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Fandom Halls of Heroes (My hero Academia thread)(closed)

"you think you can outrun me?" she says as she activates speed mode. with it she breezes past him no problem (1 min 49 seconds left)
"Whoo!" Johnson cheered for her.
Iris got mad and stopped running. "Shut up freezer burn!" That was the loudest she had spoken the entire exam.
He faltered. "Okay... That's fair." He said. He hated being called that.
She continued to run, but this time she was on the aggressive, striking everyone she didn't know at least 100 times stunning them for a bit before moving on, powering down. She didn't want to hurt her friends. (1 min 19 seconds remaining, 30 second cooldown initiating)
Ryan stares at him. "If I'm not mistaken, the first eight advance right? If I incapacitate twelve people, that would leave eight and I'd advance by default."

(I got nothing)
She continued to run, but this time she was on the aggressive, striking everyone she didn't know at least 100 times stunning them for a bit before moving on, powering down. She didn't want to hurt her friends. (1 min 19 seconds remaining, 30 second cooldown initiating)
There were only a few near by she didn't know.

Aquamarie took first place since her quirk was well used and she didn't get into any fights.

Peter was a close second. He was rubbing his pinky finger in his ear. The sound guy had shot off sound right next to his ear before he had lost him.

AquaMarie AquaMarie
"Whoo!" Johnson cheered for her.
He faltered. "Okay... That's fair." He said. He hated being called that.
Iris let others run past her as she stopped. She was still mad at him. She looked around as she started coming up with a plan. There was still ice paths on the ground from her brother. She could use that to her advantage. She took off her sweater revealing a white tank top. "Ill use this to make a sling shot" she went over to two signs that were close together.
"I'll can take the lead if I play it smart. I just need a little juice."
As the First Examinees began to cross the finish line, a slight shimmer appeared above the Asphalt, Rippling the black surface. The top of a head wobbled up and out of the distortion, followed by the rest of the head and then a torso. Finally a tall stately man dressed in a black suit step out on to the Road way. He gave a small smile and clasped his hands behind his back. "Well done to each of you. Especially you miss Wintergreen. The objective was to cross the finish first after all." He waved his hand toward the ground and the shimmer vanished. "Lets wait for the others shall we and then ill introduce myself properly"
"speedup" she says as she speeds up and overtakes everyone in her way, to 3rd place (43 seconds remaining)
"through the line" she says with a smile on her face. 3rd place was good enough in her books.
There were only a few near by she didn't know.

Aquamarie took first place since her quirk was well used and she didn't get into any fights.

Peter was a close second. He was rubbing his pinky finger in his ear. The sound guy had shot off sound right next to his ear before he had lost him.

AquaMarie AquaMarie
Ryan fires three lightning bolts at the examinee and then glides away along the power lines, using the electricity in them to grind across like a skateboard on a rail. He returns to focusing on finishing the race. He didn't care where he finished as long as it was in the top 8.
As the First Examinees began to cross the finish line, a slight shimmer appeared above the Asphalt, Rippling the black surface. The top of a head wobbled up and out of the distortion, followed by the rest of the head and then a torso. Finally a tall stately man dressed in a black suit step out on to the Road way. He gave a small smile and clasped his hands behind his back. "Well done to each of you. Especially you miss Wintergreen. The objective was to cross the finish first after all." He waved his hand toward the ground and the shimmer vanished. "Lets wait for the others shall we and then ill introduce myself properly"
Peter was still rubbing his ear. "WHAT!?" He asked loudly. "Hey I know you! Vanishing Point! Your the Disappearing Hero! Great name. If that naming were any more misleading we'd call you Mr. Runaway." He said. "You should rethink the whole disappearing motto. Makes you sound way more cowardly than you are."
"Want some help with that?" He asked.
"No" she said back in her quiet tone as she tied a sleeve to a pole. This would probably stretch and rip her sweater but she had to try something to catch up with everyone. "Johnson just go. One of us should at least have a chance at making it." She was still mad at his teasing but she still wanted him to get in the top eight.
"No" she said back in her quiet tone as she tied a sleeve to a pole. This would probably stretch and rip her sweater but she had to try something to catch up with everyone. "Johnson just go. One of us should at least have a chance at making it." She was still mad at his teasing but she still wanted him to get in the top eight.
He created a all of ice behind her. Everyone important was already in the top eight anyway. He slid off.
Ryan fires three lightning bolts at the examinee and then glides away along the power lines, using the electricity in them to grind across like a skateboard on a rail. He returns to focusing on finishing the race. He didn't care where he finished as long as it was in the top 8.
He made third.
Peter was still rubbing his ear. "WHAT!?" He asked loudly. "Hey I know you! Vanishing Point! Your the Disappearing Hero! Great name. If that naming were any more misleading we'd call you Mr. Runaway." He said. "You should rethink the whole disappearing motto. Makes you sound way more cowardly than you are."
"I can wait" she says. "I could use a break."
Matthew decided to to fly high and use his telekinesis at its Max to push himself forward as fast as he could and combined it with max power explosions to get himself to the finish line and a spot in the top eight.
There were only a few near by she didn't know.

Aquamarie took first place since her quirk was well used and she didn't get into any fights.

Peter was a close second. He was rubbing his pinky finger in his ear. The sound guy had shot off sound right next to his ear before he had lost him.

AquaMarie AquaMarie
As the First Examinees began to cross the finish line, a slight shimmer appeared above the Asphalt, Rippling the black surface. The top of a head wobbled up and out of the distortion, followed by the rest of the head and then a torso. Finally a tall stately man dressed in a black suit step out on to the Road way. He gave a small smile and clasped his hands behind his back. "Well done to each of you. Especially you miss Wintergreen. The objective was to cross the finish first after all." He waved his hand toward the ground and the shimmer vanished. "Lets wait for the others shall we and then ill introduce myself properly"
(The website does not like me today it keeps stoping sending post notifications >->...thanks for the tag XD would have not noticed I missed so much ><)

Aquamari continued to slide through the streets finally reaching the finish line. She quickly moved out of the way and on to the sidelines. She curiously looked around wondering what place she had been at, to her shock she was the first. Looking around she spotted ahead and then the torso. She stepped back to see a man in a black suit. Aqua thanked the man as she stood there watching the rest of the students cross the finish line.

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