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Fandom Halls of Heroes (My hero Academia thread)(closed)

He created a all of ice behind her. Everyone important was already in the top eight anyway. He slid off.
He made third.
Iris silently tied the other sleeve to the other sign. She took off her shoes so it would be easier for her to slide on the ice. She ran backwards, pulling the sleeves of her sweater back before launching her onto the ice path. "Wee!"
Peter was still rubbing his ear. "WHAT!?" He asked loudly. "Hey I know you! Vanishing Point! Your the Disappearing Hero! Great name. If that naming were any more misleading we'd call you Mr. Runaway." He said. "You should rethink the whole disappearing motto. Makes you sound way more cowardly than you are."
The man gave a curt nod and his small smile widened just a bit before returning to its previous size. "yes well Ill admit the word "Disapearing" isent quite what I wanted, The word i wanted to use had no direct translation in english and by the time id thought of a better one The disapearing hero had already stuck." The man bent down and picked up a small pebble from the ground, considering it a moment he closed his hand around it and then opened it to show an empty palm "but the name is fitting... wouldent you say Mr. Parker?"
Iris silently tied the other sleeve to the other sign. She took off her shoes so it would be easier for her to slide on the ice. She ran backwards, pulling the sleeves of her sweater back before launching her onto the ice path. "Wee!"
She slid. And kept sliding until she made it in Seventh place. (We need an eighth place. I miscounted the number of people we had)
The man gave a curt nod and his small smile widened just a bit before returning to its previous size. "yes well Ill admit the word "Disapearing" isent quite what I wanted, The word i wanted to use had no direct translation in english and by the time id thought of a better one The disapearing hero had already stuck." The man bent down and picked up a small pebble from the ground, considering it a moment he closed his hand around it and then opened it to show an empty palm "but the name is fitting... wouldent you say Mr. Ross?"
Johnson looked at him. "Yo." He said. "You call me?"
Johnson looked at him. "Yo." He said. "You call me?"
Just as The group settled in. A taller boy with blonde hair and wearing a beanie, strolled towards the group not looking hurried at all. Behind him in the distance a Large wall of blue green light standing as tall as some of the lower buildings glowed brightly. Faintly through the wall They could all see what looked like multiple individuals pounding on the wall. The other Contestants. As he strolled up he looked around. The he spun and extended a hand towards the Glowing field. It vanished with a slight crackle. Looking back he shruged to the other 7 "Just needed to be in the top 8 Right?"
Just as The group settled in. A taller boy with blonde hair and wearing a beanie, strolled towards the group not looking hurried at all. Behind him in the distance a Large wall of blue green light standing as tall as some of the lower buildings glowed brightly. Faintly through the wall They could all see what looked like multiple individuals pounding on the wall. The other Contestants. As he strolled up he looked around. The he spun and extended a hand towards the Glowing field. It vanished with a slight crackle. Looking back he shruged to the other 7 "Just needed to be in the top 8 Right?"
Johnson looked at him and then the other contestants and then to the new guy. "You stole my idea." Nevermind that he did it better."
She slid. And kept sliding until she made it in Seventh place. (We need an eighth place. I miscounted the number of people we had)
Iris fell on her butt after sliding so much. "Did not think that would work." She started putting back on her shoes. She smiled, happy that she got in the top eight. It was just some luck she got it on time.
The man gave a curt nod and his small smile widened just a bit before returning to its previous size. "yes well Ill admit the word "Disapearing" isent quite what I wanted, The word i wanted to use had no direct translation in english and by the time id thought of a better one The disapearing hero had already stuck." The man bent down and picked up a small pebble from the ground, considering it a moment he closed his hand around it and then opened it to show an empty palm "but the name is fitting... wouldent you say Mr. Parker?"
"Fitting enough I suppose. Let me guess. The pebbles behind my ear right?" Peter shot back. He espected the quirk. It was variable and useful. But he couldn't help poking fun at some of it's more amusing applications.
Johnson looked at him and then the other contestants and then to the new guy. "You stole my idea." Nevermind that he did it better."
