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Fandom Halls of Heroes (My hero Academia thread)(closed)

Vanishing point grined again "No. Actually its up my sleeve. No super powers here, just some good old fashioned slight of hand." he tilted his hand forward and the small pebble rolled out onto his palm. He dropped the small stone back to the ground. "Now then, It seems all 8 have arrived. Shall we begin?"
Mari looked around at the other seven that finished the race, she was shocked and amazed that the small group that she had met earlier had been able to get a spot. Turning back to Vanishing point, she stood at attention waiting for what was next.
" I got to hand it to you Johnson you did good" Matthew said as he slightly bled from his eyes
( I decided to make him bleed from his eyes after a while of using his telekinesis quirk instead of the cliche nosebleed)
Johnson walked up to her and put an arm around her. "I always knew you'd make it." He said. "How about I buy us dinner to celebrate."
Peter looked at him. "Oh your good. But can you touch your nose with your tongue?" He said. He likes this guy very much. "Wait. Like... Begin now?"
"sure, just give me a minute. I need a breather."
Iris looked over at vanishing point and waited to see what he had to say.
Ryan folds his arms as he looks at Vanishing Point while whispering to himself. "So there's more. I wonder what's next. It is.....nice to see everyone I talked to earlier make it through. They're pretty impressive after all."
Ryan folds his arms as he looks at Vanishing Point. "So there's more. I wonder what's next. It is.....nice to see everyone I talked to earlier make it through. They're pretty impressive after all."
"I don't think this is another test. Unless it is. Like a test within a test." Peter said. "Actually I'm more curious about our mysterious eighth place." He walked up to him. "Hey. I'm Peter." He said.
"I don't think this is another test. Unless it is. Like a test within a test." Peter said. "Actually I'm more curious about our mysterious eighth place." He walked up to him. "Hey. I'm Peter." He said.
"I'm also curious about him." Ryan said as he walked with Peter.
"Go ahead sir."
Mari looked around at the other seven that finished the race, she was shocked and amazed that the small group that she had met earlier had been able to get a spot. Turning back to Vanishing point, she stood at attention waiting for what was next.
Johnson walked up to her and put an arm around her. "I always knew you'd make it." He said. "How about I buy us dinner to celebrate."
Peter looked at him. "Oh your good. But can you touch your nose with your tongue?" He said. He likes this guy very much. "Wait. Like... Begin now?"
Iris looked over at vanishing point and waited to see what he had to say.
Ryan folds his arms as he looks at Vanishing Point while whispering to himself. "So there's more. I wonder what's next. It is.....nice to see everyone I talked to earlier make it through. They're pretty impressive after all."
Matthew walked to vanishing point.
The man looked around at the 7 standing by and the 8th sitting on a bench not far off. He Then gave them all a very formal looking bow. "My name Is Rakuya Hamasutji. I am also known as Vanishing point. Im a pro-hero who has worked here in the states for many years. I will also be your Hero course Teacher. I look forward to working with you all." He stood up and then walked over to a nearby building. placing a hand on the Wall, a section big enough for a person began to wobble "Please come this way and I shall take you to the Hall of heroes school and your home room. There we will discus what i expect from my students and get your registered for class next week."
The man looked around at the 7 standing by and the 8th sitting on a bench not far off. He Then gave them all a very formal looking bow. "My name Is Rakuya Hamasutji. I am also known as Vanishing point. Im a pro-hero who has worked here in the states for many years. I will also be your Hero course Teacher. I look forward to working with you all." He stood up and then walked over to a nearby building. placing a hand on the Wall, a section big enough for a person began to wobble "Please come this way and I shall take you to the Hall of heroes school and your home room. There we will discus what i expect from my students and get your registered for class next week."
Peter approached it. He poked the wobbling wall and his finger went through. "Cool. Maybe there's a smiling cat and a mad hatter on the other side. Only way to find out is through the looking glass." He walked through.
Ryan folds his arms as he looks at Vanishing Point while whispering to himself. "So there's more. I wonder what's next. It is.....nice to see everyone I talked to earlier make it through. They're pretty impressive after all."
The man looked around at the 7 standing by and the 8th sitting on a bench not far off. He Then gave them all a very formal looking bow. "My name Is Rakuya Hamasutji. I am also known as Vanishing point. Im a pro-hero who has worked here in the states for many years. I will also be your Hero course Teacher. I look forward to working with you all." He stood up and then walked over to a nearby building. placing a hand on the Wall, a section big enough for a person began to wobble "Please come this way and I shall take you to the Hall of heroes school and your home room. There we will discus what i expect from my students and get your registered for class next week."
Iris nods listening to thier teacher and followed him. "Woah.." she said seeing the ssection wobble. She walked through.
The man looked around at the 7 standing by and the 8th sitting on a bench not far off. He Then gave them all a very formal looking bow. "My name Is Rakuya Hamasutji. I am also known as Vanishing point. Im a pro-hero who has worked here in the states for many years. I will also be your Hero course Teacher. I look forward to working with you all." He stood up and then walked over to a nearby building. placing a hand on the Wall, a section big enough for a person began to wobble "Please come this way and I shall take you to the Hall of heroes school and your home room. There we will discus what i expect from my students and get your registered for class next week."
Matthew went through the wall. "Im glad to see you all made it, but does anyone have a tissue or something?" Matthew asked.
"who are you?" She whispered, staring at him before returning her attention to Vanishing Point.
Peter approached it. He poked the wobbling wall and his finger went through. "Cool. Maybe there's a smiling cat and a mad hatter on the other side. Only way to find out is through the looking glass." He walked through.
"whoa." She said as she said. "Its like platform 9 and 3/4" she said with a British accent.
Matthew went through the wall. "Im glad to see you all made it, but does anyone have a tissue or something?" Matthew asked.
Rakyua pulled a black hankerchif from his poket and handed it To Matthew. "Feel free to keep that." he said simply as he ushered them through
"who are you?" She whispered, staring at him before returning her attention to Vanishing Point.

