't really know him a lot, so it makes sense why she would mix him up with another.
"Uh, yeah, I'll get it" she reached in her bag and pulled out the spare hair tie in her bag. She handed it to Peter.
"why, exactly do you need a hair tie?" she said as she realized that she gave it to the wrong person, and passed it to Matthew. She didn't really know him a lot, so it makes sense why she would mix him up with another.
"I don't want my long hair getting in the way during the game, but if you don't mind can put up my hair for me please, it doesn't matter how you do it though" He said as he gave the hair tie to her and got on one knee facing away from her. SpeedHunters73 SpeedHunters73
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Damien was doing a series of Stretch's and exercises to limber up. As he sunk down He nearly did a full splits then noticing Alexis's attention, he gave her a wicked look. Damien rolled out of the position onto his back and kicking his legs up He performed a near perfect Kip-up to his feet. The soles of his bare feet had barley touched the ground when the floor its self seemed to repel him. The momentum of what ever had just happened Tossed him a good 4 feet into the air and he rotated his body sideways and back to land in a 3 point position from his Arial display. He shot a smile full of promise at the other team.

Trevor was leaning against the Benches, his eyes were closed and his mouth was moving silently. After a half a minute of this his eyes opened. He looked different. His face was the same but his demeanor had completely changed. Gone was the Spacey Day dreamer, replaced by someone who assessed his opponents and teammates with cold calculation. There was a drive, and a feeling of Confidence rolling off of Trevor that never would have been paired with his previous Behavior.
Damien was doing a series of Stretch's and exercises to limber up. As he sunk down He nearly did a full splits then noticing Alexis's attention, he gave her a wicked look. Damien rolled out of the position onto his back and kicking his legs up He performed a near perfect Kip-up to his feet. The soles of his bare feet had barley touched the ground when the floor its self seemed to repel him. The momentum of what ever had just happened Tossed him a good 4 feet into the air and he rotated his body sideways and back to land in a 3 point position from his Arial display. He shot a smile full of promise at the other team.

Trevor was leaning against the Benches, his eyes were closed and his mouth was moving silently. After a half a minute of this his eyes opened. He looked different. His face was the same but his demeanor had completely changed. Gone was the Spacey Day dreamer, replaced by someone who assessed his opponents and teammates with cold calculation. There was a drive, and a feeling of Confidence rolling off of Trevor that never would have been paired with his previous Behavior.
Ryan walks onto the court and watches as his teammates and opponents prepare for the game. He sees Damien showing off and chuckles to himself until he spots Trevor mouthing something to himself. He didn't look like the same spaced-out kid he had seen earlier. Ryan wasn't sure what was going on, but something about him felt...different. Things were about to get exciting, and that's when Ryan had an idea. A smile grew on his face until it became a smirk. He had come up with something as he moved his attention back to Damien, making sure the smiling guy sees him smirking back despite their confidence likely being caused by different motives.
Mr. Hamasuti nodded. The students were clearly all thinking already about ways to use there quirks to improve their chances of wining. "Very well follow me to the gym I will explain the rules one there

*Que the Dununununah. Spinning logo time skip*

Once at the Gymnasium, He had the students line up along the Bleachers. "Alright so Most of you know the rules of dodge ball but we will go over then anyway. Rule number one. All players must stay inside the gym line boundaries. This area for our purposes will be vertical as well has horizontal. So long as you stay with in the lines on the floor, the ceiling is safe territory.

Rule number Two. If you are hit by the ball you are not out until it touches the ground. If the ball bounces off of you and hits another player on your team, then the ball touches the ground, both players are out. If you are hit by the ball but return the ball to the other team and hit a player on that side, once the ball touches the floor, you remain in the game and that player is out instead

Rule Number three. Catching the ball will not count as an out for this game. If you are struck out you must exsit the Field.

Bonus rule. One member from each team has the option to return to the playing field after being out. To do this you must say "Back" Once one player has used the Back option no other player may use it from the same team. We will be using one ball for this game.

I will now name the teams.

Team 1: Trevor, Damien, Iris, Aqua Marie

Team 2: Peter, Johnson, Alexis, Ryan, Mathew

Any questions?"