The boy sighed " They say that Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Besides. your wall only kept back a few others and not for very long" he smiled then walked over to a nearby bench and plopped down, extending his arms to boths sides resting them on the back of the long seat.
The boy sighed " They say that Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Besides. your wall only kept back a few others and not for very long" he smiled then walked over to a nearby bench and plopped down, extending his arms to boths sides resting them on the back of the long seat.
"Show off." Johnson muttered Uber his breath.
Iris fell on her butt after sliding so much. "Did not think that would work." She started putting back on her shoes. She smiled, happy that she got in the top eight. It was just some luck she got it on time.
Johnson walked up to his sister and hugged her. "Great job but... I did most of the work." He said cheekily.
"Fitting enough I suppose. Let me guess. The pebbles behind my ear right?" Peter shot back. He espected the quirk. It was variable and useful. But he couldn't help poking fun at some of it's more amusing applications.
Vanishing point grined again "No. Actually its up my sleeve. No super powers here, just some good old fashioned slight of hand." he tilted his hand forward and the small pebble rolled out onto his palm. He dropped the small stone back to the ground. "Now then, It seems all 8 have arrived. Shall we begin?"
"Show off." Johnson muttered Uber his breath.
Johnson walked up to his sister and hugged her. "Great job but... I did most of the work." He said cheekily.
"Yeah you helped alot." She hugged him back."I got the idea from seeing Aqua use that ink to slide"
Vanishing point grined again "No. Actually its up my sleeve. No super powers here, just some good old fashioned slight of hand." he tilted his hand forward and the small pebble rolled out onto his palm. He dropped the small stone back to the ground. "Now then, It seems all 8 have arrived. Shall we begin?"
"Go ahead sir."
Vanishing point grined again "No. Actually its up my sleeve. No super powers here, just some good old fashioned slight of hand." he tilted his hand forward and the small pebble rolled out onto his palm. He dropped the small stone back to the ground. "Now then, It seems all 8 have arrived. Shall we begin?"
Mari looked around at the other seven that finished the race, she was shocked and amazed that the small group that she had met earlier had been able to get a spot. Turning back to Vanishing point, she stood at attention waiting for what was next.
"Im really tired" she thought as she took a sip of her water.
"Show off." Johnson muttered Uber his breath.
Johnson walked up to his sister and hugged her. "Great job but... I did most of the work." He said cheekily.
" I got to hand it to you Johnson you did good" Matthew said as he slightly bled from his eyes
( I decided to make him bleed from his eyes after a while of using his telekinesis quirk instead of the cliche nosebleed)
"Yeah you helped alot." She hugged him back."I got the idea from seeing Aqua use that ink to slide"
Ryan stares at him. "If I'm not mistaken, the first eight advance right? If I incapacitate twelve people, that would leave eight and I'd advance by default."
"I made it. Ha, I made it!"
Johnson walked up to her and put an arm around her. "I always knew you'd make it." He said. "How about I buy us dinner to celebrate."
Vanishing point grined again "No. Actually its up my sleeve. No super powers here, just some good old fashioned slight of hand." he tilted his hand forward and the small pebble rolled out onto his palm. He dropped the small stone back to the ground. "Now then, It seems all 8 have arrived. Shall we begin?"
Peter looked at him. "Oh your good. But can you touch your nose with your tongue?" He said. He likes this guy very much. "Wait. Like... Begin now?"
Johnson walked up to her and put an arm around her. "I always knew you'd make it." He said. "How about I buy us dinner to celebrate."
Peter looked at him. "Oh your good. But can you touch your nose with your tongue?" He said. He likes this guy very much. "Wait. Like... Begin now?"
"sure, just give me a minute. I need a breather."
Vanishing point grined again "No. Actually its up my sleeve. No super powers here, just some good old fashioned slight of hand." he tilted his hand forward and the small pebble rolled out onto his palm. He dropped the small stone back to the ground. "Now then, It seems all 8 have arrived. Shall we begin?"

Johnson walked up to her and put an arm around her. "I always knew you'd make it." He said. "How about I buy us dinner to celebrate."
Peter looked at him. "Oh your good. But can you touch your nose with your tongue?" He said. He likes this guy very much. "Wait. Like... Begin now?"
Iris looked over at vanishing point and waited to see what he had to say.

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