"whoa." She said as she said. "Its like platform 9 and 3/4" she said with a British accent.
Johnson looked at her. "You talking to me or the Pro-Hero who just introduced himself?" He asked.
The man looked around at the 7 standing by and the 8th sitting on a bench not far off. He Then gave them all a very formal looking bow. "My name Is Rakuya Hamasutji. I am also known as Vanishing point. Im a pro-hero who has worked here in the states for many years. I will also be your Hero course Teacher. I look forward to working with you all." He stood up and then walked over to a nearby building. placing a hand on the Wall, a section big enough for a person began to wobble "Please come this way and I shall take you to the Hall of heroes school and your home room. There we will discus what i expect from my students and get your registered for class next week."
Iris nods listening to thier teacher and followed him. "Woah.." she said seeing the ssection wobble. She walked through.
Ryan goes through and looks around.
"Fascinating....truly fascinating....I'm really starting to like this place."
Rakyua pulled a black hankerchif from his poket and handed it To Matthew. "Feel free to keep that." he said simply as he ushered them through
"Thank you" Matthew replied as he wiped the blood from under his eye. He then proceeded to put the handkerchief in his pocket.
The man looked around at the 7 standing by and the 8th sitting on a bench not far off. He Then gave them all a very formal looking bow. "My name Is Rakuya Hamasutji. I am also known as Vanishing point. Im a pro-hero who has worked here in the states for many years. I will also be your Hero course Teacher. I look forward to working with you all." He stood up and then walked over to a nearby building. placing a hand on the Wall, a section big enough for a person began to wobble "Please come this way and I shall take you to the Hall of heroes school and your home room. There we will discus what i expect from my students and get your registered for class next week."
Aquamari watched as the others step through the wall, 'such a fascinating quirk the man had' she though. One of her tentacles reached out and touched the wall going through, before herself making her way in and following the others.
Peter approached it. He poked the wobbling wall and his finger went through. "Cool. Maybe there's a smiling cat and a mad hatter on the other side. Only way to find out is through the looking glass." He walked through.
Iris nods listening to thier teacher and followed him. "Woah.." she said seeing the ssection wobble. She walked through.
Johnson stayed close to her walking in soon after.
"whoa." She said as she said. "Its like platform 9 and 3/4" she said with a British accent.
Ryan goes through and looks around.
"Fascinating....truly fascinating....I'm really starting to like this place."
"Thank you" Matthew replied as he wiped the blood from under his eye. He then proceeded to put the handkerchief in his pocket.
Aquamari watched as the others step through the wall, 'such a fascinating quirk the man had' she though. One of her tentacles reached out and touched the wall going through, before herself making her way in and following the others.

As they all stepped through. there vision goes black for a brief moment. Then they find themselves all standing in the center of a room completely lined with white tile. In one corner, movable shelves, stacked with canned foods, Thermal blankets and other emergency supplies. Another corner has various tools and other useful items. Lining the walls near the ceiling
(20 feet up) are racks of Martial weapons. Other walls are lined with nets, smoke canisters, Safety cones, Coiled Ropes, medical supplies. The room is filled with just about anything that could or would be helpful in an emergency.

"This Is my Quirk, Rabbit hole" Rakuya said stepping in after his students "It allows me to store items in this space and retrieve them as needed. I can also bring others here if necessary." Rakuya walks over to a section of wall. Touching it a square framed empty doorway appears. The new opening seems to lead into solid blackness "As a bonus I can open a doorway to my rabbit hole anywhere within 3 miles of where I enter, so long as im familiar with the location. Our classroom is on the other side of this opening."
"Agreed, but uh can you tell me if there's any blood left under my eye, it's a side effect of my quirk." He said
Ryan looks at Matthew.
"Nah, I think you got it all. That's a pretty rough side effect. Be careful with that. Perhaps one day you can find a way to mitigate that."
As they all stepped through. there vision goes black for a brief moment. Then they find themselves all standing in the center of a room completely lined with white tile. In one corner, movable shelves, stacked with canned foods, Thermal blankets and other emergency supplies. Another corner has various tools and other useful items. Lining the walls near the ceiling
(20 feet up) are racks of Martial weapons. Other walls are lined with nets, smoke canisters, Safety cones, Coiled Ropes, medical supplies. The room is filled with just about anything that could or would be helpful in an emergency.

"This Is my Quirk, Rabbit hole" Rakuya said stepping in after his students "It allows me to store items in this space and retrieve them as needed. I can also bring others here if necessary." Rakuya walks over to a section of wall. Touching it a square framed empty doorway appears. The new opening seems to lead into solid blackness "As a bonus I can open a doorway to my rabbit hole anywhere within 3 miles of where I enter, so long as im familiar with the location. Our classroom is on the other side of this opening."

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