(for this I had one ball that way we can just post from the balls perspective. Namely who ever has the ball throws it at a person, Tag that person so they can respond. This way everyone has a chance to post and can keep track of who is doing what. sound good?)
"Okay so me, aqua, Damien and Trevor are all on a team." Iris said to herself. "Well just got to try my best."
"Okay so me, aqua, Damien and Trevor are all on a team." Iris said to herself. "Well just got to try my best."
Trevor looked over to Iris. "Iris. you should stay invisible, You are by far the hardest one of us to hit. No one can target you if they cant see you. That means that even if everyone else gets tagged out we have a chance to use the back option. How are you at kicking?" He said lowering his voice so the other team couldn't hear
Trevor looked over to Iris. "Iris. you should stay invisible, You are by far the hardest one of us to hit. No one can target you if they cant see you. That means that even if everyone else gets tagged out we have a chance to use the back option. How are you at kicking?" He said lowering his voice so the other team couldn't hear
"Um there is one problem with that." She went invisible but her clothes still showed. "They will still see me"
"Um there is one problem with that." She went invisible but her clothes still showed. "They will still see me"
Trevor looked thoughtful "Well at the risk of sounding indecent there is a way around the visible clothing... which is to say dont wear visible clothing." he at least looked somewhat bashful about asking her about this. Clearing his throat he continued "Well anyway, if you decide that you can stomach the idea then getting in a sneaky kick would be helpful. I noticed that Mr. Hamasutji never said we had to throw the ball or use our hands. I think that he intentionally left that rule open"

Damien Rolled his Eyes "Oh please. We dont need to wait to use back, just use it on the first person out right? after all they already have one more person than us so this isent a battle we will win with numbers"
Trevor looked thoughtful "Well at the risk of sounding indecent there is a way around the visible clothing... which is to say dont wear visible clothing." he at least looked somewhat bashful about asking her about this. Clearing his throat he continued "Well anyway, if you decide that you can stomach the idea then getting in a sneaky kick would be helpful. I noticed that Mr. Hamasutji never said we had to throw the ball or use our hands. I think that he intentionally left that rule open"

Damien Rolled his Eyes "Oh please. We dont need to wait to use back, just use it on the first person out right? after all they already have one more person than us so this isent a battle we will win with numbers"
"Yo! We gonna start this or what?" Johnson asked getting bored. Peter had all of his arms folded. He was just waiting rather quietly keeping an eye on the other team.
"I don't want my long hair getting in the way during the game, but if you don't mind can put up my hair for me please, it doesn't matter how you do it though" He said as he gave the hair tie to her and got on one knee facing away from her. SpeedHunters73 SpeedHunters73
"...Sure" she said as she put his hair in a ponytail.
He smiled. "You know you have some really soft hands" Matthew said as he stood up.
Peter and Johnson both looked at him with a strange expressions. "Now is not the time to flirt." Johnson said. Peter snickered. Not at the comment itself but because of who said it.
Mr. Hamasutji cleared his throat. "If you all are ready we can begin. Please take your places on opposite sides of the middle line, I shall put the ball into play once everyone is there. One player from each side will need to come the the line to receive the ball. I will toss the ball into the air. The two receivers will try to knock the ball back to there side of the court"

Damien Walked to the center line without consulting anyone. He was gonna lead this team to vicotry all by himself if he had too.

Trevor nodded to the others "Just remember Iris, try and stay invisible, even if you dont take off your cloths im sure the other team will leave you alone for the most part since your quirk is not as confrontational as the rest of ours. do your best out there." He turned to Aquamarie next " You should try to make yourself a target, all those arms of yours will come in handy for catching the ball. If you could you should also try to trip the other team up with Ink if you can"
Musicnotes Musicnotes AquaMarie AquaMarie
Mr. Hamasutji cleared his throat. "If you all are ready we can begin. Please take your places on opposite sides of the middle line, I shall put the ball into play once everyone is there. One player from each side will need to come the the line to receive the ball. I will toss the ball into the air. The two receivers will try to knock the ball back to there side of the court"

Damien Walked to the center line without consulting anyone. He was gonna lead this team to vicotry all by himself if he had too.

Trevor nodded to the others "Just remember Iris, try and stay invisible, even if you dont take off your cloths im sure the other team will leave you alone for the most part since your quirk is not as confrontational as the rest of ours. do your best out there." He turned to Aquamarie next " You should try to make yourself a target, all those arms of yours will come in handy for catching the ball. If you could you should also try to trip the other team up with Ink if you can"
Musicnotes Musicnotes AquaMarie AquaMarie
The word Ink immediately put Peter on edge. He hadn't even though of that. Ink was slimy and slippery. That was a perfect counter to his wall crawling. He decided now was as good a time as any to use webs. He built a web vest with his organic webs.
Peter and Johnson both looked at him with a strange expressions. "Now is not the time to flirt." Johnson said. Peter snickered. Not at the comment itself but because of who said it.
"...wow, that's surprising, knowing what I do outside of this place."
"Thanks for the help, we should talk again after this game" Matthew said as he turned around and walked towards Peter and Johnson "Come on boys I'm just having a bit of fun, but anyways how does the ponytail look on me?" He asked.
"Thanks for the help, we should talk again after this game" Matthew said as he turned around and walked towards Peter and Johnson "Come on boys I'm just having a bit of fun, but anyways how does the ponytail look on me?" He asked.
"Like a Ponytail." Peter said finishing his web vest.

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